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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IPartitionTokenScanner

All Superinterfaces:
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public interface IPartitionTokenScanner
extends ITokenScanner

A partition token scanner returns tokens that represent partitions. For that reason, a partition token scanner is vulnerable in respect to the document offset it starts scanning. In a simple case, a partition token scanner must always start at a partition boundary. A partition token scanner can also start in the middle of a partition, if it knows the type of the partition.


Method Summary
 void setPartialRange ( IDocument document, int offset, int length, String contentType, int partitionOffset)
          Configures the scanner by providing access to the document range that should be scanned.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.text.rules. ITokenScanner
getTokenLength, getTokenOffset, nextToken, setRange

Method Detail


void setPartialRange(
IDocument document,
                     int offset,
                     int length,
String contentType,
                     int partitionOffset)
Configures the scanner by providing access to the document range that should be scanned. The range may no only contain complete partitions but starts at the beginning of a line in the middle of a partition of the given content type. This requires that a partition delimiter can not contain a line delimiter.

document - the document to scan
offset - the offset of the document range to scan
length - the length of the document range to scan
contentType - the content type at the given offset
partitionOffset - the offset at which the partition of the given offset starts

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire