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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.text.undo

Provides undo and redo support for a document.


Interface Summary
IDocumentUndoListener This interface is used to listen to notifications from a DocumentUndoManager.
IDocumentUndoManager Interface for a document undo manager.

Class Summary
DocumentUndoEvent Describes document changes initiated by undo or redo.
DocumentUndoManager A standard implementation of a document-based undo manager that creates an undo history based on changes to its document.
DocumentUndoManagerRegistry This document undo manager registry provides access to a document's undo manager.

Package org.eclipse.text.undo Description

Provides undo and redo support for a document.

Package Specification

When an IDocumentUndoManager is connected to an IDocument, any change to the document is recorded and can then be undone and redone later. Clients which are interested in undo/redo events can register an IDocumentUndoistener with the IDocumentUndoManager.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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