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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IJavaProject
org.eclipse.jdt.core The Java model is the set of classes that model the objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler This package contains compiler associated infrastructure APIs. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom The Java DOM/AST is the set of classes that model the source code of a Java program as a structured document. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval Provides support for the evaluation of code snippets in a scrapbook or inside the debugger. 

Provides a set classes and interfaces that support evaluations in the Java debugger. 


Provides an implementation of a source locator for the Java debug model. 


Provides an implementation launch configuration tabs for local and remote Java applications. 

org.eclipse.jdt.launching Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java launching support. 
org.eclipse.jdt.launching.environments Application programming interfaces and classes for execution environments. 
org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup Application programming interfaces and classes for source lookup. 
org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers Provides source lookup support for the Java debugger. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup Application programming interfaces for code clean up. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring Application programming interfaces for rename refactorings. Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface wizards. 

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.core

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core that return IJavaProject
static  IJavaProject JavaCore. create ( IProject project)
          Returns the Java project corresponding to the given project.
  IJavaProject IJavaElement. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project this element is contained in, or null if this element is not contained in any Java project (for instance, the IJavaModel is not contained in any Java project).
  IJavaProject IJavaModel. getJavaProject ( String name)
          Returns the Java project with the given name.
  IJavaProject[] IJavaModel. getJavaProjects ()
          Returns the Java projects in this Java model, or an empty array if there are none.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core with parameters of type IJavaProject
 boolean ClasspathContainerInitializer. canUpdateClasspathContainer ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns true if this container initializer can be requested to perform updates on its own container values.
static  IJavaElement JavaCore. create ( IResource resource, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the Java element corresponding to the given file, its project being the given project.
  IStatus ClasspathContainerInitializer. getAccessRulesStatus ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the access rules attribute status according to this initializer.
  IStatus ClasspathContainerInitializer. getAttributeStatus ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project, String attributeKey)
          Returns the extra attribute status according to this initializer.
static  String NamingConventions. getBaseName (int variableKind, String variableName, IJavaProject javaProject)
          Returns a base name which could be used to generate the given variable name with NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean).
static  IClasspathContainer JavaCore. getClasspathContainer ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Answers the project specific value for a given classpath container.
  Object ClasspathContainerInitializer. getComparisonID ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns an object which identifies a container for comparison purpose.
  String ClasspathContainerInitializer. getDescription ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns a readable description for a container path.
  IClasspathContainer ClasspathContainerInitializer. getFailureContainer ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns a classpath container that is used after this initializer failed to bind a classpath container to a IClasspathContainer for the given project.
  IStatus ClasspathContainerInitializer. getSourceAttachmentStatus ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the source attachment attribute status according to this initializer.
abstract  void ClasspathContainerInitializer. initialize ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Binds a classpath container to a IClasspathContainer for a given project, or silently fails if unable to do so.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newTypeHierarchy ( IJavaProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the context of the given project.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newTypeHierarchy ( IJavaProject project, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the context of the given project, considering types in the working copies with the given owner.
static char[] NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] argumentName)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
static  String NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName ( IJavaProject javaProject, String argumentName)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
static char[] NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] fieldName, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or NamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
static  String NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName ( IJavaProject javaProject, String fieldName, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or NamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
static char[] NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] localName)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
static  String NamingConventions. removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName ( IJavaProject javaProject, String localName)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with NamingConventions.VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
 void ClasspathContainerInitializer. requestClasspathContainerUpdate ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project, IClasspathContainer containerSuggestion)
          Request a registered container definition to be updated according to a container suggestion.
static void JavaCore. setClasspathContainer ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject[] affectedProjects, IClasspathContainer[] respectiveContainers, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Bind a container reference path to some actual containers (IClasspathContainer).
static char[][] NamingConventions. suggestArgumentNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
static  String[] NamingConventions. suggestArgumentNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, String[] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
static char[][] NamingConventions. suggestFieldNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, int modifiers, char[][] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or NamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
static  String[] NamingConventions. suggestFieldNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, int modifiers, String[] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or NamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
static char[] NamingConventions. suggestGetterName ( IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames)
          Suggest name for a getter method.
static  String NamingConventions. suggestGetterName ( IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames)
          Suggest name for a getter method.
static char[][] NamingConventions. suggestLocalVariableNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
static  String[] NamingConventions. suggestLocalVariableNames ( IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, String[] excludedNames)
          Deprecated. Use NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with NamingConventions.VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
static char[] NamingConventions. suggestSetterName ( IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames)
          Suggest name for a setter method.
static  String NamingConventions. suggestSetterName ( IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames)
          Suggest name for a setter method.
static  String[] NamingConventions. suggestVariableNames (int variableKind, int baseNameKind, String baseName, IJavaProject javaProject, int dim, String[] excluded, boolean evaluateDefault)
          Suggests names for a variable.
static  IJavaModelStatus JavaConventions. validateClasspath ( IJavaProject javaProject, IClasspathEntry[] rawClasspath, IPath projectOutputLocation)
          Validate a given classpath and output location for a project, using the following rules: Classpath entries cannot collide with each other; that is, all entry paths must be unique.
static  IJavaModelStatus JavaConventions. validateClasspathEntry ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry entry, boolean checkSourceAttachment)
          Returns a Java model status describing the problem related to this classpath entry if any, a status object with code IStatus.OK if the entry is fine (that is, if the given classpath entry denotes a valid element to be referenced onto a classpath).

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler with parameters of type IJavaProject
 int CompilationParticipant. aboutToBuild ( IJavaProject project)
          Notifies this participant that a build is about to start and provides it the opportunity to create missing source folders for generated source files.
 void CompilationParticipant. buildFinished ( IJavaProject project)
          Notifies this participant that a build has finished for the project.
 void CompilationParticipant. cleanStarting ( IJavaProject project)
          Notifies this participant that a clean is about to start and provides it the opportunity to delete generated source files.
 boolean CompilationParticipant. isActive ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns whether this participant is active for a given project.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  CompilationUnit AST. parseCompilationUnit (char[] source, String unitName, IJavaProject project)
          Deprecated. Use ASTParser instead.
 void ASTParser. setProject ( IJavaProject project)
          Sets the Java project used when resolving bindings.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject IEvaluationContext. getProject ()
          Returns the Java project this evaluation context was created for.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject IEvaluationEngine. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project in which expressions are compiled.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  IAstEvaluationEngine EvaluationManager. newAstEvaluationEngine ( IJavaProject project, IJavaDebugTarget target)
          Creates and returns a new evaluation engine that performs evaluations by compiling expressions into abstract syntax trees (ASTs), and interpreting the AST over a JDI connection.
static  IClassFileEvaluationEngine EvaluationManager. newClassFileEvaluationEngine ( IJavaProject project, IJavaDebugTarget target, File directory)
          Creates and returns a new evaluation engine that performs evaluations for local Java applications by deploying class files.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui with parameters of type IJavaProject
JavaUISourceLocator ( IJavaProject project)
          Deprecated. Constructs a source locator that searches for source in the given Java project, and all of its required projects, as specified by its build path or default source lookup settings.
JavaUISourceLocator ( IJavaProject[] projects, boolean includeRequired)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new source locator that looks in the specified project for source, and required projects, if includeRequired is true.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations that return IJavaProject
protected   IJavaProject JavaJRETab. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project associated with the current config being edited, or null if none.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.launching

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject IRuntimeClasspathEntry. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project associated with this runtime classpath entry or null if none.
static  IJavaProject JavaRuntime. getJavaProject ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Return the IJavaProject referenced in the specified configuration or null if none.
  IJavaProject AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate. getJavaProject ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the Java project specified by the given launch configuration, or null if none.
  IJavaProject AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate. verifyJavaProject ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Verifies a Java project is specified by the given launch configuration, and returns the Java project.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  String[] JavaRuntime. computeDefaultRuntimeClassPath ( IJavaProject jproject)
          Computes the default application classpath entries for the given project.
static  String[] JavaRuntime. computeJavaLibraryPath ( IJavaProject project, boolean requiredProjects)
          Returns a collection of paths that should be appended to the given project's java.library.path system property when launched.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. computeJREEntry ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns a runtime classpath entry identifying the JRE referenced by the specified project, or null if none.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] JavaRuntime. computeUnresolvedRuntimeClasspath ( IJavaProject project)
          Computes and returns the default unresolved runtime classpath for the given project.
static  IVMInstall JavaRuntime. getVMInstall ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns the VM assigned to build the given Java project.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. newDefaultProjectClasspathEntry ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns a new runtime classpath entry containing the default classpath for the specified Java project.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. newProjectRuntimeClasspathEntry ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the given project.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. newRuntimeContainerClasspathEntry ( IPath path, int classpathProperty, IJavaProject project)
          Returns a runtime classpath entry for the given container path with the given classpath property to be resolved in the context of the given Java project.
static  IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] JavaRuntime. resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry ( IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry, IJavaProject project)
          Returns resolved entries for the given entry in the context of the given Java project.
  IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver. resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry ( IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry, IJavaProject project)
          Returns resolved runtime classpath entries for the given runtime classpath entry, in the context of the given Java project.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.environments

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.environments with parameters of type IJavaProject
  IAccessRule[][] IAccessRuleParticipant. getAccessRules ( IExecutionEnvironment environment, IVMInstall vm, LibraryLocation[] libraries, IJavaProject project)
          Returns a collection of access rules to be applied to the specified VM libraries and execution environment in the context of the given project.
  IAccessRule[][] IExecutionEnvironment. getAccessRules ( IVMInstall vm, LibraryLocation[] libraries, IJavaProject project)
          Returns a collection of access rules to be applied to the specified VM libraries for this execution environment in the context of the given project.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject JavaProjectSourceLocation. getJavaProject ()
          Deprecated. Returns the Java project associated with this source location.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup with parameters of type IJavaProject
protected static void JavaSourceLocator. collectRequiredProjects ( IJavaProject proj, ArrayList res)
          Deprecated. Adds all projects required by proj to the list res
static  IJavaSourceLocation[] JavaSourceLocator. getDefaultSourceLocations ( IJavaProject project)
          Deprecated. Returns a default collection of source locations for the given Java project.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup with parameters of type IJavaProject
JavaProjectSourceLocation ( IJavaProject project)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new source location that will retrieve source elements from the given Java project.
JavaSourceLocator ( IJavaProject project)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new JavaSourceLocator that searches the default set of source locations for the given Java project.
JavaSourceLocator ( IJavaProject[] projects, boolean includeRequired)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new Java source locator that looks in the specified project for source, and required projects, if includeRequired is true.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject JavaProjectSourceContainer. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project associated with this source container.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers with parameters of type IJavaProject
JavaProjectSourceContainer ( IJavaProject project)
          Constructs a source container on the given Java project.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  SelectionDialog JavaUI. createPackageDialog ( Shell parent, IJavaProject project, int style)
          Creates a selection dialog that lists all packages of the given Java project.
static  SelectionDialog JavaUI. createPackageDialog ( Shell parent, IJavaProject project, int style, String filter)
          Creates a selection dialog that lists all packages of the given Java project.
static  String JavaElementLabels. getContainerEntryLabel ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the label of a classpath container.
protected   Object[] StandardJavaElementContentProvider. getPackageFragmentRoots ( IJavaProject project)
          Evaluates all children of a given IJavaProject.
static  String PreferenceConstants. getPreference ( String key, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the value for the given key in the given context.
static  URL JavaUI. getProjectJavadocLocation ( IJavaProject project)
          Returns the Javadoc location for a Java project or null if no location is available.
static  StyledString JavaElementLabels. getStyledContainerEntryLabel ( IPath containerPath, IJavaProject project)
          Returns the styled label of a classpath container.
static void JavaUI. setProjectJavadocLocation ( IJavaProject project, URL url)
          Sets the Javadoc location for a Java project.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup with parameters of type IJavaProject
  RefactoringStatus ICleanUp. checkPreConditions ( IJavaProject project, ICompilationUnit[] compilationUnits, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          After call to checkPreConditions clients will start creating fixes for compilationUnits in project unless the result of checkPreConditions contains a fatal error

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  RenameSupport RenameSupport. create ( IJavaProject project, String newName, int flags)
          Creates a new rename support for the given IJavaProject.

Uses of IJavaProject in

Methods in that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject JavaContentAssistInvocationContext. getProject ()
          Returns the project of the compilation unit that content assist is invoked in, null if none.

Methods in with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal[] ClasspathFixProcessor. getContributedFixImportProposals ( IJavaProject project, String name, MultiStatus status)
          Evaluates all contributed proposals that can fix non-resolvable imports.
abstract   ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal[] ClasspathFixProcessor. getFixImportProposals ( IJavaProject project, String name)
          Returns proposal that can fix non-resolvable imports.
static  Change ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal. newAddClasspathChange ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry entryToAdd)
          A helper method to create a Change that adds an entry to the class path.
static  Change ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal. newClasspathChange ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] newClasspath, IPath outputLocation)
          A helper method to create a Change that modifies a class path.

Constructors in with parameters of type IJavaProject
CompletionProposalCollector ( IJavaProject project)
          Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals.

Uses of IJavaProject in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards that return IJavaProject
  IJavaProject NewContainerWizardPage. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project of the currently selected package fragment root or null if no package fragment root is configured.
abstract   IJavaProject ClasspathAttributeConfiguration.ClasspathAttributeAccess. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project the current attribute is part of.
  IJavaProject JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage. getJavaProject ()
          Returns the Java project that was passed in JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage.init(IJavaProject, IPath, IClasspathEntry[], boolean) or null if the page has not been initialized yet.
  IJavaProject NewJavaProjectWizardPage. getNewJavaProject ()
          Deprecated. Returns the Java project handle by converting the result of getProjectHandle() into a Java project.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards with parameters of type IJavaProject
static  IClasspathEntry[] BuildPathDialogAccess. chooseContainerEntries ( Shell shell, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to choose new classpath container classpath entries.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureContainerEntry ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to configure a classpath container classpath entry.
 void JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage. init ( IJavaProject jproject, IPath defaultOutputLocation, IClasspathEntry[] defaultEntries, boolean defaultsOverrideExistingClasspath)
          Initializes the page with the project and default classpath.
 void IClasspathContainerPageExtension. initialize ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentEntries)
          Method initialize() is called before IClasspathContainerPage.setSelection to give additional information about the context the classpath container entry is configured in.
protected  void NewJavaProjectWizardPageTwo. initializeBuildPath ( IJavaProject javaProject, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Evaluates the new build path and output folder according to the settings on the first page.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire