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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5


Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings.


Interface Summary
IChangeGroupingRequestor Interface used to allow model tooling to request that a particular set of modified files be committed together to the repository.
IMergeContext Provides the context for an IResourceMappingMerger or a model specific synchronization view that supports merging. * The diff tree associated with this context may be updated asynchronously in response to calls to any method of this context (e.g. merge and markAsMerged methods) that may result in changes in the synchronization state of resources.
IMergeStatus A special status that is returned when the return code of the merge method is CONFLICTS.
IResourceDiff A resource diff represents the changes between two resources.
IResourceDiffTree A resource diff tree provides access to a tree of IDiff instances that either contain IResourceDiff nodes or IThreeWayDiff nodes that contain IResourceDiff nodes as the local and remote changes.
IResourceMappingMerger The purpose of this interface is to provide support for model level auto-merging.
IStorageMerger This interface defines a single operation for performing a three-way merge on three instances of IStorage.
ISynchronizationContext Allows a model provider to build a view of their model that includes synchronization information with a remote location (usually a repository).
ISynchronizationScope Interface which defines the protocol for translating a set of ResourceMapping objects representing a view selection into the complete set of resources to be operated on.
ISynchronizationScopeChangeListener Listener for synchronization scope changes.
ISynchronizationScopeManager A scope manager is responsible for ensuring that the resources contained within an ISynchronizationScope stay up-to-date with the model elements (represented as ResourceMapping instances) contained in the scope.
ISynchronizationScopeParticipant A scope participant is responsible for ensuring that the resources contained within an ISynchronizationScope that overlap with the participant's model provider stay up-to-date with the model elements (represented as ResourceMapping instances) contained in the scope.
ISynchronizationScopeParticipantFactory Factory interface for creating a participant for use with an ISynchronizationScopeManager.

Class Summary
ChangeTracker Supports the tracking of related changes for the purpose of grouping then using an IChangeGroupingRequestor.
DelegatingStorageMerger This storage merger delegates to the appropriate merger or returns a conflict if no merger is available or if a merge was not possible.
ResourceMappingMerger Abstract implementation of IResourceMappingMerger.

Package Description

Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings

Package Specification

This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Models can use this API to allow the files in which their model elements are stored to be properly shared by a repository provider.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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