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EclipseJDT Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.jdt.ui

Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface.


Interface Summary
IContextMenuConstants Constants for menu groups used in context menus for Java views and editors.
IJavaElementSearchConstants Search scope constants for Java selection dialogs.
IPackagesViewPart The standard Packages view presents a Java-centric view of the workspace.
ISharedImages Standard images provided by the Java UI plug-in.
ITypeHierarchyViewPart The standard type hierarchy view presents a type hierarchy for a given input class or interface.
IWorkingCopyManager Interface for accessing working copies of ICompilationUnit objects.
IWorkingCopyManagerExtension Extension interface for IWorkingCopyManager.
IWorkingCopyProvider Interface used for Java element content providers to indicate that the content provider can return working copy elements for members below compilation units.

Class Summary
CodeGeneration Class that offers access to the templates contained in the 'code templates' preference page.
CodeStyleConfiguration Gives access to the import rewrite configured with the settings as specified in the user interface.
JavadocContentAccess Helper needed to get the content of a Javadoc comment.
JavaElementComparator Viewer comparator for Java elements.
JavaElementContentProvider Deprecated. use the StandardJavaElementContentProvider instead
JavaElementImageDescriptor A JavaElementImageDescriptor consists of a base image and several adornments.
JavaElementLabelProvider Standard label provider for Java elements.
JavaElementLabels JavaElementLabels provides helper methods to render names of Java elements.
JavaElementSorter Deprecated. use JavaElementComparator instead.
JavaUI Central access point for the Java UI plug-in (id "org.eclipse.jdt.ui").
OverrideIndicatorLabelDecorator LabelDecorator that decorates an method's image with override or implements overlays.
PreferenceConstants Preference constants used in the JDT-UI preference store.
ProblemsLabelDecorator LabelDecorator that decorates an element's image with error and warning overlays that represent the severity of markers attached to the element's underlying resource.
ProblemsLabelDecorator.ProblemsLabelChangedEvent This is a special LabelProviderChangedEvent carrying additional information whether the event origins from a maker change.
SharedASTProvider The SharedASTProvider provides access to the AST root used by the current active Java editor.
SharedASTProvider.WAIT_FLAG Wait flag class.
StandardJavaElementContentProvider A base content provider for Java elements.

Package org.eclipse.jdt.ui Description

Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface.

Package Specification

The package provides support classes for presenting Java elements in the user interface.

The class JavaUI is the main access point to the Java user interface components. It allows to programmatically open editors on Java elements and open package and type prompter dialogs. The package exposes constants for retrieving Java user interface parts from the workbench registry. JavaUI gives access to the IWorkingCopyManager. It manages the working copies that are in use for Java compilation units.

The interfaces ITypeHierarchyViewPart and IPackagesViewPart define the programming interface to interact with the type hierarchy and packages view parts.

The classes JavaElementContentProvider and JavaElementLabelProvider support presenting Java elements in JFace viewers.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire