Package org.eclipse.core.commands.operations
Classes for the creation of undoable operations which can be added to an operations
history and later be undone and redone.
Interface Summary
IAdvancedUndoableOperation defines an interface for undoable operations that
modify one or more elements in a model and attempt to keep model listeners up
to date with changes that occur in the undo and redo history involving particular
model elements. |
IAdvancedUndoableOperation2 defines a method for computing the validity of
executing an operation before attempting to execute it. |
ICompositeOperation defines an undoable operation that is composed of child
operations. |
IContextReplacingOperation defines an interface for undoable operations that
can replace one undo context with another undo context. |
IOperationApprover defines an interface for approving the undo or redo of a
particular operation within an operation history. |
IOperationApprover to approve the execution of a particular
operation within an operation history. |
IOperationHistory tracks a history of operations that can be undone or
redone. |
This interface is used to listen to notifications from an IOperationHistory. |
IUndoableOperation defines an operation that can be executed, undone, and
redone. |
An undo context is used to "tag" operations as being applicable to a certain
context. |
Class Summary
Abstract implementation for an undoable operation. |
A base implementation of IOperationHistory that implements a linear undo and
redo model . |
An operation approver that enforces a strict linear undo. |
An abstract class for detecting violations in a strict linear undo/redo
model. |
An undo context that can be used to represent any given object. |
OperationHistoryEvent is used to communicate changes that occur in a
DefaultOperationHistory, including the addition or removal of operations, and
the execution, undo, and redo of operations. |
This class is used to maintain the instance of the operation history that
should be used by classes that access the undo or redo history and add
undoable operations to the history. |
OperationStatus describes the status of a request to execute, undo, or redo
an operation. |
Triggered operations are a specialized implementation of a composite
operation that keeps track of operations triggered by the execution of some
primary operation. |
A simple, lightweight undo context that can be used to tag any operation. |
Package org.eclipse.core.commands.operations Description
Classes for the creation of undoable operations which can be added to an operations
history and later be undone and redone.
Package Specification
undoable operation is a unit of work that can be executed, undone, and redone.
Operations can be added to an
operation history so that they can later be
undone and redone according to the undo model for an application. Operations may be
assigned one or more
undo contexts which can be used to filter the available
operations for undo or redo in the operation history. Clients may choose to provide
undo and redo function for all operations in a history, or only for a particular
undo context in that history. Operation histories may be configured with an
operation approver so that applications can enforce any desired undo model,
such as strict linear (LIFO) undo. This package provides the definition and a
basic implementation for operations, undo contexts, histories, and operation
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
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