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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IStatus

All Known Subinterfaces:
IJobStatus, IMergeStatus, IResourceStatus, ITeamStatus
All Known Implementing Classes:
MergeStatus, ModelStatus, MultiStatus, OperationStatus, Status, TeamStatus, ValidationStatus

public interface IStatus

A status object represents the outcome of an operation. All CoreExceptions carry a status object to indicate what went wrong. Status objects are also returned by methods needing to provide details of failures (e.g., validation methods).

A status carries the following information:

  • plug-in identifier (required)
  • severity (required)
  • status code (required)
  • message (required) - localized to current locale
  • exception (optional) - for problems stemming from a failure at a lower level
Some status objects, known as multi-statuses, have other status objects as children.

The class Status is the standard public implementation of status objects; the subclass MultiStatus is the implements multi-status objects.

This interface can be used without OSGi running.

See Also:
MultiStatus, Status

Field Summary
static int CANCEL
          Status type severity (bit mask, value 8) indicating this status represents a cancelation
static int ERROR
          Status type severity (bit mask, value 4) indicating this status represents an error.
static int INFO
          Status type severity (bit mask, value 1) indicating this status is informational only.
static int OK
          Status severity constant (value 0) indicating this status represents the nominal case.
static int WARNING
          Status type severity (bit mask, value 2) indicating this status represents a warning.
Method Summary
  IStatus[] getChildren ()
          Returns a list of status object immediately contained in this multi-status, or an empty list if this is not a multi-status.
 int getCode ()
          Returns the plug-in-specific status code describing the outcome.
  Throwable getException ()
          Returns the relevant low-level exception, or null if none.
  String getMessage ()
          Returns the message describing the outcome.
  String getPlugin ()
          Returns the unique identifier of the plug-in associated with this status (this is the plug-in that defines the meaning of the status code).
 int getSeverity ()
          Returns the severity.
 boolean isMultiStatus ()
          Returns whether this status is a multi-status.
 boolean isOK ()
          Returns whether this status indicates everything is okay (neither info, warning, nor error).
 boolean matches (int severityMask)
          Returns whether the severity of this status matches the given severity mask.

Field Detail


static final int OK
Status severity constant (value 0) indicating this status represents the nominal case. This constant is also used as the status code representing the nominal case.

See Also:
getSeverity(), isOK(), Constant Field Values


static final int INFO
Status type severity (bit mask, value 1) indicating this status is informational only.

See Also:
getSeverity(), matches(int), Constant Field Values


static final int WARNING
Status type severity (bit mask, value 2) indicating this status represents a warning.

See Also:
getSeverity(), matches(int), Constant Field Values


static final int ERROR
Status type severity (bit mask, value 4) indicating this status represents an error.

See Also:
getSeverity(), matches(int), Constant Field Values


static final int CANCEL
Status type severity (bit mask, value 8) indicating this status represents a cancelation

See Also:
getSeverity(), matches(int), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


IStatus[] getChildren()
Returns a list of status object immediately contained in this multi-status, or an empty list if this is not a multi-status.

an array of status objects
See Also:


int getCode()
Returns the plug-in-specific status code describing the outcome.

plug-in-specific status code


Throwable getException()
Returns the relevant low-level exception, or null if none. For example, when an operation fails because of a network communications failure, this might return the describing the exact nature of that failure.

the relevant low-level exception, or null if none


String getMessage()
Returns the message describing the outcome. The message is localized to the current locale.

a localized message


String getPlugin()
Returns the unique identifier of the plug-in associated with this status (this is the plug-in that defines the meaning of the status code).

the unique identifier of the relevant plug-in


int getSeverity()
Returns the severity. The severities are as follows (in descending order):
  • CANCEL - cancelation occurred
  • ERROR - a serious error (most severe)
  • WARNING - a warning (less severe)
  • INFO - an informational ("fyi") message (least severe)
  • OK - everything is just fine

The severity of a multi-status is defined to be the maximum severity of any of its children, or OK if it has no children.

the severity: one of OK, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, or CANCEL
See Also:


boolean isMultiStatus()
Returns whether this status is a multi-status. A multi-status describes the outcome of an operation involving multiple operands.

The severity of a multi-status is derived from the severities of its children; a multi-status with no children is OK by definition. A multi-status carries a plug-in identifier, a status code, a message, and an optional exception. Clients may treat multi-status objects in a multi-status unaware way.

true for a multi-status, false otherwise
See Also:


boolean isOK()
Returns whether this status indicates everything is okay (neither info, warning, nor error).

true if this status has severity OK, and false otherwise


boolean matches(int severityMask)
Returns whether the severity of this status matches the given severity mask. Note that a status with severity OK will never match; use isOK instead to detect a status with a severity of OK.

severityMask - a mask formed by bitwise or'ing severity mask constants (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, CANCEL)
true if there is at least one match, false if there are no matches
See Also:

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire