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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants

Application programming interface to participant in existing rename, move and delete refactorings if the refactoring provider supports participation.


Interface Summary
IConditionChecker A condition checker can be used to share condition checks across the main processor and all its associated participants.
IParticipantDescriptorFilter A participant descriptor filter allows clients to provide additional filters on participant selection.
ISharableParticipant A tagging interface to share a concrete RefactoringParticipant instance across multiple elements to be refactored.

Class Summary
CheckConditionsContext A context that is shared between the refactoring processor and all its associated participants during condition checking.
CopyArguments Copy arguments describe the data that a processor provides to its copy participants.
CopyParticipant A participant to participate in refactorings that copy elements to a shared clipboard.
CopyProcessor A special processor that performs copy operations.
CopyRefactoring A generic copy refactoring.
CreateArguments Create arguments describe the data that a processor provides to its create participants.
CreateParticipant A participant to participate in refactorings that create elements.
DeleteArguments Delete arguments describes the data that a processor provides to its delete participants.
DeleteParticipant A participant to participate in refactorings that delete elements.
DeleteProcessor A special processor that performs delete operations.
DeleteRefactoring A generic delete refactoring.
MoveArguments Move arguments describe the data that a processor provides to its move participants.
MoveParticipant A participant to participate in refactorings that move elements.
MoveProcessor A special processor that performs move operations.
MoveRefactoring A generic move refactoring.
ParticipantExtensionPoint A ParticipantExtensionPoint is used to manage contributions of participants.
ParticipantManager Facade to access the rename, move, delete, create and copy participant extension point provided by the org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring plug-in.
ProcessorBasedRefactoring An base implementation for refactorings that are split into one refactoring processor and 0..n participants.
RefactoringArguments A generic super class of all refactoring specific argument classes.
RefactoringParticipant A refactoring participant can participate in the condition checking and change creation of a RefactoringProcessor.
RefactoringProcessor An abstract base class defining the protocol between a refactoring and its associated processor.
RenameArguments Rename arguments describe the data that a processor provides to its rename participants.
RenameParticipant A participant to participate in refactorings that rename elements.
RenameProcessor A special processor that performs rename operations.
RenameRefactoring A generic rename refactoring.
ReorgExecutionLog Objects of this class can be used as a log to trace the execution of refactorings like copy and paste This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
ResourceChangeChecker A resource operation checker is a shared checker to collect all changes done by the refactoring and the participants to resources so that they can be validated as one change.
SharableParticipants An opaque list to manage sharable participants.
ValidateEditChecker A validate edit checker is a shared checker to collect files to be validated all at once.

Package org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants Description

Application programming interface to participant in existing rename, move and delete refactorings if the refactoring provider supports participation.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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