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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface ILaunchShortcut2

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILaunchShortcut2
extends ILaunchShortcut

An extension to a standard launch shortcut ( ILaunchShortcut) allowing launch shortcuts to specify how selections and editors should be launched.

To launch a selection (or active editor), the debug platform derives a resource associated with the selection (or active editor), and then resolves the most recently launched configuration associated with that resource. This interface allows a launch shortcut to override the framework's resource and launch configuration resolution for selections (and active editors).

NOTE: the methods in this interface can be called in a non-UI thread.

Clients contributing a launch shortcut are intended to implement this interface.

See Also:
ContextRunner, LaunchingResourceManager

Method Summary
  IResource getLaunchableResource ( IEditorPart editorpart)
          Returns an IResource that maps to given editor part for launch purposes, or null if none.
  IResource getLaunchableResource ( ISelection selection)
          Returns an IResource that maps to the given selection for launch purposes, or null if none.
  ILaunchConfiguration[] getLaunchConfigurations ( IEditorPart editorpart)
          Returns an array of existing ILaunchConfigurations that could be used to launch the given editor part, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations
  ILaunchConfiguration[] getLaunchConfigurations ( ISelection selection)
          Returns an array of ILaunchConfigurations that apply to the specified selection, an empty collection if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.debug.ui. ILaunchShortcut
launch, launch

Method Detail


ILaunchConfiguration[] getLaunchConfigurations(
ISelection selection)
Returns an array of ILaunchConfigurations that apply to the specified selection, an empty collection if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations.

selection - the current selection
an array of existing ILaunchConfigurations that could be used to launch the given selection, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations


ILaunchConfiguration[] getLaunchConfigurations(
IEditorPart editorpart)
Returns an array of existing ILaunchConfigurations that could be used to launch the given editor part, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations

editorpart - the current selection
an array of existing ILaunchConfigurations that could be used to launch the given editor part/editor input, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations


IResource getLaunchableResource(
ISelection selection)
Returns an IResource that maps to the given selection for launch purposes, or null if none. The resource is used to resolve a configuration to launch if this shortcut does not provide specific launch configurations to launch for the selection (via getLaunchConfigurations(ISelection).

selection - the current selection
an IResource that maps to the given selection for launch purposes or null if none


IResource getLaunchableResource(
IEditorPart editorpart)
Returns an IResource that maps to given editor part for launch purposes, or null if none. The resource is used to resolve a configuration to launch if this shortcut does not provide specific launch configurations to launch for the editor (via getLaunchConfigurations(IEditorPart).

editorpart - the current editor part
an IResource that maps to given editor part for launch purposes, or null if none

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire