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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface ISchedulingRule

All Known Subinterfaces:
IContainer, IFile, IFolder, IProject, IResource, IWorkspaceRoot
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISchedulingRule

Scheduling rules are used by jobs to indicate when they need exclusive access to a resource. Scheduling rules can also be applied synchronously to a thread using IJobManager.beginRule(ISchedulingRule) and IJobManager.endRule(ISchedulingRule). The job manager guarantees that no two jobs with conflicting scheduling rules will run concurrently. Multiple rules can be applied to a given thread only if the outer rule explicitly allows the nesting as specified by the contains method.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
Job.getRule(), Job.setRule(ISchedulingRule), Job.schedule(long), IJobManager.beginRule(ISchedulingRule, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor), IJobManager.endRule(ISchedulingRule)

Method Summary
 boolean contains ( ISchedulingRule rule)
          Returns whether this scheduling rule completely contains another scheduling rule.
 boolean isConflicting ( ISchedulingRule rule)
          Returns whether this scheduling rule is compatible with another scheduling rule.

Method Detail


boolean contains(
ISchedulingRule rule)
Returns whether this scheduling rule completely contains another scheduling rule. Rules can only be nested within a thread if the inner rule is completely contained within the outer rule.

Implementations of this method must obey the rules of a partial order relation on the set of all scheduling rules. In particular, implementations must be reflexive (a.contains(a) is always true), antisymmetric (a.contains(b) and b.contains(a) iff a.equals(b), and transitive (if a.contains(b) and b.contains(c), then a.contains(c)). Implementations of this method must return false when compared to a rule they know nothing about.

rule - the rule to check for containment
true if this rule contains the given rule, and false otherwise.


boolean isConflicting(
ISchedulingRule rule)
Returns whether this scheduling rule is compatible with another scheduling rule. If true is returned, then no job with this rule will be run at the same time as a job with the conflicting rule. If false is returned, then the job manager is free to run jobs with these rules at the same time.

Implementations of this method must be reflexive, symmetric, and consistent, and must return false when compared to a rule they know nothing about.

This method must return true if calling contains(ISchedulingRule) on the same rule also returns true. This is required because it would otherwise allow two threads to be running concurrently with the same rule.

rule - the rule to check for conflicts
true if the rule is conflicting, and false otherwise.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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