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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Class WorkingCopyOwner

  extended by 

public abstract class WorkingCopyOwner
extends Object

The owner of an ICompilationUnit handle in working copy mode. An owner is used to identify a working copy and to create its buffer.

Clients should subclass this class to instantiate a working copy owner that is specific to their need and that they can pass in to various APIs (e.g. IType.resolveType(String, WorkingCopyOwner). Clients can also override the default implementation of createBuffer(ICompilationUnit).

Note: even though this class has no abstract method, which means that it provides functional default behavior, it is still an abstract class, as clients are intended to own their owner implementation.

See Also:
ICompilationUnit.becomeWorkingCopy(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor), ICompilationUnit.discardWorkingCopy(), ICompilationUnit.getWorkingCopy(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)

Constructor Summary
WorkingCopyOwner ()
Method Summary
  IBuffer createBuffer ( ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Creates a buffer for the given working copy.
  String findSource ( String typeName, String packageName)
          Returns the source of the compilation unit that defines the given type in the given package, or null if the type is unknown to this owner.
  IProblemRequestor getProblemRequestor ( ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Returns the problem requestor used by a working copy of this working copy owner.
 boolean isPackage ( String[] pkg)
          Returns whether the given package segments represent a package.
  ICompilationUnit newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use newWorkingCopy(String, IClasspathEntry[], IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems may be reported twice if the given requestor is not the same as the current working copy owner one.
  ICompilationUnit newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a new working copy with the given name using this working copy owner to create its buffer.
static void setPrimaryBufferProvider ( WorkingCopyOwner primaryBufferProvider)
          Sets the buffer provider of the primary working copy owner.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WorkingCopyOwner()
Method Detail


public static void setPrimaryBufferProvider(
WorkingCopyOwner primaryBufferProvider)
Sets the buffer provider of the primary working copy owner. Note that even if the buffer provider is a working copy owner, only its createBuffer(ICompilationUnit) method is used by the primary working copy owner. It doesn't replace the internal primary working owner.

This method is for internal use by the jdt-related plug-ins. Clients outside of the jdt should not reference this method.

primaryBufferProvider - the primary buffer provider


IBuffer createBuffer(
ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
Creates a buffer for the given working copy. The new buffer will be initialized with the contents of the underlying file if and only if it was not already initialized by the compilation owner (a buffer is uninitialized if its content is null).

Note: This buffer will be associated to the working copy for its entire life-cycle. Another working copy on same unit but owned by a different owner would not share the same buffer unless its owner decided to implement such a sharing behaviour.

workingCopy - the working copy of the buffer
IBuffer the created buffer for the given working copy
See Also:


IProblemRequestor getProblemRequestor(
ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
Returns the problem requestor used by a working copy of this working copy owner.

By default, no problem requestor is configured. Clients can override this method to provide a requestor.

workingCopy - The problem requestor used for the given working copy.
the problem requestor to be used by working copies of this working copy owner or null if no problem requestor is configured.


String findSource(
String typeName,
String packageName)
Returns the source of the compilation unit that defines the given type in the given package, or null if the type is unknown to this owner.

This method is called before the normal lookup (i.e. before looking at the project's classpath and before looking at the working copies of this owner.)

This allows to provide types that are not normally available, or to hide types that would normally be available by returning an empty source for the given type and package.

Example of use:

 WorkingCopyOwner owner = new WorkingCopyOwner() {
   public String findSource(String typeName, String packageName) {
     if ("".equals(packageName) && "Generated".equals(typeName)) {
         "package;\n" +
         "public class Generated {\n" +
     return super.findSource(typeName, packageName);
   public boolean isPackage(String[] pkg) {
     switch (pkg.length) {
     case 1:
       return "to".equals(pkg[0]);
     case 2:
       return "to".equals(pkg[0]) && "be".equals(pkg[1]);
     return false;
 // Working copy on with the following contents:
 //    public class X extends {
 //    }
 ICompilationUnit workingCopy = ... 
 ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
 CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
 assert cu.getProblems().length == 0;

typeName - the simple name of the type to lookup
packageName - the dot-separated name of the package of type
the source of the compilation unit that defines the given type in the given package, or null if the type is unknown
See Also:


public boolean isPackage(
String[] pkg)
Returns whether the given package segments represent a package.

This method is called before the normal lookup (i.e. before looking at the project's classpath and before looking at the working copies of this owner.)

This allows to provide packages that are not normally available.

If false is returned, then normal lookup is used on this package.

pkg - the segments of a package to lookup
whether the given package segments represent a package.
See Also:
findSource(String, String)


public final 
ICompilationUnit newWorkingCopy(
String name,
IClasspathEntry[] classpath,
IProblemRequestor problemRequestor,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Deprecated. Use newWorkingCopy(String, IClasspathEntry[], IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems may be reported twice if the given requestor is not the same as the current working copy owner one.

Returns a new working copy with the given name using this working copy owner to create its buffer.

This working copy always belongs to the default package in a package fragment root that corresponds to its Java project, and this Java project never exists. However this Java project has the given classpath that is used when resolving names in this working copy.

A DOM AST created using this working copy will have bindings resolved using the given classpath, and problem are reported to the given problem requestor.

JavaCore#getOptions() is used to create the DOM AST as it is not possible to set the options on the non-existing Java project.

When the working copy instance is created, an added delta is reported on this working copy.

Once done with the working copy, users of this method must discard it using ICompilationUnit.discardWorkingCopy().

Note that when such working copy is committed, only its buffer is saved (see, boolean)) but no resource is created.

This method is not intended to be overriden by clients.

name - the name of the working copy (e.g. "")
classpath - the classpath used to resolve names in this working copy
problemRequestor - a requestor which will get notified of problems detected during reconciling as they are discovered. The requestor can be set to null indicating that the client is not interested in problems.
monitor - a progress monitor used to report progress while opening the working copy or null if no progress should be reported
a new working copy
JavaModelException - if the contents of this working copy can not be determined.
See Also:
ICompilationUnit.becomeWorkingCopy(IProblemRequestor, IProgressMonitor)


public final 
ICompilationUnit newWorkingCopy(
String name,
IClasspathEntry[] classpath,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Returns a new working copy with the given name using this working copy owner to create its buffer.

This working copy always belongs to the default package in a package fragment root that corresponds to its Java project, and this Java project never exists. However this Java project has the given classpath that is used when resolving names in this working copy.

If a DOM AST is created using this working copy, then given classpath will be used if bindings need to be resolved. Problems will be reported to the problem requestor of the current working copy owner problem if it is not null.

Options used to create the DOM AST are got from JavaCore.getOptions() as it is not possible to set the options on a non-existing Java project.

When the working copy instance is created, an added delta is reported on this working copy.

Once done with the working copy, users of this method must discard it using ICompilationUnit.discardWorkingCopy().

Note that when such working copy is committed, only its buffer is saved (see, boolean)) but no resource is created.

This method is not intended to be overriden by clients.

name - the name of the working copy (e.g. "")
classpath - the classpath used to resolve names in this working copy
monitor - a progress monitor used to report progress while opening the working copy or null if no progress should be reported
a new working copy
JavaModelException - if the contents of this working copy can not be determined.
See Also:

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire