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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class DocumentUndoManager

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DocumentUndoManager
extends Object
implements IDocumentUndoManager

A standard implementation of a document-based undo manager that creates an undo history based on changes to its document.

Based on the 3.1 implementation of DefaultUndoManager, it was implemented using the document-related manipulations defined in the original DefaultUndoManager, by separating the document manipulations from the viewer-specific processing.

The classes representing individual text edits (formerly text commands) were promoted from inner types to their own classes in order to support reassignment to a different undo manager.

This class is not intended to be subclassed.

See Also:
IDocumentUndoManager, DocumentUndoManagerRegistry, IDocumentUndoListener, IDocument
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

Constructor Summary
DocumentUndoManager ( IDocument document)
          Create a DocumentUndoManager for the given document.
Method Summary
 void addDocumentUndoListener ( IDocumentUndoListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the list of document undo listeners that are notified before and after changes are undone or redone in the document.
 void beginCompoundChange ()
          Signals the undo manager that all subsequent changes until endCompoundChange is called are to be undone in one piece.
 void commit ()
          Closes the currently open text edit and open a new one.
 void connect ( Object client)
          Connects to the undo manager.
 void disconnect ( Object client)
          Disconnects from the undo manager.
 void endCompoundChange ()
          Signals the undo manager that the sequence of changes which started with beginCompoundChange has been finished.
  IUndoContext getUndoContext ()
          Returns the undo context registered for this document
 void redo ()
          Repeats the most recently rolled back text change.
 boolean redoable ()
          Returns whether at least one text change can be repeated.
 void removeDocumentUndoListener ( IDocumentUndoListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener from the list of document undo listeners.
 void reset ()
          Resets the history of the undo manager.
 void setMaximalUndoLevel (int undoLimit)
          Sets the limit of the undo history to the specified value.
 void transferUndoHistory ( IDocumentUndoManager manager)
          Transfers the undo history from the specified document undo manager to this undo manager.
 void undo ()
          Rolls back the most recently executed text change.
 boolean undoable ()
          Returns whether at least one text change can be rolled back.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DocumentUndoManager(
IDocument document)
Create a DocumentUndoManager for the given document.

document - the document whose undo history is being managed.
Method Detail


public void addDocumentUndoListener(
IDocumentUndoListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Adds the specified listener to the list of document undo listeners that are notified before and after changes are undone or redone in the document. This method has no effect if the instance being added is already in the list.

Notifications will not be received if there are no clients connected to the receiver. Registering a document undo listener does not implicitly connect the listener to the receiver.

Document undo listeners must be prepared to receive notifications from a background thread. Any UI access occurring inside the implementation must be properly synchronized using the techniques specified by the client's widget library.

Specified by:
addDocumentUndoListener in interface IDocumentUndoManager
listener - the document undo listener to be added as a listener


public void removeDocumentUndoListener(
IDocumentUndoListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Removes the specified listener from the list of document undo listeners.

Removing a listener which is not registered has no effect

Specified by:
removeDocumentUndoListener in interface IDocumentUndoManager
listener - the document undo listener to be removed


IUndoContext getUndoContext()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Returns the undo context registered for this document

Specified by:
getUndoContext in interface IDocumentUndoManager
the undo context registered for this document


public void commit()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Closes the currently open text edit and open a new one.

Specified by:
commit in interface IDocumentUndoManager


public void reset()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Resets the history of the undo manager. After that call, there aren't any undo-able or redo-able text changes.

Specified by:
reset in interface IDocumentUndoManager


public boolean redoable()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Returns whether at least one text change can be repeated. A text change can be repeated only if it was executed and rolled back.

Specified by:
redoable in interface IDocumentUndoManager
true if at least on text change can be repeated


public boolean undoable()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Returns whether at least one text change can be rolled back.

Specified by:
undoable in interface IDocumentUndoManager
true if at least one text change can be rolled back


public void redo()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Repeats the most recently rolled back text change.

Specified by:
redo in interface IDocumentUndoManager
ExecutionException - if an exception occurred during redo


public void undo()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Rolls back the most recently executed text change.

Specified by:
undo in interface IDocumentUndoManager
ExecutionException - if an exception occurred during undo


public void connect(
Object client)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Connects to the undo manager. Used to signify that a client is monitoring the history kept by the undo manager. This message has no effect if the client is already connected.

Specified by:
connect in interface IDocumentUndoManager
client - the object connecting to the undo manager


public void disconnect(
Object client)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Disconnects from the undo manager. Used to signify that a client is no longer monitoring the history kept by the undo manager. If all clients have disconnected from the undo manager, the undo history will be deleted.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface IDocumentUndoManager
client - the object disconnecting from the undo manager


public void beginCompoundChange()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Signals the undo manager that all subsequent changes until endCompoundChange is called are to be undone in one piece.

Specified by:
beginCompoundChange in interface IDocumentUndoManager


public void endCompoundChange()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Signals the undo manager that the sequence of changes which started with beginCompoundChange has been finished. All subsequent changes are considered to be individually undo-able.

Specified by:
endCompoundChange in interface IDocumentUndoManager


public void setMaximalUndoLevel(int undoLimit)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Sets the limit of the undo history to the specified value. The provided limit will supersede any previously set limit.

Specified by:
setMaximalUndoLevel in interface IDocumentUndoManager
undoLimit - the length of this undo manager's history


public void transferUndoHistory(
IDocumentUndoManager manager)
Description copied from interface: IDocumentUndoManager
Transfers the undo history from the specified document undo manager to this undo manager. This message should only be used when it is known that the content of the document of the original undo manager when the last undo operation was recorded is the same as this undo manager's current document content, since the undo history is based on document indexes. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that this call is used correctly.

Specified by:
transferUndoHistory in interface IDocumentUndoManager
manager - the document undo manger whose history is to be transferred to the receiver

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire