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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IResourceDelta
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace Package Specification This package specifies the APIs in the Resources plug-in that are used to integrate application models with the workspace. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.model Provides a workbench adapter for displaying workbench elements in the UI without having to know the concrete type of the element, and various label providers for workbench-specific objects like editors, views, and perspectives. 

Uses of IResourceDelta in org.eclipse.core.resources

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources that return IResourceDelta
  IResourceDelta IResourceDelta. findMember ( IPath path)
          Finds and returns the descendent delta identified by the given path in this delta, or null if no such descendent exists.
  IResourceDelta[] IResourceDelta. getAffectedChildren ()
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource which were added, removed, or changed.
  IResourceDelta[] IResourceDelta. getAffectedChildren (int kindMask)
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask.
  IResourceDelta[] IResourceDelta. getAffectedChildren (int kindMask, int memberFlags)
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask.
  IResourceDelta IResourceChangeEvent. getDelta ()
          Returns a resource delta, rooted at the workspace, describing the set of changes that happened to resources in the workspace.
  IResourceDelta IncrementalProjectBuilder. getDelta ( IProject project)
          Returns the resource delta recording the changes in the given project since the last time this builder was run.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IResourceDelta
 boolean IResourceDeltaVisitor. visit ( IResourceDelta delta)
          Visits the given resource delta.

Uses of IResourceDelta in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping that return IResourceDelta
  IResourceDelta IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. getDelta ()
          Return the proposed delta that has been accumulated by this factory.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IResourceDelta
  IStatus ResourceChangeValidator. validateChange ( IResourceDelta delta, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate the proposed changes contained in the given delta by consulting all model providers to determine if the changes have any adverse side effects.
  IStatus ModelProvider. validateChange ( IResourceDelta delta, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Validate the proposed changes contained in the given delta.

Uses of IResourceDelta in

Methods in with parameters of type IResourceDelta
protected  boolean ChangeTracker. isChangeOfInterest ( IResourceDelta delta)
          Return whether the given delta represents a change of interest.

Uses of IResourceDelta in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text with parameters of type IResourceDelta
 boolean FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer. visit ( IResourceDelta delta)

Uses of IResourceDelta in org.eclipse.ui.ide

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.ide with parameters of type IResourceDelta
static boolean IDE. promptToConfirm ( Shell shell, String title, String message, IResourceDelta delta, String[] ignoreModelProviderIds, boolean syncExec)
          Prompt the user to inform them of the possible side effects of an operation on resources.

Uses of IResourceDelta in org.eclipse.ui.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.model with parameters of type IResourceDelta
protected  void WorkbenchContentProvider. processDelta ( IResourceDelta delta)
          Process the resource delta.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire