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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageDescriptor Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. Provides support for applying and working with patches. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.jface.dialogs Provides support for dialogs. 
org.eclipse.jface.preference Provides a framework for preferences. 
org.eclipse.jface.resource Provides support for managing resources such as SWT fonts and images. 
org.eclipse.jface.viewers Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based content adapters for SWT widgets. 
org.eclipse.jface.wizard Provides a framework for wizards. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring Application programming interface to implement a wizard based user interface for refactorings. Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.activities Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.application Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.commands Provides support for retrieving information on Commands from the workbench. 
org.eclipse.ui.console Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse console. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.menus Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu and toolbars to the menu service. 
org.eclipse.ui.model Provides a workbench adapter for displaying workbench elements in the UI without having to know the concrete type of the element, and various label providers for workbench-specific objects like editors, views, and perspectives. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.plugin Class hierarchies for plug-ins that integrate with the Eclipse Platform UI. 
org.eclipse.ui.progress Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.rulers Provides interfaces and classes for the org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.rulerColumns
org.eclipse.ui.views Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.wizards Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface wizard support. 

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Fields in declared as ImageDescriptor
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_CTOOL_NEXT
          Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_CTOOL_PREV
          Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_DTOOL_NEXT
          Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_DTOOL_PREV
          Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_ETOOL_NEXT
          Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
static  ImageDescriptor CompareUI. DESC_ETOOL_PREV
          Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.

Methods in that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor CompareEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()

Methods in with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
static void CompareUI. registerImageDescriptor ( String type, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Registers an image descriptor for the given type.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Methods in with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void ApplyPatchOperation. setPatchWizardImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Sets the image descriptor to use in the patch wizard.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor ILaunchGroup. getBannerImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the banner image for this launch group, or null if none
static  ImageDescriptor DebugUITools. getDefaultImageDescriptor ( Object element)
          Returns the default image descriptor for the given element or null if none is defined.
  ImageDescriptor ILaunchGroup. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image for this launch group, or null if none.
  ImageDescriptor DebugElementWorkbenchAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( Object object)
  ImageDescriptor BreakpointTypeCategory. getImageDescriptor ( Object object)
static  ImageDescriptor DebugUITools. getImageDescriptor ( String key)
          Returns the shared image descriptor managed under the given key, or null if none.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
BreakpointTypeCategory ( String name, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Constructs a type category for the given type name with the given image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor CommonSourceNotFoundEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.action

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor Action. getDisabledImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor IAction. getDisabledImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the disabled image for this action as an image descriptor.
  ImageDescriptor Action. getHoverImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor IAction. getHoverImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the hover image for this action as an image descriptor.
  ImageDescriptor MenuManager. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image for this menu as an image descriptor.
  ImageDescriptor Action. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor IAction. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image for this action as an image descriptor.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.action with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void Action. setDisabledImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void IAction. setDisabledImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
          Sets the disabled image for this action, as an image descriptor.
 void Action. setHoverImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void IAction. setHoverImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
          Sets the hover image for this action, as an image descriptor.
 void Action. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void IAction. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
          Sets the image for this action, as an image descriptor.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.action with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
Action ( String text, ImageDescriptor image)
          Creates a new action with the given text and image.
MenuManager ( String text, ImageDescriptor image, String id)
          Creates a menu manager with the given text, image, and id.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void IDialogPage. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor image)
          Sets this dialog page's image.
 void DialogPage. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor desc)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
DialogPage ( String title, ImageDescriptor image)
          Creates a new dialog page with the given title and image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.preference

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.preference that return ImageDescriptor
protected   ImageDescriptor PreferenceNode. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor for this node.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.preference with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
FieldEditorPreferencePage ( String title, ImageDescriptor image, int style)
          Creates a new field editor preference page with the given title, image, and style.
PreferenceNode ( String id, String label, ImageDescriptor image, String className)
          Creates a preference node with the given id, label, and image, and lazily-loaded preference page.
PreferencePage ( String title, ImageDescriptor image)
          Creates a new abstract preference page with the given title and image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.resource

Subclasses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.resource
 class CompositeImageDescriptor
          Abstract base class for image descriptors that synthesize an image from other images in order to simulate the effect of custom drawing.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource that return ImageDescriptor
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createFromFile ( Class location, String filename)
          Creates and returns a new image descriptor from a file.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createFromImage ( Image img)
          Creates and returns a new image descriptor for the given image.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createFromImage ( Image img, Device theDevice)
          Deprecated. use createFromImage(Image)
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createFromImageData ( ImageData data)
          Creates and returns a new image descriptor given ImageData describing the image.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createFromURL ( URL url)
          Creates and returns a new image descriptor from a URL.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createWithFlags ( ImageDescriptor originalImage, int swtFlags)
          Creates an ImageDescriptor based on the given original descriptor, but with additional SWT flags.
  ImageDescriptor ImageRegistry. getDescriptor ( String key)
          Returns the descriptor associated with the given key in this registry, or null if none.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. getMissingImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the shared image descriptor for a missing image.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
  Image ResourceManager. createImage ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates an image, given an image descriptor.
  Image ResourceManager. createImageWithDefault ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates an image, given an image descriptor.
static  ImageDescriptor ImageDescriptor. createWithFlags ( ImageDescriptor originalImage, int swtFlags)
          Creates an ImageDescriptor based on the given original descriptor, but with additional SWT flags.
 void ResourceManager. destroyImage ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Undoes everything that was done by ResourceManager.createImage(ImageDescriptor).
 void ImageRegistry. put ( String key, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Adds (or replaces) an image descriptor to this registry.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.viewers

Subclasses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
 class DecorationOverlayIcon
          A DecorationOverlayIcon is an image descriptor that can be used to overlay decoration images on to the 4 corner quadrants of a base image.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.viewers with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void IDecoration. addOverlay ( ImageDescriptor overlay)
          Adds an overlay to the element's image.
 void IDecoration. addOverlay ( ImageDescriptor overlay, int quadrant)
          Adds an overlay to the element's image.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.viewers with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
DecorationOverlayIcon ( Image baseImage, ImageDescriptor[] overlaysArray)
          Create the decoration overlay for the base image using the array of provided overlays.
DecorationOverlayIcon ( Image baseImage, ImageDescriptor[] overlaysArray, Point sizeValue)
          Create the decoration overlay for the base image using the array of provided overlays.
DecorationOverlayIcon ( Image baseImage, ImageDescriptor overlayImage, int quadrant)
          Create a decoration overlay icon that will place the given overlay icon in the given quadrant of the base image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.jface.wizard

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.wizard with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void Wizard. setDefaultPageImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Sets the default page image descriptor for this wizard.
 void WizardPage. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor image)
          The WizardPage implementation of this method declared on DialogPage updates the container if this page is the current page.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.wizard with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
WizardPage ( String pageName, String title, ImageDescriptor titleImage)
          Creates a new wizard page with the given name, title, and image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor TextEditChangeNode. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor used to render this node in the UI.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Methods in that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor ISearchResult. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns an image descriptor for the given ISearchResult.

Methods in with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( IActionGroupFactory groupFactory, String singularLabel, String pluralLabelPattern, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, String pageId, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. Informs the view that a search has started.
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( String pageId, String label, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, IContextMenuContributor contributor, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. As of build > 20011107, replaced by the new version with additional parameter
 void ISearchResultView. searchStarted ( String pageId, String singularLabel, String pluralLabelPattern, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, IContextMenuContributor contributor, ILabelProvider labelProvider, IAction gotoAction, IGroupByKeyComputer groupByKeyComputer, IRunnableWithProgress operation)
          Deprecated. As of build > 20020514, replaced by the new version which provides an action group factory

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Methods in that return ImageDescriptor
static  ImageDescriptor TeamImages. getImageDescriptor ( String id)
          Returns the image descriptor for the given image ID.
static  ImageDescriptor TeamImages. getImageDescriptorFromExtension ( IExtension extension, String subdirectoryAndFilename)
          Convenience method to get an image descriptor for an extension.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Methods in that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor ITeamContentProviderDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Return an image descriptor that can be displayed with this content extension.
  ImageDescriptor ISynchronizationCompareAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( ResourceMapping mapping)
          Return an image descriptor that can be displayed as an icon for the model object of the given resource mapping.
  ImageDescriptor SynchronizationCompareAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( ResourceMapping mapping)

Uses of ImageDescriptor in

Methods in that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor SaveableCompareEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor ISynchronizeParticipantDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor for this participant type.
  ImageDescriptor AbstractSynchronizeParticipant. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor ISynchronizeParticipant. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns an image descriptor for this synchronize participant, or null if none.
  ImageDescriptor ISynchronizeModelElement. getImageDescriptor ( Object element)
          The image descriptor describing the given element.

Methods in with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
protected  void AbstractSynchronizeParticipant. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Sets the image descriptor for this participant to the specified value and notifies property listeners of the change.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor IWorkingSet. getImage ()
          Deprecated. use IWorkingSet.getImageDescriptor() instead
  ImageDescriptor IFileEditorMapping. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the descriptor of the image to use for a file of this type.
abstract   ImageDescriptor Saveable. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor for this saveable.
  ImageDescriptor IEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor for this input.
  ImageDescriptor IEditorDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the descriptor of the image for this editor.
  ImageDescriptor IWorkingSet. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the working set icon.
  ImageDescriptor IPerspectiveDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the descriptor of the image to show for this perspective.
  ImageDescriptor IWorkbenchPartDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the descriptor of the image for this part.
  ImageDescriptor ISharedImages. getImageDescriptor ( String symbolicName)
          Retrieves the image descriptor for specified image from the workbench's image registry.
  ImageDescriptor IEditorRegistry. getImageDescriptor ( String filename)
          Returns the image descriptor associated with a given file.
  ImageDescriptor IEditorRegistry. getImageDescriptor ( String filename, IContentType contentType)
          Returns the image descriptor associated with a given file.
  ImageDescriptor IEditorRegistry. getSystemExternalEditorImageDescriptor ( String filename)
          Returns the image descriptor associated with the system editor that would be used to edit this file externally.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void LabelRetargetAction. setDisabledImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor image)
 void LabelRetargetAction. setHoverImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor image)
 void LabelRetargetAction. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor image)

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.activities

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.activities that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor IWorkbenchActivitySupport. getImageDescriptor ( IActivity activity)
          Return the image associated with this activity.
  ImageDescriptor IWorkbenchActivitySupport. getImageDescriptor ( ICategory category)
          Return the image associated with this category.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.application

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.application with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void IWorkbenchConfigurer. declareImage ( String symbolicName, ImageDescriptor descriptor, boolean shared)
          Declares a workbench image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.commands

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.commands that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor ICommandImageService. getImageDescriptor ( String commandId)
          Retrieves the default image associated with the given command in the default style.
  ImageDescriptor ICommandImageService. getImageDescriptor ( String commandId, int type)
          Retrieves the image of the given type associated with the given command in the default style.
  ImageDescriptor ICommandImageService. getImageDescriptor ( String commandId, int type, String style)
          Retrieves the image of the given type associated with the given command in the given style.
  ImageDescriptor ICommandImageService. getImageDescriptor ( String commandId, String style)
          Retrieves the default image associated with the given command in the given style.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.console

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.console that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor IConsole. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns an image descriptor for this console, or null if none.
  ImageDescriptor AbstractConsole. getImageDescriptor ()
static  ImageDescriptor ConsolePlugin. getImageDescriptor ( String key)
          Returns the ImageDescriptor identified by the given key, or null if it does not exist.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.console with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
protected  void AbstractConsole. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Sets the image descriptor for this console to the specified value and notifies property listeners of the change.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.console with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
AbstractConsole ( String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Constructs a new console with the given name and image.
AbstractConsole ( String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a new console with the given name and image.
AbstractConsole ( String name, String type, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a new console with the given name, type, image and lifecycle.
IOConsole ( String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Constructs a console with the given name and image.
IOConsole ( String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Constructs a console with the given name, type, and image with the workbench's default encoding.
IOConsole ( String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a console with the given name, type, image, and lifecycle, with the workbench's default encoding.
IOConsole ( String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, String encoding, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a console with the given name, type, image, encoding and lifecycle.
MessageConsole ( String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Constructs a message console with the given name and image.
MessageConsole ( String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a message console.
MessageConsole ( String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a message console with the given name, type, image, and lifecycle.
TextConsole ( String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
          Constructs a console with the given name, image descriptor, and lifecycle

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.ide

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor FileStoreEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.menus

Fields in org.eclipse.ui.menus declared as ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor CommandContributionItemParameter. disabledIcon
          A disabled icon for this item.
  ImageDescriptor CommandContributionItemParameter. hoverIcon
          A hover icon for this item.
  ImageDescriptor CommandContributionItemParameter. icon
          An icon for this item.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.menus with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
abstract  void UIElement. setDisabledIcon ( ImageDescriptor desc)
          Update the disabled icon on this UI element.
abstract  void UIElement. setHoverIcon ( ImageDescriptor desc)
          Update the hover icon on this UI element.
abstract  void UIElement. setIcon ( ImageDescriptor desc)
          Update the icon on this UI element.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.menus with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
CommandContributionItem ( IServiceLocator serviceLocator, String id, String commandId, Map parameters, ImageDescriptor icon, ImageDescriptor disabledIcon, ImageDescriptor hoverIcon, String label, String mnemonic, String tooltip, int style)
          Deprecated. create the CommandContributionItemParameter
CommandContributionItemParameter ( IServiceLocator serviceLocator, String id, String commandId, Map parameters, ImageDescriptor icon, ImageDescriptor disabledIcon, ImageDescriptor hoverIcon, String label, String mnemonic, String tooltip, int style, String helpContextId, boolean visibleEnabled)
          Build the parameter object.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.model that return ImageDescriptor
protected   ImageDescriptor WorkbenchLabelProvider. decorateImage ( ImageDescriptor input, Object element)
          Returns an image descriptor that is based on the given descriptor, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided object.
  ImageDescriptor WorkbenchAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( Object object)
          The default implementation of this IWorkbenchAdapter method returns null.
  ImageDescriptor IWorkbenchAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( Object object)
          Returns an image descriptor to be used for displaying an object in the workbench.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.model with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
protected   ImageDescriptor WorkbenchLabelProvider. decorateImage ( ImageDescriptor input, Object element)
          Returns an image descriptor that is based on the given descriptor, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided object.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor MultiEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor FileEditorInput. getImageDescriptor ()
abstract   ImageDescriptor PageSwitcher. getImageDescriptor ( Object page)
          Returns an ImageDescriptor for the page.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.plugin

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.plugin that return ImageDescriptor
static  ImageDescriptor AbstractUIPlugin. imageDescriptorFromPlugin ( String pluginId, String imageFilePath)
          Creates and returns a new image descriptor for an image file located within the specified plug-in.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.progress

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.progress that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor PendingUpdateAdapter. getImageDescriptor ( Object object)

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.progress with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
 void IProgressService. registerIconForFamily ( ImageDescriptor icon, Object family)
          Register the ImageDescriptor to be the icon used for all jobs that belong to family within the workbench.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor TextNavigationAction. getDisabledImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor TextNavigationAction. getHoverImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor TextNavigationAction. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor AbstractTextEditor.TextEditorSavable. getImageDescriptor ()
  ImageDescriptor AnnotationPreference. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the image descriptor for the image to be drawn in the vertical ruler.
  ImageDescriptor IAnnotationImageProvider. getImageDescriptor ( String imageDescritporId)
          Returns the image descriptor for the given symbolic name.
  ImageDescriptor AnnotationPreference. getQuickFixImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the Quick Fix image descriptor for the image to be drawn in the vertical ruler.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type ImageDescriptor
protected static  Image MarkerAnnotation. getImage ( Display display, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.0, visual presentation is no longer supported, annotation with a visible presentation should implement IAnnotationPresentation
 void TextNavigationAction. setDisabledImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void TextNavigationAction. setHoverImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void TextNavigationAction. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor newImage)
 void AnnotationPreference. setImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Sets the image descriptor for the image to be drawn in the vertical ruler.
 void AnnotationPreference. setQuickFixImageDescriptor ( ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          Sets the Quick Fix image descriptor for the image to be drawn in the vertical ruler.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.rulers

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.rulers that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor RulerColumnDescriptor. getIcon ()
          Returns the image descriptor of the described extension, null if it does not have an image.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.views

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor IViewDescriptor. getImageDescriptor ()
          Returns the descriptor for the icon to show for this view.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator that return ImageDescriptor
protected   ImageDescriptor ResourceNavigatorActionGroup. getImageDescriptor ( String relativePath)
          Deprecated. Returns the image descriptor with the given relative path.

Uses of ImageDescriptor in org.eclipse.ui.wizards

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.wizards that return ImageDescriptor
  ImageDescriptor IWizardDescriptor. getDescriptionImage ()
          Return the description image for this wizard.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire