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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class ContentOutline

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

                  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable, IExecutableExtension, ISelectionChangedListener, ISelectionProvider, IPartListener, IPersistable, IViewPart, IWorkbenchPart, IWorkbenchPart2, IWorkbenchPart3, IWorkbenchPartOrientation

public class ContentOutline
extends PageBookView
implements ISelectionProvider, ISelectionChangedListener

Main class for the Content Outline View.

This standard view has id "org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline".

When a content outline view notices an editor being activated, it asks the editor whether it has a content outline page to include in the outline view. This is done using getAdapter:
 IEditorPart editor = ...;
 IContentOutlinePage outlinePage = (IContentOutlinePage) editor.getAdapter(IContentOutlinePage.class);
 if (outlinePage != null) {
    // editor wishes to contribute outlinePage to content outline view
If the editor supports a content outline page, the editor instantiates and configures the page, and returns it. This page is then added to the content outline view (a pagebook which presents one page at a time) and immediately made the current page (the content outline view need not be visible). If the editor does not support a content outline page, the content outline view shows a special default page which makes it clear to the user that the content outline view is disengaged. A content outline page is free to report selection events; the content outline view forwards these events along to interested parties. When the content outline view notices a different editor being activated, it flips to the editor's corresponding content outline page. When the content outline view notices an editor being closed, it destroys the editor's corresponding content outline page.

The workbench will automatically instantiate this class when a Content Outline view is needed for a workbench window. This class was not intended to be instantiated or subclassed by clients.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part. PageBookView
PageBookView.PageRec, PageBookView.SelectionProvider
Field Summary
          Help context id used for the content outline view (value "org.eclipse.ui.content_outline_context").
static  String PREFIX
          The plugin prefix.
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IWorkbenchPart
Constructor Summary
ContentOutline ()
          Creates a content outline view with no content outline pages.
Method Summary
 void addSelectionChangedListener ( ISelectionChangedListener listener)
          Adds a listener for selection changes in this selection provider.
protected   IPage createDefaultPage ( PageBook book)
          Creates and returns the default page for this view.
 void createPartControl ( Composite parent)
          The PageBookView implementation of this IWorkbenchPart method creates a PageBook control with its default page showing.
protected   PageBookView.PageRec doCreatePage ( IWorkbenchPart part)
          Creates a new page in the pagebook for a particular part.
protected  void doDestroyPage ( IWorkbenchPart part, PageBookView.PageRec rec)
          Destroys a page in the pagebook for a particular part.
  Object getAdapter ( Class key)
          The PageBookView implementation of this IAdaptable method delegates to the current page, if it implements IAdaptable.
protected   IWorkbenchPart getBootstrapPart ()
          Returns the active, important workbench part for this view.
  ISelection getSelection ()
          Returns the current selection for this provider.
protected  boolean isImportant ( IWorkbenchPart part)
          Returns whether the given part should be added to this view.
 void partBroughtToTop ( IWorkbenchPart part)
          The PageBookView implementation of this IPartListener method does nothing.
 void removeSelectionChangedListener ( ISelectionChangedListener listener)
          Removes the given selection change listener from this selection provider.
 void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event)
          Notifies that the selection has changed.
 void setSelection ( ISelection selection)
          Sets the current selection for this selection provider.
protected  void showPageRec ( PageBookView.PageRec pageRec)
          The ContentOutline implementation of this PageBookView method extends the behavior of its parent to use the current page as a selection provider.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part. PageBookView
dispose, doesPageExist, getCurrentContributingPart, getCurrentPage, getDefaultPage, getPageBook, getPageRec, getPageRec, getPageSite, getSelectionProvider, getViewAdapter, init, initPage, partActivated, partClosed, partDeactivated, partHidden, partOpened, partVisible, setFocus
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part. ViewPart
checkSite, getViewSite, init, saveState, setContentDescription, setInitializationData, setPartName
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part. WorkbenchPart
addPartPropertyListener, addPropertyListener, firePartPropertyChanged, firePropertyChange, getConfigurationElement, getContentDescription, getDefaultImage, getOrientation, getPartName, getPartProperties, getPartProperty, getSite, getTitle, getTitleImage, getTitleToolTip, removePartPropertyListener, removePropertyListener, setPartProperty, setSite, setTitle, setTitleImage, setTitleToolTip, showBusy
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.core.commands.common. EventManager
addListenerObject, clearListeners, getListeners, isListenerAttached, removeListenerObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IWorkbenchPart
addPropertyListener, getSite, getTitle, getTitleImage, getTitleToolTip, removePropertyListener

Field Detail


public static final 
The plugin prefix.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
Help context id used for the content outline view (value "org.eclipse.ui.content_outline_context").

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ContentOutline()
Creates a content outline view with no content outline pages.

Method Detail


public void addSelectionChangedListener(
ISelectionChangedListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ISelectionProvider
Adds a listener for selection changes in this selection provider. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

Specified by:
addSelectionChangedListener in interface ISelectionProvider
listener - a selection changed listener


IPage createDefaultPage(
PageBook book)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
Creates and returns the default page for this view.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Subclasses must call initPage with the new page (if it is an IPageBookViewPage) before calling createControl on the page.

Specified by:
createDefaultPage in class PageBookView
book - the pagebook control
the default page


public void createPartControl(
Composite parent)
The PageBookView implementation of this IWorkbenchPart method creates a PageBook control with its default page showing.

Specified by:
createPartControl in interface IWorkbenchPart
createPartControl in class PageBookView
parent - the parent control


PageBookView.PageRec doCreatePage(
IWorkbenchPart part)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
Creates a new page in the pagebook for a particular part. This page will be made visible whenever the part is active, and will be destroyed with a call to doDestroyPage.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Subclasses must call initPage with the new page (if it is an IPageBookViewPage) before calling createControl on the page.

Specified by:
doCreatePage in class PageBookView
part - the input part
the record describing a new page for this view
See Also:
PageBookView.doDestroyPage(org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart, org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.PageRec)


protected void doDestroyPage(
IWorkbenchPart part,
PageBookView.PageRec rec)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
Destroys a page in the pagebook for a particular part. This page was returned as a result from doCreatePage.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
doDestroyPage in class PageBookView
part - the input part
rec - a page record for the part
See Also:


Object getAdapter(
Class key)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
The PageBookView implementation of this IAdaptable method delegates to the current page, if it implements IAdaptable.

Specified by:
getAdapter in interface IAdaptable
getAdapter in class PageBookView
key - the adapter class to look up
a object castable to the given class, or null if this object does not have an adapter for the given class


IWorkbenchPart getBootstrapPart()
Description copied from class: PageBookView
Returns the active, important workbench part for this view.

When the page book view is created it has no idea which part within the workbook should be used to generate the first page. Therefore, it delegates the choice to subclasses of PageBookView.

Implementors of this method should return an active, important part in the workbench or null if none found.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
getBootstrapPart in class PageBookView
the active important part, or null if none


ISelection getSelection()
Description copied from interface: ISelectionProvider
Returns the current selection for this provider.

Specified by:
getSelection in interface ISelectionProvider
the current selection


protected boolean isImportant(
IWorkbenchPart part)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
Returns whether the given part should be added to this view.

Subclasses must implement this method.

Specified by:
isImportant in class PageBookView
part - the input part
true if the part is relevant, and false otherwise


public void partBroughtToTop(
IWorkbenchPart part)
Description copied from class: PageBookView
The PageBookView implementation of this IPartListener method does nothing. Subclasses may extend.

Specified by:
partBroughtToTop in interface IPartListener
partBroughtToTop in class PageBookView
part - the part that was surfaced
See Also:


public void removeSelectionChangedListener(
ISelectionChangedListener listener)
Description copied from interface: ISelectionProvider
Removes the given selection change listener from this selection provider. Has no affect if an identical listener is not registered.

Specified by:
removeSelectionChangedListener in interface ISelectionProvider
listener - a selection changed listener


public void selectionChanged(
SelectionChangedEvent event)
Description copied from interface: ISelectionChangedListener
Notifies that the selection has changed.

Specified by:
selectionChanged in interface ISelectionChangedListener
event - event object describing the change


public void setSelection(
ISelection selection)
Description copied from interface: ISelectionProvider
Sets the current selection for this selection provider.

Specified by:
setSelection in interface ISelectionProvider
selection - the new selection


protected void showPageRec(
PageBookView.PageRec pageRec)
The ContentOutline implementation of this PageBookView method extends the behavior of its parent to use the current page as a selection provider.

showPageRec in class PageBookView
pageRec - the page record containing the page to show

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire