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Eclipse UML2 Development Guide
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Package org.eclipse.uml2.uml

Interface Summary
Abstraction A representation of the model object ' Abstraction '
AcceptCallAction A representation of the model object ' Accept Call Action '
AcceptEventAction A representation of the model object ' Accept Event Action '
Action A representation of the model object ' Action '
ActionExecutionSpecification A representation of the model object ' Action Execution Specification '
ActionInputPin A representation of the model object ' Action Input Pin '
Activity A representation of the model object ' Activity '
ActivityEdge A representation of the model object ' Activity Edge '
ActivityFinalNode A representation of the model object ' Activity Final Node '
ActivityGroup A representation of the model object ' Activity Group '
ActivityNode A representation of the model object ' Activity Node '
ActivityParameterNode A representation of the model object ' Activity Parameter Node '
ActivityPartition A representation of the model object ' Activity Partition '
Actor A representation of the model object ' Actor '
AddStructuralFeatureValueAction A representation of the model object ' Add Structural Feature Value Action '
AddVariableValueAction A representation of the model object ' Add Variable Value Action '
AnyReceiveEvent A representation of the model object ' Any Receive Event '
Artifact A representation of the model object ' Artifact '
Association A representation of the model object ' Association '
AssociationClass A representation of the model object ' Association Class '
Behavior A representation of the model object ' Behavior '
BehavioralFeature A representation of the model object ' Behavioral Feature '
BehavioredClassifier A representation of the model object ' Behaviored Classifier '
BehaviorExecutionSpecification A representation of the model object ' Behavior Execution Specification '
BroadcastSignalAction A representation of the model object ' Broadcast Signal Action '
CallAction A representation of the model object ' Call Action '
CallBehaviorAction A representation of the model object ' Call Behavior Action '
CallEvent A representation of the model object ' Call Event '
CallOperationAction A representation of the model object ' Call Operation Action '
CentralBufferNode A representation of the model object ' Central Buffer Node '
ChangeEvent A representation of the model object ' Change Event '
Class A representation of the model object ' Class '
Classifier A representation of the model object ' Classifier '
ClassifierTemplateParameter A representation of the model object ' Classifier Template Parameter '
Clause A representation of the model object ' Clause '
ClearAssociationAction A representation of the model object ' Clear Association Action '
ClearStructuralFeatureAction A representation of the model object ' Clear Structural Feature Action '
ClearVariableAction A representation of the model object ' Clear Variable Action '
Collaboration A representation of the model object ' Collaboration '
CollaborationUse A representation of the model object ' Collaboration Use '
CombinedFragment A representation of the model object ' Combined Fragment '
Comment A representation of the model object ' Comment '
CommunicationPath A representation of the model object ' Communication Path '
Component A representation of the model object ' Component '
ComponentRealization A representation of the model object ' Component Realization '
ConditionalNode A representation of the model object ' Conditional Node '
ConnectableElement A representation of the model object ' Connectable Element '
ConnectableElementTemplateParameter A representation of the model object ' Connectable Element Template Parameter '
ConnectionPointReference A representation of the model object ' Connection Point Reference '
Connector A representation of the model object ' Connector '
ConnectorEnd A representation of the model object ' Connector End '
ConsiderIgnoreFragment A representation of the model object ' Consider Ignore Fragment '
Constraint A representation of the model object ' Constraint '
Continuation A representation of the model object ' Continuation '
ControlFlow A representation of the model object ' Control Flow '
ControlNode A representation of the model object ' Control Node '
CreateLinkAction A representation of the model object ' Create Link Action '
CreateLinkObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Create Link Object Action '
CreateObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Create Object Action '
CreationEvent A representation of the model object ' Creation Event '
DataStoreNode A representation of the model object ' Data Store Node '
DataType A representation of the model object ' Data Type '
DecisionNode A representation of the model object ' Decision Node '
Dependency A representation of the model object ' Dependency '
DeployedArtifact A representation of the model object ' Deployed Artifact '
Deployment A representation of the model object ' Deployment '
DeploymentSpecification A representation of the model object ' Deployment Specification '
DeploymentTarget A representation of the model object ' Deployment Target '
DestroyLinkAction A representation of the model object ' Destroy Link Action '
DestroyObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Destroy Object Action '
DestructionEvent A representation of the model object ' Destruction Event '
Device A representation of the model object ' Device '
DirectedRelationship A representation of the model object ' Directed Relationship '
Duration A representation of the model object ' Duration '
DurationConstraint A representation of the model object ' Duration Constraint '
DurationInterval A representation of the model object ' Duration Interval '
DurationObservation A representation of the model object ' Duration Observation '
Element A representation of the model object ' Element '
ElementImport A representation of the model object ' Element Import '
EncapsulatedClassifier A representation of the model object ' Encapsulated Classifier '
Enumeration A representation of the model object ' Enumeration '
EnumerationLiteral A representation of the model object ' Enumeration Literal '
Event A representation of the model object ' Event '
ExceptionHandler A representation of the model object ' Exception Handler '
ExecutableNode A representation of the model object ' Executable Node '
ExecutionEnvironment A representation of the model object ' Execution Environment '
ExecutionEvent A representation of the model object ' Execution Event '
ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification A representation of the model object ' Execution Occurrence Specification '
ExecutionSpecification A representation of the model object ' Execution Specification '
ExpansionNode A representation of the model object ' Expansion Node '
ExpansionRegion A representation of the model object ' Expansion Region '
Expression A representation of the model object ' Expression '
Extend A representation of the model object ' Extend '
Extension A representation of the model object ' Extension '
ExtensionEnd A representation of the model object ' Extension End '
ExtensionPoint A representation of the model object ' Extension Point '
Feature A representation of the model object ' Feature '
FinalNode A representation of the model object ' Final Node '
FinalState A representation of the model object ' Final State '
FlowFinalNode A representation of the model object ' Flow Final Node '
ForkNode A representation of the model object ' Fork Node '
FunctionBehavior A representation of the model object ' Function Behavior '
Gate A representation of the model object ' Gate '
Generalization A representation of the model object ' Generalization '
GeneralizationSet A representation of the model object ' Generalization Set '
GeneralOrdering A representation of the model object ' General Ordering '
Image A representation of the model object ' Image '
Include A representation of the model object ' Include '
InformationFlow A representation of the model object ' Information Flow '
InformationItem A representation of the model object ' Information Item '
InitialNode A representation of the model object ' Initial Node '
InputPin A representation of the model object ' Input Pin '
InstanceSpecification A representation of the model object ' Instance Specification '
InstanceValue A representation of the model object ' Instance Value '
Interaction A representation of the model object ' Interaction '
InteractionConstraint A representation of the model object ' Interaction Constraint '
InteractionFragment A representation of the model object ' Interaction Fragment '
InteractionOperand A representation of the model object ' Interaction Operand '
InteractionUse A representation of the model object ' Interaction Use '
Interface A representation of the model object ' Interface '
InterfaceRealization A representation of the model object ' Interface Realization '
InterruptibleActivityRegion A representation of the model object ' Interruptible Activity Region '
Interval A representation of the model object ' Interval '
IntervalConstraint A representation of the model object ' Interval Constraint '
InvocationAction A representation of the model object ' Invocation Action '
JoinNode A representation of the model object ' Join Node '
Lifeline A representation of the model object ' Lifeline '
LinkAction A representation of the model object ' Link Action '
LinkEndCreationData A representation of the model object ' Link End Creation Data '
LinkEndData A representation of the model object ' Link End Data '
LinkEndDestructionData A representation of the model object ' Link End Destruction Data '
LiteralBoolean A representation of the model object ' Literal Boolean '
LiteralInteger A representation of the model object ' Literal Integer '
LiteralNull A representation of the model object ' Literal Null '
LiteralSpecification A representation of the model object ' Literal Specification '
LiteralString A representation of the model object ' Literal String '
LiteralUnlimitedNatural A representation of the model object ' Literal Unlimited Natural '
LoopNode A representation of the model object ' Loop Node '
Manifestation A representation of the model object ' Manifestation '
MergeNode A representation of the model object ' Merge Node '
Message A representation of the model object ' Message '
MessageEnd A representation of the model object ' Message End '
MessageEvent A representation of the model object ' Message Event '
MessageOccurrenceSpecification A representation of the model object ' Message Occurrence Specification '
Model A representation of the model object ' Model '
MultiplicityElement A representation of the model object ' Multiplicity Element '
NamedElement A representation of the model object ' Named Element '
Namespace A representation of the model object ' Namespace '
Node A representation of the model object ' Node '
ObjectFlow A representation of the model object ' Object Flow '
ObjectNode A representation of the model object ' Object Node '
Observation A representation of the model object ' Observation '
OccurrenceSpecification A representation of the model object ' Occurrence Specification '
OpaqueAction A representation of the model object ' Opaque Action '
OpaqueBehavior A representation of the model object ' Opaque Behavior '
OpaqueExpression A representation of the model object ' Opaque Expression '
Operation A representation of the model object ' Operation '
OperationTemplateParameter A representation of the model object ' Operation Template Parameter '
OutputPin A representation of the model object ' Output Pin '
Package A representation of the model object ' Package '
PackageableElement A representation of the model object ' Packageable Element '
PackageImport A representation of the model object ' Package Import '
PackageMerge A representation of the model object ' Package Merge '
Parameter A representation of the model object ' Parameter '
ParameterableElement A representation of the model object ' Parameterable Element '
ParameterSet A representation of the model object ' Parameter Set '
PartDecomposition A representation of the model object ' Part Decomposition '
Pin A representation of the model object ' Pin '
Port A representation of the model object ' Port '
PrimitiveType A representation of the model object ' Primitive Type '
Profile A representation of the model object ' Profile '
ProfileApplication A representation of the model object ' Profile Application '
Property A representation of the model object ' Property '
ProtocolConformance A representation of the model object ' Protocol Conformance '
ProtocolStateMachine A representation of the model object ' Protocol State Machine '
ProtocolTransition A representation of the model object ' Protocol Transition '
Pseudostate A representation of the model object ' Pseudostate '
QualifierValue A representation of the model object ' Qualifier Value '
RaiseExceptionAction A representation of the model object ' Raise Exception Action '
ReadExtentAction A representation of the model object ' Read Extent Action '
ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Read Is Classified Object Action '
ReadLinkAction A representation of the model object ' Read Link Action '
ReadLinkObjectEndAction A representation of the model object ' Read Link Object End Action '
ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction A representation of the model object ' Read Link Object End Qualifier Action '
ReadSelfAction A representation of the model object ' Read Self Action '
ReadStructuralFeatureAction A representation of the model object ' Read Structural Feature Action '
ReadVariableAction A representation of the model object ' Read Variable Action '
Realization A representation of the model object ' Realization '
ReceiveOperationEvent A representation of the model object ' Receive Operation Event '
ReceiveSignalEvent A representation of the model object ' Receive Signal Event '
Reception A representation of the model object ' Reception '
ReclassifyObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Reclassify Object Action '
RedefinableElement A representation of the model object ' Redefinable Element '
RedefinableTemplateSignature A representation of the model object ' Redefinable Template Signature '
ReduceAction A representation of the model object ' Reduce Action '
Region A representation of the model object ' Region '
Relationship A representation of the model object ' Relationship '
RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction A representation of the model object ' Remove Structural Feature Value Action '
RemoveVariableValueAction A representation of the model object ' Remove Variable Value Action '
ReplyAction A representation of the model object ' Reply Action '
SendObjectAction A representation of the model object ' Send Object Action '
SendOperationEvent A representation of the model object ' Send Operation Event '
SendSignalAction A representation of the model object ' Send Signal Action '
SendSignalEvent A representation of the model object ' Send Signal Event '
SequenceNode A representation of the model object ' Sequence Node '
Signal A representation of the model object ' Signal '
SignalEvent A representation of the model object ' Signal Event '
Slot A representation of the model object ' Slot '
StartClassifierBehaviorAction A representation of the model object ' Start Classifier Behavior Action '
StartObjectBehaviorAction A representation of the model object ' Start Object Behavior Action '
State A representation of the model object ' State '
StateInvariant A representation of the model object ' State Invariant '
StateMachine A representation of the model object ' State Machine '
Stereotype A representation of the model object ' Stereotype '
StringExpression A representation of the model object ' String Expression '
StructuralFeature A representation of the model object ' Structural Feature '
StructuralFeatureAction A representation of the model object ' Structural Feature Action '
StructuredActivityNode A representation of the model object ' Structured Activity Node '
StructuredClassifier A representation of the model object ' Structured Classifier '
Substitution A representation of the model object ' Substitution '
TemplateableElement A representation of the model object ' Templateable Element '
TemplateBinding A representation of the model object ' Template Binding '
TemplateParameter A representation of the model object ' Template Parameter '
TemplateParameterSubstitution A representation of the model object ' Template Parameter Substitution '
TemplateSignature A representation of the model object ' Template Signature '
TestIdentityAction A representation of the model object ' Test Identity Action '
TimeConstraint A representation of the model object ' Time Constraint '
TimeEvent A representation of the model object ' Time Event '
TimeExpression A representation of the model object ' Time Expression '
TimeInterval A representation of the model object ' Time Interval '
TimeObservation A representation of the model object ' Time Observation '
Transition A representation of the model object ' Transition '
Trigger A representation of the model object ' Trigger '
Type A representation of the model object ' Type '
TypedElement A representation of the model object ' Typed Element '
UMLFactory The Factory for the model.
UMLPackage The Package for the model.
UMLPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
UnmarshallAction A representation of the model object ' Unmarshall Action '
Usage A representation of the model object ' Usage '
UseCase A representation of the model object ' Use Case '
ValuePin A representation of the model object ' Value Pin '
ValueSpecification A representation of the model object ' Value Specification '
ValueSpecificationAction A representation of the model object ' Value Specification Action '
Variable A representation of the model object ' Variable '
VariableAction A representation of the model object ' Variable Action '
Vertex A representation of the model object ' Vertex '
WriteLinkAction A representation of the model object ' Write Link Action '
WriteStructuralFeatureAction A representation of the model object ' Write Structural Feature Action '
WriteVariableAction A representation of the model object ' Write Variable Action '

Class Summary
UMLPlugin This is the central singleton for the UML model plugin
UMLPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin

Enum Summary
AggregationKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Aggregation Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
CallConcurrencyKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Call Concurrency Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
ConnectorKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Connector Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
ExpansionKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Expansion Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
InteractionOperatorKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Interaction Operator Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
MessageKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Message Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
MessageSort A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Message Sort ', and utility methods for working with them
ObjectNodeOrderingKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Object Node Ordering Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
ParameterDirectionKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Parameter Direction Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
ParameterEffectKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Parameter Effect Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
PseudostateKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Pseudostate Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
TransitionKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Transition Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
VisibilityKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Visibility Kind ', and utility methods for working with them

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