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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use EventManager Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. 
org.eclipse.core.commands Application programming interfaces for commands and handlers. 
org.eclipse.core.commands.common Application programming interfaces for common base classes. 
org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts Application programming interfaces for contexts. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 

Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications. 

org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.jface.bindings Provides support for bindings between commands and various user input events (e.g., keyboard shortcuts). 
org.eclipse.jface.commands Provides JFace-specific support for commands. 
org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers Provides classes that can be used to observe the JFace Viewer framework. 
org.eclipse.jface.menus Provides support for trim specification. 
org.eclipse.jface.preference Provides a framework for preferences. 
org.eclipse.jface.resource Provides support for managing resources such as SWT fonts and images. 
org.eclipse.jface.viewers Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based content adapters for SWT widgets. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history Application programming interface to display and preview refactoring history information. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets Provides support for working with cheat sheets. 

Application programming interfaces for Eclipse console specific actions. 

org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor Support for forms-based multi-page editors. 
org.eclipse.ui.handlers Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.intro.config Provides support for customizing welcome content and presentation. 
org.eclipse.ui.model Provides a workbench adapter for displaying workbench elements in the UI without having to know the concrete type of the element, and various label providers for workbench-specific objects like editors, views, and perspectives. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator Provides the Common Navigator framework. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources Provides reusable components for clients that need to expand on the capabilities provided by the reference Common Navigator Resources extension. 
org.eclipse.ui.operations Classes that provide the basic workbench UI support for undo and redo of operations. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.preferences Classes for using the preferences support in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences Package Specification This package has the convenience classes provided by the Eclipse workbench for use by clients who wish to use the core preference support added in 3.0. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text editor template support. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer Provides the standard Bookmarks view which displays bookmarks on resources. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline Provides the standard Content Outline view which can show the active editor's custom outline for the document being edited. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist Provides support for a web-browser style of navigation within a view by maintaining a list of frames. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.markers Utility classes for working with markers in views
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist Provides the standard Task List view for displaying tasks and problem annotations on resources. 

Uses of EventManager in

Subclasses of EventManager in
 class NavigationAction
          A NavigationAction is used to navigate through the individual differences of a CompareEditorInput.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands
 class AbstractHandler
           This class is a partial implementation of IHandler.
 class AbstractHandlerWithState
           An abstract implementation of IObjectWithState.
 class Category
           A logical group for a set of commands.
 class Command
           A command is an abstract representation for some semantic behaviour.
 class CommandManager
           A central repository for commands -- both in the defined and undefined states.
 class ParameterType
           Provides information about the type of a command parameter.
 class State
           A piece of state information that can be shared between objects, and might be persisted between sessions.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands.common

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands.common
 class HandleObject
           An object that can exist in one of two states: defined and undefined.
 class HandleObjectManager
           A manager of HandleObject instances.
 class NamedHandleObject
          A handle object that carries with it a name and a description.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts
 class Context
           A context is an answer to the question "when".
 class ContextManager
           A context manager tracks the sets of defined and enabled contexts within the application.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui
 class AbstractDebugView
          Common function for views related to debugging.
 class EnvironmentTab.EnvironmentVariableLabelProvider
          Label provider for the environment table

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
 class AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate
          A cascade menu to add a memory rendering to the memory view.
 class LaunchAction
          Launches a launch configuration in a specific mode.
 class LaunchAsAction
          Deprecated. The use of perspective based launch shortcuts has been deprecated in the 3.1 release. Instead, selection sensitive launch is supported in the top level menus. Use LaunchShorcutsAction instead.
 class LaunchShortcutsAction
          A cascading sub-menu that shows all launch shortcuts pertinent to a selection.
 class OpenLaunchDialogAction
          Opens the launch configuration dialog in the context of a launch group.
 class RulerBreakpointAction
          Abstract action that works on breakpoints in the vertical ruler.
 class ToggleBreakpointAction
          Action to toggle a breakpoint in a vertical ruler of a workbench part containing a document.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup
 class CommonSourceNotFoundEditor
          Default editor displayed when source is not found.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.action

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.action
 class AbstractAction
           Some common functionality to share between implementations of IAction.
 class Action
          The standard abstract implementation of an action.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.bindings

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.bindings
 class BindingManager
           A central repository for bindings -- both in the defined and undefined states.
 class Scheme
           An instance of IScheme is a handle representing a binding scheme as defined by the extension point org.eclipse.ui.bindings.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.commands

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.commands
 class ActionHandler
           This class adapts instances of IAction to IHandler.
 class PersistentState
           This is a state that can be made persistent.
 class ToggleState
           A piece of state storing a Boolean .

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers
 class ObservableMapCellLabelProvider
          A label provider based on one or more observable maps that track attributes that this label provider uses for display.
 class ObservableMapLabelProvider
          A label provider based on one or more observable maps that track attributes that this label provider uses for display.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.menus

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.menus
 class TextState
           A piece of state carrying a single String .

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.preference

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.preference
 class BooleanPropertyAction
          The BooleanPropertyAction is an action that set the values of a boolean property in the preference store.
 class ColorSelector
          The ColorSelector is a wrapper for a button that displays a selected Color and allows the user to change the selection.
 class PreferenceLabelProvider
          Provides labels for IPreferenceNode objects.
 class PreferenceStore
          A concrete preference store implementation based on an internal java.util.Properties object, with support for persisting the non-default preference values to files or streams.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.resource

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.resource
 class ColorRegistry
          A color registry maintains a mapping between symbolic color names and SWT Colors.
 class FontRegistry
          A font registry maintains a mapping between symbolic font names and SWT fonts.
 class ResourceRegistry
          Abstract base class for various JFace registries.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.viewers

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
 class BaseLabelProvider
          BaseLabelProvider is a default concrete implementation of IBaseLabelProvider
 class CellLabelProvider
          The CellLabelProvider is an abstract implementation of a label provider for structured viewers.
 class ColumnLabelProvider
          The ColumnLabelProvider is the label provider for viewers that have column support such as TreeViewer and TableViewer This classes is intended to be subclassed
 class DecoratingLabelProvider
          A decorating label provider is a label provider which combines a nested label provider and an optional decorator.
 class DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider
          A DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider is a DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider that uses a nested DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider to compute styled text label and image and takes a ILabelDecorator to decorate the label.
 class DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider
          A DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider is a StyledCellLabelProvider that delegates requests for the styled string and the image to a DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider.
 class LabelProvider
          A label provider implementation which, by default, uses an element's toString value for its text and null for its image.
 class NamedHandleObjectLabelProvider
          A label provider for instances of NamedHandlerObject, which exposes the name as the label.
 class OwnerDrawLabelProvider
          OwnerDrawLabelProvider is an abstract implementation of a label provider that handles custom draw.
 class StyledCellLabelProvider
          A StyledCellLabelProvider supports styled labels by using owner draw.
 class TreeColumnViewerLabelProvider
          TreeViewerLabelProvider is the ViewerLabelProvider that handles TreePaths.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history
 class RefactoringHistoryLabelProvider
          Label provider to display a refactoring history.

Uses of EventManager in

Subclasses of EventManager in
 class MergeActionHandler
          An abstract superclass that enables models to create handlers for the basic merge operations (merge, overwrite and mark-as-merged).

Uses of EventManager in

Subclasses of EventManager in
 class ModelParticipantAction
          Model provider actions for use with a ModelSynchronizeParticipant.
 class SynchronizeModelAction
          This action provides utilities for performing operations on selections that contain ISynchronizeModelElement instances.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui
 class SubActionBars
          Generic implementation of the IActionBars interface.
 class SubActionBars2
          A implementation of the extended IActionBars2 interface.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.actions
 class AddBookmarkAction
          Standard action for adding a bookmark to the currently selected file resource(s).
 class AddTaskAction
          Standard action for adding a task to the currently selected file resource(s).
 class BaseSelectionListenerAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection change events.
 class BuildAction
          Standard actions for full and incremental builds of the selected project(s).
 class CloseResourceAction
          Standard action for closing the currently selected project(s).
 class CloseUnrelatedProjectsAction
          This action closes all projects that are unrelated to the selected projects.
 class ContributedAction
          For a declarative editor action, see if we can link it to a command.
 class CopyProjectAction
          The CopyProjectAction is the action designed to copy projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class CopyResourceAction
          Standard action for copying the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class CreateFileAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class CreateFolderAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class DeleteResourceAction
          Standard action for deleting the currently selected resources.
 class ExportResourcesAction
          Action representing a generic export operation.
 class GlobalBuildAction
          Standard action for full and incremental builds of all projects within the workspace.
 class ImportResourcesAction
          Action representing a generic import operation.
 class LabelRetargetAction
          A LabelRetargetAction extends the behavior of RetargetAction.
 class MoveProjectAction
          The MoveProjectAction is the action designed to move projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class MoveResourceAction
          Standard action for moving the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class NewExampleAction
          Standard action for launching the create project selection wizard.
 class NewProjectAction
          Standard action for launching the create project selection wizard.
 class NewWizardAction
          Invoke the resource creation wizard selection Wizard.
 class NewWizardDropDownAction
          Action which, when run, will open the new wizard dialog.
 class OpenFileAction
          Standard action for opening an editor on the currently selected file resource(s).
 class OpenInNewWindowAction
          Opens a new window.
 class OpenPerspectiveAction
          Opens a perspective.
 class OpenResourceAction
          Standard action for opening the currently selected project(s).
 class OpenSystemEditorAction
          Standard action for opening a system editor on the currently selected file resource.
 class PartEventAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to part activation and open/close events.
 class QuickStartAction
          Deprecated. the IDE now uses the new intro mechanism
 class RefreshAction
          Standard action for refreshing the workspace from the local file system for the selected resources and all of their descendants.
 class RenameResourceAction
          Standard action for renaming the selected resources.
 class RetargetAction
          A RetargetAction tracks the active part in the workbench.
 class ScrubLocalAction
          Deprecated. This class is obsolete; there is no support in the workspace for scrubbing local content.
 class SelectionListenerAction
          The abstract superclass for resource-based actions that listen to selection change events.
 class SelectionProviderAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection changes from a particular selection provider.
 class WorkspaceAction
          The abstract superclass for actions which invoke commands implemented in org.eclipse.core.* on a set of selected resources.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets
 class OpenCheatSheetAction
          Action for opening a cheat sheet.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.console.actions

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.console.actions
 class ClearOutputAction
          Clears the output in a text console.
 class CloseConsoleAction
          Removes a console from the console manager.
 class TextViewerAction
          Common function for actions that operate on a text viewer.
 class TextViewerGotoLineAction
          Action to position a text viewer to a specific line.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs
 class FileEditorMappingLabelProvider
          A label provider for displaying of IFileEditorMapping objects in viewers.
 class PropertyDialogAction
          Standard action for opening a Property Pages Dialog on the currently selected element.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text
 class FileBufferOperationAction
          File buffer operation action.
 class FileBufferOperationHandler
          Operation handler for a file buffer.
 class TextEditor
          The standard text editor for file resources (IFile).

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor
 class FormEditor
          This class forms a base of multi-page form editors that typically use one or more pages with forms and one page for raw source of the editor input.
 class FormPage
          A base class that all pages that should be added to FormEditor must subclass.
 class SharedHeaderFormEditor
          A variation of FormEditor, this editor has a stable header that does not change when pages are switched.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.handlers
 class CollapseAllHandler
          Collapse a tree viewer.
 class RadioState
          This state supports a radio-button like command, where the value of the parameterized command is stored as state.
 class RegistryRadioState
           A radio state that can be read from the registry.
 class RegistryToggleState
           A toggle state that can be read from the registry.
 class ShowPerspectiveHandler
          Shows the given perspective.
 class ShowViewHandler
          Shows the given view.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions
 class org.eclipse.ui.internal.actions.CommandAction
          Instantiate an action that will execute the command.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.markers

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.markers
 class org.eclipse.ui.internal.views.markers.ExtendedMarkersView
          The ExtendedMarkersView is the internal implementation of the view that shows markers using the markerGenerators extension point.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.intro.config
 class CustomizableIntroPart
          A re-usable intro part that the Eclipse platform uses for its Out of the Box Experience.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.model

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.model
 class PerspectiveLabelProvider
          A table label provider implementation for showing workbench perspectives (objects of type IPerspectiveDescriptor) in table- and tree-structured viewers.
 class WorkbenchLabelProvider
          Provides basic labels for adaptable objects that have the IWorkbenchAdapter adapter associated with them.
 class WorkbenchPartLabelProvider
          A table label provider implementation for showing workbench views and editors (objects of type IWorkbenchPart) in tree- and table-structured viewers.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.navigator

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.navigator
 class CommonNavigator
           This class provides the IViewPart for the Common Navigator framework in the Eclipse workbench.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources
 class ProjectExplorer

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.operations

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.operations
 class OperationHistoryActionHandler
           OperationHistoryActionHandler implements common behavior for the undo and redo actions.
 class RedoActionHandler
           RedoActionHandler provides common behavior for redoing an operation, as well as labelling and enabling the menu item.
 class UndoActionHandler
           UndoActionHandler provides common behavior for performing an undo, as well as labelling and enabling the undo menu item.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.part

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.part
 class AbstractMultiEditor
          A AbstractMultiEditor is a composite of editors.
 class EditorPart
          Abstract base implementation of all workbench editors.
 class IntroPart
          Abstract base implementation of an intro part.
 class MultiEditor
          A MultiEditor is a composite of editors.
 class MultiPageEditor
          Deprecated. Use the class MultiPageEditorPart instead
 class MultiPageEditorPart
          A multi-page editor is an editor with multiple pages, each of which may contain an editor or an arbitrary SWT control.
 class PageBookView
          Abstract superclass of all multi-page workbench views.
 class ViewPart
          Abstract base implementation of all workbench views.
 class WorkbenchPart
          Abstract base implementation of all workbench parts.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.preferences

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.preferences
 class ScopedPreferenceStore
          The ScopedPreferenceStore is an IPreferenceStore that uses the scopes provided in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.
 class ViewPreferencesAction
          The ViewPreferencesAction is the action for opening a view preferences dialog on a class.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
 class AbstractDecoratedTextEditor
          An intermediate editor comprising functionality not present in the leaner AbstractTextEditor, but used in many heavy weight (and especially source editing) editors, such as line numbers, change ruler, overview ruler, print margins, current line highlighting, etc.
 class AbstractTextEditor
          Abstract base implementation of a text editor.
protected  class AbstractTextEditor.LineEndAction
          This action implements smart end.
protected  class AbstractTextEditor.LineStartAction
          This action implements smart home.
 class AddMarkerAction
          Action for creating a marker of a specified type for the editor's input element based on the editor's selection.
 class CaseAction
          Action that converts the current selection to lower case or upper case.
 class ChangeEncodingAction
          Action for changing the encoding of the editor's input element.
 class ContentAssistAction
          A content assist action which gets its target from its text editor.
 class ConvertLineDelimitersAction
          Deprecated. since 3.1. Line delimiter conversion has been modified to work on groups of files rather than being editor specific
 class DeleteLineAction
          An action to delete a whole line, the fraction of the line that is left from the cursor or the fraction that is right from the cursor.
 class FindNextAction
          An action which finds the next/previous occurrence of the last search or the current selection if present.
 class FindReplaceAction
          An action which opens a Find/Replace dialog.
 class GotoAnnotationAction
          Action for jumping to a particular annotation in the editor's text viewer.
 class GotoLastEditPositionAction
          Goes to last edit position.
 class GotoLineAction
          Action for jumping to a particular line in the editor's text viewer.
 class IncrementalFindAction
          An action which enters the incremental find mode like in emacs.
 class InsertLineAction
          This action implements smart return.
 class JoinLinesAction
          Action for joining two or more lines together by deleting the line delimiters and trimming the whitespace between them.
 class MarkAction
          An action to handle emacs-like marked regions.
 class MarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can add and remove markers which have a visual representation in the ruler.
 class MarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. use MarkerRulerAction instead
 class MoveLinesAction
          Action for moving selected lines in an editor.
 class RecenterAction
          An action to handle emacs-like recenter.
 class ResourceAction
          An action which configures its label, image, tooltip, and description from a resource bundle using known keys.
 class RetargetTextEditorAction
          Action used by an editor action bar contributor to establish placeholders in menus or action bars which can be retargeted to dynamically changing actions, for example, those which come from the active editor.
 class RevertToSavedAction
          Action for abandoning changes made in the text editor since the last save operation.
 class SaveAction
          Deprecated. As of 3.5, replaced by ActionFactory.SAVE
 class SelectAnnotationRulerAction
          A ruler action which can select the textual range of an annotation that has a visual representation in a vertical ruler.
 class SelectMarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can select the textual range of a marker that has a visual representation in a vertical ruler.
 class SelectMarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. As of 2.1, replaced by SelectMarkerRulerAction
 class ShiftAction
          Action for shifting code to the right or left by one indentation level.
 class ShowWhitespaceCharactersAction
          This action toggles the display of whitespace characters by attaching/detaching an WhitespaceCharacterPainter to the associated text editor.
 class StatusTextEditor
          Capable of handling input elements that have an associated status with them.
 class TextEditorAction
          Skeleton of a standard text editor action.
 class TextNavigationAction
          An Action wrapper for text widget navigation and selection actions.
 class TextOperationAction
          An action which gets a text operation target from its text editor.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates
 class TemplatesView
          The Templates view.hosts ITemplatesPages that shows the templates for the currently active editor part.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer
 class BookmarkNavigator
          Deprecated. This view is no longer in use as of Eclipse 3.4. The view referenced by IPageLayout.ID_BOOKMARKS is an ExtendedMarkersView.


Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline
 class ContentOutline
          Main class for the Content Outline View.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist
 class BackAction
          Generic "Back" action which goes back one frame,
 class ForwardAction
          Generic "Forward" action which goes forward one frame.
 class FrameAction
          Abstract superclass for actions dealing with frames or a frame list.
 class FrameList
          Supports a web-browser style of navigation by maintaining a list of frames.
 class GoIntoAction
          Generic "Go Into" action which goes to the frame for the current selection.
 class UpAction
          Generic "Up" action which goes to the parent frame for the current frame.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers
 class MarkerSupportView
          The MarkerSupportView is a view that supports the extensions in the markerSupport extension point.
 class MarkerViewHandler
          MarkerViewHandler is the abstract class of the handlers for the MarkerSupportView

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator
 class CollapseAllAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class FilterSelectionAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class GotoResourceAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigator
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorMoveAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ResourceNavigatorRenameAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ShowInNavigatorAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class SortViewAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead
 class ToggleLinkingAction
          Deprecated. as of 3.5, use the Common Navigator Framework classes instead

Uses of EventManager in

Subclasses of EventManager in
 class ComboBoxLabelProvider
          An ILabelProvider that assists in rendering labels for ComboBoxPropertyDescriptors.
 class NewPropertySheetHandler
 class PinPropertySheetAction
          Pins the properties view instance to the current selection.
 class PropertyColumnLabelProvider
          A column label provider that returns label text and images based on a IPropertySourceProvider, forwarding requests for text and image to the label provider returned from the property descriptor for the given property id.
 class PropertySheet
          Main class for the Property Sheet View.
 class PropertySheetEntry
          PropertySheetEntry is an implementation of IPropertySheetEntry which uses IPropertySource and IPropertyDescriptor to interact with domain model objects.

Uses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist

Subclasses of EventManager in org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklist
 class TaskList
          Deprecated. This view is no longer in use as of Eclipse 3.4. The view referenced by IPageLayout.ID_TASK_LIST is an MarkerSupportView.


Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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