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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IUndoContext
org.eclipse.core.commands.operations Classes for the creation of undoable operations which can be added to an operations history and later be undone and redone. 
org.eclipse.jface.text Provides a framework for creating and manipulating text documents. 
org.eclipse.text.undo Provides undo and redo support for a document. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.operations Classes that provide the basic workbench UI support for undo and redo of operations. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations

Classes in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations that implement IUndoContext
 class ObjectUndoContext
           An undo context that can be used to represent any given object.
 class UndoContext
           A simple, lightweight undo context that can be used to tag any operation.

Fields in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations declared as IUndoContext
static  IUndoContext IOperationHistory. GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT
          An undo context that can be used to refer to the global undo history.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations that return IUndoContext
  IUndoContext[] IUndoableOperation. getContexts ()
           Returns the array of contexts that have been assigned to the operation.
  IUndoContext[] AbstractOperation. getContexts ()

Methods in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations with parameters of type IUndoContext
 void TriggeredOperations. addContext ( IUndoContext context)
          Add the specified context to the operation.
 void IUndoableOperation. addContext ( IUndoContext context)
           Add the specified context to the operation.
 void AbstractOperation. addContext ( IUndoContext context)
 void ObjectUndoContext. addMatch ( IUndoContext context)
          Add the specified context as a match of this context.
protected   IStatus LinearUndoEnforcer. allowLinearRedoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected abstract   IStatus LinearUndoViolationDetector. allowLinearRedoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable info)
          Return a status indicating whether a linear redo violation is allowable.
protected   IStatus LinearUndoEnforcer. allowLinearUndoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected abstract   IStatus LinearUndoViolationDetector. allowLinearUndoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable info)
          Return a status indicating whether a linear undo violation is allowable.
 boolean IOperationHistory. canRedo ( IUndoContext context)
           Return whether there is a valid redoable operation available in the given context.
 boolean DefaultOperationHistory. canRedo ( IUndoContext context)
 boolean IOperationHistory. canUndo ( IUndoContext context)
           Return whether there is a valid undoable operation available in the given context
 boolean DefaultOperationHistory. canUndo ( IUndoContext context)
 void IOperationHistory. dispose ( IUndoContext context, boolean flushUndo, boolean flushRedo, boolean flushContext)
           Dispose of the specified context in the history.
 void DefaultOperationHistory. dispose ( IUndoContext context, boolean flushUndo, boolean flushRedo, boolean flushContext)
 int IOperationHistory. getLimit ( IUndoContext context)
           Return the limit on the undo and redo history for a particular context.
 int DefaultOperationHistory. getLimit ( IUndoContext context)
  IUndoableOperation[] IOperationHistory. getRedoHistory ( IUndoContext context)
           Get the array of operations in the redo history for a the specified undo context.
  IUndoableOperation[] DefaultOperationHistory. getRedoHistory ( IUndoContext context)
  IUndoableOperation IOperationHistory. getRedoOperation ( IUndoContext context)
           Get the operation that will next be redone in the given undo context.
  IUndoableOperation DefaultOperationHistory. getRedoOperation ( IUndoContext context)
  IUndoableOperation[] IOperationHistory. getUndoHistory ( IUndoContext context)
           Get the array of operations in the undo history for the specified undo context.
  IUndoableOperation[] DefaultOperationHistory. getUndoHistory ( IUndoContext context)
  IUndoableOperation IOperationHistory. getUndoOperation ( IUndoContext context)
           Get the operation that will next be undone in the given undo context.
  IUndoableOperation DefaultOperationHistory. getUndoOperation ( IUndoContext context)
 boolean IUndoableOperation. hasContext ( IUndoContext context)
           Returns whether the operation has a matching context for the specified context.
 boolean AbstractOperation. hasContext ( IUndoContext context)
 boolean ObjectUndoContext. matches ( IUndoContext context)
 boolean UndoContext. matches ( IUndoContext context)
           Return whether the specified context is considered a match for the receiving context.
 boolean IUndoContext. matches ( IUndoContext context)
          Return whether the specified context is considered a match for the receiving context.
  IStatus IOperationHistory. redo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Redo the most recently undone operation in the given context.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. redo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
 void TriggeredOperations. removeContext ( IUndoContext context)
          Remove the specified context from the receiver.
 void IUndoableOperation. removeContext ( IUndoContext context)
          Remove the specified context from the operation.
 void AbstractOperation. removeContext ( IUndoContext context)
 void ObjectUndoContext. removeMatch ( IUndoContext context)
          Remove the specified context as a match of this context.
 void IContextReplacingOperation. replaceContext ( IUndoContext original, IUndoContext replacement)
          Replace the undo context of the receiver with the provided replacement undo context.
 void TriggeredOperations. replaceContext ( IUndoContext original, IUndoContext replacement)
          Replace the undo context of the receiver with the provided replacement undo context.
 void IOperationHistory. setLimit ( IUndoContext context, int limit)
           Set the limit on the undo and redo history for a particular context.
 void DefaultOperationHistory. setLimit ( IUndoContext context, int limit)
  IStatus IOperationHistory. undo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)
           Undo the most recently executed operation in the given context.
  IStatus DefaultOperationHistory. undo ( IUndoContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info)

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.jface.text

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.text that return IUndoContext
  IUndoContext TextViewerUndoManager. getUndoContext ()
  IUndoContext DefaultUndoManager. getUndoContext ()
  IUndoContext IUndoManagerExtension. getUndoContext ()
          Returns this undo manager's undo context.

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.text.undo

Methods in org.eclipse.text.undo that return IUndoContext
  IUndoContext DocumentUndoManager. getUndoContext ()
  IUndoContext IDocumentUndoManager. getUndoContext ()
          Returns the undo context registered for this document

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo that return IUndoContext
static  IUndoContext WorkspaceUndoUtil. getBookmarksUndoContext ()
          Return the undo context that should be used for operations involving bookmarks.
static  IUndoContext WorkspaceUndoUtil. getTasksUndoContext ()
          Return the undo context that should be used for operations involving tasks.
static  IUndoContext WorkspaceUndoUtil. getWorkspaceUndoContext ()
          Return the undo context that should be used for workspace-wide operations

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.ui.operations

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.operations that return IUndoContext
  IUndoContext IWorkbenchOperationSupport. getUndoContext ()
          Returns the undo context for workbench-wide operations.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.operations with parameters of type IUndoContext
protected   IStatus LinearUndoViolationUserApprover. allowLinearRedoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo)
protected   IStatus LinearUndoViolationUserApprover. allowLinearUndoViolation ( IUndoableOperation operation, IUndoContext context, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo)
 void OperationHistoryActionHandler. setContext ( IUndoContext context)
          Set the context shown by the handler.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.operations with parameters of type IUndoContext
LinearUndoViolationUserApprover ( IUndoContext context, IWorkbenchPart part)
          Create a LinearUndoViolationUserApprover associated with the specified workbench part.
NonLocalUndoUserApprover ( IUndoContext context, IEditorPart part, Object[] affectedObjects, Class preferredComparisonClass)
          Create a NonLocalUndoUserApprover associated with the specified editor and undo context
RedoActionHandler ( IWorkbenchPartSite site, IUndoContext context)
          Construct an action handler that handles the labelling and enabling of the redo action for the specified undo context.
UndoActionHandler ( IWorkbenchPartSite site, IUndoContext context)
          Construct an action handler that handles the labelling and enabling of the undo action for the specified undo context.
UndoRedoActionGroup ( IWorkbenchPartSite site, IUndoContext undoContext, boolean pruneHistory)
          Construct an undo redo action group for the specified workbench part site, using the specified undo context.

Uses of IUndoContext in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor with parameters of type IUndoContext
protected   IOperationApprover AbstractTextEditor. getUndoRedoOperationApprover ( IUndoContext undoContext)
          Return an IOperationApprover appropriate for approving the undo and redo of operations that have the specified undo context.
protected   IOperationApprover AbstractDecoratedTextEditor. getUndoRedoOperationApprover ( IUndoContext undoContext)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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