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Eclipse JavaServer Faces Tooling Development Guide
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Package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facesconfig.emf

EMF model for JSF application configuration files.


Interface Summary
ActionListenerType A representation of the model object ' Action Listener Type '
ApplicationExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Application Extension Type '
ApplicationFactoryType A representation of the model object ' Application Factory Type '
ApplicationType A representation of the model object ' Application Type '
AttributeClassType A representation of the model object ' Attribute Class Type '
AttributeExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Attribute Extension Type '
AttributeNameType A representation of the model object ' Attribute Name Type '
AttributeType A representation of the model object ' Attribute Type '
BaseNameType A representation of the model object ' Base Name Type '
ComponentClassType A representation of the model object ' Component Class Type '
ComponentExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Component Extension Type '
ComponentFamilyType A representation of the model object ' Component Family Type '
ComponentType A representation of the model object ' Component Type '
ComponentTypeType A representation of the model object ' Component Type Type '
ConverterClassType A representation of the model object ' Converter Class Type '
ConverterExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Converter Extension Type '
ConverterForClassType A representation of the model object ' Converter For Class Type '
ConverterIdType A representation of the model object ' Converter Id Type '
ConverterType A representation of the model object ' Converter Type '
DefaultLocaleType A representation of the model object ' Default Locale Type '
DefaultRenderKitIdType A representation of the model object ' Default Render Kit Id Type '
DefaultValueType A representation of the model object ' Default Value Type '
DescriptionType A representation of the model object ' Description Type '
DisplayNameType A representation of the model object ' Display Name Type '
DocumentRoot A representation of the model object ' Document Root '
DynamicAttribute A representation of the model object ' Dynamic Attribute '
DynamicElement A representation of the model object ' Dynamic Element '
ELResolverType A representation of the model object ' EL Resolver Type '
ExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Extension Type '
FacesConfigExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Extension Type '
FacesConfigFactory The Factory for the model.
FacesConfigPackage The Package for the model.
FacesConfigPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
FacesConfigType A representation of the model object ' Type '
FacesContextFactoryType A representation of the model object ' Faces Context Factory Type '
FacetExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Facet Extension Type '
FacetNameType A representation of the model object ' Facet Name Type '
FacetType A representation of the model object ' Facet Type '
FactoryExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Factory Extension Type '
FactoryType A representation of the model object ' Factory Type '
FromActionType A representation of the model object ' From Action Type '
FromOutcomeType A representation of the model object ' From Outcome Type '
FromViewIdType A representation of the model object ' From View Id Type '
IconType A representation of the model object ' Icon Type '
KeyClassType A representation of the model object ' Key Class Type '
KeyType A representation of the model object ' Key Type '
LargeIconType A representation of the model object ' Large Icon Type '
LifecycleExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Lifecycle Extension Type '
LifecycleFactoryType A representation of the model object ' Lifecycle Factory Type '
LifecycleType A representation of the model object ' Lifecycle Type '
ListEntriesType A representation of the model object ' List Entries Type '
LocaleConfigType A representation of the model object ' Locale Config Type '
ManagedBeanClassType A representation of the model object ' Managed Bean Class Type '
ManagedBeanExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Managed Bean Extension Type '
ManagedBeanNameType A representation of the model object ' Managed Bean Name Type '
ManagedBeanScopeType A representation of the model object ' Managed Bean Scope Type '
ManagedBeanType A representation of the model object ' Managed Bean Type '
ManagedPropertyType A representation of the model object ' Managed Property Type '
MapEntriesType A representation of the model object ' Map Entries Type '
MapEntryType A representation of the model object ' Map Entry Type '
MessageBundleType A representation of the model object ' Message Bundle Type '
NavigationCaseType A representation of the model object ' Navigation Case Type '
NavigationHandlerType A representation of the model object ' Navigation Handler Type '
NavigationRuleExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Navigation Rule Extension Type '
NavigationRuleType A representation of the model object ' Navigation Rule Type '
NullValueType A representation of the model object ' Null Value Type '
PhaseListenerType A representation of the model object ' Phase Listener Type '
PropertyClassType A representation of the model object ' Property Class Type '
PropertyExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Property Extension Type '
PropertyNameType A representation of the model object ' Property Name Type '
PropertyResolverType A representation of the model object ' Property Resolver Type '
PropertyType A representation of the model object ' Property Type '
RedirectType A representation of the model object ' Redirect Type '
ReferencedBeanClassType A representation of the model object ' Referenced Bean Class Type '
ReferencedBeanNameType A representation of the model object ' Referenced Bean Name Type '
ReferencedBeanType A representation of the model object ' Referenced Bean Type '
RendererClassType A representation of the model object ' Renderer Class Type '
RendererExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Renderer Extension Type '
RendererType A representation of the model object ' Renderer Type '
RendererTypeType A representation of the model object ' Renderer Type Type '
RenderKitClassType A representation of the model object ' Render Kit Class Type '
RenderKitExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Render Kit Extension Type '
RenderKitFactoryType A representation of the model object ' Render Kit Factory Type '
RenderKitIdType A representation of the model object ' Render Kit Id Type '
RenderKitType A representation of the model object ' Render Kit Type '
ResourceBundleType A representation of the model object ' Resource Bundle Type '
SmallIconType A representation of the model object ' Small Icon Type '
StateManagerType A representation of the model object ' State Manager Type '
SuggestedValueType A representation of the model object ' Suggested Value Type '
SupportedLocaleType A representation of the model object ' Supported Locale Type '
ToViewIdType A representation of the model object ' To View Id Type '
ValidatorClassType A representation of the model object ' Validator Class Type '
ValidatorExtensionType A representation of the model object ' Validator Extension Type '
ValidatorIdType A representation of the model object ' Validator Id Type '
ValidatorType A representation of the model object ' Validator Type '
ValueClassType A representation of the model object ' Value Class Type '
ValueType A representation of the model object ' Value Type '
VariableResolverType A representation of the model object ' Variable Resolver Type '
VarType A representation of the model object ' Var Type '
ViewHandlerType A representation of the model object ' View Handler Type '

Package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facesconfig.emf Description

EMF model for JSF application configuration files.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire