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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFigure
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. This package contains some complex parts used with Draw2d. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.text Figures and support classes related to the layout and rendering of rich text. 

Uses of IFigure in org.eclipse.draw2d

Subinterfaces of IFigure in org.eclipse.draw2d
 interface Connection
          A Connection is a figure that connects two objects.
 interface FreeformFigure
          A figure that allows its children to extend into negative coordinates.
 interface Orientable
          An interface for objects that can be either horizontally or vertically oriented.
 interface RotatableDecoration
          An IFigure that can be rotated.
 interface ScalableFigure
          A figure that can be scaled.

Classes in org.eclipse.draw2d that implement IFigure
 class AbstractPointListShape
          Base superclass for all polylines/polygons
 class ArrowButton
          A Button which displays a triangle pointing in a specified direction.
 class Button
          A Button usually has a border and appears to move up and down in response to being pressed.
 class CheckBox
          A Checkbox is a toggle figure which toggles between the checked and unchecked figures to simulate a check box.
 class Clickable
          A Clickable responds to mouse clicks in some way (determined by a ClickBehavior) and fires action events.
 class ConnectionLayer
          Layer designed specifically to handle the presence of connections.
 class Ellipse
          An figure that draws an ellipse filling its bounds.
 class Figure
          The base implementation for graphical figures.
 class FreeformLayer
          A Layer that can extend in all 4 directions.
 class FreeformLayeredPane
          A LayeredPane that contains FreeformLayers.
 class FreeformViewport
          A viewport for FreeformFigures.
 class ImageFigure
          A Figure that simply contains an Image.
 class Label
          A figure that can display text and/or an image.
 class LabeledContainer
          A Container with a title bar describing the contents of the container.
 class Layer
          A transparent figure intended to be added exclusively to a LayeredPane, who has the responsibilty of managing its layers.
 class LayeredPane
          A figure capable of holding any number of layers.
protected  class LightweightSystem.RootFigure
          The figure at the root of the LightweightSystem.
 class Panel
          A General purpose Container.
 class Polygon
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape.
 class PolygonDecoration
          A rotatable, polygon shaped decoration most commonly used for decorating the ends of polylines.
 class PolygonShape
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape.
 class Polyline
          Renders a PointList as a series of line segments.
 class PolylineConnection
          An implementation of Connection based on Polyline.
 class PolylineDecoration
          A decorative Figure intended to be placed on a Polyline.
 class PolylineShape
          Renders a PointList as a series of line segments.
 class RectangleFigure
          Draws a rectangle whose size is determined by the bounds set to it.
 class RoundedRectangle
          Draws a Rectangle whose corners are rounded in appearance.
 class ScalableFreeformLayeredPane
 class ScalableLayeredPane
          A non-freeform, scalable layered pane.
 class ScalablePolygonShape
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape scaled in accordance with bounds to fill whole figure.
 class ScrollBar
          Provides for the scrollbars used by the ScrollPane.
 class ScrollPane
          A class which implements automatic horizontal and/or vertical scrolling for a single IFigure child.
 class Shape
          Provides abstract support for a variety of shapes.
 class Toggle
          Basic Rule for Toggle: Whoever creates the toggle is reponsible for response changes for it (selection, rollover, etc).
 class ToggleButton
          A Toggle that appears like a 3-dimensional button.
 class Triangle
          A triangular graphical figure.
 class Viewport
          A Viewport is a flexible window onto a ScrollPane and represents the visible portion of the ScrollPane.

Fields in org.eclipse.draw2d declared as IFigure
protected   IFigure SubordinateUpdateManager. root
          Deprecated. A root figure.
  IFigure FocusEvent. loser
          The figure losing focus
  IFigure FocusEvent. gainer
          The figure gaining focus
  IFigure[] FlowLayout.WorkingData. row
protected   IFigure Figure. toolTip
          Deprecated. access using Figure.getToolTip()

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return IFigure
  IFigure XYAnchor. getOwner ()
          Returns null as these anchors inherently do not depend on other figures for their location.
  IFigure Viewport. getContents ()
          Returns the view, which is the contents of the ScrollPane associated with this Viewport.
protected abstract   IFigure SubordinateUpdateManager. getHost ()
          Deprecated. Returns the host figure.
  IFigure ShortestPathConnectionRouter. getContainer ()
  IFigure ScrollPane. getContents ()
          Returns the contents of the viewport.
  IFigure ScrollPane. getView ()
          Deprecated. use getContents()
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. createDefaultThumb ()
          Creates the Scrollbar's "thumb", the draggable Figure that indicates the Scrollbar's position.
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. getButtonUp ()
          Returns the figure used as the up button.
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. getButtonDown ()
          Returns the figure used as the down button.
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. getPageDown ()
          Returns the figure used for page down.
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. getPageUp ()
          Returns the figure used for page up.
protected   IFigure ScrollBar. getThumb ()
          Returns the figure used as the scrollbar's thumb.
protected   IFigure SWTEventDispatcher. getCursorTarget ()
          Returns the figure that the cursor is over.
protected   IFigure SWTEventDispatcher. getMouseTarget ()
          Returns the figure that is the target of mouse events.
protected   IFigure SWTEventDispatcher. getRoot ()
          Returns the root figure for this dispatcher.
protected   IFigure RelativeLocator. getReferenceFigure ()
          Returns the Figure this locator is relative to.
protected   IFigure PrintFigureOperation. getPrintSource ()
          Returns the printSource.
  IFigure LightweightSystem. getRootFigure ()
          Returns this LightweightSystem's root figure.
  IFigure Layer. findFigureAt (int x, int y, TreeSearch search)
          Overridden to implement transparency.
  IFigure IFigure. findFigureAt (int x, int y)
          Returns the IFigure at the specified location.
  IFigure IFigure. findFigureAt (int x, int y, TreeSearch search)
          Returns the IFigure at the specified location based on the conditional TreeSearch.
  IFigure IFigure. findFigureAt ( Point p)
          Returns the IFigure at the specified location.
  IFigure IFigure. findFigureAtExcluding (int x, int y, java.util.Collection collection)
          Returns the IFigure at the specified location, excluding any IFigures in collection.
  IFigure IFigure. findMouseEventTargetAt (int x, int y)
          Returns the IFigure located at the given location which will accept mouse events.
  IFigure IFigure. getParent ()
          Returns the IFigure that is the current parent of this IFigure or null if there is no parent.
  IFigure IFigure. getToolTip ()
          Returns a IFigure that is the tooltip for this IFigure.
  IFigure FocusTraverseManager. getNextFocusableFigure ( IFigure root, IFigure prevFocus)
          Returns the IFigure that will receive focus upon a 'tab' traverse event.
  IFigure FocusTraverseManager. getPreviousFocusableFigure ( IFigure root, IFigure prevFocus)
          Returns the IFigure that will receive focus upon a 'shift-tab' traverse event.
  IFigure FocusTraverseManager. getCurrentFocusOwner ()
static  IFigure FigureUtilities. getRoot ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the highest ancestor for the given figure
static  IFigure FigureUtilities. findCommonAncestor ( IFigure l, IFigure r)
          Returns the figure which is the ancestor of both figures, or null.
  IFigure FigureCanvas. getContents ()
protected   IFigure Figure. findDescendantAtExcluding (int x, int y, TreeSearch search)
          Returns a descendant of this Figure such that the Figure returned contains the point (x, y), and is accepted by the given TreeSearch.
  IFigure Figure. findFigureAt ( Point pt)
  IFigure Figure. findFigureAt (int x, int y)
  IFigure Figure. findFigureAt (int x, int y, TreeSearch search)
  IFigure Figure. findFigureAtExcluding (int x, int y, java.util.Collection c)
  IFigure Figure. findMouseEventTargetAt (int x, int y)
          Returns the deepest descendant for which Figure.isMouseEventTarget() returns true or null if none found.
protected   IFigure Figure. findMouseEventTargetInDescendantsAt (int x, int y)
          Searches this Figure's children for the deepest descendant for which Figure.isMouseEventTarget() returns true and returns that descendant or null if none found.
  IFigure Figure. getParent ()
  IFigure Figure. getToolTip ()
  IFigure Figure.FigureIterator. nextFigure ()
          Returns the next Figure.
  IFigure ConnectionAnchor. getOwner ()
          Returns the IFigure that contains this ConnectionAnchor.
  IFigure AbstractConnectionAnchor. getOwner ()
          Returns the owner Figure on which this anchor's location is dependent.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type IFigure
protected   Dimension XYLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure f, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the input figure.
 java.lang.Object XYLayout. getConstraint ( IFigure figure)
  Point XYLayout. getOrigin ( IFigure parent)
          Returns the origin for the given figure.
 void XYLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
          Implements the algorithm to layout the components of the given container figure.
 void XYLayout. remove ( IFigure figure)
 void XYLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object newConstraint)
          Sets the layout constraint of the given figure.
protected   Dimension ViewportLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size required by the input viewport figure.
protected   Dimension ViewportLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the figure based on the given hints.
protected  boolean ViewportLayout. isSensitiveHorizontally ( IFigure parent)
protected  boolean ViewportLayout. isSensitiveVertically ( IFigure parent)
 void ViewportLayout. layout ( IFigure figure)
 void Viewport. setContents ( IFigure figure)
          Sets this Viewport to be associated with the passed Figure.
abstract  void UpdateManager. addDirtyRegion ( IFigure figure, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Adds the dirty region defined by the coordinates on the IFigure figure.
 void UpdateManager. addDirtyRegion ( IFigure figure, Rectangle rect)
abstract  void UpdateManager. addInvalidFigure ( IFigure figure)
          The receiver should call validate() on the IFigure figure in a timely fashion.
abstract  void UpdateManager. setRoot ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the root figure.
 boolean TreeSearch. accept ( IFigure figure)
          Returns true if the given figure is accepted by the search.
 boolean TreeSearch. prune ( IFigure figure)
          Returns true if the figure and all of its contained figures should be pruned from the search.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the minimum size of the container based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the container based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. getChildMinimumSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. getChildPreferredSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
protected  boolean ToolbarLayout. isSensitiveHorizontally ( IFigure parent)
protected  boolean ToolbarLayout. isSensitiveVertically ( IFigure parent)
 void ToolbarLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
 void ToolTipHelper. displayToolTipNear ( IFigure hoverSource, IFigure tip, int eventX, int eventY)
          Sets the LightWeightSystem's contents to the passed tooltip, and displays the tip.
 void ToolTipHelper. updateToolTip ( IFigure figureUnderMouse, IFigure tip, int eventX, int eventY)
          Displays the hover source's tooltip if a tooltip of another source is currently being displayed.
protected   Insets TitleBarBorder. calculateInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Calculates and returns the Insets for this border.
 void TitleBarBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics g, Insets insets)
 void SubordinateUpdateManager. addDirtyRegion ( IFigure f, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 void SubordinateUpdateManager. addInvalidFigure ( IFigure f)
 void SubordinateUpdateManager. setRoot ( IFigure f)
protected   Dimension StackLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size required by the input container.
protected   Dimension StackLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the given figure.
 void StackLayout. layout ( IFigure figure)
  Insets SimpleEtchedBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the Insets used by this border.
 void SimpleEtchedBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics g, Insets insets)
  Dimension ScrollPaneLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int w, int h)
protected   Dimension ScrollPaneLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the container based on the given hints.
 void ScrollPaneLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
 void ScrollPane. setContents ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the contents of the current viewport.
 void ScrollPane. setView ( IFigure figure)
          Deprecated. call setContents(IFigure) instead
 void ScrollBarLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint)
protected   Dimension ScrollBarLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int w, int h)
 void ScrollBarLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
 void ScrollBarLayout. remove ( IFigure child)
 void ScrollBar. setThumb ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the ScrollBar's thumb to the passed Figure.
  Insets SchemeBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
 void SchemeBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics g, Insets insets)
protected  void SchemeBorder. paint ( Graphics graphics, IFigure fig, Insets insets, Color[] tl, Color[] br)
          Paints the border using the information in the set Scheme and the inputs given.
 void SWTEventDispatcher. requestFocus ( IFigure fig)
 void SWTEventDispatcher. requestRemoveFocus ( IFigure fig)
protected  void SWTEventDispatcher. setCapture ( IFigure figure)
protected  void SWTEventDispatcher. setFigureUnderCursor ( IFigure f)
          Sets the figure under the mouse cursor.
protected  void SWTEventDispatcher. setFocus ( IFigure fig)
          Sets the focus figure.
protected  void SWTEventDispatcher. setMouseTarget ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the given figure to be the target of future mouse events.
 void SWTEventDispatcher. setRoot ( IFigure figure)
 void RoutingAnimator. playbackStarting ( IFigure connection)
          Overridden to sync initial and final states.
protected  java.lang.Object RoutingAnimator. getCurrentState ( IFigure connection)
          Returns the current state of the connection.
protected  boolean RoutingAnimator. playback ( IFigure figure)
          Plays back the interpolated state.
 void RelativeLocator. relocate ( IFigure target)
          Relocates the target using the relative offset locations.
 void RelativeLocator. setReferenceFigure ( IFigure reference)
          Sets the reference figure this locator uses to place the target figure.
protected  void PrintFigureOperation. setPrintSource ( IFigure printSource)
          Sets the printSource.
protected  void PrintFigureOperation. setupPrinterGraphicsFor ( Graphics graphics, IFigure figure)
          Sets up Graphics object for the given IFigure.
  Insets MarginBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
 void MarginBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          This method does nothing, since this border is just for spacing.
 void Locator. relocate ( IFigure target)
          Relocates the given IFigure.
  Insets LineBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the space used by the border for the figure provided as input.
 void LineBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
 void LightweightSystem. setContents ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the contents of the LightweightSystem to the passed figure.
 java.lang.Object LayoutManager. getConstraint ( IFigure child)
          Returns the constraint for the given figure.
  Dimension LayoutManager. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size of the given figure.
  Dimension LayoutManager. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
 void LayoutManager. layout ( IFigure container)
          Lays out the given figure.
 void LayoutManager. remove ( IFigure child)
          Removes the given child from this layout.
 void LayoutManager. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the constraint for the given child.
 void LayoutListener. invalidate ( IFigure container)
          Called when a container has been invalidated.
 boolean LayoutListener. layout ( IFigure container)
          Called prior to layout occurring.
 void LayoutListener. postLayout ( IFigure container)
          Called after layout has occurred.
 void LayoutListener. remove ( IFigure child)
          Called when a child is about to be removed from its parent.
 void LayoutListener. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Called when a child's constraint is initialized or updated.
 void LayoutListener.Stub. invalidate ( IFigure container)
          Stub which does nothing.
 boolean LayoutListener.Stub. layout ( IFigure container)
          Stub which does nothing.
 void LayoutListener.Stub. postLayout ( IFigure container)
          Stub which does nothing.
 void LayoutListener.Stub. remove ( IFigure child)
          Stub which does nothing.
 void LayoutListener.Stub. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Stub which does nothing.
protected  java.lang.Object LayoutAnimator. getCurrentState ( IFigure container)
          Returns an object encapsulating the placement of children in a container.
 void LayoutAnimator. invalidate ( IFigure container)
          Hooks invalidation in case animation is in progress.
 boolean LayoutAnimator. layout ( IFigure container)
          Hooks layout in case animation is in progress.
protected  boolean LayoutAnimator. playback ( IFigure container)
          Plays back the animated layout.
 void LayoutAnimator. postLayout ( IFigure container)
          Hooks post layout in case animation is in progress.
 void LayoutAnimator. remove ( IFigure child)
          This callback is unused.
 void LayoutAnimator. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          This callback is unused.
 void LayeredPane. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object layerKey, int index)
          Adds the given layer figure, identifiable with the given key, at the specified index.
 void LayeredPane. remove ( IFigure figure)
 void LayeredPane. removeLayer ( IFigure layer)
          Deprecated. call remove(IFigure) instead
 void IFigure. add ( IFigure figure)
          Adds the given IFigure as a child of this IFigure.
 void IFigure. add ( IFigure figure, int index)
          Adds the given IFigure as a child of this IFigure at the given index.
 void IFigure. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Adds the given IFigure as a child of this IFigure with the given constraint.
 void IFigure. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
          Adds the child with the specified index and constraint.
 void IFigure. remove ( IFigure figure)
          Removes the given child from this figure's children.
 void IFigure. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Convenience method to set the constraint of the specified child in the current LayoutManager.
 void IFigure. setParent ( IFigure parent)
          Sets this IFigure's parent.
 void IFigure. setToolTip ( IFigure figure)
          Sets a tooltip that is displayed when the mouse hovers over this IFigure.
protected   Insets GroupBoxBorder. calculateInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Calculates and returns the Insets for this GroupBoxBorder.
  Dimension GroupBoxBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
 void GroupBoxBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics g, Insets insets)
protected   Dimension GridLayout. getChildSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension GridLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
 void GridLayout. layout ( IFigure container)
 java.lang.Object GridLayout. getConstraint ( IFigure child)
 void GridLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object newConstraint)
          Sets the layout constraint of the given figure.
  Point FreeformLayout. getOrigin ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the point (0,0) as the origin.
 void FreeformLayeredPane. add ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
 void FreeformLayeredPane. remove ( IFigure child)
 void FreeformLayer. add ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
 void FreeformLayer. remove ( IFigure child)
  IFigure FocusTraverseManager. getNextFocusableFigure ( IFigure root, IFigure prevFocus)
          Returns the IFigure that will receive focus upon a 'tab' traverse event.
  IFigure FocusTraverseManager. getPreviousFocusableFigure ( IFigure root, IFigure prevFocus)
          Returns the IFigure that will receive focus upon a 'shift-tab' traverse event.
 void FocusTraverseManager. setCurrentFocusOwner ( IFigure fig)
          Sets the currently focused figure.
  Insets FocusBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
 void FocusBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          Paints a focus rectangle.
protected   Dimension FlowLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension FlowLayout. getChildSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
          Provides the given child's preferred size.
protected  void FlowLayout. initVariables ( IFigure parent)
          Initializes state data for laying out children, based on the Figure given as input.
protected  boolean FlowLayout. isSensitiveHorizontally ( IFigure parent)
protected  boolean FlowLayout. isSensitiveVertically ( IFigure parent)
 void FlowLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
protected  void FlowLayout. layoutRow ( IFigure parent)
          Layouts one row of components.
protected  void FlowLayout. setBoundsOfChild ( IFigure parent, IFigure child, Rectangle bounds)
          Sets the given bounds for the child figure input.
static  IFigure FigureUtilities. getRoot ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the highest ancestor for the given figure
static void FigureUtilities. paintGrid ( Graphics g, IFigure f, Point origin, int distanceX, int distanceY)
          Helper method to paint a grid.
static  IFigure FigureUtilities. findCommonAncestor ( IFigure l, IFigure r)
          Returns the figure which is the ancestor of both figures, or null.
static boolean FigureUtilities. isAncestor ( IFigure ancestor, IFigure descendant)
          Returns true if the ancestor contains the descendant, or is the ancestor of the descendant's parent.
 void FigureListener. figureMoved ( IFigure source)
          Called when the given IFigure has moved.
 void FigureCanvas. setContents ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the contents of the Viewport.
 void Figure. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Calls Figure.add(IFigure, Object, int) with -1 as the index.
 void Figure. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
 void Figure. add ( IFigure figure)
          Calls Figure.add(IFigure, Object, int) with null as the constraint and -1 as the index.
 void Figure. add ( IFigure figure, int index)
          Calls Figure.add(IFigure, Object, int) with null as the constraint.
 void Figure. remove ( IFigure figure)
          Removes the given child Figure from this Figure's hierarchy and revalidates this Figure.
 void Figure. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
 void Figure. setParent ( IFigure p)
 void Figure. setToolTip ( IFigure f)
 boolean Figure.IdentitySearch. accept ( IFigure f)
          Always returns true.
 boolean Figure.IdentitySearch. prune ( IFigure f)
          Always returns false.
 boolean ExclusionSearch. accept ( IFigure figure)
 boolean ExclusionSearch. prune ( IFigure f)
          Returns true if the figure is a member of the Collection.
abstract  void EventDispatcher. requestFocus ( IFigure fig)
          Requests focus for the given figure.
abstract  void EventDispatcher. requestRemoveFocus ( IFigure fig)
          Requests focus to be removed from the given figure.
protected abstract  void EventDispatcher. setCapture ( IFigure figure)
          Sets capture to the given figure.
abstract  void EventDispatcher. setRoot ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the root figure for this dispatcher.
protected   Dimension DelegatingLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the given Figure.
 java.lang.Object DelegatingLayout. getConstraint ( IFigure child)
 void DelegatingLayout. layout ( IFigure parent)
          Lays out the given figure's children based on their Locator constraint.
 void DelegatingLayout. remove ( IFigure child)
          Removes the locator for the given figure.
 void DelegatingLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the constraint for the given figure.
 void DeferredUpdateManager. addDirtyRegion ( IFigure figure, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Adds a dirty region (defined by the rectangle x, y, w, h) to the update queue.
 void DeferredUpdateManager. addInvalidFigure ( IFigure f)
          Adds the given figure to the update queue.
 void DeferredUpdateManager. setRoot ( IFigure figure)
          Sets the root figure.
 void CoordinateListener. coordinateSystemChanged ( IFigure source)
          Indicates that the coordinate system has changed in a way that affects the absolute locations of contained figures.
 void ConnectionLayer. add ( IFigure figure, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
          Adds the given figure with the given contraint at the given index.
 void ConnectionLayer. remove ( IFigure figure)
          Removes the figure from this Layer.
 void ConnectionEndpointLocator. relocate ( IFigure figure)
          Relocates the given IFigure at either the source or target end of the Connection, based on the boolean given in the constructor ConnectionEndpointLocator.ConnectionEndpointLocator(Connection, boolean).
  Insets CompoundBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the total insets required to hold both the inner and outer borders of this CompoundBorder.
  Dimension CompoundBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
 void CompoundBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics g, Insets insets)
protected  void Clickable. setContents ( IFigure contents)
          Sets the Figure which is the contents of this Clickable.
 void ButtonBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          Paints this border with the help of the set scheme, the model of the clickable figure, and other inputs.
protected   Dimension BorderLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension BorderLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
 void BorderLayout. layout ( IFigure container)
 void BorderLayout. remove ( IFigure child)
 void BorderLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the location of hte given child in this layout.
  Insets Border. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the Insets for this Border for the given Figure.
  Dimension Border. getPreferredSize ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the preferred width and height that this border would like to display itself properly.
 void Border. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          Paints the border.
 void ArrowLocator. relocate ( IFigure target)
          Relocates the passed in figure (which must be a RotatableDecoration) at either the start or end of the connection.
 void Animator. capture ( IFigure figure)
          Captures the final state of the given figure.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object Animator. getCurrentState ( IFigure figure)
          Returns an object encapsulating the current state of the figure.
protected  boolean Animator. playback ( IFigure figure)
          Plays back the animation for the given figure and returns true if successful.
 void Animator. playbackStarting ( IFigure figure)
          Sent as playback is starting for a given figure.
protected  void Animator. recordFinalState ( IFigure figure)
          Records the final state information for a figure.
protected  void Animator. recordInitialState ( IFigure figure)
          Records initial state information for the given figure.
 void Animator. init ( IFigure figure)
          Sets up the animator for the given figure to be animated.
 void Animator. tearDown ( IFigure figure)
          Reverts any temporary changes made to the figure during animation.
static java.lang.Object Animation. getFinalState ( Animator animator, IFigure figure)
          Returns the final animation state for the given figure.
static java.lang.Object Animation. getInitialState ( Animator animator, IFigure figure)
          Returns the initial animation state for the given animator and figure.
 void AncestorListener. ancestorAdded ( IFigure ancestor)
          Called when an ancestor has been added into the listening figure's hierarchy.
 void AncestorListener. ancestorMoved ( IFigure ancestor)
          Called when an ancestor has moved to a new location.
 void AncestorListener. ancestorRemoved ( IFigure ancestor)
          Called when an ancestor has been removed from the listening figure's hierarchy.
 void AncestorListener.Stub. ancestorMoved ( IFigure ancestor)
 void AncestorListener.Stub. ancestorAdded ( IFigure ancestor)
 void AncestorListener.Stub. ancestorRemoved ( IFigure ancestor)
 void AbstractLocator. relocate ( IFigure target)
          Recalculates the position of the figure and returns the updated bounds.
protected  void AbstractLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container)
          This method is now AbstractLayout.calculatePreferredSize(IFigure, int, int).
protected abstract   Dimension AbstractLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
protected   Dimension AbstractLayout. getBorderPreferredSize ( IFigure container)
          Returns the preferred size of the figure's border.
 java.lang.Object AbstractLayout. getConstraint ( IFigure child)
          Returns the constraint for the given figure.
 void AbstractLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container)
          This method is now AbstractLayout.getMinimumSize(IFigure, int, int).
  Dimension AbstractLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension AbstractLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
 void AbstractLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container)
          This method is now AbstractLayout.getPreferredSize(IFigure, int, int).
protected  void AbstractLayout. invalidate ( IFigure child)
          Removes any cached information about the given figure.
 void AbstractLayout. remove ( IFigure child)
          Removes the given figure from this LayoutManager's list of figures.
 void AbstractLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Sets the constraint for the given figure.
protected abstract   Insets AbstractLabeledBorder. calculateInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Calculates insets based on the current font and other attributes.
protected  Font AbstractLabeledBorder. getFont ( IFigure f)
          Returns the font that this border will use.
  Insets AbstractLabeledBorder. getInsets ( IFigure fig)
          Returns the insets, or space associated for this border.
  Dimension AbstractLabeledBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
protected   Dimension AbstractLabeledBorder. getTextExtents ( IFigure f)
          Calculates and returns the size required by this border's label.
protected   Dimension AbstractHintLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the minimum size using the given width and height hints.
  Dimension AbstractHintLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int w, int h)
  Dimension AbstractHintLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int w, int h)
protected  boolean AbstractHintLayout. isSensitiveHorizontally ( IFigure container)
          Returns whether this layout manager is sensitive to changes in the horizontal hint.
protected  boolean AbstractHintLayout. isSensitiveVertically ( IFigure container)
          Returns whether this layout manager is sensitive to changes in the vertical hint.
 void AbstractConnectionAnchor. ancestorMoved ( IFigure figure)
          Notifies all the listeners of this anchor's location change.
 void AbstractConnectionAnchor. ancestorAdded ( IFigure ancestor)
 void AbstractConnectionAnchor. ancestorRemoved ( IFigure ancestor)
 void AbstractConnectionAnchor. setOwner ( IFigure owner)
          Sets the owner of this anchor, on whom this anchors location is dependent.
protected static  Rectangle AbstractBorder. getPaintRectangle ( IFigure figure, Insets insets)
          Returns a temporary rectangle representing the figure's bounds cropped by the specified insets.
  Dimension AbstractBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure f)
  Insets AbstractBackground. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the Insets for this Border for the given Figure.
 void AbstractBackground. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          Paints the border. The border should paint inside figure's getBounds(), inset by the parameter insets. The border generally should not paint inside its own insets. More specifically, Border b should paint inside the rectangle: figure.getBounds().getCropped(insets) and outside of the rectangle: figure.getBounds().getCropped(insets).getCropped(getInsets()) where inside is defined as Rectangle.contains(int, int). By default, this method is stubbed out for backgrounds which only paint underneath a figure.
 void AbstractBackground. paintBackground ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          Called when this Background should paint.

Constructors in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type IFigure
ToggleButton ( IFigure contents)
          Constructs a ToggleButton with the passed IFigure as its contents.
Toggle ( IFigure contents)
          Constructs a Toggle with passed IFigure as its contents.
Toggle ( IFigure contents, int style)
          Constructs a Toggle with the passed figure as its contents and the given style.
ShortestPathConnectionRouter ( IFigure container)
          Creates a new shortest path router with the given container.
RelativeLocator ( IFigure reference, int location)
          Constructs a RelativeLocator with the given reference figure and relative location.
RelativeLocator ( IFigure reference, double relativeX, double relativeY)
          Constructs a RelativeLocator with the given reference Figure and offset ratios.
PrintFigureOperation (Printer p, IFigure srcFigure)
          Constructor for PrintFigureOperation.
KeyEvent ( EventDispatcher dispatcher, IFigure source, ke)
          Constructs a new KeyEvent.
InputEvent ( EventDispatcher dispatcher, IFigure source, int state)
          Constructs a new InputEvent.
FocusEvent ( IFigure loser, IFigure gainer)
          Constructs a new FocusEvent.
Figure.FigureIterator ( IFigure figure)
          Constructs a new FigureIterator for the given Figure.
EllipseAnchor ( IFigure owner)
Clickable ( IFigure contents)
          Constructs a Clickable whose contents are provided as input.
Clickable ( IFigure contents, int style)
          Constructs a Clickable whose contents are provided as input.
ChopboxAnchor ( IFigure owner)
          Constructs a ChopboxAnchor with the given owner figure.
AbstractConnectionAnchor ( IFigure owner)
          Constructs an AbstractConnectionAnchor with the owner supplied as input.

Uses of IFigure in

Classes in that implement IFigure
 class ScrollableThumbnail
          A scaled image representation of a Figure.
 class Thumbnail
          A Thumbnail is a Figure that displays an image of its source Figure at a smaller size.

Methods in that return IFigure
protected   IFigure Thumbnail. getSource ()
          Returns the source figure being used to generate a thumbnail.

Methods in with parameters of type IFigure
 void Thumbnail. setSource ( IFigure fig)
          Sets the source Figure.

Constructors in with parameters of type IFigure
Thumbnail ( IFigure fig)
          Creates a new Thumbnail with the given IFigure as its source figure.

Uses of IFigure in org.eclipse.draw2d.text

Classes in org.eclipse.draw2d.text that implement IFigure
 class BlockFlow
          A FlowFigure represented by a single BlockBox containing one or more lines.
 class FlowAdapter
          Adapts non-flow figures for use within a parent hierarchy requiring flow figures.
 class FlowFigure
          The base implementation for text flow figures.
 class FlowPage
          The root of a Flow hierarchy.
 class InlineFlow
          A FlowFigure represented by multiple LineBox fragments.
 class TextFlow
          An inline flow figure that renders a string of text across one or more lines.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text with parameters of type IFigure
 java.lang.Object FlowFigureLayout. getConstraint ( IFigure child)
          Not applicable.
  Dimension FlowFigureLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Not applicable.
  Dimension FlowFigureLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Not applicable.
 void FlowFigureLayout. layout ( IFigure figure)
 void FlowFigureLayout. remove ( IFigure child)
          Not applicable.
 void FlowFigureLayout. setConstraint ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Not applicable.
 void FlowFigure. add ( IFigure child, java.lang.Object constraint, int index)
          If the child is a FlowFigure, its FlowContext is passed to it.
 void FlowFigure. remove ( IFigure figure)
          Overridden to revalidateBidi when fragments are removed.
protected  void FlowFigure. revalidateBidi ( IFigure origin)
          This method should be invoked whenever a change that can potentially affect the Bidi evaluation is made (eg., adding or removing children, changing text, etc.).
protected  void BlockFlow. revalidateBidi ( IFigure origin)
          A Block will invalidate the Bidi state of all its children, so that it is re-evaluated when this block is next validated.
  Insets AbstractFlowBorder. getInsets ( IFigure figure)
 void AbstractFlowBorder. paint ( IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets)
          This method is not called on FlowBorders.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire