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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemMessageLine

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSystemNewConnectionWizardPage, AbstractSystemWizardPage, EnvironmentVariablesPromptDialog, RSEDialogPageMessageLine, ServicesPropertyPage, StatusLineManagerAdapter, SubSystemServiceWizardPage, SystemBasePropertyPage, SystemChangeFilterDialog, SystemChangeFilterPropertyPage, SystemChangePasswordDialog, SystemFilterStringPropertyPage, SystemMessageLine, SystemNewFilterWizardInfoPage, SystemNewFilterWizardMainPage, SystemNewFilterWizardNamePage, SystemNewProfileWizardMainPage, SystemPasswordPersistencePrompt, SystemPasswordPromptDialog, SystemPromptDialog, SystemPromptForHomeFolderDialog, SystemRemoteArchiveDialog, SystemRemoteFileDialog, SystemRemoteFolderDialog, SystemRemoteResourceDialog, SystemRenameSingleDialog, SystemSelectAnythingDialog, SystemSelectFileTypesDialog, SystemSimpleCopyDialog, SystemSimpleSelectDialog, SystemSubSystemPropertyPageCore, SystemTeamViewCategoryPropertyPage

public interface ISystemMessageLine

A message line interface. It distinguishs between "normal" messages and errors, as does the DialogPage classes in eclipse.

For each of those, however, we also support both simple string msgs and more robust SystemMessage messages. A dialog, wizard page or property page class that implements this interface will support these by using getLevelOneText() to get the string for the first level text, and support mouse clicking on the message to display the SystemMessageDialog class to show the 2nd level text.

Setting an error message hides a currently displayed message until clearErrorMessage is called.

Method Summary
 void clearErrorMessage ()
          Clears the currently displayed error message and redisplayes the non-error message which was active before the error message was set (if any).
 void clearMessage ()
          Clears the currently displayed message.
  String getErrorMessage ()
          Get the currently displayed error text.
  String getMessage ()
          Get the currently displayed message.
  SystemMessage getSystemErrorMessage ()
          Get the currently displayed error text.
 void setErrorMessage ( String message)
          Display the given error message.
 void setErrorMessage ( SystemMessage message)
          Display the given error message.
 void setErrorMessage ( Throwable exc)
          Display the given exception as an error message.
 void setMessage ( String message)
          Set the message text.
 void setMessage ( SystemMessage message)
          If the message line currently displays an error, the message is stored and will be shown after a call to clearErrorMessage

Method Detail


void clearErrorMessage()
Clears the currently displayed error message and redisplayes the non-error message which was active before the error message was set (if any).


void clearMessage()
Clears the currently displayed message.


String getErrorMessage()
Get the currently displayed error text.

The error message. If no error message is displayed null is returned.


SystemMessage getSystemErrorMessage()
Get the currently displayed error text.

The error message. If no error message is displayed null is returned.


String getMessage()
Get the currently displayed message.

The message. If no message is displayed null is returned.


void setErrorMessage(
String message)
Display the given error message. A currently displayed (non-error) message is saved and will be redisplayed when the error message is cleared.


void setErrorMessage(
SystemMessage message)
Display the given error message. A currently displayed (non-error) message is saved and will be redisplayed when the error message is cleared.


void setErrorMessage(
Throwable exc)
Display the given exception as an error message. This is a convenience method... a generic SystemMessage is used for exceptions.


void setMessage(
String message)
Set the message text. If the message line currently displays an error, the message is stored and will be shown after a call to clearErrorMessage.


void setMessage(
SystemMessage message)
If the message line currently displays an error, the message is stored and will be shown after a call to clearErrorMessage

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire