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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFile
org.eclipse.core.filebuffers Provides the API for accessing file buffers. 
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace Package Specification This package specifies the APIs in the Resources plug-in that are used to integrate application models with the workspace. Provides APIs intended to be implemented by the Team component. 
org.eclipse.debug.core Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers Provides implementations of common source containers supporting source lookup. 

Provides a set of interfaces and classes for rendering and annotating text in the debug console. 

org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring Application programmer interface to implement semantic preserving workspace transformations. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants Application programming interface to participant in existing rename, move and delete refactorings if the refactoring provider supports participation. Classes giving access to the file (text) search functionality. Provides the base classes to implement a search result view part for searches with textual matches. Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers. Application programming interfaces for describing the history associated with files. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for generating and refreshing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for managing synchronization state. Application programming interfaces for working with history Package Specification This package specifies the API for providing history pages to the history view. Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection. 

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers

Methods in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers that return IFile
static  IFile FileBuffers. getWorkspaceFileAtLocation ( IPath location)
          Returns the workspace file at the given location or null if the location is not a valid location in the workspace.
static  IFile FileBuffers. getWorkspaceFileAtLocation ( IPath location, boolean isNormalized)
          Returns the workspace file at the given location or null if the location is not a valid location in the workspace.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.core.resources

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources that return IFile
  IFile[] IContainer. findDeletedMembersWithHistory (int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a list of recently deleted files inside this container that have one or more saved states in the local history.
  IFile[] IWorkspaceRoot. findFilesForLocation ( IPath location)
          Deprecated. use IWorkspaceRoot.findFilesForLocationURI(URI) instead
  IFile[] IWorkspaceRoot. findFilesForLocationURI ( URI location)
          Returns the handles of all files that are mapped to the given URI.
  IFile[] IWorkspaceRoot. findFilesForLocationURI ( URI location, int memberFlags)
          Returns the handles of all files that are mapped to the given URI.
  IFile IContainer. getFile ( IPath path)
          Returns a handle to the file identified by the given path in this container.
  IFile IFolder. getFile ( String name)
          Returns a handle to the file with the given name in this folder.
  IFile IProject. getFile ( String name)
          Returns a handle to the file with the given name in this project.
  IFile IWorkspaceRoot. getFileForLocation ( IPath location)
          Returns a handle to the file which is mapped to the given path in the local file system, or null if none.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IFile
  IStatus IWorkspace. validateEdit ( IFile[] files, Object context)
          Advises that the caller intends to modify the contents of the given files in the near future and asks whether modifying all these files would be reasonable.
  IStatus IFileModificationValidator. validateEdit ( IFile[] files, Object context)
          Deprecated. Validates that the given files can be modified.
  IStatus IFileModificationValidator. validateSave ( IFile file)
          Deprecated. Validates that the given file can be saved.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IFile
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. change ( IFile file)
          Record a delta that represents a content change for the given file.
abstract   IStorage RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For three-way comparisons, returns an instance of IStorage in order to allow the caller to access the contents of the base resource that corresponds to the given local resource.
abstract   IStorage RemoteResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns an instance of IStorage in order to allow the caller to access the contents of the remote that corresponds to the given local resource.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
 void IResourceTree. addToLocalHistory ( IFile file)
          Adds the current state of the given file to the local history.
 long IResourceTree. computeTimestamp ( IFile file)
          Computes the timestamp for the given file in the local file system.
 void IResourceTree. deletedFile ( IFile file)
          Declares that the given file has been successfully deleted from the local file system, and requests that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. deleteFile ( IResourceTree tree, IFile file, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a file.
 long IResourceTree. getTimestamp ( IFile file)
          Returns the timestamp for the given file as recorded in the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. movedFile ( IFile source, IFile destination)
          Declares that the given source file has been successfully moved to the given destination in the local file system, and requests that the corresponding changes should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. moveFile ( IResourceTree tree, IFile source, IFile destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a file.
 void IResourceTree. standardDeleteFile ( IFile file, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given file in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardMoveFile ( IFile source, IFile destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given file in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. updateMovedFileTimestamp ( IFile file, long timestamp)
          Updates the timestamp for the given file in the workspace resource tree.
  IStatus TeamHook. validateCreateLink ( IFile file, int updateFlags, IPath location)
          Validates whether a particular attempt at link creation is allowed.
  IStatus TeamHook. validateCreateLink ( IFile file, int updateFlags, URI location)
          Validates whether a particular attempt at link creation is allowed.
abstract   IStatus FileModificationValidator. validateEdit ( IFile[] files, FileModificationValidationContext context)
          Validates that the given files can be modified.
  IStatus FileModificationValidator. validateEdit ( IFile[] files, Object context)
          Deprecated. this method is part of the deprecated IFileModificationValidator interface. Clients should call FileModificationValidator.validateEdit(IFile[], FileModificationValidationContext) instead.
  IStatus FileModificationValidator. validateSave ( IFile file)
          Validates that the given file can be saved.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.debug.core

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core that return IFile
  IFile ILaunchConfiguration. getFile ()
          Returns the file this launch configuration is stored in, or null if this configuration is stored locally with the workspace.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core with parameters of type IFile
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getLaunchConfiguration ( IFile file)
          Returns a handle to the launch configuration contained in the specified file.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers that return IFile
  IFile ArchiveSourceContainer. getFile ()
          Returns the associated file in the workspace.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers with parameters of type IFile
ArchiveSourceContainer ( IFile archive, boolean detectRootPath)
          Creates an archive source container on the given file.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.debug.ui.console

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.ui.console with parameters of type IFile
FileLink ( IFile file, String editorId, int fileOffset, int fileLength, int fileLineNumber)
          Constructs a hyperlink to the specified file.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring that return IFile
  IFile TextFileChange. getFile ()
          Returns the IFile this change is working on.
  IFile FileStatusContext. getFile ()
          Returns the context's file.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring with parameters of type IFile
FileStatusContext ( IFile file, IRegion region)
          Creates an status entry context for the given file and source region.
MultiStateTextFileChange ( String name, IFile file)
          Creates a new composite text file change.
TextFileChange ( String name, IFile file)
          Creates a new TextFileChange for the given file.
UndoTextFileChange ( String name, IFile file, UndoEdit undo, ContentStamp stamp, int saveMode)
          Create a new undo text file change object.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants with parameters of type IFile
 void ValidateEditChecker. addFile ( IFile file)
          Adds the given file to this checker.
 void ValidateEditChecker. addFiles ( IFile[] files)
          Adds the given array of files.
static  RefactoringStatus ResourceChangeChecker. checkFilesToBeChanged ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          A helper method to check a set of changed files.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in that return IFile
  IFile[] TextSearchScope. evaluateFilesInScope ( MultiStatus status)
          Evaluates all files in this scope.
abstract   IFile TextSearchMatchAccess. getFile ()
          Returns the file the match was found in.

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
 boolean TextSearchRequestor. acceptFile ( IFile file)
          Notification sent before search starts in the given file.
 boolean TextSearchRequestor. reportBinaryFile ( IFile file)
          Notification sent that a file might contain binary context.
abstract   IStatus TextSearchEngine. search ( IFile[] scope, TextSearchRequestor requestor, Pattern searchPattern, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Uses a given search pattern to find matches in the content of workspace file resources.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in that return IFile
  IFile IFileMatchAdapter. getFile ( Object element)
          Returns the file associated with the given element (usually the file the element is contained in).

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
  Match[] IFileMatchAdapter. computeContainedMatches ( AbstractTextSearchResult result, IFile file)
          Returns an array with all matches contained in the given file in the given search result.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
static boolean Team. isIgnored ( IFile file)
          Deprecated. use isIgnoredHint instead
static boolean Team. isIgnoredHint ( IFile file)
          Deprecated. use isIgnoredHint(IResource) instead

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
static  IFileRevision FileRevision. getFileRevisionFor ( IFile file)
          Deprecated. This method doesn't do anything useful so it has been deprecated.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in that return IFile
  IFile[] IMergeStatus. getConflictingFiles ()
          Returns the set of file for which an auto-merge was not performed.

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
 void IChangeGroupingRequestor. ensureChangesGrouped ( IProject project, IFile[] files, String nameHint)
          Issue a request to group the provided files together when the changes are committed or checked-in to the repository.
protected  void ChangeTracker. ensureGrouped ( IProject project, String name, IFile[] files)
          Group the given modified file into a change set with the given name.
 boolean IChangeGroupingRequestor. isModified ( IFile file)
          Return whether the given file is modified with respect to the repository.
protected  boolean ChangeTracker. isModified ( IFile file)
          Return whether the given file is modified with respect to the repository provider associated with the file's project.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in that return IFile
  IFile[] MergeStatus. getConflictingFiles ()

Constructors in with parameters of type IFile
MergeStatus ( String pluginId, String message, IFile[] files)
          Create a merge status for reporting that some of the files for which a merge was attempted were not auto-mergable.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
 boolean SubscriberResourceMappingContext. contentDiffers ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStorage SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchBaseContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStorage SubscriberResourceMappingContext. fetchRemoteContents ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
 boolean SyncInfoFilter.ContentComparisonSyncInfoFilter. compareContents ( IFile local, IResourceVariant remote, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Compare the contents of the local file and its variant.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in that return IFile
protected abstract   IFile ElementLocalHistoryPageSource. getFile ( Object element)
          Return the file that contains the given element of null if this page source can not show history for the given element.

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
static  ITypedElement ElementLocalHistoryPageSource. getPreviousEdition ( IFile file, Object element)
          Return the previous edition from the local history of the given element located in the given file.
static  AbstractDecoratedTextEditor RevisionAnnotationController. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile file)
          Open a text editor that supports the use of a revision ruler on the given file.

Constructors in with parameters of type IFile
RevisionAnnotationController ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile file, ISelectionProvider historyList)
          Create a controller that links an editor on a local file to a history list.

Uses of IFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IFile
static  ITypedElement SaveableCompareEditorInput. createFileElement ( IFile file)
          Return a typed element that represents a local file.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that return IFile
  IFile IFileEditorInput. getFile ()
          Returns the file resource underlying this editor input.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions that return IFile
protected   IFile CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation. getFile ( IResource resource)
          Returns the resource either casted to or adapted to an IFile.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that return IFile
protected   IFile WizardNewFileCreationPage. createFileHandle ( IPath filePath)
          Creates a file resource handle for the file with the given workspace path.
  IFile WizardNewFileCreationPage. createNewFile ()
          Creates a new file resource in the selected container and with the selected name.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IFile
protected  void WizardNewFileCreationPage. createFile ( IFile fileHandle, InputStream contents, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, use or override WizardNewFileCreationPage.createNewFile() which uses the undoable operation support. To supply customized file content for a subclass, use WizardNewFileCreationPage.getInitialContents().
 void SaveAsDialog. setOriginalFile ( IFile originalFile)
          Sets the original file to use.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text that return IFile
protected   IFile[] FileBufferOperationHandler. collectFiles ( IResource[] resources)
          Collects the files out of the given resources.
protected   IFile[] FileBufferOperationAction. collectFiles ( IResource[] resources)
protected   IFile FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer. getFile ()
          Returns the file wrapped by the file editor input.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IFile
protected   IAnnotationModel TextFileDocumentProvider. createAnnotationModel ( IFile file)
          Creates and returns the annotation model for the given file.
protected  void TextFileDocumentProvider. createFileFromDocument ( IProgressMonitor monitor, IFile file, IDocument document)
          Creates the given file with the given document content.
protected  void FileBufferOperationHandler. doRun ( IFile[] files, IPath location, IFileBufferOperation fileBufferOperation)
          Runs the given operation.
protected  void FileBufferOperationAction. doRun ( IFile[] files, IPath location, IFileBufferOperation fileBufferOperation)
protected   IPath[] FileBufferOperationHandler. generateLocations ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Generates the file buffer locations out of the given files.
protected   IPath[] FileBufferOperationAction. generateLocations ( IFile[] files, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. readUTF8BOM ( IFile file, String encoding, Object element)
          Deprecated. as of 3.0 this method is no longer in use and does nothing
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. refreshFile ( IFile file)
          Refreshes the given file resource.
protected  void FileDocumentProvider. refreshFile ( IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the given file resource.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.ide

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide that return IFile
static  IFile ResourceUtil. getFile ( IEditorInput editorInput)
          Returns the file corresponding to the given editor input, or null if there is no applicable file.
static  IFile ResourceUtil. getFile ( Object element)
          Returns the file corresponding to the given model element, or null if there is no applicable file.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide with parameters of type IFile
static  IEditorPart ResourceUtil. findEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile file)
          Returns the editor in the given page whose input represents the given file, or null if there is no such editor.
static  IContentType IDE. getContentType ( IFile file)
          Return the content type for the given file.
static  IEditorDescriptor IDE. getDefaultEditor ( IFile file)
          Returns the default editor for a given file.
static  IEditorDescriptor IDE. getDefaultEditor ( IFile file, boolean determineContentType)
          Returns the default editor for a given file.
static  IEditorDescriptor IDE. getEditorDescriptor ( IFile file)
          Returns an editor descriptor appropriate for opening the given file resource.
static  IEditorDescriptor IDE. getEditorDescriptor ( IFile file, boolean determineContentType)
          Returns an editor descriptor appropriate for opening the given file resource.
static  IContentType IDE. guessContentType ( IFile file)
          Guess at the content type of the given file based on the filename.
static  IEditorPart IDE. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile input)
          Opens an editor on the given file resource.
static  IEditorPart IDE. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile input, boolean activate)
          Opens an editor on the given file resource.
static  IEditorPart IDE. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile input, boolean activate, boolean determineContentType)
          Opens an editor on the given file resource.
static  IEditorPart IDE. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile input, String editorId)
          Opens an editor on the given file resource.
static  IEditorPart IDE. openEditor ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile input, String editorId, boolean activate)
          Opens an editor on the given file resource.
static  IEditorReference[] IDE. openEditors ( IWorkbenchPage page, IFile[] inputs)
          Opens editors on given file resources.
static void IDE. setDefaultEditor ( IFile file, String editorID)
          Sets the default editor id for a given file.

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo with parameters of type IFile
CreateFileOperation ( IFile fileHandle, URI linkLocation, InputStream contents, String label)
          Create a CreateFileOperation

Uses of IFile in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part that return IFile
  IFile FileEditorInput. getFile ()

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part with parameters of type IFile
static boolean FileEditorInput. isLocalFile ( IFile file)
          Return whether or not file is local.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.part with parameters of type IFile
FileEditorInput ( IFile file)
          Creates an editor input based of the given file resource.
FileInPlaceEditorInput ( IFile file)
          Creates an in-place editor input based on a file resource.

Uses of IFile in

Constructors in with parameters of type IFile
FilePropertySource ( IFile file)
          Creates an property source for a file resource.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire