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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IProject

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IContainer, IResource, ISchedulingRule

public interface IProject
extends IContainer, IAdaptable

A project is a type of resource which groups resources into buildable, reusable units.

Features of projects include:

  • A project collects together a set of files and folders.
  • A project's location controls where the project's resources are stored in the local file system.
  • A project's build spec controls how building is done on the project.
  • A project can carry session and persistent properties.
  • A project can be open or closed; a closed project is passive and has a minimal in-memory footprint.
  • A project can carry references to other projects.
  • A project can have one or more project natures.

Projects implement the IAdaptable interface; extensions are managed by the platform's adapter manager.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.resources. IContainer
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.resources. IResource
Method Summary
 void build (int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds this project.
 void build (int kind, String builderName, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Invokes the build method of the specified builder for this project.
 void close ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Closes this project.
 void create ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace with files in the default location in the local file system.
 void create ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description.
 void create ( IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description.
 void delete (boolean deleteContent, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this project from the workspace.
  IContentTypeMatcher getContentTypeMatcher ()
          Returns this project's content type matcher.
  IProjectDescription getDescription ()
          Returns the description for this project.
  IFile getFile ( String name)
          Returns a handle to the file with the given name in this project.
  IFolder getFolder ( String name)
          Returns a handle to the folder with the given name in this project.
  IProjectNature getNature ( String natureId)
          Returns the specified project nature for this project or null if the project nature has not been added to this project.
  IPath getPluginWorkingLocation ( IPluginDescriptor plugin)
          Deprecated. Use IProject.getWorkingLocation(plugin.getUniqueIdentifier()).
  IProject[] getReferencedProjects ()
          Returns the projects referenced by this project.
  IProject[] getReferencingProjects ()
          Returns the list of all open projects which reference this project.
  IPath getWorkingLocation ( String id)
          Returns the location in the local file system of the project-specific working data area for use by the bundle/plug-in with the given identifier, or null if the project does not exist.
 boolean hasNature ( String natureId)
          Returns whether the project nature specified by the given nature extension id has been added to this project.
 boolean isNatureEnabled ( String natureId)
          Returns true if the project nature specified by the given nature extension id is enabled for this project, and false otherwise.
 boolean isOpen ()
          Returns whether this project is open.
 void move ( IProjectDescription description, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames this project so that it is located at the name in the given description.
 void open (int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Opens this project.
 void open ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Opens this project.
 void setDescription ( IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
 void setDescription ( IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.resources. IContainer
exists, findDeletedMembersWithHistory, findMember, findMember, findMember, findMember, getDefaultCharset, getDefaultCharset, getFile, getFolder, members, members, members, setDefaultCharset, setDefaultCharset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.resources. IResource
accept, accept, accept, accept, clearHistory, copy, copy, copy, copy, createMarker, createProxy, delete, delete, deleteMarkers, equals, exists, findMarker, findMarkers, findMaxProblemSeverity, getFileExtension, getFullPath, getLocalTimeStamp, getLocation, getLocationURI, getMarker, getModificationStamp, getName, getParent, getPersistentProperties, getPersistentProperty, getProject, getProjectRelativePath, getRawLocation, getRawLocationURI, getResourceAttributes, getSessionProperties, getSessionProperty, getType, getWorkspace, isAccessible, isDerived, isDerived, isHidden, isHidden, isLinked, isLinked, isLocal, isPhantom, isReadOnly, isSynchronized, isTeamPrivateMember, isTeamPrivateMember, move, move, move, move, refreshLocal, revertModificationStamp, setDerived, setHidden, setLocal, setLocalTimeStamp, setPersistentProperty, setReadOnly, setResourceAttributes, setSessionProperty, setTeamPrivateMember, touch
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime. IAdaptable
Methods inherited from interface ISchedulingRule
contains, isConflicting

Method Detail


void build(int kind,
String builderName,
Map args,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Invokes the build method of the specified builder for this project. Does nothing if this project is closed. If this project has multiple builders on its build spec matching the given name, only the first matching builder will be run.

The builder name is declared in the extension that plugs in to the standard extension point. The arguments are builder specific.

This method may change resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

kind - the kind of build being requested. Valid values are:
builderName - the name of the builder
args - a table of builder-specific arguments keyed by argument name (key type: String, value type: String); null is equivalent to an empty map
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if the build fails. The status contained in the exception may be a generic IResourceStatus.BUILD_FAILED code, but it could also be any other status code; it might also be a MultiStatus.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IProjectDescription,, Map, IProgressMonitor), IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD, IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD, IResourceRuleFactory.buildRule()


void build(int kind,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Builds this project. Does nothing if the project is closed.

Building a project involves executing the commands found in this project's build spec.

This method may change resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

kind - the kind of build being requested. Valid values are:
  • IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD - indicates a full build.
  • IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD - indicates an incremental build.
  • CLEAN_BUILD- indicates a clean request. Clean does not actually build anything, but rather discards all problems and build states.
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if the build fails. The status contained in the exception may be a generic BUILD_FAILED code, but it could also be any other status code; it might also be a multi-status.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IProjectDescription, IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD, IResourceRuleFactory.buildRule()


void close(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Closes this project. The project need not be open. Closing a closed project does nothing.

Closing a project involves ensuring that all important project-related state is safely stored on disk, and then discarding the in-memory representation of its resources and other volatile state, including session properties. After this method, the project continues to exist in the workspace but its member resources (and their members, etc.) do not. A closed project can later be re-opened.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event that includes an indication that this project has been closed and its members have been removed.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This resource does not exist.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
open(IProgressMonitor), isOpen(), IResourceRuleFactory.modifyRule(IResource)


void create(
IProjectDescription description,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description. Upon successful completion, the project will exist but be closed.

Newly created projects have no session or persistent properties.

If the project content area given in the project description does not contain a project description file, a project description file is written in the project content area with the natures, build spec, comment, and referenced projects as specified in the given project description. If there is an existing project description file, it is not overwritten. In either case, this method does not cause natures to be configured.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that the project has been added to the workspace.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

description - the project description
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project already exists in the workspace.
  • The name of this resource is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateName).
  • The project location is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation).
  • The project description file could not be created in the project content area.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation(IProject, IPath), IResourceRuleFactory.createRule(IResource)


void create(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates a new project resource in the workspace with files in the default location in the local file system. Upon successful completion, the project will exist but be closed.

Newly created projects have no session or persistent properties.

If the project content area does not contain a project description file, an initial project description file is written in the project content area with the following information:

  • no references to other projects
  • no natures
  • an empty build spec
  • an empty comment
If there is an existing project description file, it is not overwritten.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this project has been added to the workspace.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project already exists in the workspace.
  • The name of this resource is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateName).
  • The project location is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation).
  • The project description file could not be created in the project content area.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation(IProject, IPath), IResourceRuleFactory.createRule(IResource)


void create(
IProjectDescription description,
            int updateFlags,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description. Upon successful completion, the project will exist but be closed.

Newly created projects have no session or persistent properties.

If the project content area given in the project description does not contain a project description file, a project description file is written in the project content area with the natures, build spec, comment, and referenced projects as specified in the given project description. If there is an existing project description file, it is not overwritten. In either case, this method does not cause natures to be configured.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that the project has been added to the workspace.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

The IResource.HIDDEN update flag indicates that this resource should immediately be set as a hidden resource. Specifying this flag is equivalent to atomically calling IResource.setHidden(boolean) with a value of true immediately after creating the resource.

Update flags other than those listed above are ignored.

description - the project description
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project already exists in the workspace.
  • The name of this resource is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateName).
  • The project location is not valid (according to IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation).
  • The project description file could not be created in the project content area.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IWorkspace.validateProjectLocation(IProject, IPath), IResourceRuleFactory.createRule(IResource)


void delete(boolean deleteContent,
            boolean force,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Deletes this project from the workspace. No action is taken if this project does not exist.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

        | (force ? FORCE : IResource.NONE),

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

deleteContent - a flag controlling how whether content is aggressively deleted
force - a flag controlling whether resources that are not in sync with the local file system will be tolerated
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project could not be deleted.
  • This project's contents could not be deleted.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IResource.delete(int, IProgressMonitor), open(IProgressMonitor), close(IProgressMonitor), IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor), IResourceRuleFactory.deleteRule(IResource)


IContentTypeMatcher getContentTypeMatcher()
Returns this project's content type matcher. This content type matcher takes project specific preferences and nature-content type associations into account.

the content type matcher for this project
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.
See Also:


IProjectDescription getDescription()
Returns the description for this project. The returned value is a copy and cannot be used to modify this project. The returned value is suitable for use in creating, copying and moving other projects.

the description for this project
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.
See Also:
create(IProgressMonitor), create(IProjectDescription, IProgressMonitor), IResource.copy(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor), move(IProjectDescription, boolean, IProgressMonitor)


IFile getFile(
String name)
Returns a handle to the file with the given name in this project.

This is a resource handle operation; neither the resource nor the result need exist in the workspace. The validation check on the resource name/path is not done when the resource handle is constructed; rather, it is done automatically as the resource is created.

name - the string name of the member file
the (handle of the) member file
See Also:


IFolder getFolder(
String name)
Returns a handle to the folder with the given name in this project.

This is a resource handle operation; neither the container nor the result need exist in the workspace. The validation check on the resource name/path is not done when the resource handle is constructed; rather, it is done automatically as the resource is created.

name - the string name of the member folder
the (handle of the) member folder
See Also:


IProjectNature getNature(
String natureId)
Returns the specified project nature for this project or null if the project nature has not been added to this project. Clients may downcast to a more concrete type for more nature-specific methods. The documentation for a project nature specifies any such additional protocol.

This may cause the plug-in that provides the given nature to be activated.

natureId - the fully qualified nature extension identifier, formed by combining the nature extension id with the id of the declaring plug-in. (e.g. "com.example.acmeplugin.coolnature")
the project nature object
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.
  • The project nature extension could not be found.


IPath getPluginWorkingLocation(
IPluginDescriptor plugin)
Deprecated. Use IProject.getWorkingLocation(plugin.getUniqueIdentifier()).

Returns the location in the local file system of the project-specific working data area for use by the given plug-in or null if the project does not exist.

The content, structure, and management of this area is the responsibility of the plug-in. This area is deleted when the project is deleted.

This project needs to exist but does not need to be open.

plugin - the plug-in
a local file system path


IPath getWorkingLocation(
String id)
Returns the location in the local file system of the project-specific working data area for use by the bundle/plug-in with the given identifier, or null if the project does not exist.

The content, structure, and management of this area is the responsibility of the bundle/plug-in. This area is deleted when the project is deleted.

This project needs to exist but does not need to be open.

id - the bundle or plug-in's identifier
a local file system path


IProject[] getReferencedProjects()
Returns the projects referenced by this project. This includes both the static and dynamic references of this project. The returned projects need not exist in the workspace. The result will not contain duplicates. Returns an empty array if there are no referenced projects.

a list of projects
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.
See Also:
IProjectDescription.getReferencedProjects(), IProjectDescription.getDynamicReferences()


IProject[] getReferencingProjects()
Returns the list of all open projects which reference this project. This project may or may not exist. Returns an empty array if there are no referencing projects.

a list of open projects referencing this project


boolean hasNature(
String natureId)
Returns whether the project nature specified by the given nature extension id has been added to this project.

natureId - the nature extension identifier
true if the project has the given nature
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.


boolean isNatureEnabled(
String natureId)
Returns true if the project nature specified by the given nature extension id is enabled for this project, and false otherwise.

    Reasons for a nature not to be enabled include:
  • The nature is not available in the install.
  • The nature has not been added to this project.
  • The nature has a prerequisite that is not enabled for this project.
  • The nature specifies "one-of-nature" membership in a set, and there is another nature on this project belonging to that set.
  • The prerequisites for the nature form a cycle.

natureId - the nature extension identifier
true if the given nature is enabled for this project
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist.
  • This project is not open.
See Also:


boolean isOpen()
Returns whether this project is open.

A project must be opened before it can be manipulated. A closed project is passive and has a minimal memory footprint; a closed project has no members.

true if this project is open, false if this project is closed or does not exist
See Also:
open(IProgressMonitor), close(IProgressMonitor)


void move(
IProjectDescription description,
          boolean force,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Renames this project so that it is located at the name in the given description.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

   move(description, (force ? FORCE : IResource.NONE), monitor);

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event that will include an indication that the resource has been removed from its parent and that a corresponding resource has been added to its new parent. Additional information provided with resource delta shows that these additions and removals are related.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

description - the description for the destination project
force - a flag controlling whether resources that are not in sync with the local file system will be tolerated
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this resource could not be moved. Reasons include:
  • This resource is not accessible.
  • This resource or one of its descendents is not local.
  • This resource or one of its descendents is out of sync with the local file system and force is false.
  • The workspace and the local file system are out of sync at the destination resource or one of its descendents.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
IResourceDelta.getFlags(), IResource.move(IProjectDescription,int,IProgressMonitor), IResourceRuleFactory.moveRule(IResource, IResource)


void open(int updateFlags,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Opens this project. No action is taken if the project is already open.

Opening a project constructs an in-memory representation of its resources from information stored on disk.

The BACKGROUND_REFRESH update flag controls how this method behaves when a project is opened for the first time on a location that has existing resources on disk. If this flag is specified, resources on disk will be added to the project in the background after this method returns. Child resources of the project may not be available until this background refresh completes. If this flag is not specified, resources on disk are added to the project in the foreground before this method returns.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event that includes an indication that the project has been opened and its resources have been added to the tree. If the BACKGROUND_REFRESH update flag is specified, multiple resource change events may occur as resources on disk are discovered and added to the tree.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
close(IProgressMonitor), IResource.BACKGROUND_REFRESH, IResourceRuleFactory.modifyRule(IResource)


void open(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Opens this project. No action is taken if the project is already open.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to open(IResource.NONE, monitor).

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event that includes an indication that the project has been opened and its resources have been added to the tree.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
close(IProgressMonitor), IResourceRuleFactory.modifyRule(IResource)


void setDescription(
IProjectDescription description,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Changes this project resource to match the given project description. This project should exist and be open.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

   setDescription(description, KEEP_HISTORY, monitor);

This method requires the IWorkspaceRoot scheduling rule.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that the project's content has changed.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

description - the project description
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist in the workspace.
  • This project is not open.
  • The location in the local file system corresponding to the project description file is occupied by a directory.
  • The workspace is out of sync with the project description file in the local file system .
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
  • The file modification validator disallowed the change.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
getDescription(), IProjectNature.configure(), IProjectNature.deconfigure(), setDescription(IProjectDescription,int,IProgressMonitor)


void setDescription(
IProjectDescription description,
                    int updateFlags,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Changes this project resource to match the given project description. This project should exist and be open.

The given project description is used to change the project's natures, build spec, comment, and referenced projects. The name and location of a project cannot be changed using this method; these settings in the project description are ignored. To change a project's name or location, use IResource.move(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor). The project's session and persistent properties are not affected.

If the new description includes nature ids of natures that the project did not have before, these natures will be configured in automatically, which involves instantiating the project nature and calling IProjectNature.configure() on it. An internal reference to the nature object is retained, and will be returned on subsequent calls to getNature for the specified nature id. Similarly, any natures the project had which are no longer required will be automatically de-configured by calling IProjectNature.deconfigure() on the nature object and letting go of the internal reference to it.

The FORCE update flag controls how this method deals with cases where the workspace is not completely in sync with the local file system. If FORCE is not specified, the method will only attempt to overwrite the project's description file in the local file system provided it is in sync with the workspace. This option ensures there is no unintended data loss; it is the recommended setting. However, if FORCE is specified, an attempt will be made to write the project description file in the local file system, overwriting any existing one if need be.

The KEEP_HISTORY update flag controls whether or not a copy of current contents of the project description file should be captured in the workspace's local history. The local history mechanism serves as a safety net to help the user recover from mistakes that might otherwise result in data loss. Specifying KEEP_HISTORY is recommended. Note that local history is maintained with each individual project, and gets discarded when a project is deleted from the workspace.

The AVOID_NATURE_CONFIG update flag controls whether or not added and removed natures should be configured or de-configured. If this flag is not specified, then added natures will be configured and removed natures will be de-configured. If this flag is specified, natures can still be added or removed, but they will not be configured or de-configured.

The scheduling rule required for this operation depends on the AVOID_NATURE_CONFIG flag. If the flag is specified the IResourceRuleFactory.modifyRule(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource) is required; If the flag is not specified, the IWorkspaceRoot scheduling rule is required.

Update flags other than FORCE, KEEP_HISTORY, and AVOID_NATURE_CONFIG are ignored.

Prior to modifying the project description file, the file modification validator (if provided by the Team plug-in), will be given a chance to perform any last minute preparations. Validation is performed by calling IFileModificationValidator.validateSave on the project description file. If the validation fails, then this operation will fail.

This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that the project's content has changed.

This method is long-running; progress and cancellation are provided by the given progress monitor.

description - the project description
updateFlags - bit-wise or of update flag constants (FORCE, KEEP_HISTORY and AVOID_NATURE_CONFIG)
monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
  • This project does not exist in the workspace.
  • This project is not open.
  • The location in the local file system corresponding to the project description file is occupied by a directory.
  • The workspace is not in sync with the project description file in the local file system and FORCE is not specified.
  • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
  • The file modification validator disallowed the change.
OperationCanceledException - if the operation is canceled. Cancelation can occur even if no progress monitor is provided.
See Also:
getDescription(), IProjectNature.configure(), IProjectNature.deconfigure(), IResource.FORCE, IResource.KEEP_HISTORY, IResource.AVOID_NATURE_CONFIG, IResourceRuleFactory.modifyRule(IResource)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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