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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IPluginDescriptor

Deprecated.  IPluginDescriptor was refactored in Eclipse 3.0. Most of the functionality has moved to Platform and the plug-in descriptor has been replaced with the OSGi Bundle object.

This interface must only be used by plug-ins which explicitly require the org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility plug-in.

For most uses the bundle object can be treated as an opaque token representing your plug-in to the system -- It must be supplied to various Platform methods but need not be interrogated itself. There are a small number of plug-in descriptor method equivalents supplied by Bundle itself. The details are spelled out in the comments on each IPluginDescriptor method.

Clients of this interface have a reference to an IPluginDescriptor corresponding to a plug-in. To adapt to the deprecation, the bundle corresponding to the plug-in generally needs to be acquired. There are several cases:

  • the descriptor was discovered using methods such as IPluginRegistry.getPluginDescriptor(). The code should be updated to use one of the bundle discovery mechanisms such as Platform.getBundle().
  • the descriptor is from the plug-in itself. The code should be updated to use the plug-in's bundle instead.
  • the descriptor is supplied by a third party. The plug-in writer must cooperate with that party to obtain a bundle rather than a descriptor.

The resulting bundle object can be used to carry out the adaptation steps outlined for each of the IPluginDescriptor methods.

public interface IPluginDescriptor

A plug-in descriptor contains information about a plug-in obtained from the plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file.

Plug-in descriptors are platform-defined objects that exist in the plug-in registry independent of whether a plug-in has been started. In contrast, a plug-in's runtime object (getPlugin) generally runs plug-in-defined code.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
  URL find ( IPath path)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.find(bundle, file) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  URL find ( IPath path, Map override)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.find(bundle, path, override) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  IExtension getExtension ( String extensionName)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtension(id + "." + extensionName) 
where id is the plug-in id.
  IExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint ( String extensionPointId)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(id, extensionPointId) 
where id is the plug-in id.
  IExtensionPoint[] getExtensionPoints ()
          Deprecated. Use
where id is the plug-in id.
  IExtension[] getExtensions ()
          Deprecated. Use
where id is the plug-in id.
  URL getInstallURL ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in or simply use the getEntry API to construct the desired URL.
  String getLabel ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  Plugin getPlugin ()
          Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 plug-in runtime objects are not globally managed and so are not generically accessible. Rather, each plug-in is free to declare API which exposes the plug-in runtime object (e.g., MyPlugin.getInstance()). If this method is being used to activate a plug-in then the following code is equivalent:
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  ClassLoader getPluginClassLoader ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  IPluginPrerequisite[] getPluginPrerequisites ()
          Deprecated. Use
     import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
     import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
     String requires = (String)bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE);
     ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, requires);
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in. The resultant elements array contains one entry for each required plug-in.
  String getProviderName ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  ResourceBundle getResourceBundle ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  String getResourceString ( String value)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getResourceString(bundle, value)
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  String getResourceString ( String value, ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getResourceString(bundle, value, resourceBundle) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  ILibrary[] getRuntimeLibraries ()
          Deprecated. Use
     import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
     import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
     String requires = (String)bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH);
     ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, requires);
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in. The resultant elements array contains one entry for each entry on the bundle's classpath..
  String getUniqueIdentifier ()
          Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
  PluginVersionIdentifier getVersionIdentifier ()
          Deprecated. Use
     String version = (String) bundle.getHeaders().get(org.osgi.framework.Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION);
     new PluginVersionIdentifier(version); 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.
 boolean isPluginActivated ()
          Deprecated. Use
     bundle.getState == org.osgi.framework.Bundle.ACTIVE 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Method Detail


IExtension getExtension(
String extensionName)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtension(id + "." + extensionName) 
where id is the plug-in id.

Returns the extension with the given simple identifier declared in this plug-in, or null if there is no such extension. Since an extension might not have an identifier, some extensions can only be found via the getExtensions method.

extensionName - the simple identifier of the extension (e.g. "main").
the extension, or null


IExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint(
String extensionPointId)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(id, extensionPointId) 
where id is the plug-in id.

Returns the extension point with the given simple identifier declared in this plug-in, or null if there is no such extension point.

extensionPointId - the simple identifier of the extension point (e.g. "wizard").
the extension point, or null


IExtensionPoint[] getExtensionPoints()
Deprecated. Use
where id is the plug-in id.

Returns all extension points declared by this plug-in. Returns an empty array if this plug-in does not declare any extension points.

the extension points declared by this plug-in


IExtension[] getExtensions()
Deprecated. Use
where id is the plug-in id.

Returns all extensions declared by this plug-in. Returns an empty array if this plug-in does not declare any extensions.

the extensions declared by this plug-in


URL getInstallURL()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in or simply use the getEntry API to construct the desired URL.

Returns the URL of this plug-in's install directory. This is the directory containing the plug-in manifest file, resource bundle, runtime libraries, and any other files supplied with this plug-in. This directory is usually read-only. Plug-in relative information should be written to the location provided by Plugin.getStateLocation.

the URL of this plug-in's install directory
See Also:
getPlugin(), Plugin.getStateLocation()


String getLabel()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns a displayable label for this plug-in. Returns the empty string if no label for this plug-in is specified in the plug-in manifest file.

Note that any translation specified in the plug-in manifest file is automatically applied.

a displayable string label for this plug-in, possibly the empty string
See Also:


Plugin getPlugin()
Deprecated. In Eclipse 3.0 plug-in runtime objects are not globally managed and so are not generically accessible. Rather, each plug-in is free to declare API which exposes the plug-in runtime object (e.g., MyPlugin.getInstance()). If this method is being used to activate a plug-in then the following code is equivalent:
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns the plug-in runtime object corresponding to this plug-in descriptor. Unlike other methods on this object, invoking this method may activate the plug-in. The returned object is an instance of the plug-in runtime class specified in the plug-in's manifest file; if a class is not specified there, the returned object is an internally-supplied one that does not react to life cycle requests.

the plug-in runtime object
CoreException - if this plug-in's runtime object could not be created.
See Also:


ClassLoader getPluginClassLoader()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns the plug-in class loader used to load classes and resources for this plug-in. The class loader can be used to directly access plug-in resources and classes. Note that accessing a resource will not activate the corresponding plug-in. Successfully loading a class will always activate the corresponding plug-in.

The following examples illustrate the direct use of the plug-in class loader and its effect on plug-in activation (example ignores error handling).

     ClassLoader loader = descriptor.getPluginClassLoader();

     // Load resource by name. Will not activate the plug-in.
     URL res = loader.getResource("com/example/Foo/button.gif");
     InputStream is = loader.getResourceAsStream("splash.jpg");

     // Load resource for class. Will activate the plug-in because
     // the referenced class is loaded first and triggers activation.
     URL u = com.example.Foo.class.getResource("button.gif");

     // Load class by name. Will activate the plug-in.
     Class c = loader.loadClass("com.example.Bar");

     // Load a resource bundle. May, or may not activate the plug-in, depending
     // on the bundle implementation. If implemented as a class, the plug-in
     // will be activated. If implemented as a properties file, the plug-in will
     // not be activated.
     ResourceBundle b = 
         ResourceBundle.getBundle("bundle", Locale.getDefault(), loader);

the plug-in class loader
See Also:
IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(String), isPluginActivated(), getResourceBundle()


IPluginPrerequisite[] getPluginPrerequisites()
Deprecated. Use
     import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
     import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
     String requires = (String)bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE);
     ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE, requires);
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in. The resultant elements array contains one entry for each required plug-in.

Returns a list of plug-in prerequisites required for correct execution of this plug-in.

an array of plug-in prerequisites, or an empty array if no prerequisites were specified


String getProviderName()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns the name of the provider of this plug-in. Returns the empty string if no provider name is specified in the plug-in manifest file.

Note that any translation specified in the plug-in manifest file is automatically applied.

the name of the provider, possibly the empty string
See Also:


ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns this plug-in's resource bundle for the current locale.

The bundle is stored as the file in the plug-in install directory, and contains any translatable strings used in the plug-in manifest file (plugin.xml) along with other resource strings used by the plug-in implementation.

the resource bundle
MissingResourceException - if the resource bundle was not found


String getResourceString(
String value)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getResourceString(bundle, value)
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns a resource string corresponding to the given argument value. If the argument value specifies a resource key, the string is looked up in the default resource bundle. If the argument does not specify a valid key, the argument itself is returned as the resource string. The key lookup is performed in the resource bundle. If a resource string corresponding to the key is not found in the resource bundle the key value, or any default text following the key in the argument value is returned as the resource string. A key is identified as a string beginning with the "%" character. Note, that the "%" character is stripped off prior to lookup in the resource bundle.

Equivalent to getResourceString(value, getResourceBundle())

value - the value
the resource string
See Also:


String getResourceString(
String value,
ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getResourceString(bundle, value, resourceBundle) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns a resource string corresponding to the given argument value and bundle. If the argument value specifies a resource key, the string is looked up in the given resource bundle. If the argument does not specify a valid key, the argument itself is returned as the resource string. The key lookup is performed against the specified resource bundle. If a resource string corresponding to the key is not found in the resource bundle the key value, or any default text following the key in the argument value is returned as the resource string. A key is identified as a string beginning with the "%" character. Note that the "%" character is stripped off prior to lookup in the resource bundle.

For example, assume resource bundle contains name = Project Name

     getResourceString("Hello World") returns "Hello World"
     getResourceString("%name") returns "Project Name"
     getResourceString("%name Hello World") returns "Project Name"
     getResourceString("%abcd Hello World") returns "Hello World"
     getResourceString("%abcd") returns "%abcd"
     getResourceString("%%name") returns "%name"

value - the value
resourceBundle - the resource bundle
the resource string
See Also:


ILibrary[] getRuntimeLibraries()
Deprecated. Use
     import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
     import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
     String requires = (String)bundle.getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH);
     ManifestElement[] elements = ManifestElement.parseHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, requires);
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in. The resultant elements array contains one entry for each entry on the bundle's classpath..

Returns all runtime libraries declared by this plug-in. Returns an empty array if this plug-in has no runtime libraries.

the runtime libraries declared by this plug-in


String getUniqueIdentifier()
Deprecated. Use
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns the unique identifier of this plug-in. This identifier is a non-empty string and is unique within the plug-in registry.

the unique identifier of the plug-in (e.g. "org.eclipse.core.runtime")


PluginVersionIdentifier getVersionIdentifier()
Deprecated. Use
     String version = (String) bundle.getHeaders().get(org.osgi.framework.Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION);
     new PluginVersionIdentifier(version); 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns the version identifier of this plug-in.

the plug-in version identifier


boolean isPluginActivated()
Deprecated. Use
     bundle.getState == org.osgi.framework.Bundle.ACTIVE 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns whether the plug-in described by this descriptor has been activated. Invoking this method will not cause the plug-in to be activated.

true if this plug-in is activated, and false otherwise
See Also:


URL find(
IPath path)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.find(bundle, file) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns a URL for the given path. Returns null if the URL could not be computed or created.

path - path relative to plug-in installation location
a URL for the given path or null It is not necessary to perform a 'resolve' on this URL.


URL find(
IPath path,
Map override)
Deprecated. Use
     Platform.find(bundle, path, override) 
where bundle is the bundle associated with the relevant plug-in.

Returns a URL for the given path. Returns null if the URL could not be computed or created. find will look for this path under the directory structure for this plugin and any of its fragments. If this path will yield a result outside the scope of this plugin, null will be returned. Note that there is no specific order to the fragments. The following arguments may also be used $nl$ - for language specific information $os$ - for operating system specific information $ws$ - for windowing system specific information A path of $nl$/ in an environment with a default locale of en_CA will return a URL corresponding to the first place is found according to the following order: plugin root/nl/en/CA/ fragment1 root/nl/en/CA/ fragment2 root/nl/en/CA/ ... plugin root/nl/en/ fragment1 root/nl/en/ fragment2 root/nl/en/ ... plugin root/ fragment1 root/ fragment2 root/ ... If a locale other than the default locale is desired, use an override map.

path - file path relative to plug-in installation location
override - map of override substitution arguments to be used for any $arg$ path elements. The map keys correspond to the substitution arguments (eg. "$nl$" or "$os$"). The resulting values must be of type java.lang.String. If the map is null, or does not contain the required substitution argument, the default is used.
a URL for the given path or null. It is not necessary to perform a 'resolve' on this URL.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire