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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class ScopedPreferenceStore

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IPersistentPreferenceStore, IPreferenceStore

public class ScopedPreferenceStore
extends EventManager
implements IPreferenceStore, IPersistentPreferenceStore

The ScopedPreferenceStore is an IPreferenceStore that uses the scopes provided in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.

A ScopedPreferenceStore does the lookup of a preference based on it's search scopes and sets the value of the preference based on its store scope.

The default scope is always included in the search scopes when searching for preference values.

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  boolean silentRunning
          A boolean to indicate the property changes should not be propagated.
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.preference. IPreferenceStore
Constructor Summary
ScopedPreferenceStore ( IScopeContext context, String qualifier)
          Create a new instance of the receiver.
ScopedPreferenceStore ( IScopeContext context, String qualifier, String defaultQualifierPath)
          Create a new instance of the receiver.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener ( IPropertyChangeListener listener)
           Adds a property change listener to this preference store.
 boolean contains ( String name)
          Returns whether the named preference is known to this preference store.
 void firePropertyChangeEvent ( String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Fires a property change event corresponding to a change to the current value of the preference with the given name.
 boolean getBoolean ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the boolean-valued preference with the given name.
 boolean getDefaultBoolean ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the boolean-valued preference with the given name.
 double getDefaultDouble ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the double-valued preference with the given name.
 float getDefaultFloat ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the float-valued preference with the given name.
 int getDefaultInt ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the integer-valued preference with the given name.
 long getDefaultLong ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the long-valued preference with the given name.
  String getDefaultString ( String name)
          Returns the default value for the string-valued preference with the given name.
 double getDouble ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the double-valued preference with the given name.
 float getFloat ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the float-valued preference with the given name.
 int getInt ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the integer-valued preference with the given name.
 long getLong ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the long-valued preference with the given name.
  IEclipsePreferences[] getPreferenceNodes (boolean includeDefault)
          Return the preference path to search preferences on.
  String getString ( String name)
          Returns the current value of the string-valued preference with the given name.
 boolean isDefault ( String name)
          Returns whether the current value of the preference with the given name has the default value.
 boolean needsSaving ()
          Returns whether the current values in this property store require saving.
 void putValue ( String name, String value)
          Sets the current value of the preference with the given name to the given string value without sending a property change.
 void removePropertyChangeListener ( IPropertyChangeListener listener)
          Removes the given listener from this preference store.
 void save ()
          Saves the non-default-valued preferences known to this preference store to the file from which they were originally loaded.
 void setDefault ( String name, boolean value)
          Sets the default value for the boolean-valued preference with the given name.
 void setDefault ( String name, double value)
          Sets the default value for the double-valued preference with the given name.
 void setDefault ( String name, float value)
          Sets the default value for the float-valued preference with the given name.
 void setDefault ( String name, int value)
          Sets the default value for the integer-valued preference with the given name.
 void setDefault ( String name, long value)
          Sets the default value for the long-valued preference with the given name.
 void setDefault ( String name, String defaultObject)
          Sets the default value for the string-valued preference with the given name.
 void setSearchContexts ( IScopeContext[] scopes)
          Set the search contexts to scopes.
 void setToDefault ( String name)
          Sets the current value of the preference with the given name back to its default value.
 void setValue ( String name, boolean value)
          Sets the current value of the boolean-valued preference with the given name.
 void setValue ( String name, double value)
          Sets the current value of the double-valued preference with the given name.
 void setValue ( String name, float value)
          Sets the current value of the float-valued preference with the given name.
 void setValue ( String name, int value)
          Sets the current value of the integer-valued preference with the given name.
 void setValue ( String name, long value)
          Sets the current value of the long-valued preference with the given name.
 void setValue ( String name, String value)
          Sets the current value of the string-valued preference with the given name.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.core.commands.common. EventManager
addListenerObject, clearListeners, getListeners, isListenerAttached, removeListenerObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean silentRunning
A boolean to indicate the property changes should not be propagated.

Constructor Detail


public ScopedPreferenceStore(
IScopeContext context,
String qualifier,
String defaultQualifierPath)
Create a new instance of the receiver. Store the values in context in the node looked up by qualifier. NOTE: Any instance of ScopedPreferenceStore should call

context - the scope to store to
qualifier - the qualifier used to look up the preference node
defaultQualifierPath - the qualifier used when looking up the defaults


public ScopedPreferenceStore(
IScopeContext context,
String qualifier)
Create a new instance of the receiver. Store the values in context in the node looked up by qualifier.

context - the scope to store to
qualifier - the qualifer used to look up the preference node
Method Detail


public void addPropertyChangeListener(
IPropertyChangeListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore

Adds a property change listener to this preference store.

Note The types of the oldValue and newValue of the generated PropertyChangeEvent are determined by whether or not the typed API in IPreferenceStore was called. If values are changed via setValue(name,type) the values in the PropertyChangedEvent will be of that type. If they are set using a non typed API (i.e. #setToDefault or using the OSGI Preferences) the values will be unconverted Strings.

A listener will be called in the same Thread that it is invoked in. Any Thread dependant listeners (such as those who update an SWT widget) will need to update in the correct Thread. In the case of an SWT update you can update using Display#syncExec(Runnable) or Display#asyncExec(Runnable).

Likewise any application that updates an IPreferenceStore from a Thread other than the UI Thread should be aware of any listeners that require an update in the UI Thread.

Specified by:
addPropertyChangeListener in interface IPreferenceStore
listener - a property change listener
See Also:
PropertyChangeEvent, IPreferenceStore.setToDefault(String), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, boolean), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, double), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, float), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, int), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, long), IPreferenceStore.setValue(String, String)


IEclipsePreferences[] getPreferenceNodes(boolean includeDefault)
Return the preference path to search preferences on. This is the list of preference nodes based on the scope contexts for this store. If there are no search contexts set, then return this store's context.

Whether or not the default context should be included in the resulting list is specified by the includeDefault parameter.

includeDefault - true if the default context should be included and false otherwise
3.4 public, was added in 3.1 as private method


public void setSearchContexts(
IScopeContext[] scopes)
Set the search contexts to scopes. When searching for a value the seach will be done in the order of scope contexts and will not search the storeContext unless it is in this list.

If the given list is null, then clear this store's search contexts. This means that only this store's scope context and default scope will be used during preference value searching.

The defaultContext will be added to the end of this list automatically and MUST NOT be included by the user.

scopes - a list of scope contexts to use when searching, or null


public boolean contains(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns whether the named preference is known to this preference store.

Specified by:
contains in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
true if either a current value or a default value is known for the named preference, and false otherwise


public void firePropertyChangeEvent(
String name,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Fires a property change event corresponding to a change to the current value of the preference with the given name.

This method is provided on this interface to simplify the implementation of decorators. There is normally no need to call this method since setValue and setToDefault report such events in due course. Implementations should funnel all preference changes through this method.

Specified by:
firePropertyChangeEvent in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference, to be used as the property in the event object
oldValue - the old value
newValue - the new value


public boolean getBoolean(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the boolean-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (false) if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as a boolean.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the boolean-valued preference


public boolean getDefaultBoolean(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the boolean-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (false) if there is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as a boolean.

Specified by:
getDefaultBoolean in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


public double getDefaultDouble(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the double-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0.0) if there is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as a double.

Specified by:
getDefaultDouble in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


public float getDefaultFloat(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the float-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0.0f) if there is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as a float.

Specified by:
getDefaultFloat in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


public int getDefaultInt(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the integer-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0) if there is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as an integer.

Specified by:
getDefaultInt in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


public long getDefaultLong(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the long-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0L) if there is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as a long.

Specified by:
getDefaultLong in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


String getDefaultString(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the default value for the string-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (the empty string "") is no default preference with the given name, or if the default value cannot be treated as a string.

Specified by:
getDefaultString in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the default value of the named preference


public double getDouble(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the double-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0.0) if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as a double.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the double-valued preference


public float getFloat(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the float-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0.0f) if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as a float.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the float-valued preference


public int getInt(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the integer-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0) if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as an integter.

Specified by:
getInt in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the int-valued preference


public long getLong(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the long-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (0L) if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as a long.

Specified by:
getLong in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the long-valued preference


String getString(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns the current value of the string-valued preference with the given name. Returns the default-default value (the empty string "") if there is no preference with the given name, or if the current value cannot be treated as a string.

Specified by:
getString in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
the string-valued preference


public boolean isDefault(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns whether the current value of the preference with the given name has the default value.

Specified by:
isDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
true if the preference has a known default value and its current value is the same, and false otherwise (including the case where the preference is unknown to this store)


public boolean needsSaving()
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Returns whether the current values in this property store require saving.

Specified by:
needsSaving in interface IPreferenceStore
true if at least one of values of the preferences known to this store has changed and requires saving, and false otherwise.


public void putValue(
String name,
String value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the preference with the given name to the given string value without sending a property change.

This method does not fire a property change event and should only be used for setting internal preferences that are not meant to be processed by listeners. Normal clients should instead call #setValue.

Specified by:
putValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void removePropertyChangeListener(
IPropertyChangeListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Removes the given listener from this preference store. Has no affect if the listener is not registered.

Specified by:
removePropertyChangeListener in interface IPreferenceStore
listener - a property change listener


public void setDefault(
String name,
                       double value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the double-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new default value for the preference


public void setDefault(
String name,
                       float value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the float-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new default value for the preference


public void setDefault(
String name,
                       int value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the integer-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new default value for the preference


public void setDefault(
String name,
                       long value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the long-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new default value for the preference


public void setDefault(
String name,
String defaultObject)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the string-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
defaultObject - the new default value for the preference


public void setDefault(
String name,
                       boolean value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the default value for the boolean-valued preference with the given name.

Note that the current value of the preference is affected if the preference's current value was its old default value, in which case it changes to the new default value. If the preference's current is different from its old default value, its current value is unaffected. No property change events are reported by changing default values.

Specified by:
setDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new default value for the preference


public void setToDefault(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the preference with the given name back to its default value.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to the appropriate default value is to call setToDefault. This is implemented by removing the named value from the store, thereby exposing the default value.

Specified by:
setToDefault in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
                     double value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the double-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
                     float value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the float-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
                     int value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the integer-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
                     long value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the long-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
String value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the string-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void setValue(
String name,
                     boolean value)
Description copied from interface: IPreferenceStore
Sets the current value of the boolean-valued preference with the given name.

A property change event is reported if the current value of the preference actually changes from its previous value. In the event object, the property name is the name of the preference, and the old and new values are wrapped as objects.

Note that the preferred way of re-initializing a preference to its default value is to call setToDefault.

Specified by:
setValue in interface IPreferenceStore
name - the name of the preference
value - the new current value of the preference


public void save()
Description copied from interface: IPersistentPreferenceStore
Saves the non-default-valued preferences known to this preference store to the file from which they were originally loaded.

Specified by:
save in interface IPersistentPreferenceStore
IOException - if there is a problem saving this store

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire