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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICompilationUnit
org.eclipse.jdt.core The Java model is the set of classes that model the objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler This package contains compiler associated infrastructure APIs. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom The Java DOM/AST is the set of classes that model the source code of a Java program as a structured document. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite The Java DOM/AST rewrite is the set of classes that are used to make changes to an existing DOM/AST tree. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring Application programming interface for Java-specified refactoring framework facilities. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors Application programming interface to access Java refactorings provided by JDT. Provides support for searching the workspace Java elements that match a particular description. 
org.eclipse.jdt.core.util Provides a set of tools and utilities for manipulating .class files and Java model elements. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions Application programming interfaces for Eclipse Java User Interface specific actions. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup Application programming interfaces for code clean up. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring Application programming interfaces for rename refactorings. Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface. 
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse Java User Interface wizards. 

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core

Fields in org.eclipse.jdt.core declared as ICompilationUnit
protected   ICompilationUnit CorrectionEngine. compilationUnit
          This field is not intended to be used by client.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit IClassFile. becomeWorkingCopy ( IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use ITypeRoot.getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems will be reported to the given problem requestor as well as the problem requestor returned by the working copy owner (if not null).
  ICompilationUnit IPackageFragment. createCompilationUnit ( String name, String contents, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a compilation unit in this package fragment with the specified name and contents.
static  ICompilationUnit JavaCore. createCompilationUnitFrom ( IFile file)
          Creates and returns a compilation unit element for the given source file (i.e. a file with one of the Java-like extensions).
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. findWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Finds the working copy for this compilation unit, given a WorkingCopyOwner.
  ICompilationUnit IMember. getCompilationUnit ()
          Returns the compilation unit in which this member is declared, or null if this member is not declared in a compilation unit (for example, a binary type).
  ICompilationUnit IPackageFragment. getCompilationUnit ( String name)
          Returns the compilation unit with the specified name in this package (for example, "").
  ICompilationUnit[] IPackageFragment. getCompilationUnits ()
          Returns all of the compilation units in this package fragment.
  ICompilationUnit[] IPackageFragment. getCompilationUnits ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns all of the compilation units in this package fragment that are in working copy mode and that have the given owner.
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. getPrimary ()
          Returns the primary compilation unit (whose owner is the primary owner) this working copy was created from, or this compilation unit if this a primary compilation unit.
static  ICompilationUnit[] JavaCore. getWorkingCopies ( WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns the working copies that have the given owner.
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. getWorkingCopy ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a new working copy of this compilation unit if it is a primary compilation unit, or this compilation unit if it is already a non-primary working copy.
  ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit. getWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use ITypeRoot.getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner, IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems will be reported on the passed problem requester as well as on the problem requestor returned by the working copy owner (if not null).
  ICompilationUnit ITypeRoot. getWorkingCopy ( WorkingCopyOwner owner, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a shared working copy on this compilation unit or class file using the given working copy owner to create the buffer.
  ICompilationUnit WorkingCopyOwner. newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProblemRequestor problemRequestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Use WorkingCopyOwner.newWorkingCopy(String, IClasspathEntry[], IProgressMonitor) instead. Note that if this deprecated method is used, problems may be reported twice if the given requestor is not the same as the current working copy owner one.
  ICompilationUnit WorkingCopyOwner. newWorkingCopy ( String name, IClasspathEntry[] classpath, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a new working copy with the given name using this working copy owner to create its buffer.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
 void CorrectionEngine. computeCorrections ( IMarker marker, ICompilationUnit targetUnit, int positionOffset, ICorrectionRequestor requestor)
          Performs code correction for the given marker, reporting results to the given correction requestor.
 void CorrectionEngine. computeCorrections ( IProblem problem, ICompilationUnit targetUnit, ICorrectionRequestor requestor)
          Performs code correction for the given IProblem, reporting results to the given correction requestor.
  IBuffer WorkingCopyOwner. createBuffer ( ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Creates a buffer for the given working copy.
  IProblemRequestor WorkingCopyOwner. getProblemRequestor ( ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Returns the problem requestor used by a working copy of this working copy owner.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newSupertypeHierarchy ( ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type and all of its supertypes, considering types in the given working copies.
  ITypeHierarchy IType. newTypeHierarchy ( ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates and returns a type hierarchy for this type containing this type, all of its supertypes, and all its subtypes in the workspace, considering types in the given working copies.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit ReconcileContext. getWorkingCopy ()
          Returns the working copy this context refers to.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
 void ASTRequestor. acceptAST ( ICompilationUnit source, CompilationUnit ast)
          Accepts an AST corresponding to the compilation unit.
 void ASTParser. createASTs ( ICompilationUnit[] compilationUnits, String[] bindingKeys, ASTRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates ASTs for a batch of compilation units.
static  CompilationUnit AST. parseCompilationUnit ( ICompilationUnit unit, boolean resolveBindings)
          Deprecated. Use ASTParser instead.
 void ASTParser. setSource ( ICompilationUnit source)
          Sets the source code to be parsed.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit ImportRewrite. getCompilationUnit ()
          The compilation unit for which this import rewrite was created for.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
static  ImportRewrite ImportRewrite. create ( ICompilationUnit cu, boolean restoreExistingImports)
          Creates a ImportRewrite from a ICompilationUnit.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit CompilationUnitChange. getCompilationUnit ()
          Returns the compilation unit this change works on.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
CompilationUnitChange ( String name, ICompilationUnit cunit)
          Creates a new CompilationUnitChange.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
 void RenameLocalVariableDescriptor. setCompilationUnit ( ICompilationUnit unit)
          Deprecated. Sets the compilation unit which contains the local variable.
 void MoveDescriptor. setMoveResources ( IFile[] files, IFolder[] folders, ICompilationUnit[] units)
          Sets the resources and compilation units to move.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in

Constructors in with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
SearchEngine ( ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies)
          Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.core.util

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.core.util with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
static void CompilationUnitSorter. sort ( ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, int[] positions, Comparator comparator, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. Clients should port their code to use the new JLS3 AST API and call CompilationUnitSorter.sort(AST.JLS3, compilationUnit, positions, comparator, options, monitor) instead of using this method.
static void CompilationUnitSorter. sort (int level, ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, int[] positions, Comparator comparator, int options, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Reorders the declarations in the given compilation unit according to the specified AST level.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit IWorkingCopyManager. getWorkingCopy ( IEditorInput input)
          Returns the working copy remembered for the compilation unit encoded in the given editor input.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
static  ImportRewrite CodeStyleConfiguration. createImportRewrite ( ICompilationUnit cu, boolean restoreExistingImports)
          Returns a ImportRewrite using ImportRewrite.create(ICompilationUnit, boolean) and configures the rewriter with the settings as specified in the JDT UI preferences.
static  String CodeGeneration. getCompilationUnitContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String typeComment, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file' code template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getCompilationUnitContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String fileComment, String typeComment, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file' code template.
static void JavaElementLabels. getCompilationUnitLabel ( ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StringBuffer buf)
          Appends the label for a compilation unit to a StringBuffer .
static void JavaElementLabels. getCompilationUnitLabel ( ICompilationUnit cu, long flags, StyledString result)
          Appends the label for a compilation unit to a StyledString.
static  String CodeGeneration. getFieldComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String typeName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new field comment using the 'field comment' code template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getFileComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new file comment using the 'file comment' code template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getGetterComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a getter method using the getter comment template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getGetterMethodBodyContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of body for a getter method using the getter method body template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getMethodBodyContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, boolean isConstructor, String bodyStatement, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of the body for a method or constructor using the method body templates.
static  String CodeGeneration. getMethodComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, MethodDeclaration decl, boolean isDeprecated, String overriddenMethodName, String overriddenMethodDeclaringTypeName, String[] overriddenMethodParameterTypeNames, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static  String CodeGeneration. getMethodComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, MethodDeclaration decl, IMethodBinding overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static  String CodeGeneration. getMethodComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String[] paramNames, String[] excTypeSig, String retTypeSig, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static  String CodeGeneration. getMethodComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String[] paramNames, String[] excTypeSig, String retTypeSig, String[] typeParameterNames, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static  String CodeGeneration. getSetterComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String paramName, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a setter method using the setter method body template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getSetterMethodBodyContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String paramName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of body for a setter method using the setter method body template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getTypeBody ( String typeKind, ICompilationUnit cu, String typeName, String lineDelim)
          Returns the content of a new new type body using the 'type body' code templates.
static  String CodeGeneration. getTypeComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String typeQualifiedName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code template.
static  String CodeGeneration. getTypeComment ( ICompilationUnit cu, String typeQualifiedName, String[] typeParameterNames, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code template.
 void IWorkingCopyManagerExtension. setWorkingCopy ( IEditorInput input, ICompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Sets the given working copy for the given editor input.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
 void ExternalizeStringsAction. run ( ICompilationUnit unit)
          Note: this method is for internal use only.
 void OrganizeImportsAction. run ( ICompilationUnit cu)
          Runs the organize import action on a single compilation unit
 void AddJavaDocStubAction. run ( ICompilationUnit cu, IMember[] members)
          Note this method is for internal use only.
 void FormatAllAction. runOnMultiple ( ICompilationUnit[] cus)
          Perform format all on the given compilation units.
 void OrganizeImportsAction. runOnMultiple ( ICompilationUnit[] cus)
          Perform organize import on multiple compilation units.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup that return ICompilationUnit
  ICompilationUnit CleanUpContext. getCompilationUnit ()
          The compilation unit to clean up.

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
  RefactoringStatus ICleanUp. checkPreConditions ( IJavaProject project, ICompilationUnit[] compilationUnits, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          After call to checkPreConditions clients will start creating fixes for compilationUnits in project unless the result of checkPreConditions contains a fatal error

Constructors in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
CleanUpContext ( ICompilationUnit unit, CompilationUnit ast)
          Creates a new clean up context.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
static  RenameSupport RenameSupport. create ( ICompilationUnit unit, String newName, int flags)
          Creates a new rename support for the given ICompilationUnit.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in

Methods in that return ICompilationUnit
protected   ICompilationUnit CompletionProposalCollector. getCompilationUnit ()
          Returns the compilation unit that the receiver operates on, or null if the IJavaProject constructor was used to create the receiver.
  ICompilationUnit IInvocationContext. getCompilationUnit ()
  ICompilationUnit JavaContentAssistInvocationContext. getCompilationUnit ()
          Returns the compilation unit that content assist is invoked in, null if there is none.

Methods in with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
  IJavaCompletionProposal[] IJavadocCompletionProcessor. computeCompletionProposals ( ICompilationUnit cu, int offset, int length, int flags)
          Deprecated. Returns the completion proposals based on the specified location within the compilation unit.
  IContextInformation[] IJavadocCompletionProcessor. computeContextInformation ( ICompilationUnit cu, int offset)
          Deprecated. Returns information about possible contexts based on the specified location within the compilation unit.
 boolean IQuickFixProcessor. hasCorrections ( ICompilationUnit unit, int problemId)
          Returns true if the processor has proposals for the given problem.

Constructors in with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
CompletionProposalCollector ( ICompilationUnit cu)
          Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals.
CompletionProposalCollector ( ICompilationUnit cu, boolean ignoreAll)
          Creates a new instance ready to collect proposals.
JavaContentAssistInvocationContext ( ICompilationUnit unit)
          Creates a new context.

Uses of ICompilationUnit in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards

Methods in org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards with parameters of type ICompilationUnit
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. constructCUContent ( ICompilationUnit cu, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter)
          Uses the New Java file template from the code template page to generate a compilation unit with the given type content.
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getFileComment ( ICompilationUnit parentCU)
          Deprecated. Instead of file templates, the new type code template specifies the stub for a compilation unit.
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getFileComment ( ICompilationUnit parentCU, String lineDelimiter)
          Hook method that gets called from createType to retrieve a file comment.
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getTemplate ( String name, ICompilationUnit parentCU)
          Deprecated. Use getTemplate(String,ICompilationUnit,int)
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getTemplate ( String name, ICompilationUnit parentCU, int pos)
          Returns the string resulting from evaluation the given template in the context of the given compilation unit.
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getTypeComment ( ICompilationUnit parentCU)
          Deprecated. Use getTypeComment(ICompilationUnit, String)
protected   String NewTypeWizardPage. getTypeComment ( ICompilationUnit parentCU, String lineDelimiter)
          Hook method that gets called from createType to retrieve a type comment.

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire