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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Class StructureDiffViewer

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

                  extended by 

                      extended by 

                          extended by
                              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, IPostSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider

public class StructureDiffViewer
extends DiffTreeViewer

A diff tree viewer that can be configured with a IStructureCreator to retrieve a hierarchical structure from the input object (an ICompareInput) and perform a two-way or three-way compare on it.

This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed outside this package.

See Also:
IStructureCreator, ICompareInput
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. StructuredViewer
StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontCollector, StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontCollectorWithProviders
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. AbstractTreeViewer
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
Constructor Summary
StructureDiffViewer ( Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a new viewer under the given SWT parent with the specified configuration.
StructureDiffViewer ( Tree tree, CompareConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a new viewer for the given SWT tree control with the specified configuration.
Method Summary
protected  void compareInputChanged ( ICompareInput input)
          Recreates the comparable structures for the input sides.
protected  void contentChanged ( IContentChangeNotifier changed)
          Calls diff whenever the byte contents changes.
protected  void copySelected (boolean leftToRight)
          Overridden to call the save method on the structure creator after nodes have been copied from one side to the other side of an input object.
protected  void diff ()
          Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.
protected  void diff ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.
protected   Object getRoot ()
          Overridden because the input of this viewer is not identical to the root of the tree.
  IStructureCreator getStructureCreator ()
          Returns the structure creator or null if no structure creator has been set with setStructureCreator.
  String getTitle ()
          Reimplemented to get the descriptive title for this viewer from the IStructureCreator.
protected  void handleDispose ( DisposeEvent event)
          Called on the viewer disposal.
protected  void initialSelection ()
          This hook method is called from within inputChanged after a new input has been set but before any controls are updated.
protected  void inputChanged ( Object input, Object oldInput)
          Internal hook method called when the input to this viewer is initially set or subsequently changed.
protected  void postDiffHook ( Differencer differencer, IDiffContainer root)
          Deprecated. Subclasses should override postDiffHook(Differencer, IDiffContainer, IProgressMonitor) instead
protected  void postDiffHook ( Differencer differencer, IDiffContainer root, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called from within diff(IProgressMonitor) after the difference tree has been built.
protected  void preDiffHook ( IStructureComparator ancestor, IStructureComparator left, IStructureComparator right)
          Deprecated. Clients should override preDiffHook(IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IProgressMonitor)
protected  void preDiffHook ( IStructureComparator ancestor, IStructureComparator left, IStructureComparator right, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called from within diff(IProgressMonitor) before the difference tree is being built.
protected  void propertyChange ( PropertyChangeEvent event)
          Tracks property changes of the configuration object.
 void setStructureCreator ( IStructureCreator structureCreator)
          Configures the StructureDiffViewer with a structure creator.
Methods inherited from class DiffTreeViewer
copyOne, createToolItems, dontExpand, expandSelection, fillContextMenu, getBundle, getCompareConfiguration, internalExpandToLevel, navigate
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. TreeViewer
addTreeListener, assertContentProviderType, createChildren, createViewerEditor, disassociate, doGetColumnCount, editElement, getChild, getChildren, getColumnViewerOwner, getControl, getExpanded, getItemAt, getItemCount, getItemCount, getItems, getLabelProvider, getParentElement, getParentItem, getRawChildren, getSelection, getTree, getViewerRowFromItem, handleTreeCollapse, handleTreeExpand, hookControl, internalAdd, internalInitializeTree, internalRefreshStruct, isExpandable, mapElement, newItem, remove, removeAll, replace, setChildCount, setContentProvider, setExpanded, setHasChildren, setSelection, setSelection, showItem, updatePlus
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. AbstractTreeViewer
add, add, addSelectionListener, addTreeListener, associate, buildLabel, collapseAll, collapseToLevel, createTreeItem, doFindInputItem, doFindItem, doUpdateItem, doUpdateItem, expandAll, expandToLevel, expandToLevel, fireTreeCollapsed, fireTreeExpanded, getAutoExpandLevel, getChildren, getExpandedElements, getExpandedState, getExpandedTreePaths, getFilteredChildren, getNextItem, getPreviousItem, getSelection, getSelectionFromWidget, getSortedChildren, getTreePathFromItem, getVisibleExpandedElements, handleDoubleSelect, indexForElement, insert, internalCollapseToLevel, internalExpand, internalFindItems, internalGetWidgetToSelect, internalIsInputOrEmptyPath, internalRefresh, internalRefresh, internalRefresh, internalRemove, internalRemove, isSameSelection, labelProviderChanged, remove, remove, remove, removeTreeListener, reveal, scrollDown, scrollUp, setAutoExpandLevel, setExpandedElements, setExpandedState, setExpandedTreePaths, setSelectionToWidget, setSelectionToWidget, updateChildren
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ColumnViewer
applyEditorValue, cancelEditing, checkBusy, getCell, getCellEditors, getCellModifier, getColumnProperties, getColumnViewerEditor, getItem, getLabelProvider, getViewerRow, hookEditingSupport, isBusy, isCellEditorActive, refresh, refresh, setBusy, setCellEditors, setCellModifier, setColumnProperties, setColumnViewerEditor, setLabelProvider, triggerEditorActivationEvent, update
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. StructuredViewer
addDoubleClickListener, addDragSupport, addDropSupport, addFilter, addOpenListener, addPostSelectionChangedListener, assertElementsNotNull, equals, filter, findItem, findItems, fireDoubleClick, fireOpen, firePostSelectionChanged, getColorAndFontCollector, getComparator, getComparer, getFilters, getSorter, handleInvalidSelection, handleLabelProviderChanged, handleOpen, handlePostSelect, handleSelect, hasFilters, internalUpdate, needsRefilter, preservingSelection, refresh, refresh, refreshItem, removeDoubleClickListener, removeFilter, removeOpenListener, removePostSelectionChangedListener, resetFilters, setComparator, setComparer, setFilters, setInput, setSorter, setUseHashlookup, testFindItem, testFindItems, unmapAllElements, unmapElement, unmapElement, update, updateItem, updateSelection, usingElementMap
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ContentViewer
getContentProvider, getInput
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers. Viewer
addHelpListener, addSelectionChangedListener, fireHelpRequested, fireSelectionChanged, getData, handleHelpRequest, removeHelpListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, setData, setSelection
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers. ISelectionProvider
addSelectionChangedListener, removeSelectionChangedListener, setSelection

Constructor Detail


public StructureDiffViewer(
Tree tree,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Creates a new viewer for the given SWT tree control with the specified configuration.

tree - the tree control
configuration - the configuration for this viewer


public StructureDiffViewer(
Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Creates a new viewer under the given SWT parent with the specified configuration.

parent - the SWT control under which to create the viewer
configuration - the configuration for this viewer
Method Detail


public void setStructureCreator(
IStructureCreator structureCreator)
Configures the StructureDiffViewer with a structure creator. The structure creator is used to create a hierarchical structure for each side of the viewer's input element of type ICompareInput.

structureCreator - the new structure creator


IStructureCreator getStructureCreator()
Returns the structure creator or null if no structure creator has been set with setStructureCreator.

the structure creator or null


String getTitle()
Reimplemented to get the descriptive title for this viewer from the IStructureCreator.

getTitle in class DiffTreeViewer
the viewer's name


Object getRoot()
Overridden because the input of this viewer is not identical to the root of the tree. The tree's root is a IDiffContainer that was returned from the method diff.

getRoot in class StructuredViewer
the root of the diff tree produced by method diff


protected void inputChanged(
Object input,
Object oldInput)
Description copied from class: Viewer
Internal hook method called when the input to this viewer is initially set or subsequently changed.

The default implementation does nothing. Subclassers may override this method to do something when a viewer's input is set. A typical use is populate the viewer.

inputChanged in class DiffTreeViewer
input - the new input of this viewer, or null if none
oldInput - the old input element or null if there was previously no input


protected void initialSelection()
Description copied from class: DiffTreeViewer
This hook method is called from within inputChanged after a new input has been set but before any controls are updated. This default implementation calls navigate(true) to select and expand the first leaf node. Clients can override this method and are free to decide whether they want to call the inherited method.

initialSelection in class DiffTreeViewer


protected void handleDispose(
DisposeEvent event)
Description copied from class: DiffTreeViewer
Called on the viewer disposal. Unregisters from the compare configuration. Clients may extend if they have to do additional cleanup.

handleDispose in class DiffTreeViewer
event - dispose event that triggered call to this method


protected void compareInputChanged(
ICompareInput input)
Recreates the comparable structures for the input sides.

input - this viewer's new input


protected void contentChanged(
IContentChangeNotifier changed)
Calls diff whenever the byte contents changes.

changed - the object that sent out the notification


protected void preDiffHook(
IStructureComparator ancestor,
IStructureComparator left,
IStructureComparator right)
Deprecated. Clients should override preDiffHook(IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IProgressMonitor)

This method is called from within diff() before the difference tree is being built. Clients may override this method to perform their own pre-processing. This default implementation does nothing.

ancestor - the ancestor input to the differencing operation
left - the left input to the differencing operation
right - the right input to the differencing operation


protected void preDiffHook(
IStructureComparator ancestor,
IStructureComparator left,
IStructureComparator right,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
This method is called from within diff(IProgressMonitor) before the difference tree is being built. This method may be called from a background (non-UI) thread).

For backwards compatibility, this default implementation calls preDiffHook(IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator) from the UI thread. Clients should override this method even if they don't perform pre-processing to avoid the call to the UI thread.

ancestor - the ancestor input to the differencing operation
left - the left input to the differencing operation
right - the right input to the differencing operation
monitor - a progress monitor or null if progress is not required


protected void diff(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree. This method may be called from a background (non-UI) thread).

monitor - a progress monitor or null if progress in not required


protected void diff()
Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.


protected void postDiffHook(
Differencer differencer,
IDiffContainer root)
Deprecated. Subclasses should override postDiffHook(Differencer, IDiffContainer, IProgressMonitor) instead

This method is called from within diff() after the difference tree has been built. Clients may override this method to perform their own post-processing. This default implementation does nothing.

differencer - the differencer used to perform the differencing
root - the non-null root node of the difference tree


protected void postDiffHook(
Differencer differencer,
IDiffContainer root,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
This method is called from within diff(IProgressMonitor) after the difference tree has been built. This method may be called from a background (non-UI) thread).

For backwards compatibility, this default implementation calls postDiffHook(Differencer, IDiffContainer) from the UI thread. Clients should override this method even if they don't perform post processing to avoid the call to the UI thread.

differencer - the differencer used to perform the differencing
root - the non-null root node of the difference tree
monitor - a progress monitor or null if progress is not required


protected void propertyChange(
PropertyChangeEvent event)
Tracks property changes of the configuration object. Clients may override to track their own property changes. In this case they must call the inherited method.

propertyChange in class DiffTreeViewer
event - the property changed event that triggered the call to this method


protected void copySelected(boolean leftToRight)
Overridden to call the save method on the structure creator after nodes have been copied from one side to the other side of an input object.

copySelected in class DiffTreeViewer
leftToRight - if true the left side is copied to the right side. If false the right side is copied to the left side

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire