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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILaunchConfiguration
org.eclipse.debug.core Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.model Defines interfaces for debug model elements, source lookup, and launching. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup Provides support for source lookup. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers Provides implementations of common source containers supporting source lookup. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 

Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications. 

org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities. 

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.core

Subinterfaces of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.core
 interface ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
          An editable copy of a launch configuration.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core that return ILaunchConfiguration
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy. doSave ()
          Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunch. getLaunchConfiguration ()
          Returns the configuration that was launched, or null if no configuration was launched.
  ILaunchConfiguration Launch. getLaunchConfiguration ()
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getLaunchConfiguration ( IFile file)
          Returns a handle to the launch configuration contained in the specified file.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getLaunchConfiguration ( String memento)
          Returns a handle to the launch configuration specified by the given memento.
  ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchManager. getLaunchConfigurations ()
          Returns all launch configurations defined in the workspace.
  ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchManager. getLaunchConfigurations ( ILaunchConfigurationType type)
          Returns all launch configurations of the specified type defined in the workspace
  ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchManager. getMigrationCandidates ()
          Returns a collection of launch configurations that required migration to be compatible with current tooling.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getMovedFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration addedConfiguration)
          When a launch configuration is created or moved, registered launch configuration listeners (see ILaunchConfigurationListener) are notified of an add notification for the new configuration.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getMovedTo ( ILaunchConfiguration removedConfiguration)
          When a launch configuration is deleted or moved, registered launch configuration listeners (see ILaunchConfigurationListener) are notified of a remove notification for launch configuration that has been deleted.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy. getOriginal ()
          Returns the original launch configuration this working copy was created from or null if this is a new working copy created from a launch configuration type.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
 boolean ILaunchConfiguration. contentsEqual ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns whether the contents of this launch configuration are equal to the contents of the given launch configuration.
  String ILaunchManager. getEncoding ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          This method returns the character encoding to use when launching the specified ILaunchConfiguration.
  String[] ILaunchManager. getEnvironment ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns an array of environment variables to be used when launching the given configuration or null if unspecified.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getMovedFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration addedConfiguration)
          When a launch configuration is created or moved, registered launch configuration listeners (see ILaunchConfigurationListener) are notified of an add notification for the new configuration.
  ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager. getMovedTo ( ILaunchConfiguration removedConfiguration)
          When a launch configuration is deleted or moved, registered launch configuration listeners (see ILaunchConfigurationListener) are notified of a remove notification for launch configuration that has been deleted.
  ISourcePathComputer ILaunchManager. getSourcePathComputer ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns a source path computer to compute a default source lookup path for the given launch configuration, or null if a source path computer has not been registered for the associated launch configuration type.
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationMigrationDelegate. isCandidate ( ILaunchConfiguration candidate)
          Returns whether the given launch configuration requires migration.
 void ILaunchConfigurationListener. launchConfigurationAdded ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          The given launch configuration has been created.
 void Launch. launchConfigurationAdded ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void ILaunchConfigurationListener. launchConfigurationChanged ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          The given launch configuration has changed in some way.
 void Launch. launchConfigurationChanged ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void ILaunchConfigurationListener. launchConfigurationRemoved ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          The given launch configuration has been deleted.
 void Launch. launchConfigurationRemoved ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void ILaunchConfigurationMigrationDelegate. migrate ( ILaunchConfiguration candidate)
          Migrates the given launch configuration to be compatible with the current tooling.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.core with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
Launch ( ILaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, String mode, ISourceLocator locator)
          Constructs a launch with the specified attributes.

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. buildForLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. buildForLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Optionally performs any required building before launching the given configuration in the specified mode, and returns whether the debug platform should perform an incremental workspace build before the launch continues.
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. finalLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. finalLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns whether a launch should proceed.
protected   IBreakpoint[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getBreakpoints ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the breakpoint collection that is relevant for this launch delegate.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getBuildOrder ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns the projects to build before launching the given launch configuration or null if the entire workspace should be built incrementally.
  ILaunch LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
  ILaunch ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. getLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns a launch object to use when launching the given launch configuration in the given mode, or null if a new default launch object should be created by the debug platform.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getProjectsForProblemSearch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns the set of projects to use when searching for errors or null if no search is to be done.
 void IPersistableSourceLocator. initializeDefaults ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Initializes this source locator to perform default source lookup for the given launch configuration.
 void ILaunchConfigurationDelegate. launch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Launches the given configuration in the specified mode, contributing debug targets and/or processes to the given launch object.
 boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. preLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2. preLaunchCheck ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns whether a launch should proceed.
protected  boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. saveBeforeLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the scoped saving of resources before launching and returns whether the launch should continue.

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup

Fields in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup declared as ILaunchConfiguration
protected   ILaunchConfiguration AbstractSourceLookupDirector. fConfig

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup that return ILaunchConfiguration
  ILaunchConfiguration ISourceLookupDirector. getLaunchConfiguration ()
          Returns the launch configuration associated with this source lookup director, or null if none.
  ILaunchConfiguration AbstractSourceLookupDirector. getLaunchConfiguration ()

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
  ISourceContainer[] ISourcePathComputerDelegate. computeSourceContainers ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a default collection source containers to be considered for the given launch configuration.
 void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. initializeDefaults ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void IPersistableSourceLocator2. initializeFromMemento ( String memento, ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Initializes this source locator based on the given memento, for the given launch configuration.
 void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. initializeFromMemento ( String memento, ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. launchConfigurationAdded ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. launchConfigurationChanged ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. launchConfigurationRemoved ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
protected  void AbstractSourceLookupDirector. setLaunchConfiguration ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Sets the launch configuration associated with this source lookup director.

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers that return ILaunchConfiguration
protected   ILaunchConfiguration DefaultSourceContainer. getLaunchConfiguration ()
          Returns the launch configuration for which a default source lookup path will be computed, or null if none.

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return ILaunchConfiguration
static  ILaunchConfiguration DebugUITools. getLastLaunch ( String groupId)
          Returns the last configuration that was launched for specified launch group or null, if there is not one.
protected   ILaunchConfiguration WorkingDirectoryBlock. getLaunchConfiguration ()
          Returns the launch configuration that this working directory block is using.
  ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchShortcut2. getLaunchConfigurations ( IEditorPart editorpart)
          Returns an array of existing ILaunchConfigurations that could be used to launch the given editor part, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations
  ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchShortcut2. getLaunchConfigurations ( ISelection selection)
          Returns an array of ILaunchConfigurations that apply to the specified selection, an empty collection if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
static  ILaunch DebugUITools. buildAndLaunch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds the workspace according to current preference settings, and launches the given configuration in the specified mode, returning the resulting launch object.
static  ILaunchGroup DebugUITools. getLaunchGroup ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns the launch group that the given launch configuration belongs to, for the specified mode, or null if none.
protected abstract   IProject WorkingDirectoryBlock. getProject ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the project associated with the specified launch configuration or null if none.
static  String RefreshTab. getRefreshScope ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the refresh scope attribute specified by the given launch configuration or null if none.
 void AbstractLaunchConfigurationTabGroup. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          By default, delegate to all of the tabs in this group.
 void ILaunchConfigurationTab. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Initializes this tab's controls with values from the given launch configuration.
 void CommonTab. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void EnvironmentTab. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void WorkingDirectoryBlock. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void RefreshTab. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
 void ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Initializes this group's tab controls with values from the given launch configuration.
static boolean CommonTab. isLaunchInBackground ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns whether the given configuration should be launched in the background.
static boolean DebugUITools. isPrivate ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns whether the given launch configuration is private.
static boolean RefreshTab. isRefreshRecursive ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns whether the refresh scope specified by the given launch configuration is recursive.
 boolean ILaunchConfigurationTab. isValid ( ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig)
          Returns whether this tab is in a valid state in the context of the specified launch configuration.
 boolean AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab. isValid ( ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig)
 boolean CommonTab. isValid ( ILaunchConfiguration config)
 boolean WorkingDirectoryBlock. isValid ( ILaunchConfiguration config)
 boolean RefreshTab. isValid ( ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig)
static void DebugUITools. launch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Saves and builds the workspace according to current preference settings, and launches the given launch configuration in the specified mode.
static int DebugUITools. openLaunchConfigurationDialog ( Shell shell, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String groupIdentifier, IStatus status)
          Open the launch configuration dialog on the specified launch configuration.
static int DebugUITools. openLaunchConfigurationPropertiesDialog ( Shell shell, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String groupIdentifier)
          Open the launch configuration properties dialog on the specified launch configuration.
static int DebugUITools. openLaunchConfigurationPropertiesDialog ( Shell shell, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String groupIdentifier, IStatus status)
          Open the launch configuration properties dialog on the specified launch configuration.
static void RefreshTab. refreshResources ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resources as specified by the given launch configuration.
protected  void WorkingDirectoryBlock. setLaunchConfiguration ( ILaunchConfiguration config)
          Sets the launch configuration to be used by this working directory block.
protected  void EnvironmentTab. updateEnvironment ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Updates the environment table for the given launch configuration
protected  void CommonTab. updateLaunchInBackground ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Updates the launch on background check button

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions that return ILaunchConfiguration
protected   ILaunchConfiguration[] AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. getFavorites ()
          Returns the launch favorites associated with this action's launch mode and group in user preference order.
protected   ILaunchConfiguration[] AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. getHistory ()
          Returns the launch history associated with this action's launch mode and group in most recently launched order.
protected   ILaunchConfiguration AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. getLastLaunch ()
          Return the last launch in this action's launch history.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
protected   String AbstractLaunchHistoryAction. getToolTip ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the tooltip specific to a configuration.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
LaunchAction ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Constructs an action that launches the specified launch configuration in the specified mode.

Uses of ILaunchConfiguration in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup with parameters of type ILaunchConfiguration
 void SourceLookupTab. initializeFrom ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire