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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory

public interface IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory

This factory is used to build a resource delta that represents a proposed change that can then be passed to the ResourceChangeValidator.validateChange(IResourceDelta, IProgressMonitor) method in order to validate the change with any model providers stored in those resources. The deltas created by calls to the methods of this interface will be the same as those generated by the workspace if the proposed operations were performed.

This factory does not validate that the proposed operation is valid given the current state of the resources and any other proposed changes. It only records the delta that would result.

See Also:
ResourceChangeValidator, ModelProvider
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Method Summary
 void change ( IFile file)
          Record a delta that represents a content change for the given file.
 void close ( IProject project)
          Record the set of deltas representing the closed of a project.
 void copy ( IResource resource, IPath destination)
          Record the set of deltas representing a copy of the given resource to the given workspace path.
 void create ( IResource resource)
          Record a delta that represents a resource being created.
 void delete ( IResource resource)
          Record the set of deltas representing a deletion of the given resource.
  IResourceDelta getDelta ()
          Return the proposed delta that has been accumulated by this factory.
 void move ( IResource resource, IPath destination)
          Record the set of deltas representing a move of the given resource to the given workspace path.

Method Detail


void change(
IFile file)
Record a delta that represents a content change for the given file.

file - the file whose contents will be changed


void close(
IProject project)
Record the set of deltas representing the closed of a project.

project - the project that will be closed


void copy(
IResource resource,
IPath destination)
Record the set of deltas representing a copy of the given resource to the given workspace path.

resource - the resource that will be copied
destination - the full workspace path of the destination the resource is being copied to


void create(
IResource resource)
Record a delta that represents a resource being created.

resource - the resource that is created


void delete(
IResource resource)
Record the set of deltas representing a deletion of the given resource.

resource - the resource that will be deleted


IResourceDelta getDelta()
Return the proposed delta that has been accumulated by this factory.

the proposed delta that has been accumulated by this factory


void move(
IResource resource,
IPath destination)
Record the set of deltas representing a move of the given resource to the given workspace path. Note that this API is used to describe a resource being moved to another path in the workspace, rather than a move in the file system.

resource - the resource that will be moved
destination - the full workspace path of the destination the resource is being moved to

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire