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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStructuredContentProvider
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers Provides classes that can be used to observe the JFace Viewer framework. 
org.eclipse.jface.preference Provides a framework for preferences. 
org.eclipse.jface.viewers Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based content adapters for SWT widgets. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history Application programming interface to display and preview refactoring history information. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model Application programming interface to provide model integration for refactoring histories. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.model Provides a workbench adapter for displaying workbench elements in the UI without having to know the concrete type of the element, and various label providers for workbench-specific objects like editors, views, and perspectives. 
org.eclipse.ui.navigator Provides the Common Navigator framework. Provides the Tabbed Properties framework. 

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Classes in org.eclipse.debug.ui that implement IStructuredContentProvider
protected  class EnvironmentTab.EnvironmentVariableContentProvider
          Content provider for the environment table

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class ObservableListContentProvider
          A content provider for AbstractTableViewer or AbstractListViewer that provides elements of an IObservableList when set as the viewer's input.
 class ObservableListTreeContentProvider
          An ITreeContentProvider for use with an AbstractTreeViewer, which uses the provided list factory to obtain the elements of a tree.
 class ObservableSetContentProvider
          A content provider for AbstractTableViewer or AbstractListViewer that provides elements of an IObservableSet when set as the viewer's input.
 class ObservableSetTreeContentProvider
          An ITreeContentProvider for use with an AbstractTreeViewer, which uses the provided set factory to obtain the elements of a tree.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.jface.preference

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.preference that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class PreferenceContentProvider
          Provides a tree model for PreferenceManager content.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.jface.viewers

Subinterfaces of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
 interface ITreeContentProvider
          An interface to content providers for tree-structure-oriented viewers.
 interface ITreePathContentProvider
          An interface to content providers for tree-structure-oriented viewers that provides content based on the path of elements in the tree viewer..

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.viewers that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class ArrayContentProvider
          This implementation of IStructuredContentProvider handles the case where the viewer input is an unchanging array or collection of elements.
 class TreeNodeContentProvider
           A content provider that expects every element to be a TreeNode.

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.viewers with parameters of type IStructuredContentProvider
 void ComboBoxViewerCellEditor. setContenProvider ( IStructuredContentProvider provider)

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history

Classes in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class RefactoringHistoryContentProvider
          Tree content provider to display a refactoring history.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model

Classes in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class AbstractSynchronizationContentProvider
          Partial implementation of a refactoring-aware synchronization content provider.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in

Classes in that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class SynchronizationContentProvider
          Abstract team aware content provider that delegates to another content provider.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class FileEditorMappingContentProvider
          A content provider for displaying of IFileEditorMapping objects in viewers.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that return IStructuredContentProvider
protected   IStructuredContentProvider WizardNewProjectReferencePage. getContentProvider ()
          Returns a content provider for the reference project viewer.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IStructuredContentProvider
 void ListDialog. setContentProvider ( IStructuredContentProvider sp)

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IStructuredContentProvider
ListSelectionDialog ( Shell parentShell, Object input, IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider, ILabelProvider labelProvider, String message)
          Creates a list selection dialog.
YesNoCancelListSelectionDialog ( Shell parentShell, Object input, IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider, ILabelProvider labelProvider, String message)
          Deprecated. see class comment

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ui.model

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.model that implement IStructuredContentProvider
 class BaseWorkbenchContentProvider
          Tree content provider for objects that can be adapted to the interface IWorkbenchAdapter.
 class WorkbenchContentProvider
          Tree content provider for resource objects that can be adapted to the interface IWorkbenchAdapter.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ui.navigator

Subinterfaces of IStructuredContentProvider in org.eclipse.ui.navigator
 interface ICommonContentProvider
          Allows extensions to vary their behavior based on properties in the extension model and the given memento.
 interface IPipelinedTreeContentProvider
          A pipelined content provider allows an extension to reshape the contributions of an upstream content extension.

Uses of IStructuredContentProvider in

Subinterfaces of IStructuredContentProvider in
 interface IOverridableTabListContentProvider
          A content provider for the tabbed property sheet page's list of tabs.

Fields in declared as IStructuredContentProvider
protected   IStructuredContentProvider TabbedPropertySheetPage. tabListContentProvider

Methods in that return IStructuredContentProvider
protected   IStructuredContentProvider TabbedPropertySheetPage. getTabListContentProvider ()
          Gets the tab list content provider for the contributor.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire