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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Class ReconcileContext

  extended by 

public class ReconcileContext
extends Object

The context of a reconcile event that is notified to interested compilation participants while a reconcile operation is running.

A reconcile participant can get the AST for the reconcile-operation using getAST3(). If the participant modifies in any way the AST (either by modifying the source of the working copy, or modifying another entity that would result in different bindings for the AST), it is expected to reset the AST in the context using resetAST().

A reconcile participant can also create and return problems using putProblems(String, CategorizedProblem[]). These problems are then reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation.

See Also:
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.

Constructor Summary
ReconcileContext (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ReconcileWorkingCopyOperation operation, org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit workingCopy)
          Creates a reconcile context for the given reconcile operation.
Method Summary
  CompilationUnit getAST3 ()
          Returns a resolved AST with JLS3 level.
 int getASTLevel ()
          Returns the AST level requested by the reconcile operation.
  IJavaElementDelta getDelta ()
          Returns the delta describing the change to the working copy being reconciled.
  CategorizedProblem[] getProblems ( String markerType)
          Returns the problems to be reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation for the given marker type.
  ICompilationUnit getWorkingCopy ()
          Returns the working copy this context refers to.
 boolean isResolvingBindings ()
          Returns whether the reconcile operation is resolving bindings.
 void putProblems ( String markerType, CategorizedProblem[] problems)
          Sets the problems to be reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation for the given marker type.
 void resetAST ()
          Resets the AST carried by this context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ReconcileContext(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ReconcileWorkingCopyOperation operation,
                        org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit workingCopy)
Creates a reconcile context for the given reconcile operation.

operation - the reconcile operation
This constructor is not intended to be called by clients.
Method Detail


CompilationUnit getAST3()
Returns a resolved AST with JLS3 level. It is created from the current state of the working copy. Creates one if none exists yet. Returns null if the current state of the working copy doesn't allow the AST to be created (e.g. if the working copy's content cannot be parsed).

If the AST level requested during reconciling is not AST.JLS3 or if binding resolutions was not requested, then a different AST is created. Note that this AST does not become the current AST and it is only valid for the requestor.

the AST created from the current state of the working copy, or null if none could be created
JavaModelException - if the contents of the working copy cannot be accessed. Reasons include:
  • The working copy does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)


public int getASTLevel()
Returns the AST level requested by the reconcile operation. It is either ICompilationUnit.NO_AST, or one of the JLS constants defined on AST.

the AST level requested by the reconcile operation


public boolean isResolvingBindings()
Returns whether the reconcile operation is resolving bindings.

whether the reconcile operation is resolving bindings


IJavaElementDelta getDelta()
Returns the delta describing the change to the working copy being reconciled. Returns null if there is no change. Note that the delta's AST is not yet positionnned at this stage. Use getAST3() to get the current AST.

the delta describing the change, or null if none


CategorizedProblem[] getProblems(
String markerType)
Returns the problems to be reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation for the given marker type. Returns null if no problems need to be reported for this marker type.

markerType - the given marker type
problems to be reported to the problem requesto


ICompilationUnit getWorkingCopy()
Returns the working copy this context refers to.

the working copy this context refers to


public void resetAST()
Resets the AST carried by this context. A compilation participant that modifies the environment that would result in different bindings for the AST is expected to reset the AST on this context, so that other participants don't get a stale AST.

Note that resetting the AST will not restart the reconcile process. Only further participants will see the new AST. Thus participants running before the one that resets the AST will have a stale view of the AST and its problems. Use the compilation participant extension point to order the participants.


public void putProblems(
String markerType,
CategorizedProblem[] problems)
Sets the problems to be reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation for the given marker type. null indicates that no problems need to be reported.

Using this functionality, a participant that resolves problems for a given marker type can hide those problems since they don't exist any longer.

markerType - the marker type of the given problems
problems - the problems to be reported to the problem requestor of the reconcile operation, or null if none

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire