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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IResourceDelta

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IResourceDelta
extends IAdaptable

A resource delta represents changes in the state of a resource tree between two discrete points in time.

Resource deltas implement the IAdaptable interface; extensions are managed by the platform's adapter manager.

See Also:
IResource, Platform.getAdapterManager()
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Field Summary
static int ADDED
          Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been added to its parent.
static int ADDED_PHANTOM
          Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a phantom resource has been added at the location of the delta node.
          The bit mask which describes all possible delta kinds, including ones involving phantoms.
static int CHANGED
          Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been changed.
static int CONTENT
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the content of the resource has changed.
static int COPIED_FROM
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was copied from another location.
static int DESCRIPTION
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that a project's description has changed.
static int ENCODING
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the encoding of the resource has changed.
static int LOCAL_CHANGED
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the underlying file or folder of the linked resource has been added or removed.
static int MARKERS
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource's markers have changed.
static int MOVED_FROM
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was moved from another location.
static int MOVED_TO
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was moved to another location.
static int NO_CHANGE
          Delta kind constant indicating that the resource has not been changed in any way.
static int OPEN
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was opened or closed.
static int REMOVED
          Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been removed from its parent.
          Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a phantom resource has been removed from the location of the delta node.
static int REPLACED
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been replaced by another at the same location (i.e., the resource has been deleted and then added).
static int SYNC
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource's sync status has changed.
static int TYPE
          Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the type of the resource has changed.
Method Summary
 void accept ( IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void accept ( IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor, boolean includePhantoms)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void accept ( IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor, int memberFlags)
          Accepts the given visitor.
  IResourceDelta findMember ( IPath path)
          Finds and returns the descendent delta identified by the given path in this delta, or null if no such descendent exists.
  IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren ()
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource which were added, removed, or changed.
  IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren (int kindMask)
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask.
  IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren (int kindMask, int memberFlags)
          Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask.
 int getFlags ()
          Returns flags which describe in more detail how a resource has been affected.
  IPath getFullPath ()
          Returns the full, absolute path of this resource delta.
 int getKind ()
          Returns the kind of this resource delta.
  IMarkerDelta[] getMarkerDeltas ()
          Returns the changes to markers on the corresponding resource.
  IPath getMovedFromPath ()
          Returns the full path (in the "before" state) from which this resource (in the "after" state) was moved.
  IPath getMovedToPath ()
          Returns the full path (in the "after" state) to which this resource (in the "before" state) was moved.
  IPath getProjectRelativePath ()
          Returns the project-relative path of this resource delta.
  IResource getResource ()
          Returns a handle for the affected resource.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime. IAdaptable

Field Detail


static final int NO_CHANGE
Delta kind constant indicating that the resource has not been changed in any way.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int ADDED
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been added to its parent. That is, one that appears in the "after" state, not in the "before" one.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int REMOVED
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been removed from its parent. That is, one that appears in the "before" state, not in the "after" one.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int CHANGED
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been changed. That is, one that appears in both the "before" and "after" states.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int ADDED_PHANTOM
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a phantom resource has been added at the location of the delta node.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int REMOVED_PHANTOM
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a phantom resource has been removed from the location of the delta node.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int ALL_WITH_PHANTOMS
The bit mask which describes all possible delta kinds, including ones involving phantoms.

See Also:
getKind(), Constant Field Values


static final int CONTENT
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the content of the resource has changed.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int MOVED_FROM
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was moved from another location. The location in the "before" state can be retrieved using getMovedFromPath().

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int MOVED_TO
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was moved to another location. The location in the new state can be retrieved using getMovedToPath().

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int COPIED_FROM
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was copied from another location. The location in the "before" state can be retrieved using getMovedFromPath(). This flag is only used when describing potential changes using an IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int OPEN
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource was opened or closed. This flag is also set when the project did not exist in the "before" state. For example, if the current state of the resource is open then it was previously closed or did not exist.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int TYPE
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the type of the resource has changed.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int SYNC
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource's sync status has changed. This type of change is not included in build deltas, only in those for resource notification.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int MARKERS
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource's markers have changed. This type of change is not included in build deltas, only in those for resource notification.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int REPLACED
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been replaced by another at the same location (i.e., the resource has been deleted and then added).

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int DESCRIPTION
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that a project's description has changed.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int ENCODING
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the encoding of the resource has changed.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values


static final int LOCAL_CHANGED
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the underlying file or folder of the linked resource has been added or removed.

See Also:
getFlags(), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void accept(
IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor)
Accepts the given visitor. The only kinds of resource deltas visited are ADDED, REMOVED, and CHANGED. The visitor's visit method is called with this resource delta if applicable. If the visitor returns true, the resource delta's children are also visited.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to accept(visitor, IResource.NONE). Although the visitor will be invoked for this resource delta, it will not be invoked for any team-private member resources.

visitor - the visitor
CoreException - if the visitor failed with this exception.
See Also:


void accept(
IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor,
            boolean includePhantoms)
Accepts the given visitor. The visitor's visit method is called with this resource delta. If the visitor returns true, the resource delta's children are also visited.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

   accept(visitor, includePhantoms ? INCLUDE_PHANTOMS : IResource.NONE);
Although the visitor will be invoked for this resource delta, it will not be invoked for any team-private member resources.

visitor - the visitor
includePhantoms - true if phantom resources are of interest; false if phantom resources are not of interest
CoreException - if the visitor failed with this exception.
See Also:
accept(IResourceDeltaVisitor), IResource.isPhantom(), IResourceDeltaVisitor.visit(IResourceDelta)


void accept(
IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor,
            int memberFlags)
Accepts the given visitor. The visitor's visit method is called with this resource delta. If the visitor returns true, the resource delta's children are also visited.

The member flags determine which child deltas of this resource delta will be visited. The visitor will always be invoked for this resource delta.

If the INCLUDE_PHANTOMS member flag is not specified (recommended), only child resource deltas involving existing resources will be visited (kinds ADDED, REMOVED, and CHANGED). If the INCLUDE_PHANTOMS member flag is specified, the result will also include additions and removes of phantom resources (kinds ADDED_PHANTOM and REMOVED_PHANTOM).

If the INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS member flag is not specified (recommended), resource deltas involving team private member resources will be excluded from the visit. If the INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS member flag is specified, the visit will also include additions and removes of team private member resources.

visitor - the visitor
memberFlags - bit-wise or of member flag constants (IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS, INCLUDE_HIDDEN and INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS) indicating which members are of interest
CoreException - if the visitor failed with this exception.
See Also:
IResource.isPhantom(), IResource.isTeamPrivateMember(), IResource.isHidden(), IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS, IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS, IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN, IResourceDeltaVisitor.visit(IResourceDelta)


IResourceDelta findMember(
IPath path)
Finds and returns the descendent delta identified by the given path in this delta, or null if no such descendent exists. The supplied path may be absolute or relative; in either case, it is interpreted as relative to this delta. Trailing separators are ignored. If the path is empty this delta is returned.

This is a convenience method to avoid manual traversal of the delta tree in cases where the listener is only interested in changes to particular resources. Calling this method will generally be faster than manually traversing the delta to a particular descendent.

path - the path of the desired descendent delta
the descendent delta, or null if no such descendent exists in the delta


IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren()
Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource which were added, removed, or changed. Returns an empty array if there are no affected children.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

   getAffectedChildren(ADDED | REMOVED | CHANGED, IResource.NONE);
Team-private member resources are not included in the result; neither are phantom resources.

the resource deltas for all affected children
See Also:
ADDED, REMOVED, CHANGED, getAffectedChildren(int,int)


IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren(int kindMask)
Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask. Kind masks are formed by the bitwise or of IResourceDelta kind constants. Returns an empty array if there are no affected children.

This is a convenience method, fully equivalent to:

   getAffectedChildren(kindMask, IResource.NONE);
Team-private member resources are not included in the result.

kindMask - a mask formed by the bitwise or of IResourceDelta delta kind constants
the resource deltas for all affected children
See Also:


IResourceDelta[] getAffectedChildren(int kindMask,
                                     int memberFlags)
Returns resource deltas for all children of this resource whose kind is included in the given mask. Masks are formed by the bitwise or of IResourceDelta kind constants. Returns an empty array if there are no affected children.

If the INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS member flag is not specified, (recommended), resource deltas involving team private member resources will be excluded. If the INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS member flag is specified, the result will also include resource deltas of the specified kinds to team private member resources.

If the IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN member flag is not specified, (recommended), resource deltas involving hidden resources will be excluded. If the IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN member flag is specified, the result will also include resource deltas of the specified kinds to hidden resources.

Specifying the IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS member flag is equivalent to including IContainer.ADDED_PHANTOM and IContainer.REMOVED_PHANTOM in the kind mask.

kindMask - a mask formed by the bitwise or of IResourceDelta delta kind constants
memberFlags - bit-wise or of member flag constants (IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS, IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS and IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN) indicating which members are of interest
the resource deltas for all affected children
See Also:


int getFlags()
Returns flags which describe in more detail how a resource has been affected.

The following codes (bit masks) are used when kind is CHANGED, and also when the resource is involved in a move:

  • CONTENT - The bytes contained by the resource have been altered, or IResource.touch has been called on the resource.
  • ENCODING - The encoding of the resource may have been altered. This flag is not set when the encoding changes due to the file being modified, or being moved.
  • DESCRIPTION - The description of the project has been altered, or IResource.touch has been called on the project. This flag is only valid for project resources.
  • OPEN - The project's open/closed state has changed. If it is not open, it was closed, and vice versa. This flag is only valid for project resources.
  • TYPE - The resource (a folder or file) has changed its type.
  • SYNC - The resource's sync status has changed.
  • MARKERS - The resource's markers have changed.
  • REPLACED - The resource (and all its properties) was deleted (either by a delete or move), and was subsequently re-created (either by a create, move, or copy).
  • LOCAL_CHANGED - The resource is a linked resource, and the underlying file system object has been added or removed.
The following code is only used if kind is REMOVED (or CHANGED in conjunction with REPLACED):
  • MOVED_TO - The resource has moved. getMovedToPath will return the path of where it was moved to.
The following code is only used if kind is ADDED (or CHANGED in conjunction with REPLACED):
  • MOVED_FROM - The resource has moved. getMovedFromPath will return the path of where it was moved from.
A simple move operation would result in the following delta information. If a resource is moved from A to B (with no other changes to A or B), then A will have kind REMOVED, with flag MOVED_TO, and getMovedToPath on A will return the path for B. B will have kind ADDED, with flag MOVED_FROM, and getMovedFromPath on B will return the path for A. B's other flags will describe any other changes to the resource, as compared to its previous location at A.

Note that the move flags only describe the changes to a single resource; they don't necessarily imply anything about the parent or children of the resource. If the children were moved as a consequence of a subtree move operation, they will have corresponding move flags as well.

Note that it is possible for a file resource to be replaced in the workspace by a folder resource (or the other way around). The resource delta, which is actually expressed in terms of paths instead or resources, shows this as a change to either the content or children.

the flags
See Also:
CONTENT, DESCRIPTION, ENCODING, OPEN, MOVED_TO, MOVED_FROM, TYPE, SYNC, MARKERS, REPLACED, getKind(), getMovedFromPath(), getMovedToPath(), IResource.move(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)


IPath getFullPath()
Returns the full, absolute path of this resource delta.

Note: the returned path never has a trailing separator.

the full, absolute path of this resource delta
See Also:
IResource.getFullPath(), getProjectRelativePath()


int getKind()
Returns the kind of this resource delta. Normally, one of ADDED, REMOVED, CHANGED. When phantom resources have been explicitly requested, there are two additional kinds: ADDED_PHANTOM and REMOVED_PHANTOM.

the kind of this resource delta
See Also:


IMarkerDelta[] getMarkerDeltas()
Returns the changes to markers on the corresponding resource. Returns an empty array if no markers changed.

the marker deltas


IPath getMovedFromPath()
Returns the full path (in the "before" state) from which this resource (in the "after" state) was moved. This value is only valid if the MOVED_FROM change flag is set; otherwise, null is returned.

Note: the returned path never has a trailing separator.

a path, or null
See Also:
getMovedToPath(), getFullPath(), getFlags()


IPath getMovedToPath()
Returns the full path (in the "after" state) to which this resource (in the "before" state) was moved. This value is only valid if the MOVED_TO change flag is set; otherwise, null is returned.

Note: the returned path never has a trailing separator.

a path, or null
See Also:
getMovedFromPath(), getFullPath(), getFlags()


IPath getProjectRelativePath()
Returns the project-relative path of this resource delta. Returns the empty path for projects and the workspace root.

A resource's project-relative path indicates the route from the project to the resource. Within a workspace, there is exactly one such path for any given resource. The returned path never has a trailing separator.

the project-relative path of this resource delta
See Also:
IResource.getProjectRelativePath(), getFullPath(), Path.EMPTY


IResource getResource()
Returns a handle for the affected resource.

For additions (ADDED), this handle describes the newly-added resource; i.e., the one in the "after" state.

For changes (CHANGED), this handle also describes the resource in the "after" state. When a file or folder resource has changed type, the former type of the handle can be inferred.

For removals (REMOVED), this handle describes the resource in the "before" state. Even though this resource would not normally exist in the current workspace, the type of resource that was removed can be determined from the handle.

For phantom additions and removals (ADDED_PHANTOM and REMOVED_PHANTOM), this is the handle of the phantom resource.

the affected resource (handle)

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire