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Release 3.0

Interface ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter

Defines the interface that must be implemented for adapters of for subsystem configurations. This adapter is used when creating wizard pages for new connections.

Method Summary
 void addCommonRemoteActions ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystem subsystem)
          Returns any framework-supplied actions remote objects that should be contributed to the popup menu for the given selection list.
  Object[] applyViewFilters ( IContextObject parent, Object[] children)
          Filters an array of children and returns the results.
 void configureNewFilterAction ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, SystemNewFilterAction newFilterAction, Object callerData)
          There is a reasonable amount of processing needed to configure filter wizards.
  ISystemFilter createFilterByPrompting ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemFilterReference referenceToPromptableFilter, Shell shell)
          Prompt the user to create a new filter as a result of the user expanding a promptable filter.
 void customizeChangeFilterPropertyPage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, SystemChangeFilterPropertyPage page, ISystemFilter selectedFilter, Shell shell)
          In addition to a change filter action, we now also support the same functionality via a Properties page for filters.
 void customizeFilterStringPropertyPage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, SystemFilterStringPropertyPage page, ISystemFilterString selectedFilterString, Shell shell)
          In addition to a change filter action, we now also support the same functionality via a Properties page for filter strings, in the Team View.
  IAction[] getFilterActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemFilter selectedFilter)
          Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter object.
  IAction[] getFilterPoolActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemFilterPool selectedPool)
          Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter pool object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration.
  IAction[] getFilterPoolReferenceActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemFilterPoolReference selectedPoolReference)
          Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter pool reference object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration.
  IAction[] getFilterReferenceActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemFilterReference selectedFilterRef)
          Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter reference object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration.
  Image getGraphicsImage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config)
          Return actual graphics Image of this subsystem configuration.
  Image getGraphicsLiveImage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config)
          Return actual graphics LiveImage of this subsystem configuration.
  ImageDescriptor getImage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config)
          Return image descriptor for subsystems created by this subsystem configuration.
  ImageDescriptor getLiveImage ( ISubSystemConfiguration config)
          Return image to use when this subsystem is connected.
 org.eclipse.rse.ui.wizards.newconnection.ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[] getNewConnectionWizardPages ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, IWizard wizard)
          Optionally return one or more wizard pages to append to the New Connection Wizard if the user selects a system type that this subsystem configuration supports.
  ISystemValidator getPasswordValidator ( ISubSystemConfiguration confi)
          Return the validator for the password which is prompted for at runtime.
  ISystemValidator getPortValidator ( ISubSystemConfiguration confi)
          Return the validator for the port.
  PropertyPage getPropertyPage ( ISubSystem subsystem, Composite parent)
          Return the single property page to show in the tabbed notebook for the for SubSystem property of the parent Connection.
  IServerLauncherForm getServerLauncherForm ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, Shell shell, ISystemMessageLine msgLine)
          Return the form used in the property page, etc for this server launcher.
  IAction[] getSubSystemActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup, ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISubSystem selectedSubSystem)
          Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a subsystem object from this subsystem configuration.
  ISystemSubSystemPropertyPageCoreForm getSubSystemPropertyPageCoreFrom ( ISubSystemConfiguration config, ISystemMessageLine msgLine, Object caller)
          Return the form used in the subsystem property page.
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterImage ( ISystemFilter filter)
          Supply the image to be used for filters, within actions.
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterImage ( ISystemFilterReference filter)
          Supply the image to be used for filter references
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolImage ( ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
          Supply the image to be used for filter pools, within actions.
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolImage ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPool)
          Supply the image to be used for filter pool references
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolManagerImage ()
          Supply the image to be used for filter pool managers, within actions.
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterStringImage ( ISystemFilterString filterString)
          Supply the image to be used for the given filter string, within actions.
  ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterStringImage ( String filterStringString)
          Supply the image to be used for the given filter string string, within actions.
  ISystemValidator getUserIdValidator ( ISubSystemConfiguration config)
          Return the validator for the userId.

Method Detail


void configureNewFilterAction(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
SystemNewFilterAction newFilterAction,
Object callerData)
There is a reasonable amount of processing needed to configure filter wizards. To aid in performance and memory usage, we extract that processing into this method, and then use a callback contract with the filter wizard to call us back to do this processing only at the time the action is actually selected to be run.

The processing we do here is to specify the filter pools to prompt the user for, in the second page of the New Filter wizards.

This method is from the ISystemNewFilterActionConfigurator interface


org.eclipse.rse.ui.wizards.newconnection.ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[] getNewConnectionWizardPages(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
IWizard wizard)
Optionally return one or more wizard pages to append to the New Connection Wizard if the user selects a system type that this subsystem configuration supports.

Some details:

  • The wizard pages must implement ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage, so as to fit into the wizard's framework
  • When the user successfully presses Finish, the createConnection method in the SystemRegistry will call your ISubSystemConfiguration.createSubSystem(IHost,boolean, ISubSystemConfigurator[]) method to create the your subsystem for the connection. The same pages you return here are passed back to you so you can interrogate them for the user-entered data and use it when creating the default subsystem instance.
Tip: consider extending AbstractSystemNewConnectionWizardPage for your wizard page class.



void addCommonRemoteActions(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystem subsystem)
Returns any framework-supplied actions remote objects that should be contributed to the popup menu for the given selection list. This does nothing if this adapter does not implement ISystemViewRemoteElementAdapter, else it potentially adds menu items for "User Actions" and Compile", for example. It queries the subsystem configuration of the selected objects to determine if these actions are appropriate to add.

config - The subsystem configuration to work on
menu - The menu to contribute actions to
selection - The window's current selection.
shell - of viewer calling this. Most dialogs require a shell.
menuGroup - recommended menu group to add actions to. If added to another group, you must be sure to create that group first.
subsystem - the subsystem of the selection


IAction[] getFilterPoolActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemFilterPool selectedPool)
Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter pool object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration. Only supported by subsystems that support filters.


IAction[] getFilterPoolReferenceActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemFilterPoolReference selectedPoolReference)
Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter pool reference object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration. Note, these are added to the list returned by getFilterPoolActions().

Only supported by subsystems that support filters.


IAction[] getFilterActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemFilter selectedFilter)
Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter object.

Only supported and used by subsystems that support filters.

Most actions are handled in this base, except if you have your own action for creating a new nested filter. In this case, override getNewFilterAction()


void customizeChangeFilterPropertyPage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
SystemChangeFilterPropertyPage page,
ISystemFilter selectedFilter,
Shell shell)
In addition to a change filter action, we now also support the same functionality via a Properties page for filters. When this page is activated, this method is called to enable customization of the page, given the selected filter.


void customizeFilterStringPropertyPage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
SystemFilterStringPropertyPage page,
ISystemFilterString selectedFilterString,
Shell shell)
In addition to a change filter action, we now also support the same functionality via a Properties page for filter strings, in the Team View. When this page is activated, this method is called to enable customization of the page, given the selected filter string.


ISystemFilter createFilterByPrompting(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemFilterReference referenceToPromptableFilter,
Shell shell)
Prompt the user to create a new filter as a result of the user expanding a promptable filter.

the filter created by the user or null if they cancelled the prompting


IAction[] getFilterReferenceActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemFilterReference selectedFilterRef)
Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a filter reference object within a subsystem of this subsystem configuration. Only supported and used by subsystems that support filters.

Most actions are handled in this base, except if you have your own action for creating a new filter. In this case, override getNewFilterAction() To add additional actions, override getFilterReferenceActions(SystemMenuManager, IStructuredSelection, Shell, String, ISubSystemConfiguration, ISystemFilterReference).

selectedFilterRef - the currently selected filter reference
shell - parent shell of viewer where the popup menu is being constructed


IAction[] getSubSystemActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup,
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISubSystem selectedSubSystem)
Returns a list of actions for the popup menu when user right clicks on a subsystem object from this subsystem configuration.


IServerLauncherForm getServerLauncherForm(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
Shell shell,
ISystemMessageLine msgLine)
Return the form used in the property page, etc for this server launcher. Only called if ISubSystemConfiguration.supportsServerLaunchProperties(IHost) returns true.


ISystemSubSystemPropertyPageCoreForm getSubSystemPropertyPageCoreFrom(
ISubSystemConfiguration config,
ISystemMessageLine msgLine,
Object caller)
Return the form used in the subsystem property page.

the form used in the subsystem property page.


ImageDescriptor getImage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config)
Return image descriptor for subsystems created by this subsystem configuration. Comes from icon attribute in extension point xml.

config - the subsystem configuration
the image descriptor for the given subsystem configuration.


Image getGraphicsImage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config)
Return actual graphics Image of this subsystem configuration. This is the same as calling getImage().createImage(), but the resulting image is cached.

config - the subsystem configuration
the cached image for the given subsystem configuration.


ImageDescriptor getLiveImage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config)
Return image to use when this subsystem is connected. Comes from icon attribute in extension point xml.

config - the subsystem configuration
the image descriptor for the given subsystem configuration.


Image getGraphicsLiveImage(
ISubSystemConfiguration config)
Return actual graphics LiveImage of this subsystem configuration. This is the same as calling getLiveImage().createImage(), but the resulting image is cached.

config - the subsystem configuration
the cached image for the given subsystem configuration.


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolManagerImage()
Supply the image to be used for filter pool managers, within actions. REQUIRED BY SYSTEMFILTERPOOLMANAGERPROVIDER INTERFACE


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolImage(
ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
Supply the image to be used for filter pools, within actions. REQUIRED BY SYSTEMFILTERPOOLMANAGERPROVIDER INTERFACE


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterImage(
ISystemFilter filter)
Supply the image to be used for filters, within actions. REQUIRED BY SYSTEMFILTERPOOLMANAGERPROVIDER INTERFACE


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterPoolImage(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPool)
Supply the image to be used for filter pool references


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterImage(
ISystemFilterReference filter)
Supply the image to be used for filter references


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterStringImage(
ISystemFilterString filterString)
Supply the image to be used for the given filter string, within actions. REQUIRED BY SYSTEMFILTERPOOLMANAGERPROVIDER INTERFACE


ImageDescriptor getSystemFilterStringImage(
String filterStringString)
Supply the image to be used for the given filter string string, within actions. REQUIRED BY SYSTEMFILTERPOOLMANAGERPROVIDER INTERFACE


PropertyPage getPropertyPage(
ISubSystem subsystem,
Composite parent)
Return the single property page to show in the tabbed notebook for the for SubSystem property of the parent Connection. Return null if no page is to be contributed for this. You are limited to a single page, so you may have to compress. It is recommended you prompt for the port if applicable since the common base subsystem property page is not shown To help with this you can use the SystemPortPrompt widget.


ISystemValidator getUserIdValidator(
ISubSystemConfiguration config)
Return the validator for the userId. A default is supplied. Note this is only used for the subsystem's properties, so will not be used by the connection's default. Thus, is only of limited value.

This must be castable to ICellEditorValidator for the property sheet support.


ISystemValidator getPasswordValidator(
ISubSystemConfiguration confi)
Return the validator for the password which is prompted for at runtime. No default is supplied.


ISystemValidator getPortValidator(
ISubSystemConfiguration confi)
Return the validator for the port. A default is supplied. This must be castable to ICellEditorValidator for the property sheet support.


Object[] applyViewFilters(
IContextObject parent,
Object[] children)
Filters an array of children and returns the results. The default implementation does not filter and simply returns the children passed in. Subclasses should override if they want to filter objects.

parent - the parent context.
children - the children to filter.
the children after filtering.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire