Interface IClasspathEntry
public interface IClasspathEntry
An entry on a Java project classpath identifying one or more package fragment
roots. A classpath entry has a content kind (either source,
IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE , or binary,
IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY ), which is inherited
by each package fragment root and package fragment associated with the entry.
A classpath entry can refer to any of the following:
- Source code in the current project. In this case, the entry identifies a
root folder in the current project containing package fragments and
source files with one of the
Java-like extensions . The root folder itself represents a default
package, subfolders represent package fragments, and files with a
Java-like extension (e.g. .java files)
represent compilation units. All compilation units will be compiled when
the project is built. The classpath entry must specify the
absolute path to the root folder. Entries of this kind are
associated with the
CPE_SOURCE constant.
Source classpath entries can carry inclusion and exclusion patterns for
selecting which source files appear as compilation
units and get compiled when the project is built.
- A binary library in the current project, in another project, or in the external
file system. In this case the entry identifies a JAR (or root folder) containing
package fragments and
.class files. The classpath entry
must specify the absolute path to the JAR (or root folder), and in case it refers
to an external JAR, then there is no associated resource in the workbench. Entries
of this kind are associated with the
CPE_LIBRARY constant.
- A required project. In this case the entry identifies another project in
the workspace. The required project is used as a binary library when compiling
(that is, the builder looks in the output location of the required project
for required
.class files when building). When performing other
"development" operations - such as code assist, code resolve, type hierarchy
creation, etc. - the source code of the project is referred to. Thus, development
is performed against a required project's source code, and compilation is
performed against a required project's last built state. The
classpath entry must specify the absolute path to the
project. Entries of this kind are associated with the
Note: referencing a required project with a classpath entry refers to the source
code or associated .class files located in its output location.
It will also automatically include any other libraries or projects that the required project's classpath
refers to, iff the corresponding classpath entries are tagged as being exported
isExported() ).
Unless exporting some classpath entries, classpaths are not chained by default -
each project must specify its own classpath in its entirety.
- A path beginning in a classpath variable defined globally to the workspace.
Entries of this kind are associated with the
CPE_VARIABLE constant.
Classpath variables are created using
JavaCore.setClasspathVariable(String, IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) ,
and gets resolved, to either a project or library entry, using
JavaCore.getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry) .
It is also possible to register an automatic initializer (
ClasspathVariableInitializer ),
which will be invoked through the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer".
After resolution, a classpath variable entry may either correspond to a project or a library entry.
- A named classpath container identified by its container path.
A classpath container provides a way to indirectly reference a set of classpath entries through
a classpath entry of kind
CPE_CONTAINER . Typically, a classpath container can
be used to describe a complex library composed of multiple JARs, projects or classpath variables,
considering also that containers can be mapped differently on each project. Several projects can
reference the same generic container path, but have each of them actually bound to a different
container object.
The container path is a formed by a first ID segment followed with extra segments,
which can be used as additional hints for resolving this container reference. If no container was ever
recorded for this container path onto this project (using
JavaCore.setClasspathContainer(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject[], org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer[], org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) ,
then a
ClasspathContainerInitializer will be activated if any was registered for this
container ID onto the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
A classpath container entry can be resolved explicitly using
JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject)
and the resulting container entries can contain any non-container entry. In particular, it may contain variable
entries, which in turn needs to be resolved before being directly used.
Also note that the container resolution APIs include an IJavaProject argument, so as to allow the same
container path to be interpreted in different ways for different projects.
The result of
IJavaProject.getResolvedClasspath(boolean) will have all entries of type
CPE_CONTAINER resolved to a set of
classpath entries.
Any classpath entry other than a source folder (kind
be marked as being exported. Exported entries are automatically contributed to
dependent projects, along with the project's default output folder, which is
implicitly exported, and any auxiliary output folders specified on source
classpath entries. The project's output folder(s) are always listed first,
followed by the any exported entries.
Classpath entries can be created via methods on
JavaCore .
See Also:
JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath) ,
JavaCore.newProjectEntry(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath) ,
JavaCore.newSourceEntry(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath) ,
JavaCore.newVariableEntry(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath) ,
JavaCore.newContainerEntry(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath) ,
ClasspathVariableInitializer ,
- This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
Field Summary
static int
Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry representing
a name classpath container. |
static int
Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
library. |
static int
Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
required project. |
static int
Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
folder containing package fragments with source code
to be compiled. |
static int
Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry defined using
a path that begins with a classpath variable reference. |
static final int CPE_LIBRARY
- Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
library. A library is a folder or JAR containing package
fragments consisting of pre-compiled binaries.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int CPE_PROJECT
- Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
required project.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int CPE_SOURCE
- Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry identifying a
folder containing package fragments with source code
to be compiled.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int CPE_VARIABLE
- Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry defined using
a path that begins with a classpath variable reference.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int CPE_CONTAINER
- Entry kind constant describing a classpath entry representing
a name classpath container.
- 2.0
See Also:
Constant Field Values
boolean combineAccessRules()
- Returns whether the access rules of the project's exported entries should be combined with this entry's access rules.
Returns true for container entries.
Returns false otherwise.
- whether the access rules of the project's exported entries should be combined with this entry's access rules
- 3.1
IAccessRule[] getAccessRules()
- Returns the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry.
- the possibly empty list of access rules for this entry
- 3.1
int getContentKind()
- Returns the kind of files found in the package fragments identified by this
classpath entry.
IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE for files containing
source code, and
IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY for binary
class files.
There is no specified value for an entry denoting a variable (
or a classpath container (
int getEntryKind()
- Returns the kind of this classpath entry.
- one of:
CPE_SOURCE - this entry describes a source root in
its project
CPE_LIBRARY - this entry describes a folder or JAR
containing binaries
CPE_PROJECT - this entry describes another project
CPE_VARIABLE - this entry describes a project or library
indirectly via a classpath variable in the first segment of the path
CPE_CONTAINER - this entry describes set of entries
referenced indirectly via a classpath container
IPath[] getExclusionPatterns()
- Returns the set of patterns used to exclude resources or classes associated with
this classpath entry.
For source classpath entries,
exclusion patterns allow specified portions of the resource tree rooted
at this source entry's path to be filtered out. If no exclusion patterns
are specified, this source entry includes all relevent files. Each path
specified must be a relative path, and will be interpreted relative
to this source entry's path. File patterns are case-sensitive. A file
matched by one or more of these patterns is excluded from the
corresponding package fragment root.
Exclusion patterns have higher precedence than inclusion patterns;
in other words, exclusion patterns can remove files for the ones that
are to be included, not the other way around.
Note that there is no need to supply a pattern to exclude ".class" files
because a source entry filters these out automatically.
The pattern mechanism is similar to Ant's. Each pattern is represented as
a relative path. The path segments can be regular file or folder names or simple patterns
involving standard wildcard characters.
'*' matches 0 or more characters within a segment. So
*.java matches .java , a.java
and Foo.java , but not Foo.properties
(does not end with .java ).
'?' matches 1 character within a segment. So ?.java
matches a.java , A.java ,
but not .java or xyz.java (neither have
just one character before .java ).
Combinations of *'s and ?'s are allowed.
The special pattern '**' matches zero or more segments. In a source entry,
a path like tests/ that ends in a trailing separator is interpreted
as tests/** , and would match everything under
the folder named tests .
Example patterns in source entries (assuming that "java" is the only
Java-like extension ):
tests/** (or simply tests/ )
matches all files under a root folder
named tests . This includes tests/Foo.java
and tests/com/example/Foo.java , but not
com/example/tests/Foo.java (not under a root folder named
tests ).
tests/* matches all files directly below a root
folder named tests . This includes tests/Foo.java
and tests/FooHelp.java
but not tests/com/example/Foo.java (not directly under
a folder named tests ) or
com/Foo.java (not under a folder named tests ).
**/tests/** matches all files under any
folder named tests . This includes tests/Foo.java ,
com/examples/tests/Foo.java , and
com/examples/tests/unit/Foo.java , but not
com/example/Foo.java (not under a folder named
tests ).
- the possibly empty list of resource exclusion patterns
associated with this classpath entry, or
null if this kind
of classpath entry does not support exclusion patterns -
- 2.1
IClasspathAttribute[] getExtraAttributes()
- Returns the extra classpath attributes for this classpath entry. Returns an empty array if this entry
has no extra attributes.
- the possibly empty list of extra classpath attributes for this classpath entry
- 3.1
IPath[] getInclusionPatterns()
- Returns the set of patterns used to explicitly define resources or classes
to be included with this classpath entry.
For source classpath entries,
when no inclusion patterns are specified, the source entry includes all
relevent files in the resource tree rooted at this source entry's path.
Specifying one or more inclusion patterns means that only the specified
portions of the resource tree are to be included. Each path specified
must be a relative path, and will be interpreted relative to this source
entry's path. File patterns are case-sensitive. A file matched by one or
more of these patterns is included in the corresponding package fragment
root unless it is excluded by one or more of this entrie's exclusion
patterns. Exclusion patterns have higher precedence than inclusion
patterns; in other words, exclusion patterns can remove files for the
ones that are to be included, not the other way around.
getExclusionPatterns() for a discussion of the syntax and
semantics of path patterns. The absence of any inclusion patterns is
semantically equivalent to the explicit inclusion pattern
** .
Example patterns in source entries:
The inclusion pattern
src/** by itself includes all
files under a root folder named src .
The inclusion patterns
src/** and
tests/** includes all files under the root folders
named src and tests .
The inclusion pattern
src/** together with the
exclusion pattern src/**/Foo.java includes all
files under a root folder named src except for ones
named Foo.java .
- the possibly empty list of resource inclusion patterns
associated with this classpath entry, or
null if this kind
of classpath entry does not support inclusion patterns -
- 3.0
IPath getOutputLocation()
- Returns the full path to the specific location where the builder writes
.class files generated for this source entry
(entry kind
Source entries can optionally be associated with a specific output location.
If none is provided, the source entry will be implicitly associated with its project
default output location (see
IJavaProject.getOutputLocation() ).
NOTE: A specific output location cannot coincidate with another source/library entry.
- the full path to the specific location where the builder writes
.class files for this source entry, or null
if using default output folder -
- 2.1
IPath getPath()
- Returns the path of this classpath entry.
The meaning of the path of a classpath entry depends on its entry kind:
- Source code in the current project (
The path associated with this entry is the absolute path to the root folder.
- A binary library in the current project (
CPE_LIBRARY ) - the path
associated with this entry is the absolute path to the JAR (or root folder), and
in case it refers to an external library, then there is no associated resource in
the workbench.
- A required project (
CPE_PROJECT ) - the path of the entry denotes the
path to the corresponding project resource.
- A variable entry (
CPE_VARIABLE ) - the first segment of the path
is the name of a classpath variable. If this classpath variable
is bound to the path P, the path of the corresponding classpath entry
is computed by appending to P the segments of the returned
path without the variable.
- A container entry (
CPE_CONTAINER ) - the path of the entry
is the name of the classpath container, which can be bound indirectly to a set of classpath
entries after resolution. The containerPath is a formed by a first ID segment followed with
extra segments that can be used as additional hints for resolving this container
reference (also see
IClasspathContainer ).
- the path of this classpath entry
IPath getSourceAttachmentPath()
- Returns the path to the source archive or folder associated with this
classpath entry, or
null if this classpath entry has no
source attachment.
Only library and variable classpath entries may have source attachments.
For library classpath entries, the result path (if present) locates a source
archive or folder. This archive or folder can be located in a project of the
workspace or outside the workspace. For variable classpath entries, the
result path (if present) has an analogous form and meaning as the
variable path, namely the first segment is the name of a classpath variable.
- the path to the source archive or folder, or
null if none
IPath getSourceAttachmentRootPath()
- Returns the path within the source archive or folder where package fragments
are located. An empty path indicates that packages are located at
the root of the source archive or folder. Returns a non-
null value
if and only if
getSourceAttachmentPath() returns
a non-null value.
- the path within the source archive or folder, or
null if
not applicable
boolean isExported()
- Returns whether this entry is exported to dependent projects.
Always returns
false for source entries (kind
CPE_SOURCE ), which cannot be exported.
true if exported, and false otherwise -
- 2.0
IClasspathEntry getResolvedEntry()
Deprecated. Use
JavaCore.getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry) instead
- This is a helper method, which returns the resolved classpath entry denoted
by an entry (if it is a variable entry). It is obtained by resolving the variable
reference in the first segment. Returns
null if unable to resolve using
the following algorithm:
- if variable segment cannot be resolved, returns
- finds a project, JAR or binary folder in the workspace at the resolved path location
- if none finds an external JAR file or folder outside the workspace at the resolved path location
- if none returns
Variable source attachment is also resolved and recorded in the resulting classpath entry.
- the resolved library or project classpath entry, or
if the given path could not be resolved to a classpath entry
Note that this deprecated API doesn't handle CPE_CONTAINER entries.
Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.