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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IClasspathEntry
org.eclipse.jdt.core The Java model is the set of classes that model the objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program. 
org.eclipse.jdt.launching Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java launching support. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface wizards. 

Uses of IClasspathEntry in org.eclipse.jdt.core

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core that return IClasspathEntry
  IClasspathEntry IJavaProject. decodeClasspathEntry ( String encodedEntry)
          Decodes the classpath entry that has been encoded in the given string in the context of this project.
  IClasspathEntry[] IClasspathContainer. getClasspathEntries ()
          Answers the set of classpath entries this container is mapping to.
  IClasspathEntry[] IJavaProject. getRawClasspath ()
          Returns the raw classpath for the project, as a list of classpath entries.
  IClasspathEntry IPackageFragmentRoot. getRawClasspathEntry ()
          Returns the first raw classpath entry that corresponds to this package fragment root.
  IClasspathEntry[] IJavaProject. getResolvedClasspath (boolean ignoreUnresolvedEntry)
          This is a helper method returning the resolved classpath for the project as a list of simple (non-variable, non-container) classpath entries.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. getResolvedClasspathEntry ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          This is a helper method, which returns the resolved classpath entry denoted by a given entry (if it is a variable entry).
  IClasspathEntry IClasspathEntry. getResolvedEntry ()
          Deprecated. Use JavaCore.getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry) instead
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newContainerEntry ( IPath containerPath)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_CONTAINER for the given path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newContainerEntry ( IPath containerPath, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_CONTAINER for the given path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newContainerEntry ( IPath containerPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_CONTAINER for the given path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newLibraryEntry ( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath)
          Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind CPE_LIBRARY for the JAR or folder identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newLibraryEntry ( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_LIBRARY for the JAR or folder identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newLibraryEntry ( IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_LIBRARY for the JAR or folder identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newProjectEntry ( IPath path)
          Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind CPE_PROJECT for the project identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newProjectEntry ( IPath path, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_PROJECT for the project identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newProjectEntry ( IPath path, IAccessRule[] accessRules, boolean combineAccessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_PROJECT for the project identified by the given absolute path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newSourceEntry ( IPath path)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_SOURCE for all files in the project's source folder identified by the given absolute workspace-relative path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newSourceEntry ( IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_SOURCE for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths matching any of the given patterns.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newSourceEntry ( IPath path, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_SOURCE for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths matching any of the given patterns, and associated with a specific output location (that is, ".class" files are not going to the project default output location).
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newSourceEntry ( IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_SOURCE for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute workspace-relative path but excluding all source files with paths matching any of the given patterns, and associated with a specific output location (that is, ".class" files are not going to the project default output location).
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newSourceEntry ( IPath path, IPath[] inclusionPatterns, IPath[] exclusionPatterns, IPath specificOutputLocation, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_SOURCE for the project's source folder identified by the given absolute workspace-relative path using the given inclusion and exclusion patterns to determine which source files are included, and the given output path to control the output location of generated files.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newVariableEntry ( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath)
          Creates and returns a new non-exported classpath entry of kind CPE_VARIABLE for the given path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newVariableEntry ( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_VARIABLE for the given path.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. newVariableEntry ( IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentRootPath, IAccessRule[] accessRules, IClasspathAttribute[] extraAttributes, boolean isExported)
          Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind CPE_VARIABLE for the given path.
  IClasspathEntry[] IJavaProject. readRawClasspath ()
          Returns the raw classpath for the project as defined by its .classpath file from disk, or null if unable to read the file.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core with parameters of type IClasspathEntry
 void IPackageFragmentRoot. copy ( IPath destination, int updateResourceFlags, int updateModelFlags, IClasspathEntry sibling, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the resource of this package fragment root to the destination path as specified by IResource.copy(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor) but excluding nested source folders.
  String IJavaProject. encodeClasspathEntry ( IClasspathEntry classpathEntry)
          Encodes the given classpath entry into a string in the context of this project.
  IPackageFragmentRoot[] IJavaProject. findPackageFragmentRoots ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          Returns the existing package fragment roots identified by the given entry.
  IPackageFragmentRoot[] IJavaProject. getPackageFragmentRoots ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          Deprecated. Use IJavaProject.findPackageFragmentRoots(IClasspathEntry) instead
static  IClasspathEntry JavaCore. getResolvedClasspathEntry ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          This is a helper method, which returns the resolved classpath entry denoted by a given entry (if it is a variable entry).
 boolean IJavaProject. hasClasspathCycle ( IClasspathEntry[] entries)
          Returns whether setting this project's classpath to the given classpath entries would result in a cycle.
 void IPackageFragmentRoot. move ( IPath destination, int updateResourceFlags, int updateModelFlags, IClasspathEntry sibling, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the resource of this package fragment root to the destination path as specified by IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) but excluding nested source folders.
  ICompilationUnit WorkingCopyOwner. newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use WorkingCopyOwner.newWorkingCopy(String, IClasspathEntry[], IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems may be reported twice if the given requestor is not the same as the current working copy owner one.
  ICompilationUnit WorkingCopyOwner. newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a new working copy with the given name using this working copy owner to create its buffer.
 void IJavaProject. setRawClasspath ( IClasspathEntry[] entries, boolean canModifyResources, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the classpath of this project using a list of classpath entries.
 void IJavaProject. setRawClasspath ( IClasspathEntry[] entries, IPath outputLocation, boolean canModifyResources, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets both the classpath of this project and its default output location at once.
 void IJavaProject. setRawClasspath ( IClasspathEntry[] entries, IPath outputLocation, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the both the classpath of this project and its default output location at once.
 void IJavaProject. setRawClasspath ( IClasspathEntry[] entries, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the classpath of this project using a list of classpath entries.
static  IJavaModelStatus JavaConventions. validateClasspath ( IJavaProject javaProject, IClasspathEntry[] rawClasspath, IPath projectOutputLocation)
          Validate a given classpath and output location for a project, using the following rules: Classpath entries cannot collide with each other; that is, all entry paths must be unique.
static  IJavaModelStatus JavaConventions. validateClasspathEntry ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry entry, boolean checkSourceAttachment)
          Returns a Java model status describing the problem related to this classpath entry if any, a status object with code IStatus.OK if the entry is fine (that is, if the given classpath entry denotes a valid element to be referenced onto a classpath).

Uses of IClasspathEntry in org.eclipse.jdt.launching

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching that return IClasspathEntry
  IClasspathEntry IRuntimeClasspathEntry. getClasspathEntry ()
          Returns a classpath entry equivalent to this runtime classpath entry, or null if none.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. getDefaultJREContainerEntry ()
          Creates and returns a classpath entry describing the default JRE container entry.
static  IClasspathEntry JavaRuntime. getJREVariableEntry ()
          Creates and returns a classpath entry describing the JRE_LIB classpath variable.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.launching with parameters of type IClasspathEntry
 boolean IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver2. isVMInstallReference ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          Returns whether the given classpath entry references a VM install.
  IVMInstall IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver. resolveVMInstall ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          Returns a VM install associated with the given classpath entry, or null if none.

Uses of IClasspathEntry in org.eclipse.jdt.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui that return IClasspathEntry
static  IClasspathEntry[] PreferenceConstants. decodeJRELibraryClasspathEntries ( String encodedLibrary)
          Decodes an encoded JRE library and returns its class path entries.
static  IClasspathEntry[] PreferenceConstants. getDefaultJRELibrary ()
          Returns the current configuration for the JRE to be used as default in new Java projects.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui with parameters of type IClasspathEntry
static  String PreferenceConstants. encodeJRELibrary ( String description, IClasspathEntry[] entries)
          Encodes a JRE library to be used in the named preference NEWPROJECT_JRELIBRARY_LIST.
static  URL JavaUI. getLibraryJavadocLocation ( IClasspathEntry entry)
          Returns the Javadoc location for library's classpath entry or null if no location is available.

Uses of IClasspathEntry in

Methods in with parameters of type IClasspathEntry
static  Change ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal. newAddClasspathChange ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry entryToAdd)
          A helper method to create a Change that adds an entry to the class path.
static  Change ClasspathFixProcessor.ClasspathFixProposal. newClasspathChange ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] newClasspath, IPath outputLocation)
          A helper method to create a Change that modifies a class path.

Uses of IClasspathEntry in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards that return IClasspathEntry
static  IClasspathEntry[] BuildPathDialogAccess. chooseContainerEntries ( Shell shell, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to choose new classpath container classpath entries.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureContainerEntry ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to configure a classpath container classpath entry.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureJavadocLocation ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry)
          Shows the UI for configuring a javadoc location attribute of the classpath entry.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureSourceAttachment ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry)
          Shows the UI for configuring source attachments.
  IClasspathEntry[] NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne. getDefaultClasspathEntries ()
          Returns the default class path entries to be added on new projects.
  IClasspathEntry[] IClasspathContainerPageExtension2. getNewContainers ()
          Method IClasspathContainerPageExtension2.getNewContainers() is called instead of IClasspathContainerPage.getSelection() to get the newly added containers.
abstract   IClasspathEntry ClasspathAttributeConfiguration.ClasspathAttributeAccess. getParentClasspassEntry ()
          Returns the classpath entry the current attribute is part of
  IClasspathEntry[] NewJavaProjectWizardPage. getRawClassPath ()
          Deprecated. Returns the currently configured classpath.
  IClasspathEntry[] JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage. getRawClassPath ()
          Returns the currently configured classpath.
  IClasspathEntry IClasspathContainerPage. getSelection ()
          Returns the edited or created classpath container entry.
  IClasspathEntry[] NewJavaProjectWizardPageOne. getSourceClasspathEntries ()
          Returns the source class path entries to be added on new projects.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards with parameters of type IClasspathEntry
static  IClasspathEntry[] BuildPathDialogAccess. chooseContainerEntries ( Shell shell, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to choose new classpath container classpath entries.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureContainerEntry ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to configure a classpath container classpath entry.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureContainerEntry ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry, IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentClasspath)
          Shows the UI to configure a classpath container classpath entry.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureJavadocLocation ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry)
          Shows the UI for configuring a javadoc location attribute of the classpath entry.
static  IClasspathEntry BuildPathDialogAccess. configureSourceAttachment ( Shell shell, IClasspathEntry initialEntry)
          Shows the UI for configuring source attachments.
 void JavaCapabilityConfigurationPage. init ( IJavaProject jproject, IPath defaultOutputLocation, IClasspathEntry[] defaultEntries, boolean defaultsOverrideExistingClasspath)
          Initializes the page with the project and default classpath.
 void IClasspathContainerPageExtension. initialize ( IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] currentEntries)
          Method initialize() is called before IClasspathContainerPage.setSelection to give additional information about the context the classpath container entry is configured in.
 void NewJavaProjectWizardPage. setDefaultClassPath ( IClasspathEntry[] entries, boolean appendDefaultJRE)
          Deprecated. Sets the default classpath to be used for the new Java project.
 void IClasspathContainerPage. setSelection ( IClasspathEntry containerEntry)
          Sets the classpath container entry to be edited or null if a new entry should be created.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire