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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Class

Packages that use Rectangle
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry Types representing or manipulating geometric values, such as Points, Dimensions, etc. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.graph Stand-alone algorithms related to Graph Drawing. This package contains some complex parts used with Draw2d. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.text Figures and support classes related to the layout and rendering of rich text. 

Uses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.draw2d

Fields in org.eclipse.draw2d declared as Rectangle
  Rectangle ScrollPaneSolver.Result. viewportArea
          Area of ScrollPane's viewport
  Rectangle[] FlowLayout.WorkingData. bounds
  Rectangle FlowLayout.WorkingData. area
protected   Rectangle Figure. bounds
          The rectangular area that this Figure occupies.
protected static  Rectangle AbstractBorder. tempRect
          A temporary Rectangle

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return Rectangle
  Rectangle Viewport. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
protected   Rectangle ScrollBarLayout. layoutButtons ( ScrollBar scrollBar)
          Places the buttons and returns the Rectangle into which the track should be placed.
  Rectangle ScaledGraphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle ScalableLayeredPane. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle ScalableFreeformLayeredPane. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle SWTGraphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
protected   Rectangle RelativeLocator. getReferenceBox ()
          Returns the Reference Box in the Reference Figure's coordinate system.
  Rectangle PrintOperation. getPrintRegion ()
          Returns a Rectangle that represents the region that can be printed to.
  Rectangle PolylineConnection. getBounds ()
          Returns the bounds which holds all the points in this polyline connection.
  Rectangle Polyline. getBounds ()
protected   Rectangle LabelAnchor. getBox ()
          Returns the bounds of this LabelAnchor's owning Label icon.
  Rectangle Label. getIconBounds ()
          Returns the bounds of the Label's icon.
  Rectangle Label. getTextBounds ()
          Returns the bounds of the label's text.
  Rectangle IFigure. getBounds ()
          Returns the smallest rectangle completely enclosing the IFigure.
  Rectangle IFigure. getClientArea ()
          Returns the rectangular area within this Figure's bounds in which children will be placed (via LayoutManagers) and the painting of children will be clipped.
  Rectangle IFigure. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
          Copies the client area into the specificied Recangle, and returns that rectangle for convenience.
abstract   Rectangle Graphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
          Modifies the given rectangle to match the clip region and returns that rectangle.
  Rectangle FreeformLayeredPane. getFreeformExtent ()
  Rectangle FreeformLayer. getFreeformExtent ()
  Rectangle FreeformFigure. getFreeformExtent ()
          Returns the freeform extent, essentially the bounds of the FreeformFigure.
  Rectangle Figure. getBounds ()
          Returns the smallest rectangle completely enclosing the figure.
  Rectangle Figure. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle Figure. getClientArea ()
protected   Rectangle ChopboxAnchor. getBox ()
          Returns the bounds of this ChopboxAnchor's owner.
protected   Rectangle AbstractLocator. getNewBounds ( Dimension size, Point center)
          Recalculate the location of the figure according to its desired position relative to the center point.
protected static  Rectangle AbstractBorder. getPaintRectangle ( IFigure figure, Insets insets)
          Returns a temporary rectangle representing the figure's bounds cropped by the specified insets.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Rectangle
  Rectangle Viewport. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
 void UpdateManager. addDirtyRegion ( IFigure figure, Rectangle rect)
protected  void UpdateManager. firePainting ( Rectangle damage, java.util.Map dirtyRegions)
          Notifies listeners that painting is about to occur, passing them the damaged rectangle and the map of dirty regions.
abstract  void UpdateManager. performUpdate ( Rectangle exposed)
          Performs an update on the given exposed rectangle.
 void UpdateListener. notifyPainting ( Rectangle damage, java.util.Map dirtyRegions)
          Notifies the listener that the listened to object is painting.
 void SubordinateUpdateManager. performUpdate ( Rectangle rect)
static  ScrollPaneSolver.Result ScrollPaneSolver. solve ( Rectangle clientArea, Viewport viewport, int hVis, int vVis, int vBarWidth, int hBarHeight)
          Solves for the viewport area, insets, and visibility of horizontal and vertical scrollbars of a ScrollPane
 void ScaledGraphics. clipRect ( Rectangle r)
 void ScaledGraphics. drawRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
 void ScaledGraphics. fillRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
  Rectangle ScaledGraphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
 void ScalablePolygonShape. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle ScalableLayeredPane. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
  Rectangle ScalableFreeformLayeredPane. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
 void SWTGraphics. clipRect ( Rectangle rect)
 void SWTGraphics. drawRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
 void SWTGraphics. fillRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
  Rectangle SWTGraphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
  Graphics NativeGraphicsSource. getGraphics ( Rectangle r)
          Always returns null, because
 void NativeGraphicsSource. flushGraphics ( Rectangle region)
          Does nothing.
protected   Ray ManhattanConnectionRouter. getDirection ( Rectangle r, Point p)
          Returns the direction the point p is in relation to the given rectangle.
  Rectangle IFigure. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
          Copies the client area into the specificied Recangle, and returns that rectangle for convenience.
 boolean IFigure. intersects ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns true if this IFigure's bounds intersect with the given Rectangle.
 void IFigure. repaint ( Rectangle rect)
          Repaints the rectangular area within this IFigure represented by rect.
 void IFigure. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the bounds to the bounds of the specified Rectangle.
  Graphics GraphicsSource. getGraphics ( Rectangle region)
          Returns a Graphics for the rectangular region requested.
 void GraphicsSource. flushGraphics ( Rectangle region)
          Tells the GraphicsSource that you have finished using that region.
abstract  void Graphics. clipRect ( Rectangle r)
          Sets the clip region to the given rectangle.
 void Graphics. drawArc ( Rectangle r, int offset, int length)
 void Graphics. drawFocus ( Rectangle r)
 void Graphics. drawImage (Image srcImage, Rectangle src, Rectangle dest)
 void Graphics. drawOval ( Rectangle r)
          Draws an oval inside the given rectangle using the current foreground color.
 void Graphics. drawRectangle ( Rectangle r)
          Draws the given rectangle using the current foreground color.
abstract  void Graphics. drawRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
          Draws a rectangle with rounded corners using the foreground color.
 void Graphics. fillArc ( Rectangle r, int offset, int length)
 void Graphics. fillGradient ( Rectangle r, boolean vertical)
 void Graphics. fillOval ( Rectangle r)
 void Graphics. fillRectangle ( Rectangle r)
          Fills the given rectangle using the current background color.
abstract  void Graphics. fillRoundRectangle ( Rectangle r, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
          Fills a rectangle with rounded corners using the background color.
abstract   Rectangle Graphics. getClip ( Rectangle rect)
          Modifies the given rectangle to match the clip region and returns that rectangle.
 void FreeformLayeredPane. setFreeformBounds ( Rectangle bounds)
 void FreeformLayer. setFreeformBounds ( Rectangle bounds)
 void FreeformFigure. setFreeformBounds ( Rectangle bounds)
          Sets the freeform bounds of this FreeformFigure.
protected  void FlowLayout. setBoundsOfChild ( IFigure parent, IFigure child, Rectangle bounds)
          Sets the given bounds for the child figure input.
static void FigureUtilities. paintEtchedBorder ( Graphics g, Rectangle r, Color shadow, Color highlight)
          Paints a border with an etching effect, having a shadow of Color shadow and highlight of Color highlight.
static void FigureUtilities. paintEtchedBorder ( Graphics g, Rectangle r)
          Paints a border with an etching effect, having a shadow of a darker version of g's background color, and a highlight a lighter version of g's background color.
  Rectangle Figure. getClientArea ( Rectangle rect)
 boolean Figure. intersects ( Rectangle rect)
 void Figure. repaint ( Rectangle rect)
 void Figure. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the bounds of this Figure to the Rectangle rect.
protected   Graphics DeferredUpdateManager. getGraphics ( Rectangle region)
          Returns a Graphics object for the given region.
 void DeferredUpdateManager. performUpdate ( Rectangle exposed)
          Adds the given exposed region to the update queue and then performs the update.

Uses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry

Subclasses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry
 class PrecisionRectangle
          A Rectangle implementation using floating point values which are truncated into the inherited integer fields.

Fields in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry declared as Rectangle
static  Rectangle Rectangle. SINGLETON
          A singleton for use in short calculations.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry that return Rectangle
  Rectangle Transposer. t ( Rectangle r)
          Returns a new transposed Rectangle of the input Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. crop ( Insets insets)
          Crops this rectangle by the amount specified in insets.
  Rectangle Rectangle. expand (int h, int v)
          Expands the horizontal and vertical sides of this Rectangle with the values provided as input, and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. expand ( Insets insets)
          Expands the horizontal and vertical sides of this Rectangle by the width and height of the given Insets, and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getCopy ()
          Returns a new Rectangle which has the exact same parameters as this Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getCropped ( Insets insets)
          Returns a new Rectangle with the specified insets cropped.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getExpanded (int h, int v)
          Returns a new incremented Rectangle, where the sides are expanded by the horizonatal and vertical values provided.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getExpanded ( Insets insets)
          Creates and returns a new Rectangle with the bounds of this Rectangle, expanded by the given Insets.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getIntersection ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new Rectangle which has the intersection of this Rectangle and the rectangle provided as input.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getResized (int w, int h)
          Returns a new Rectangle which is equivalent to this Rectangle with its dimensions modified by the passed width w and height h.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getResized ( Dimension d)
          Returns a new Rectangle which is equivalent to this Rectangle with its dimensions modified by the passed Dimension d.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getTranslated (int dx, int dy)
          Returns a new Rectangle which is shifted along each axis by the passed values.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getTranslated ( Point pt)
          Returns a new Rectangle which is shifted by the position of the given Point.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getTransposed ()
          Returns a new rectangle whose width and height have been interchanged, as well as its x and y values.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getUnion ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new Rectangle which contains both this Rectangle and the Rectangle supplied as input.
  Rectangle Rectangle. intersect ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the size of this Rectangle to the intersection region with the Rectangle supplied as input, and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. resize ( Dimension sizeDelta)
          Resizes this Rectangle by the Dimension provided as input and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. resize (int dw, int dh)
          Resizes this Rectangle by the values supplied as input and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. scale (double scaleFactor)
          Scales the location and size of this Rectangle by the given scale and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. scale (double scaleX, double scaleY)
          Scales the location and size of this Rectangle by the given scales and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the parameters of this Rectangle from the Rectangle passed in and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setLocation ( Point p)
          Sets the location of this Rectangle to the point given as input and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setLocation (int x1, int y1)
          Sets the location of this Rectangle to the coordinates given as input and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setSize ( Dimension d)
          Sets the width and height of this Rectangle to the width and height of the given Dimension and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setSize (int w, int h)
          Sets the width of this Rectangle to w and the height of this Rectangle to h and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. shrink (int h, int v)
          Shrinks the sides of this Rectangle by the horizontal and vertical values provided as input, and returns this Rectangle for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. translate ( Point p)
          Moves this Rectangle horizontally by the x value of the given Point and vertically by the y value of the given Point, then returns this Rectangle for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. translate (int dx, int dy)
          Moves this Rectangle horizontally by dx and vertically by dy, then returns this Rectangle for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. transpose ()
          Switches the x and y values, as well as the width and height of this Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. union ( Dimension d)
          Unions this Rectangle's width and height with the specified Dimension.
  Rectangle Rectangle. union (int x1, int y1)
          Updates this Rectangle's bounds to the minimum size which can hold both this Rectangle and the coordinate (x,y).
  Rectangle Rectangle. union ( Rectangle rect)
          Updates this Rectangle's dimensions to the minimum size which can hold both this Rectangle and the given Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. union (int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Updates this Rectangle's dimensions to the minimum size which can hold both this Rectangle and the rectangle (x, y, w, h).
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. getCopy ()
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. crop ( Insets insets)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. resize ( Dimension sizeDelta)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. translate ( Point p)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. union ( Rectangle other)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. transpose ()
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. setLocation ( Point loc)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. shrink (double h, double v)
          Shrinks the sides of this Rectangle by the horizontal and vertical values provided as input, and returns this Rectangle for convenience.
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. expand (double h, double v)
          Expands the horizontal and vertical sides of this Rectangle with the values provided as input, and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. shrink (int h, int v)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. setSize ( Dimension d)
  Rectangle PointList. getBounds ()
          Returns the smallest Rectangle which contains all Points.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry with parameters of type Rectangle
  Rectangle Transposer. t ( Rectangle r)
          Returns a new transposed Rectangle of the input Rectangle.
 boolean Rectangle. contains ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns true if the given rectangle is contained within the boundaries of this Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getIntersection ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new Rectangle which has the intersection of this Rectangle and the rectangle provided as input.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getUnion ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns a new Rectangle which contains both this Rectangle and the Rectangle supplied as input.
  Rectangle Rectangle. intersect ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the size of this Rectangle to the intersection region with the Rectangle supplied as input, and returns this for convenience.
 boolean Rectangle. intersects ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns true if the input Rectangle intersects this Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
          Sets the parameters of this Rectangle from the Rectangle passed in and returns this for convenience.
 boolean Rectangle. touches ( Rectangle rect)
          Returns true if the input Rectangle touches this Rectangle.
  Rectangle Rectangle. union ( Rectangle rect)
          Updates this Rectangle's dimensions to the minimum size which can hold both this Rectangle and the given Rectangle.
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. union ( Rectangle other)
 boolean PointList. intersects ( Rectangle r)
          Determines whether any of the line segments represented by this PointList intersect the given Rectangle.

Constructors in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry with parameters of type Rectangle
Rectangle ( Rectangle rect)
          Constructs a copy of the provided Rectangle.
PrecisionRectangle ( Rectangle rect)
          Constructs a new PrecisionRectangle from the given integer Rectangle.

Uses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.draw2d.graph

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.graph with parameters of type Rectangle
 boolean ShortestPathRouter. addObstacle ( Rectangle rect)
          Adds an obstacle with the given bounds to the obstacles.
 boolean ShortestPathRouter. removeObstacle ( Rectangle rect)
          Removes the obstacle with the rectangle's bounds from the routing.
 boolean ShortestPathRouter. updateObstacle ( Rectangle oldBounds, Rectangle newBounds)
          Updates the position of an existing obstacle.

Uses of Rectangle in

Methods in that return Rectangle
protected   Rectangle Thumbnail. getSourceRectangle ()
          Returns the rectangular region relative to the source figure which will be the basis of the thumbnail.

Methods in with parameters of type Rectangle
 void Thumbnail. notifyPainting ( Rectangle damage, java.util.Map dirtyRegions)

Uses of Rectangle in org.eclipse.draw2d.text

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text with parameters of type Rectangle
 void FlowPage. setBounds ( Rectangle r)
 void FlowFigure. setBounds ( Rectangle r)
          FlowFigures override setBounds() to prevent translation of children.
 void FlowBorder. paint ( FlowFigure figure, Graphics g, Rectangle where, int sides)
          Paints the border around the given box location.
 void FlowAdapter. setBounds ( Rectangle rect)
 void AbstractFlowBorder. paint ( FlowFigure figure, Graphics g, Rectangle where, int sides)
          Subclasses should override this method to paint each box's border.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire