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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IProject Provides support for applying and working with patches. 
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace Package Specification This package specifies the APIs in the Resources plug-in that are used to integrate application models with the workspace. Provides APIs intended to be implemented by the Team component. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.model Defines interfaces for debug model elements, source lookup, and launching. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers Provides implementations of common source containers supporting source lookup. 
org.eclipse.debug.ui Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history Application programming interface to query refactoring history information from the refactoring infrastructure. 
org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model Application programming interface to support logical models. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history Application programming interface to display and preview refactoring history information. 
org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model Application programming interface to provide model integration for refactoring histories. Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers. Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings Package Specification This package specifies the API for working with resources mappings. Application programming interfaces for generating and refreshing synchronization state. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer Provides the standard Import and Export wizards for moving resources into and out of the workspace. 
org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource Provides the standard wizards for creating files, folders, and projects in the workspace. 

Uses of IProject in

Methods in with parameters of type IProject
static  String WorkspacePatcherUI. getWorkspacePatchProjectHeader ( IProject project)
          Returns the project header that must appear before any patches that apply to that project.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.core.resources

Fields in org.eclipse.core.resources declared as IProject
  IProject[][] IWorkspace.ProjectOrder. knots
          A list of knots in the project reference graph.
  IProject[] IWorkspace.ProjectOrder. projects
          A list of projects ordered so as to honor the project reference relationships between these projects wherever possible.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources that return IProject
protected abstract   IProject[] IncrementalProjectBuilder. build (int kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this builder in the specified manner.
  IProject[][] IWorkspace. computePrerequisiteOrder ( IProject[] projects)
          Deprecated. Replaced by IWorkspace.computeProjectOrder, which produces a more usable result when there are cycles in project reference graph.
  IProject[] IProjectDescription. getDynamicReferences ()
          Returns the dynamic project references for the described project.
  IProject IncrementalProjectBuilder. getProject ()
          Returns the project for which this builder is defined.
  IProject IResource. getProject ()
          Returns the project which contains this resource.
  IProject ISaveContext. getProject ()
          If the current save is a project save, this method returns the project being saved.
  IProject IProjectNature. getProject ()
          Returns the project to which this project nature applies.
  IProject IWorkspaceRoot. getProject ( String name)
          Returns a handle to the project resource with the given name which is a child of this root.
  IProject[] IWorkspaceRoot. getProjects ()
          Returns the collection of projects which exist under this root.
  IProject[] IWorkspaceRoot. getProjects (int memberFlags)
          Returns the collection of projects which exist under this root.
  IProject[] IProject. getReferencedProjects ()
          Returns the projects referenced by this project.
  IProject[] IProjectDescription. getReferencedProjects ()
          Returns the projects referenced by the described project.
  IProject[] IProject. getReferencingProjects ()
          Returns the list of all open projects which reference this project.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IProject
  IProject[][] IWorkspace. computePrerequisiteOrder ( IProject[] projects)
          Deprecated. Replaced by IWorkspace.computeProjectOrder, which produces a more usable result when there are cycles in project reference graph.
  IWorkspace.ProjectOrder IWorkspace. computeProjectOrder ( IProject[] projects)
          Computes a total ordering of the given projects based on both static and dynamic project references.
  IResourceDelta IncrementalProjectBuilder. getDelta ( IProject project)
          Returns the resource delta recording the changes in the given project since the last time this builder was run.
 boolean IncrementalProjectBuilder. hasBeenBuilt ( IProject project)
          Returns whether the given project has already been built during this build iteration.
 void IProjectDescription. setDynamicReferences ( IProject[] projects)
          Sets the dynamic project references for the described project.
 void IProjectNature. setProject ( IProject project)
          Sets the project to which this nature applies.
 void IProjectDescription. setReferencedProjects ( IProject[] projects)
          Sets the referenced projects, ignoring any duplicates.
  IStatus IWorkspace. validateProjectLocation ( IProject project, IPath location)
          Validates the given path as the location of the given project on disk.
  IStatus IWorkspace. validateProjectLocationURI ( IProject project, URI location)
          Validates the given URI as the location of the given project.

Constructors in org.eclipse.core.resources with parameters of type IProject
IWorkspace.ProjectOrder ( IProject[] projects, boolean hasCycles, IProject[][] knots)
          Creates an instance with the given values.
IWorkspace.ProjectOrder ( IProject[] projects, boolean hasCycles, IProject[][] knots)
          Creates an instance with the given values.
ProjectScope ( IProject context)
          Create and return a new project scope for the given project.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping that return IProject
abstract   IProject[] RemoteResourceMappingContext. getProjects ()
          Return the list of projects that apply to this context.
abstract   IProject[] ResourceMapping. getProjects ()
          Returns the projects that contain the resources that constitute this application model.
  IProject[] CompositeResourceMapping. getProjects ()

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping with parameters of type IProject
 void IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory. close ( IProject project)
          Record the set of deltas representing the closed of a project.

Uses of IProject in

Methods in with parameters of type IProject
 void IResourceTree. deletedProject ( IProject project)
          Declares that the given project's content area in the local file system has been successfully dealt with in an appropriate manner, and requests that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. deleteProject ( IResourceTree tree, IProject project, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.delete(int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a project.
  IResourceRuleFactory TeamHook. getRuleFactory ( IProject project)
          Returns the resource scheduling rule factory that should be used when workspace operations are invoked on resources in that project.
 boolean IResourceTree. movedProjectSubtree ( IProject source, IProjectDescription description)
          Declares that the given source project and its files and folders have been successfully relocated in the local file system if required, and requests that the rename and/or relocation should now be made to the workspace resource tree for the project and all its descendents.
 boolean IMoveDeleteHook. moveProject ( IResourceTree tree, IProject source, IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Implements IResource.move(IPath,int,IProgressMonitor) and IResource.move(IProjectDescription,int,IProgressMonitor) where the receiver is a project.
protected  void TeamHook. setRuleFactory ( IProject project, IResourceRuleFactory factory)
          Sets the resource scheduling rule factory to use for resource modifications in the given project.
 void IResourceTree. standardDeleteProject ( IProject project, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given project and its descendents in the standard manner from both the local file system and from the workspace resource tree.
 void IResourceTree. standardMoveProject ( IProject source, IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames and/or relocates the given project in the standard manner.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.debug.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model that return IProject
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. computeBuildOrder ( IProject[] projects)
          Returns a list of projects in their suggested build order from the given unordered list of projects.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. computeReferencedBuildOrder ( IProject[] baseProjects)
          Returns an array of projects in their suggested build order containing all of the projects specified by baseProjects and all of their referenced projects.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getBuildOrder ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns the projects to build before launching the given launch configuration or null if the entire workspace should be built incrementally.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. getProjectsForProblemSearch ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode)
          Returns the set of projects to use when searching for errors or null if no search is to be done.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model with parameters of type IProject
protected  void LaunchConfigurationDelegate. addReferencedProjects ( IProject project, Set references)
          Adds all projects referenced by project to the given set.
protected  void LaunchConfigurationDelegate. buildProjects ( IProject[] projects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs an incremental build on each of the given projects.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. computeBuildOrder ( IProject[] projects)
          Returns a list of projects in their suggested build order from the given unordered list of projects.
protected   IProject[] LaunchConfigurationDelegate. computeReferencedBuildOrder ( IProject[] baseProjects)
          Returns an array of projects in their suggested build order containing all of the projects specified by baseProjects and all of their referenced projects.
protected  boolean LaunchConfigurationDelegate. existsProblems ( IProject proj)
          Returns whether the given project contains any problem markers of the specified severity.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers that return IProject
  IProject ProjectSourceContainer. getProject ()
          Returns the project this source container references.

Constructors in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers with parameters of type IProject
ProjectSourceContainer ( IProject project, boolean referenced)
          Constructs a project source container.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.debug.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.ui that return IProject
protected abstract   IProject WorkingDirectoryBlock. getProject ( ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Returns the project associated with the specified launch configuration or null if none.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history with parameters of type IProject
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getProjectHistory ( IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a project refactoring history for the specified project.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getProjectHistory ( IProject project, long start, long end, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a project refactoring history for the specified project.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getRefactoringHistory ( IProject[] projects, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined refactoring history for the specified projects.
  RefactoringHistory IRefactoringHistoryService. getRefactoringHistory ( IProject[] projects, long start, long end, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the combined refactoring history for the specified projects.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.model that return IProject
  IProject[] AbstractRefactoringHistoryResourceMapping. getProjects ()
          Returns the projects that contain the resources that constitute this application model.
  IProject[] AbstractRefactoringDescriptorResourceMapping. getProjects ()
          Returns the projects that contain the resources that constitute this application model.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history

Fields in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history declared as IProject
protected   IProject RefactoringHistoryControlConfiguration. fProject
          The project, or null for the workspace

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history that return IProject
  IProject RefactoringHistoryControlConfiguration. getProject ()
          Returns the project of the refactoring history being displayed.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history with parameters of type IProject
RefactoringHistoryControlConfiguration ( IProject project, boolean time, boolean checkable)
          Creates a new refactoring history control configuration.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model that return IProject
protected abstract   IProject[] AbstractResourceMappingMerger. getDependencies ( IProject[] projects)
          Returns the dependent projects of the projects associated with the incoming refactorings.

Methods in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model with parameters of type IProject
protected abstract   IProject[] AbstractResourceMappingMerger. getDependencies ( IProject[] projects)
          Returns the dependent projects of the projects associated with the incoming refactorings.
protected   RefactoringHistory AbstractSynchronizationContentProvider. getRefactorings ( ISynchronizationContext context, IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns the refactorings for the specified project which are not in sync.

Uses of IProject in

Methods in that return IProject
  IProject[] ProjectSetCapability. addToWorkspace ( String[] referenceStrings, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For every String in referenceStrings, load the corresponding project into the workspace.
  IProject[] IProjectSetSerializer. addToWorkspace ( String[] referenceStrings, String filename, Object context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. For every String in referenceStrings, create in the workspace a corresponding IProject.
  IProject[] ProjectSetSerializationContext. confirmOverwrite ( IProject[] projects)
          Given an array of projects that currently exist in the workspace determine which of those projects should be overwritten.
protected   IProject[] ProjectSetCapability. confirmOverwrite ( ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProject[] projects)
          Determine if any of the projects already exist and confirm which of those projects are to be overwritten.
  IProject RepositoryProvider. getProject ()

Methods in with parameters of type IProject
  String[] IProjectSetSerializer. asReference ( IProject[] providerProjects, Object context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. For every IProject in providerProjects, return an opaque UTF-8 encoded String to act as a reference to that project.
  String[] ProjectSetCapability. asReference ( IProject[] providerProjects, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          For every project in providerProjects, return an opaque UTF-8 encoded String to act as a reference to that project.
  IProject[] ProjectSetSerializationContext. confirmOverwrite ( IProject[] projects)
          Given an array of projects that currently exist in the workspace determine which of those projects should be overwritten.
protected   IProject[] ProjectSetCapability. confirmOverwrite ( ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProject[] projects)
          Determine if any of the projects already exist and confirm which of those projects are to be overwritten.
static  RepositoryProvider RepositoryProvider. getProvider ( IProject project)
          Returns the provider for a given IProject or null if a provider is not associated with the project or if the project is closed or does not exist.
static  RepositoryProvider RepositoryProvider. getProvider ( IProject project, String id)
          Returns a provider of type with the given id if associated with the given project or null if the project is not associated with a provider of that type or the nature id is that of a non-team repository provider nature.
static boolean RepositoryProvider. isShared ( IProject project)
          Returns whether the given project is shared or not.
static void RepositoryProvider. map ( IProject project, String id)
          Instantiate a new RepositoryProvider with concrete class by given providerID and associate it with project.
 void RepositoryProviderType. metaFilesDetected ( IProject project, IContainer[] containers)
          Callback from team when the meta-files for a repository type are detected in an unshared project.
 void RepositoryProvider. setProject ( IProject project)
static void RepositoryProvider. unmap ( IProject project)
          Disassociates project with the repository provider its currently mapped to.

Uses of IProject in

Methods in that return IProject
  IProject[] ISynchronizationScope. getProjects ()
          Return the projects that bound this scope.

Methods in with parameters of type IProject
 void IChangeGroupingRequestor. ensureChangesGrouped ( IProject project, IFile[] files, String nameHint)
          Issue a request to group the provided files together when the changes are committed or checked-in to the repository.
protected  void ChangeTracker. ensureGrouped ( IProject project, String name, IFile[] files)
          Group the given modified file into a change set with the given name.
protected abstract  void ChangeTracker. handleChanges ( IProject project, IResource[] resources)
          The given resources of interest have changed in the given project.
  ResourceMapping[] ISynchronizationScopeParticipant. handleContextChange ( ISynchronizationScope scope, IResource[] resources, IProject[] projects)
          Callback that the manager makes to participants when the state of resources that are contained in the resource mapping context of the manager change.
protected abstract  void ChangeTracker. handleProjectChange ( IProject project)
          Resources of interest in the given project have changed but the specific changes are not known.
protected  boolean ChangeTracker. isProjectOfInterest ( IProject project)
          Return whether the given project is of interest to this tracker.
protected  boolean ChangeTracker. isProjectTracked ( IProject project)
          Return whether the given project is being tracked.
protected  void ChangeTracker. projectTracked ( IProject project)
          Callback made from ChangeTracker.trackProject(IProject) when a project is tracked.
protected  void ChangeTracker. stopTrackingProject ( IProject project)
          Stop tracking changes for the given project.
protected  boolean ChangeTracker. trackProject ( IProject project)
          Track the given project if it has a change set collector.

Uses of IProject in

Methods in that return IProject
  IProject[] SubscriberResourceMappingContext. getProjects ()

Uses of IProject in

Methods in with parameters of type IProject
 void IConfigurationWizard. init ( IWorkbench workbench, IProject project)
          Initializes this creation wizard using the passed workbench and the selected project.
 void IConfigurationWizardExtension. init ( IWorkbench workbench, IProject[] projects)
          Initializes this creation wizard using the passed workbench and selected projects.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions with parameters of type IProject
 void CopyProjectOperation. copyProject ( IProject project)
          Paste a copy of the project on the clipboard to the workspace.
protected   IProjectDescription CopyProjectAction. createDescription ( IProject project, String projectName, IPath rootLocation)
          Create a new IProjectDescription for the copy using the name and path selected from the dialog.
protected   Object[] CopyProjectAction. queryDestinationParameters ( IProject project)
          Query for a new project name and destination using the parameters in the existing project.
protected   Object[] MoveProjectAction. queryDestinationParameters ( IProject project)
          Query for a new project destination using the parameters in the existing project.
protected static boolean CopyProjectOperation. validateCopy ( Shell shell, IProject project, String newName, String[] modelProviderIds)
          Deprecated. As of 3.3, validation is performed in the undoable operation executed by this operation.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that return IProject
  IProject WizardNewProjectCreationPage. getProjectHandle ()
          Creates a project resource handle for the current project name field value.
  IProject[] WizardNewProjectReferencePage. getReferencedProjects ()
          Returns the referenced projects selected by the user.

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type IProject
ProjectLocationMoveDialog ( Shell parentShell, IProject existingProject)
          Create a ProjectLocationMoveDialog on the supplied project parented by the parentShell.
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog ( Shell parentShell, IProject existingProject)
          Create a ProjectLocationSelectionDialog on the supplied project parented by the parentShell.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo

Constructors in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo with parameters of type IProject
CopyProjectOperation ( IProject project, String name, URI location, String label)
          Create a CopyProjectOperation that copies the specified project and sets its location to the specified location.
MoveProjectOperation ( IProject project, URI location, String label)
          Create a MoveProjectOperation that moves the specified project contents to a new location.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer that return IProject
  IProject WizardExternalProjectImportPage. getProjectHandle ()
          Creates a project resource handle for the current project name field value.

Uses of IProject in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource that return IProject
  IProject BasicNewProjectResourceWizard. getNewProject ()
          Returns the newly created project.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire