Interface IResourceChangeEvent
public interface IResourceChangeEvent
Resource change events describe changes to resources.
There are currently five different types of resource change events:
Before-the-fact batch reports of arbitrary creations,
deletions and modifications to one or more resources expressed
as a hierarchical resource delta. Event type is
PRE_BUILD , and getDelta returns
the hierarchical delta. The resource delta is rooted at the
workspace root. The getBuildKind method returns
the kind of build that is about to occur, and the getSource
method returns the scope of the build (either the workspace or a single project).
These events are broadcast to interested parties immediately
before each build operation. If autobuilding is not enabled, these events still
occur at times when autobuild would have occurred. The workspace is open
for change during notification of these events. The delta reported in this event
cycle is identical across all listeners registered for this type of event.
Resource changes attempted during a PRE_BUILD callback
must be done in the thread doing the notification.
After-the-fact batch reports of arbitrary creations,
deletions and modifications to one or more resources expressed
as a hierarchical resource delta. Event type is
POST_BUILD , and getDelta returns
the hierarchical delta. The resource delta is rooted at the
workspace root. The getBuildKind method returns
the kind of build that occurred, and the getSource
method returns the scope of the build (either the workspace or a single project).
These events are broadcast to interested parties at the end of every build operation.
If autobuilding is not enabled, these events still occur at times when autobuild
would have occurred. The workspace is open for change during notification of
these events. The delta reported in this event cycle is identical across
all listeners registered for this type of event.
Resource changes attempted during a POST_BUILD callback
must be done in the thread doing the notification.
After-the-fact batch reports of arbitrary creations,
deletions and modifications to one or more resources expressed
as a hierarchical resource delta. Event type is
POST_CHANGE , and getDelta returns
the hierarchical delta. The resource delta is rooted at the
workspace root. These events are broadcast to interested parties after
a set of resource changes and happen whether or not autobuilding is enabled.
The workspace is closed for change during notification of these events.
The delta reported in this event cycle is identical across all listeners registered for
this type of event.
Before-the-fact reports of the impending closure of a single
project. Event type is
and getResource returns the project being closed.
The workspace is closed for change during notification of these events.
Before-the-fact reports of the impending deletion of a single
project. Event type is
and getResource returns the project being deleted.
The workspace is closed for change during notification of these events.
Before-the-fact reports of the impending refresh of a single project or the workspace.
Event type is
PRE_REFRESH and the getSource
method returns the scope of the refresh (either the workspace or a single project).
If the event is fired by a project refresh the getResource
method returns the project being refreshed.
The workspace is closed for changes during notification of these events.
In order to handle additional event types that may be introduced
in future releases of the platform, clients should do not write code
that presumes the set of event types is closed.
- This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
- This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
Field Summary
static int
Deprecated. This event type has been renamed to
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an after-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by getDelta . |
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an after-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by getDelta . |
static int
Deprecated. This event type has been renamed to
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an before-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by getDelta . |
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of the impending closure of a single
project as returned by getResource . |
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of the impending deletion of a single
project as returned by getResource . |
static int
Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of refreshing the workspace or a project. |
Method Summary
String type,
boolean includeSubtypes)
Returns all marker deltas of the specified type that are associated
with resource deltas for this event. |
Returns the kind of build that caused this event,
or 0 if not applicable to this type of event. |
Returns a resource delta, rooted at the workspace, describing the set
of changes that happened to resources in the workspace. |
Returns the resource in question or null
if not applicable to this type of event. |
Returns an object identifying the source of this event. |
Returns the type of event being reported. |
static final int POST_CHANGE
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an after-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by
getDelta .
See class comments for further details.
See Also:
getType() ,
getDelta() ,
Constant Field Values
static final int PRE_CLOSE
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of the impending closure of a single
project as returned by
getResource .
See class comments for further details.
See Also:
getType() ,
getResource() ,
Constant Field Values
static final int PRE_DELETE
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of the impending deletion of a single
project as returned by
getResource .
See class comments for further details.
See Also:
getType() ,
getResource() ,
Constant Field Values
static final int PRE_AUTO_BUILD
Deprecated. This event type has been renamed to
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int PRE_BUILD
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an before-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by
getDelta .
See class comments for further details.
- 3.0
See Also:
getType() ,
getResource() ,
Constant Field Values
static final int POST_AUTO_BUILD
Deprecated. This event type has been renamed to
See Also:
Constant Field Values
static final int POST_BUILD
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating an after-the-fact
report of creations, deletions, and modifications
to one or more resources expressed as a hierarchical
resource delta as returned by
getDelta .
See class comments for further details.
- 3.0
See Also:
getType() ,
getResource() ,
Constant Field Values
static final int PRE_REFRESH
- Event type constant (bit mask) indicating a before-the-fact
report of refreshing the workspace or a project.
See class comments for further details.
- 3.4
See Also:
getType() ,
getSource() ,
getResource() ,
Constant Field Values
IMarkerDelta[] findMarkerDeltas(
String type,
boolean includeSubtypes)
- Returns all marker deltas of the specified type that are associated
with resource deltas for this event. If
is false , only marker deltas whose type exactly matches
the given type are returned. Returns an empty array if there
are no matching marker deltas.
Calling this method is equivalent to walking the entire resource
delta for this event, and collecting all marker deltas of a given type.
The speed of this method will be proportional to the number of changed
markers, regardless of the size of the resource delta tree.
type - the type of marker to consider, or null to indicate all types -
includeSubtypes - whether or not to consider sub-types of the given type
- an array of marker deltas
- 2.0
int getBuildKind()
- Returns the kind of build that caused this event,
0 if not applicable to this type of event.
If the event is a PRE_BUILD or POST_BUILD
then this will be the kind of build that occurred to cause the event.
- the kind of build, or
0 if not applicable -
- 3.1
See Also:
IProject.build(int, IProgressMonitor) ,
IWorkspace.build(int, IProgressMonitor) ,
IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD ,
IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD ,
IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD ,
IResourceDelta getDelta()
- Returns a resource delta, rooted at the workspace, describing the set
of changes that happened to resources in the workspace.
null if not applicable to this type of event.
- the resource delta, or
null if not
IResource getResource()
- Returns the resource in question or
if not applicable to this type of event.
If the event is of type PRE_CLOSE ,
PRE_DELETE , or PRE_REFRESH , then the resource
will be the affected project. Otherwise the resource will be null .
- the resource, or
null if not applicable
Object getSource()
- Returns an object identifying the source of this event.
If the event is a PRE_BUILD , POST_BUILD ,
or PRE_REFRESH then this will be the scope of the build
(either the
IWorkspace or a single
IProject ).
- an object identifying the source of this event
See Also:
int getType()
- Returns the type of event being reported.
- one of the event type constants
See Also:
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
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