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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IPath

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPath
extends Cloneable

A path is an ordered collection of string segments, separated by a standard separator character, "/". A path may also have a leading and/or a trailing separator. Paths may also be prefixed by an optional device id, which includes the character(s) which separate the device id from the rest of the path. For example, "C:" and "Server/Volume:" are typical device ids. A device independent path has null for a device id.

Note that paths are value objects; all operations on paths return a new path; the path that is operated on is unscathed.

UNC paths are denoted by leading double-slashes such as //Server/Volume/My/Path. When a new path is constructed all double-slashes are removed except those appearing at the beginning of the path.

This interface can be used without OSGi running.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Field Summary
          Device separator character constant ":" used in paths.
static char SEPARATOR
          Path separator character constant "/" used in paths.
Method Summary
  IPath addFileExtension ( String extension)
          Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the given file extension added.
  IPath addTrailingSeparator ()
          Returns a path with the same segments as this path but with a trailing separator added.
  IPath append ( IPath path)
          Returns the canonicalized path obtained from the concatenation of the given path's segments to the end of this path.
  IPath append ( String path)
          Returns the canonicalized path obtained from the concatenation of the given string path to the end of this path.
  Object clone ()
          Returns a copy of this path.
 boolean equals ( Object obj)
          Returns whether this path equals the given object.
  String getDevice ()
          Returns the device id for this path, or null if this path has no device id.
  String getFileExtension ()
          Returns the file extension portion of this path, or null if there is none.
 boolean hasTrailingSeparator ()
          Returns whether this path has a trailing separator.
 boolean isAbsolute ()
          Returns whether this path is an absolute path (ignoring any device id).
 boolean isEmpty ()
          Returns whether this path has no segments and is not a root path.
 boolean isPrefixOf ( IPath anotherPath)
          Returns whether this path is a prefix of the given path.
 boolean isRoot ()
          Returns whether this path is a root path.
 boolean isUNC ()
          Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this path is considered to be in UNC form.
 boolean isValidPath ( String path)
          Returns whether the given string is syntactically correct as a path.
 boolean isValidSegment ( String segment)
          Returns whether the given string is valid as a segment in a path.
  String lastSegment ()
          Returns the last segment of this path, or null if it does not have any segments.
  IPath makeAbsolute ()
          Returns an absolute path with the segments and device id of this path.
  IPath makeRelative ()
          Returns a relative path with the segments and device id of this path.
  IPath makeRelativeTo ( IPath base)
          Returns a path equivalent to this path, but relative to the given base path if possible.
  IPath makeUNC (boolean toUNC)
          Return a new path which is the equivalent of this path converted to UNC form (if the given boolean is true) or this path not as a UNC path (if the given boolean is false).
 int matchingFirstSegments ( IPath anotherPath)
          Returns a count of the number of segments which match in this path and the given path (device ids are ignored), comparing in increasing segment number order.
  IPath removeFileExtension ()
          Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the file extension removed.
  IPath removeFirstSegments (int count)
          Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the beginning.
  IPath removeLastSegments (int count)
          Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the end.
  IPath removeTrailingSeparator ()
          Returns a path with the same segments as this path but with a trailing separator removed.
  String segment (int index)
          Returns the specified segment of this path, or null if the path does not have such a segment.
 int segmentCount ()
          Returns the number of segments in this path.
  String[] segments ()
          Returns the segments in this path in order.
  IPath setDevice ( String device)
          Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the given device id.
  File toFile ()
          Returns a corresponding to this path.
  String toOSString ()
          Returns a string representation of this path which uses the platform-dependent path separator defined by
  String toPortableString ()
          Returns a platform-neutral string representation of this path.
  String toString ()
          Returns a string representation of this path, including its device id.
  IPath uptoSegment (int count)
          Returns a copy of this path truncated after the given number of segments.

Field Detail


static final char SEPARATOR
Path separator character constant "/" used in paths.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final char DEVICE_SEPARATOR
Device separator character constant ":" used in paths.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


IPath addFileExtension(
String extension)
Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the given file extension added. If this path is empty, root or has a trailing separator, this path is returned. If this path already has an extension, the existing extension is left and the given extension simply appended. Clients wishing to replace the current extension should first remove the extension and then add the desired one.

The file extension portion is defined as the string following the last period (".") character in the last segment. The given extension should not include a leading ".".

extension - the file extension to append
the new path


IPath addTrailingSeparator()
Returns a path with the same segments as this path but with a trailing separator added. This path must have at least one segment.

If this path already has a trailing separator, this path is returned.

the new path
See Also:
hasTrailingSeparator(), removeTrailingSeparator()


IPath append(
String path)
Returns the canonicalized path obtained from the concatenation of the given string path to the end of this path. The given string path must be a valid path. If it has a trailing separator, the result will have a trailing separator. The device id of this path is preserved (the one of the given string is ignored). Duplicate slashes are removed from the path except at the beginning where the path is considered to be UNC.

path - the string path to concatenate
the new path
See Also:


IPath append(
IPath path)
Returns the canonicalized path obtained from the concatenation of the given path's segments to the end of this path. If the given path has a trailing separator, the result will have a trailing separator. The device id of this path is preserved (the one of the given path is ignored). Duplicate slashes are removed from the path except at the beginning where the path is considered to be UNC.

path - the path to concatenate
the new path


Object clone()
Returns a copy of this path.

the cloned path


boolean equals(
Object obj)
Returns whether this path equals the given object.

Equality for paths is defined to be: same sequence of segments, same absolute/relative status, and same device. Trailing separators are disregarded. Paths are not generally considered equal to objects other than paths.

equals in class Object
obj - the other object
true if the paths are equivalent, and false if they are not


String getDevice()
Returns the device id for this path, or null if this path has no device id. Note that the result will end in ':'.

the device id, or null
See Also:


String getFileExtension()
Returns the file extension portion of this path, or null if there is none.

The file extension portion is defined as the string following the last period (".") character in the last segment. If there is no period in the last segment, the path has no file extension portion. If the last segment ends in a period, the file extension portion is the empty string.

the file extension or null


boolean hasTrailingSeparator()
Returns whether this path has a trailing separator.

Note: In the root path ("/"), the separator is considered to be leading rather than trailing.

true if this path has a trailing separator, and false otherwise
See Also:
addTrailingSeparator(), removeTrailingSeparator()


boolean isAbsolute()
Returns whether this path is an absolute path (ignoring any device id).

Absolute paths start with a path separator. A root path, like / or C:/, is considered absolute. UNC paths are always absolute.

true if this path is an absolute path, and false otherwise


boolean isEmpty()
Returns whether this path has no segments and is not a root path.

true if this path is empty, and false otherwise


boolean isPrefixOf(
IPath anotherPath)
Returns whether this path is a prefix of the given path. To be a prefix, this path's segments must appear in the argument path in the same order, and their device ids must match.

An empty path is a prefix of all paths with the same device; a root path is a prefix of all absolute paths with the same device.

anotherPath - the other path
true if this path is a prefix of the given path, and false otherwise


boolean isRoot()
Returns whether this path is a root path.

The root path is the absolute non-UNC path with zero segments; e.g., / or C:/. The separator is considered a leading separator, not a trailing one.

true if this path is a root path, and false otherwise


boolean isUNC()
Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not this path is considered to be in UNC form. Return false if this path has a device set or if the first 2 characters of the path string are not Path.SEPARATOR.

boolean indicating if this path is UNC


boolean isValidPath(
String path)
Returns whether the given string is syntactically correct as a path. The device id is the prefix up to and including the device separator for the local file system; the path proper is everything to the right of it, or the entire string if there is no device separator. When the platform location is a file system with no meaningful device separator, the entire string is treated as the path proper. The device id is not checked for validity; the path proper is correct if each of the segments in its canonicalized form is valid.

path - the path to check
true if the given string is a valid path, and false otherwise
See Also:


boolean isValidSegment(
String segment)
Returns whether the given string is valid as a segment in a path. The rules for valid segments are as follows:
  • the empty string is not valid
  • any string containing the slash character ('/') is not valid
  • any string containing segment or device separator characters on the local file system, such as the backslash ('\') and colon (':') on some file systems.

segment - the path segment to check
true if the given path segment is valid, and false otherwise


String lastSegment()
Returns the last segment of this path, or null if it does not have any segments.

the last segment of this path, or null


IPath makeAbsolute()
Returns an absolute path with the segments and device id of this path. Absolute paths start with a path separator. If this path is absolute, it is simply returned.

the new path


IPath makeRelative()
Returns a relative path with the segments and device id of this path. Absolute paths start with a path separator and relative paths do not. If this path is relative, it is simply returned.

the new path


IPath makeRelativeTo(
IPath base)
Returns a path equivalent to this path, but relative to the given base path if possible.

The path is only made relative if the base path if both paths have the same device and have a non-zero length common prefix. If the paths have different devices, or no common prefix, then this path is simply returned. If the path is successfully made relative, then appending the returned path to the base will always produce a path equal to this path.

base - The base path to make this path relative to
A path relative to the base path, or this path if it could not be made relative to the given base
org.eclipse.equinox.common 3.5


IPath makeUNC(boolean toUNC)
Return a new path which is the equivalent of this path converted to UNC form (if the given boolean is true) or this path not as a UNC path (if the given boolean is false). If UNC, the returned path will not have a device and the first 2 characters of the path string will be Path.SEPARATOR. If not UNC, the first 2 characters of the returned path string will not be Path.SEPARATOR.

toUNC - true if converting to UNC, false otherwise
the new path, either in UNC form or not depending on the boolean parameter


int matchingFirstSegments(
IPath anotherPath)
Returns a count of the number of segments which match in this path and the given path (device ids are ignored), comparing in increasing segment number order.

anotherPath - the other path
the number of matching segments


IPath removeFileExtension()
Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the file extension removed. If this path does not have an extension, this path is returned.

The file extension portion is defined as the string following the last period (".") character in the last segment. If there is no period in the last segment, the path has no file extension portion. If the last segment ends in a period, the file extension portion is the empty string.

the new path


IPath removeFirstSegments(int count)
Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the beginning. The device id is preserved. The number must be greater or equal zero. If the count is zero, this path is returned. The resulting path will always be a relative path with respect to this path. If the number equals or exceeds the number of segments in this path, an empty relative path is returned.

count - the number of segments to remove
the new path


IPath removeLastSegments(int count)
Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the end. The device id is preserved. The number must be greater or equal zero. If the count is zero, this path is returned.

If this path has a trailing separator, it will still have a trailing separator after the last segments are removed (assuming there are some segments left). If there is no trailing separator, the result will not have a trailing separator. If the number equals or exceeds the number of segments in this path, a path with no segments is returned.

count - the number of segments to remove
the new path


IPath removeTrailingSeparator()
Returns a path with the same segments as this path but with a trailing separator removed. Does nothing if this path does not have at least one segment. The device id is preserved.

If this path does not have a trailing separator, this path is returned.

the new path
See Also:
addTrailingSeparator(), hasTrailingSeparator()


String segment(int index)
Returns the specified segment of this path, or null if the path does not have such a segment.

index - the 0-based segment index
the specified segment, or null


int segmentCount()
Returns the number of segments in this path.

Note that both root and empty paths have 0 segments.

the number of segments


String[] segments()
Returns the segments in this path in order.

an array of string segments


IPath setDevice(
String device)
Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the given device id. The device id must end with a ":". A device independent path is obtained by passing null.

For example, "C:" and "Server/Volume:" are typical device ids.

device - the device id or null
a new path
See Also:


File toFile()
Returns a corresponding to this path.

the file corresponding to this path


String toOSString()
Returns a string representation of this path which uses the platform-dependent path separator defined by This method is like toString() except that the latter always uses the same separator (/) regardless of platform.

This string is suitable for passing to

a platform-dependent string representation of this path


String toPortableString()
Returns a platform-neutral string representation of this path. The format is not specified, except that the resulting string can be passed back to the Path#fromPortableString(String) constructor to produce the exact same path on any platform.

This string is suitable for passing to Path#fromPortableString(String).

a platform-neutral string representation of this path
See Also:


String toString()
Returns a string representation of this path, including its device id. The same separator, "/", is used on all platforms.

Example result strings (without and with device id):

This string is suitable for passing to Path(String).

toString in class Object
a string representation of this path
See Also:


IPath uptoSegment(int count)
Returns a copy of this path truncated after the given number of segments. The number must not be negative. The device id is preserved.

If this path has a trailing separator, the result will too (assuming there are some segments left). If there is no trailing separator, the result will not have a trailing separator. Copying up to segment zero simply means making an copy with no path segments.

count - the segment number at which to truncate the path
the new path

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire