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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5
Class SearchEngine

  extended by

public class SearchEngine
extends Object

A SearchEngine searches for Java elements following a search pattern. The search can be limited to a search scope.

Various search patterns can be created using the factory methods SearchPattern.createPattern(String, int, int, int), SearchPattern.createPattern(IJavaElement, int), SearchPattern.createOrPattern(SearchPattern, SearchPattern).

For example, one can search for references to a method in the hierarchy of a type, or one can search for the declarations of types starting with "Abstract" in a project.

This class may be instantiated.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

Constructor Summary
SearchEngine ()
          Creates a new search engine.
SearchEngine ( ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies)
          Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.
SearchEngine ( IWorkingCopy[] workingCopies)
          Deprecated. Use SearchEngine(ICompilationUnit[]) instead.
SearchEngine ( WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner)
          Creates a new search engine with the given working copy owner.
Method Summary
static  IJavaSearchScope createHierarchyScope ( IType type)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type.
static  IJavaSearchScope createHierarchyScope ( IType type, WorkingCopyOwner owner)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type.
static  IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope ( IJavaElement[] elements)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
static  IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope ( IJavaElement[] elements, boolean includeReferencedProjects)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
static  IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope ( IJavaElement[] elements, int includeMask)
          Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements.
static  IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope ( IResource[] resources)
          Deprecated. Use createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[]) instead.
static  ISearchPattern createOrSearchPattern ( ISearchPattern leftPattern, ISearchPattern rightPattern)
          Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createOrPattern(SearchPattern, SearchPattern) instead.
static  ISearchPattern createSearchPattern ( IJavaElement element, int limitTo)
          Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createPattern(IJavaElement, int) instead.
static  ISearchPattern createSearchPattern ( String stringPattern, int searchFor, int limitTo, boolean isCaseSensitive)
          Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createPattern(String, int, int, int) instead.
static  TypeNameMatch createTypeNameMatch ( IType type, int modifiers)
          Create a type name match on a given type with specific modifiers.
static  IJavaSearchScope createWorkspaceScope ()
          Returns a Java search scope with the workspace as the only limit.
static  SearchParticipant getDefaultSearchParticipant ()
          Returns a new default Java search participant.
 void search ( IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement element, int limitTo, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
 void search ( IWorkspace workspace, ISearchPattern searchPattern, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
 void search ( IWorkspace workspace, String patternString, int searchFor, int limitTo, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
 void search ( SearchPattern pattern, SearchParticipant[] participants, IJavaSearchScope scope, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Searches for matches of a given search pattern.
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[][] qualifications, char[][] typeNames, IJavaSearchScope scope, TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[][] qualifications, char[][] typeNames, IJavaSearchScope scope, TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[] packageName, char[] typeName, int matchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, TypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[] packageExactName, char[] typeName, int matchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], int, char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, TypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[] packageName, int packageMatchRule, char[] typeName, int typeMatchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
 void searchAllTypeNames (char[] packageName, int packageMatchRule, char[] typeName, int typeMatchRule, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
 void searchAllTypeNames ( IWorkspace workspace, char[] packageName, char[] typeName, int matchMode, boolean isCaseSensitive, int searchFor, IJavaSearchScope scope, ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor, int waitingPolicy, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
          Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, ITypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead
 void searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields ( IJavaElement enclosingElement, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Searches for all declarations of the fields accessed in the given element.
 void searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields ( IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
 void searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes ( IJavaElement enclosingElement, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element.
 void searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes ( IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
 void searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages ( IJavaElement enclosingElement, SearchRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Searches for all declarations of the methods invoked in the given element.
 void searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages ( IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
          Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SearchEngine()
Creates a new search engine.


public SearchEngine(
ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies)
Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.

Note that passing an empty working copy will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

Since 3.0 the given working copies take precedence over primary working copies (if any).

workingCopies - the working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units


public SearchEngine(
IWorkingCopy[] workingCopies)
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine(ICompilationUnit[]) instead.

Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.

Note that passing an empty working copy will be as if the original compilation unit had been deleted.

Since 3.0 the given working copies take precedence over primary working copies (if any).

workingCopies - the working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units


public SearchEngine(
WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner)
Creates a new search engine with the given working copy owner. The working copies owned by this owner will take precedence over the primary compilation units in the subsequent search operations.

workingCopyOwner - the owner of the working copies that take precedence over their original compilation units
Method Detail


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createHierarchyScope(
IType type)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be types in this hierarchy, or members of the types in this hierarchy.

type - the focus of the hierarchy scope
a new hierarchy scope
JavaModelException - if the hierarchy could not be computed on the given type


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createHierarchyScope(
IType type,
WorkingCopyOwner owner)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type. When the hierarchy is computed, the types defined in the working copies owned by the given owner take precedence over the original compilation units. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be types in this hierarchy, or members of the types in this hierarchy.

type - the focus of the hierarchy scope
owner - the owner of working copies that take precedence over original compilation units
a new hierarchy scope
JavaModelException - if the hierarchy could not be computed on the given type


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope(
IResource[] resources)
Deprecated. Use createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[]) instead.

Returns a Java search scope limited to the given resources. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will have their underlying resource included in or equals to one of the given resources.

Resources must not overlap, for example, one cannot include a folder and its children.

resources - the resources the scope is limited to
a new Java search scope


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope(
IJavaElement[] elements)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be children of the given elements.

If an element is an IJavaProject, then the project's source folders, its jars (external and internal) and its referenced projects (with their source folders and jars, recursively) will be included. If an element is an IPackageFragmentRoot, then only the package fragments of this package fragment root will be included. If an element is an IPackageFragment, then only the compilation unit and class files of this package fragment will be included. Subpackages will NOT be included.

In other words, this is equivalent to using SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(elements, true).

elements - the Java elements the scope is limited to
a new Java search scope


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope(
IJavaElement[] elements,
                                                     boolean includeReferencedProjects)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be children of the given elements. If an element is an IJavaProject, then the project's source folders, its jars (external and internal) and - if specified - its referenced projects (with their source folders and jars, recursively) will be included. If an element is an IPackageFragmentRoot, then only the package fragments of this package fragment root will be included. If an element is an IPackageFragment, then only the compilation unit and class files of this package fragment will be included. Subpackages will NOT be included.

elements - the Java elements the scope is limited to
includeReferencedProjects - a flag indicating if referenced projects must be recursively included
a new Java search scope


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope(
IJavaElement[] elements,
                                                     int includeMask)
Returns a Java search scope limited to the given Java elements. The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be children of the given elements. If an element is an IJavaProject, then it includes: - its source folders if IJavaSearchScope.SOURCES is specified, - its application libraries (internal and external jars, class folders that are on the raw classpath, or the ones that are coming from a classpath path variable, or the ones that are coming from a classpath container with the K_APPLICATION kind) if IJavaSearchScope.APPLICATION_LIBRARIES is specified - its system libraries (internal and external jars, class folders that are coming from an IClasspathContainer with the K_SYSTEM kind) if IJavaSearchScope.APPLICATION_LIBRARIES is specified - its referenced projects (with their source folders and jars, recursively) if IJavaSearchScope.REFERENCED_PROJECTS is specified. If an element is an IPackageFragmentRoot, then only the package fragments of this package fragment root will be included. If an element is an IPackageFragment, then only the compilation unit and class files of this package fragment will be included. Subpackages will NOT be included.

elements - the Java elements the scope is limited to
includeMask - the bit-wise OR of all include types of interest
a new Java search scope
See Also:


public static 
ISearchPattern createOrSearchPattern(
ISearchPattern leftPattern,
ISearchPattern rightPattern)
Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createOrPattern(SearchPattern, SearchPattern) instead.

Returns a search pattern that combines the given two patterns into a "or" pattern. The search result will match either the left pattern or the right pattern.

leftPattern - the left pattern
rightPattern - the right pattern
a "or" pattern


public static 
ISearchPattern createSearchPattern(
String stringPattern,
                                                 int searchFor,
                                                 int limitTo,
                                                 boolean isCaseSensitive)
Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createPattern(String, int, int, int) instead.

Returns a search pattern based on a given string pattern. The string patterns support '*' wild-cards. The remaining parameters are used to narrow down the type of expected results.
  • search for case insensitive references to Object: createSearchPattern("Object", TYPE, REFERENCES, false);
  • search for case sensitive references to exact Object() constructor: createSearchPattern("java.lang.Object()", CONSTRUCTOR, REFERENCES, true);
  • search for implementers of java.lang.Runnable: createSearchPattern("java.lang.Runnable", TYPE, IMPLEMENTORS, true);

stringPattern - the given pattern
searchFor - determines the nature of the searched elements
limitTo - determines the nature of the expected matches
isCaseSensitive - indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not.
a search pattern on the given string pattern, or null if the string pattern is ill-formed.


public static 
ISearchPattern createSearchPattern(
IJavaElement element,
                                                 int limitTo)
Deprecated. Use SearchPattern.createPattern(IJavaElement, int) instead.

Returns a search pattern based on a given Java element. The pattern is used to trigger the appropriate search, and can be parameterized as follows:

element - the Java element the search pattern is based on
limitTo - determines the nature of the expected matches
a search pattern for a Java element or null if the given element is ill-formed


public static 
TypeNameMatch createTypeNameMatch(
IType type,
                                                int modifiers)
Create a type name match on a given type with specific modifiers.

type - The java model handle of the type
modifiers - Modifiers of the type
A non-null match on the given type.


public static 
IJavaSearchScope createWorkspaceScope()
Returns a Java search scope with the workspace as the only limit.

a new workspace scope


public static 
SearchParticipant getDefaultSearchParticipant()
Returns a new default Java search participant.

a new default Java search participant


public void search(
IWorkspace workspace,
String patternString,
                   int searchFor,
                   int limitTo,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for the Java element determined by the given signature. The signature can be incomplete. For example, a call like search(ws, "run()", METHOD,REFERENCES, col) searches for all references to the method run. Note that by default the pattern will be case insensitive. For specifying case s sensitive search, use search(workspace, createSearchPattern(patternString, searchFor, limitTo, true), scope, resultCollector);

workspace - the workspace
patternString - the pattern to be searched for
searchFor - a hint what kind of Java element the string pattern represents. Look into IJavaSearchConstants for valid values
limitTo - one of the following values:
scope - the search result has to be limited to the given scope
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void search(
IWorkspace workspace,
IJavaElement element,
                   int limitTo,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for the given Java element.

workspace - the workspace
element - the Java element to be searched for
limitTo - one of the following values:
scope - the search result has to be limited to the given scope
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void search(
IWorkspace workspace,
ISearchPattern searchPattern,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for matches of a given search pattern. Search patterns can be created using helper methods (from a String pattern or a Java element) and encapsulate the description of what is being searched (for example, search method declarations in a case sensitive way).

workspace - the workspace
searchPattern - the pattern to be searched for
scope - the search result has to be limited to the given scope
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void search(
SearchPattern pattern,
SearchParticipant[] participants,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for matches of a given search pattern. Search patterns can be created using helper methods (from a String pattern or a Java element) and encapsulate the description of what is being searched (for example, search method declarations in a case sensitive way).

pattern - the pattern to search
participants - the particpants in the search
scope - the search scope
requestor - the requestor to report the matches to
monitor - the progress monitor used to report progress
CoreException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[] packageExactName,
                               char[] typeName,
                               int matchRule,
                               int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], int, char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, TypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead

Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope. The search can be selecting specific types (given a package exact full name or a type name with specific match mode).

packageExactName - the exact package full name of the searched types.
If you want to use a prefix or a wild-carded string for package, you need to use searchAllTypeNames(char[], int, char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, TypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) method instead. May be null, then any package name is accepted.
typeName - the dot-separated qualified name of the searched type (the qualification include the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type. May be null, then any type name is accepted.
matchRule - type name match rule one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
searchFor - determines the nature of the searched elements
scope - the scope to search in
nameRequestor - the requestor that collects the results of the search
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[] packageName,
                               int packageMatchRule,
                               char[] typeName,
                               int typeMatchRule,
                               int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope. The search can be selecting specific types (given a package name using specific match mode and/or a type name using another specific match mode).

packageName - the full name of the package of the searched types, or a prefix for this package, or a wild-carded string for this package. May be null, then any package name is accepted.
typeName - the dot-separated qualified name of the searched type (the qualification include the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type. May be null, then any type name is accepted.
packageMatchRule - one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
typeMatchRule - one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
searchFor - determines the nature of the searched elements
scope - the scope to search in
nameRequestor - the requestor that collects the results of the search
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[] packageName,
                               int packageMatchRule,
                               char[] typeName,
                               int typeMatchRule,
                               int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope. The search can be selecting specific types (given a package name using specific match mode and/or a type name using another specific match mode).

Provided TypeNameMatchRequestor requestor will collect TypeNameMatch matches found during the search.

packageName - the full name of the package of the searched types, or a prefix for this package, or a wild-carded string for this package. May be null, then any package name is accepted.
packageMatchRule - one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
typeName - the dot-separated qualified name of the searched type (the qualification include the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type. May be null, then any type name is accepted.
typeMatchRule - one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
searchFor - determines the nature of the searched elements
scope - the scope to search in
nameMatchRequestor - the requestor that collects matches of the search.
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[][] qualifications,
                               char[][] typeNames,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
TypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.

qualifications - the qualified name of the package/enclosing type of the searched types. May be null, then any package name is accepted.
typeNames - the simple names of the searched types. If this parameter is null, then no type will be found.
scope - the scope to search in
nameRequestor - the requestor that collects the results of the search
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[][] qualifications,
                               char[][] typeNames,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
TypeNameMatchRequestor nameMatchRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope matching any of the given qualifications and type names in a case sensitive way.

Provided TypeNameMatchRequestor requestor will collect TypeNameMatch matches found during the search.

qualifications - the qualified name of the package/enclosing type of the searched types. May be null, then any package name is accepted.
typeNames - the simple names of the searched types. If this parameter is null, then no type will be found.
scope - the scope to search in
nameMatchRequestor - the requestor that collects matches of the search.
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(char[] packageName,
                               char[] typeName,
                               int matchRule,
                               int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, TypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead

Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope. The search can be selecting specific types (given a package or a type name prefix and match modes).

packageName - the full name of the package of the searched types, or a prefix for this package, or a wild-carded string for this package.
typeName - the dot-separated qualified name of the searched type (the qualification include the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type.
matchRule - one of combined with SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE, e.g. SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE if an exact and case sensitive match is requested, or SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH if a prefix non case sensitive match is requested.
searchFor - one of
scope - the scope to search in
nameRequestor - the requestor that collects the results of the search
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchAllTypeNames(
IWorkspace workspace,
                               char[] packageName,
                               char[] typeName,
                               int matchMode,
                               boolean isCaseSensitive,
                               int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
                               int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
Deprecated. Use searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, ITypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead

Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope. The search can be selecting specific types (given a package or a type name prefix and match modes).

workspace - the workspace to search in
packageName - the full name of the package of the searched types, or a prefix for this package, or a wild-carded string for this package.
typeName - the dot-separated qualified name of the searched type (the qualification include the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type.
matchMode - one of
isCaseSensitive - whether the search should be case sensitive
searchFor - one of
scope - the scope to search in
nameRequestor - the requestor that collects the results of the search
waitingPolicy - one of
progressMonitor - the progress monitor to report progress to, or null if no progress monitor is provided
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for all declarations of the fields accessed in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit or a source type/method/field. Reports the field declarations using the given requestor.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                        int field1;
                class B extends A {
                        String value;
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                B b = new B();
                                System.out.println(b.value + b.field1);
then searching for declarations of accessed fields in method X.test() would collect the fields B.value and A.field1.

enclosingElement - the field, method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
requestor - a callback object to which each match is reported
monitor - the progress monitor used to report progress
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set
IllegalArgumentException - if the given java element has not the right type


public void searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(
IWorkspace workspace,
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for all declarations of the fields accessed in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit, a source type, or a source method. Reports the field declarations using the given collector.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                        int field1;
                class B extends A {
                        String value;
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                B b = new B();
                                System.out.println(b.value + b.field1);
then searching for declarations of accessed fields in method X.test() would collect the fields B.value and A.field1.

workspace - the workspace
enclosingElement - the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit or a source type/method/field. Reports the type declarations using the given requestor.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                class B extends A {
                interface I {
                  int VALUE = 0;
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                B b = new B();
                      , I.VALUE);
then searching for declarations of referenced types in method X.test() would collect the class B and the interface I.

enclosingElement - the field, method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
requestor - a callback object to which each match is reported
monitor - the progress monitor used to report progress
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set
IllegalArgumentException - if the given java element has not the right type


public void searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(
IWorkspace workspace,
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit, a source type, or a source method. Reports the type declarations using the given collector.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                class B extends A {
                interface I {
                  int VALUE = 0;
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                B b = new B();
                      , I.VALUE);
then searching for declarations of referenced types in method X.test() would collect the class B and the interface I.

workspace - the workspace
enclosingElement - the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set


public void searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Searches for all declarations of the methods invoked in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit or a source type/method/field. Reports the method declarations using the given requestor.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                        void foo() {};
                        void bar() {};
                class B extends A {
                        void foo() {};
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                A a = new B();
                                B b = (B)a;
then searching for declarations of sent messages in method X.test() would collect the methods,, and

enclosingElement - the field, method, type or compilation unit to be searched in
requestor - a callback object to which each match is reported
monitor - the progress monitor used to report progress
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set
IllegalArgumentException - if the given java element has not the right type


public void searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(
IWorkspace workspace,
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector)
Deprecated. Use searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.

Searches for all declarations of the methods invoked in the given element. The element can be a compilation unit, a source type, or a source method. Reports the method declarations using the given collector.

Consider the following code:

                class A {
                        void foo() {};
                        void bar() {};
                class B extends A {
                        void foo() {};
                class X {
                        void test() {
                                A a = new B();
                                B b = (B)a;
then searching for declarations of sent messages in method X.test() would collect the methods,, and

workspace - the workspace
enclosingElement - the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
resultCollector - a callback object to which each match is reported
JavaModelException - if the search failed. Reasons include:
  • the element doesn't exist
  • the classpath is incorrectly set

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire