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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.jface.text.rules

Provides a framework for rule based text scanning and uses the framework to provide rule-driven default implementations of IPresentationDamager, IPresentationRepairer and IDocumentPartitioner.


Interface Summary
ICharacterScanner Defines the interface of a character scanner used by rules.
IPartitionTokenScanner A partition token scanner returns tokens that represent partitions.
IPredicateRule Defines the interface for a rule used in the scanning of text for the purpose of document partitioning or text styling.
IRule Defines the interface for a rule used in the scanning of text for the purpose of document partitioning or text styling.
IToken A token to be returned by a rule.
ITokenScanner A token scanner scans a range of a document and reports about the token it finds.
IWhitespaceDetector Defines the interface by which WhitespaceRule determines whether a given character is to be considered whitespace in the current context.
IWordDetector Defines the interface by which WordRule determines whether a given character is valid as part of a word in the current context.

Class Summary
BufferedRuleBasedScanner A buffered rule based scanner.
DefaultDamagerRepairer A standard implementation of a syntax driven presentation damager and presentation repairer.
DefaultPartitioner Deprecated. As of 3.1, replaced by FastPartitioner instead
EndOfLineRule A specific configuration of a single line rule whereby the pattern begins with a specific sequence but is only ended by a line delimiter.
FastPartitioner A standard implementation of a document partitioner.
MultiLineRule A rule for detecting patterns which begin with a given sequence and may end with a given sequence thereby spanning multiple lines.
NumberRule An implementation of IRule detecting a numerical value.
PatternRule Standard implementation of IPredicateRule.
RuleBasedDamagerRepairer Deprecated. use DefaultDamagerRepairer
RuleBasedPartitioner Deprecated. use FastPartitioner instead
RuleBasedPartitionScanner Scanner that exclusively uses predicate rules.
RuleBasedScanner A generic scanner which can be "programmed" with a sequence of rules.
SingleLineRule A specific configuration of pattern rule whereby the pattern begins with a specific sequence and may end with a specific sequence, but will not span more than a single line.
Token Standard implementation of IToken.
WhitespaceRule An implementation of IRule capable of detecting whitespace.
WordPatternRule A specific single line rule which stipulates that the start and end sequence occur within a single word, as defined by a word detector.
WordRule An implementation of IRule capable of detecting words.

Package org.eclipse.jface.text.rules Description

Provides a framework for rule based text scanning and uses the framework to provide rule-driven default implementations of IPresentationDamager, IPresentationRepairer and IDocumentPartitioner.

Package Specification

RuleBasedScanner is a document-based scanner controlled by IRule objects. When evaluated an IRule always returns an IToken. The package provides a set of rules whereby PatternRule is the most important one. PatternRule defines a pattern-configurable rule.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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