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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemFilter

All Superinterfaces:
IPropertySetContainer, IRSEBaseReferencedObject, IRSEModelObject, IRSEPersistableContainer, IRSEReferencedObject, ISystemFilterContainer

public interface ISystemFilter
extends IRSEReferencedObject, ISystemFilterContainer, IRSEModelObject

A filter consists of filter strings and may be contained in a filter pool. Filter pools are referenced by subsystems. Subsystems are responsible for interpreting the filters. Filters, in and of themselves, provide no interpretation of themselves when applied to the resources managed by a subsystem.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
Method Summary
  ISystemFilterString addFilterString ( String newString)
          Append a new filter string to this filter's list of filter strings.
  ISystemFilterString addFilterString ( String newString, int position)
          Insert a new filter string to this filter's list, at the given zero-based position.
 void clone ( ISystemFilter targetFilter)
          Clones a given filter to the given target filter.
  ISystemFilterString copySystemFilterString ( ISystemFilter targetFilter, ISystemFilterString oldFilterString)
          Copies a given filter string from this filter to another filter in this pool or another pool in this manager or another manager.
 int getFilterStringCount ()
  String[] getFilterStrings ()
  String getName ()
          Returns the value of the ' Name ' attribute.
  ISystemFilter[] getNestedFilters ()
          Returns the value of the ' Nested Filters ' containment reference list.
  ISystemFilter getParentFilter ()
          Returns the value of the ' Parent Filter ' container reference.
  ISystemFilterContainer getParentFilterContainer ()
  ISystemFilterPool getParentFilterPool ()
  ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider getProvider ()
 int getRelativeOrder ()
          Returns the value of the ' Relative Order ' attribute.
 int getRelease ()
          Returns the value of the ' Release ' attribute.
  ISystemFilterString[] getStrings ()
          Returns the value of the ' Strings ' containment reference list.
  Object getSubSystem ()
          Get the subsystem for this filter.
  ISystemFilterString getSystemFilterString ( String string)
  ISystemFilterString[] getSystemFilterStrings ()
  String getType ()
          Returns the value of the ' Type ' attribute.
 boolean isDefault ()
          Returns the value of the ' Default ' attribute.
 boolean isNested ()
 boolean isNonChangable ()
          Returns the value of the ' Non Changable ' attribute.
 boolean isNonDeletable ()
          Returns the value of the ' Non Deletable ' attribute.
 boolean isNonRenamable ()
          Returns the value of the ' Non Renamable ' attribute.
 boolean isPromptable ()
          Returns the value of the ' Promptable ' attribute.
 boolean isSetSingleFilterStringOnly ()
          Returns whether the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute is set.
 boolean isSetStringsCaseSensitive ()
          Returns whether the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute is set.
 boolean isSingleFilterStringOnly ()
          Returns the value of the ' Single Filter String Only ' attribute.
 boolean isStringsCaseSensitive ()
          Returns the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive ' attribute.
 boolean isStringsNonChangable ()
          Returns the value of the ' Strings Non Changable ' attribute.
 boolean isSupportsDuplicateFilterStrings ()
          Returns the value of the ' Supports Duplicate Filter Strings ' attribute.
 boolean isSupportsNestedFilters ()
          Returns the value of the ' Supports Nested Filters ' attribute.
 boolean isTransient ()
 void moveSystemFilterString (int pos, ISystemFilterString filterString)
          Move a given filter string to a given zero-based location.
  ISystemFilterString removeFilterString (int position)
          Remove a filter string from this filter's list, given its zero-based position
 boolean removeFilterString ( ISystemFilterString filterString)
          Remove a filter string from this filter's list, given its SystemFilterString object.
  ISystemFilterString removeFilterString ( String oldString)
          Delete a filter string from this filter's list.
 void setDefault (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Default' attribute.
 void setFilterStrings ( String[] strings)
          Set this filter's filter strings by giving an array of String objects.
 void setName ( String value)
          Sets the value of the ' Name' attribute.
 void setNonChangable (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Non Changable' attribute.
 void setNonDeletable (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Non Deletable' attribute.
 void setNonRenamable (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Non Renamable' attribute.
 void setParentFilter ( ISystemFilter value)
          Sets the value of the ' Parent Filter' container reference.
 void setParentFilterPool ( ISystemFilterPool parentPool)
          Internal use method to set the parent filter pool.
 void setPromptable (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Promptable' attribute.
 void setRelativeOrder (int value)
          Sets the value of the ' Relative Order' attribute.
 void setRelease (int value)
          Sets the value of the ' Release' attribute.
 void setSingleFilterStringOnly (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute.
 void setStringsCaseSensitive (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.
 void setStringsNonChangable (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Strings Non Changable' attribute.
 void setSubSystem ( ISubSystem subsystem)
          Set the subsytem of this filter.
 void setSupportsDuplicateFilterStrings (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Supports Duplicate Filter Strings' attribute.
 void setSupportsNestedFilters (boolean value)
          Sets the value of the ' Supports Nested Filters' attribute.
 void setType ( String value)
          Sets the value of the ' Type' attribute.
 boolean supportsDuplicateFilterStrings ()
          Does this support duplicate filter strings?
 void unsetSingleFilterStringOnly ()
          Unsets the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute.
 void unsetStringsCaseSensitive ()
          Unsets the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.
 void updateFilterString ( ISystemFilterString filterString, String newValue)
          Update a new filter string's string value.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.references. IRSEBaseReferencedObject
addReference, getReferenceCount, getReferencingObjects, removeAllReferences, removeReference
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.filters. ISystemFilterContainer
addSystemFilter, areStringsCaseSensitive, createSystemFilter, deleteSystemFilter, getSystemFilter, getSystemFilterCount, getSystemFilterNames, getSystemFilterPool, getSystemFilterPoolManager, getSystemFilterPosition, getSystemFilters, moveSystemFilter, renameSystemFilter, updateSystemFilter
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
commit, getPersistableChildren, getPersistableParent, isDirty, isTainted, setDirty, setTainted, setWasRestored, wasRestored
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEModelObject
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IPropertySetContainer
addPropertySet, addPropertySets, createPropertySet, createPropertySet, getPropertySet, getPropertySets, removePropertySet
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
commit, getPersistableChildren, getPersistableParent, isDirty, isTainted, setDirty, setTainted, setWasRestored, wasRestored

Method Detail


String getName()
Returns the value of the ' Name ' attribute.

This is the name of the filter. It may be present in the user interface and is also used to refer to the filter when it is persisted.

Specified by:
getName in interface IRSEModelObject
the value of the 'Name' attribute.
See Also:


void setName(
String value)
Sets the value of the ' Name' attribute. This is the name of the filter. It may be present in the user interface and is also used to refer to the filter when it is persisted.

value - the new value of the 'Name' attribute.
See Also:


String getType()
Returns the value of the ' Type ' attribute.

Filters may be further typed for use by subsystems. The type is also uninterpreted by the filter. The type may be used to select a parser/interpreter for the filter strings.

the value of the 'Type' attribute.
See Also:


void setType(
String value)
Sets the value of the ' Type' attribute. Filters may be further typed for use by subsystems. The type is also uninterpreted by the filter. The type may be used to select a parser/interpreter for the filter strings.

value - the new value of the 'Type' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isSupportsNestedFilters()
Returns the value of the ' Supports Nested Filters ' attribute.

Specifies whether filters may be nested or not. If nested the intent is to apply this filter to the results of the parent filter - further restricting the resources selected by the parent filter. However, it is up to the subsystem to interpret exactly what "nesting" means.

the value of the 'Supports Nested Filters' attribute.
See Also:


void setSupportsNestedFilters(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Supports Nested Filters' attribute.

Specifies whether filters may be nested or not. If nested the intent is to apply this filter to the results of the parent filter - further restricting the resources selected by the parent filter. However, it is up to the subsystem to interpret exactly what "nesting" means.

value - the new value of the 'Supports Nested Filters' attribute.
See Also:


int getRelativeOrder()
Returns the value of the ' Relative Order ' attribute.

The relative order of a filter is intended to be used by a persistence mechanism to keep the filters in a particular order when restoring them into a filter pool. Filters with higher numbers should occur later in the pool. It may be employed in the absence of another mechanism for maintaining order.

the value of the 'Relative Order' attribute.
See Also:


void setRelativeOrder(int value)
Sets the value of the ' Relative Order' attribute. The relative order of a filter is intended to be used by a persistence mechanism to keep the filters in a particular order when restoring them into a filter pool. Filters with higher numbers should occur later in the pool. It may be employed in the absence of another mechanism for maintaining order.

value - the new value of the 'Relative Order' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isDefault()
Returns the value of the ' Default ' attribute.

This filter is a "default" filter in this filter pool. The meaning of "default" is determined by the subsystem in which it is deployed. It typically means that the filter is supplied by the subsystem at the time the subsystem is created. That is, the filter is "vendor supplied". There is no restriction on the number of default filters in a pool.

the value of the 'Default' attribute.
See Also:


void setDefault(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Default' attribute. Make this filter is a "default" filter in this filter pool. The meaning of "default" is determined by the subsystem in which it is deployed. It typically means that the filter is supplied by the subsystem at the time the subsystem is created. That is, the filter is "vendor supplied". There is no restriction on the number of default filters in a pool.

value - the new value of the 'Default' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isStringsCaseSensitive()
Returns the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive ' attribute.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Used to indicate whether or not comparisons involving the filter should be considered case sensitive. This attribute is optional and may be known (set) or unknown (unset).

If unset the value returned is from the parent filter pool.

the value of the 'Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.
See Also:
isSetStringsCaseSensitive(), unsetStringsCaseSensitive(), setStringsCaseSensitive(boolean)


void setStringsCaseSensitive(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Used to indicate whether or not comparisons involving the filter should be considered case sensitive. This attribute is optional and may be known (set) or unknown (unset).

This will cause this attribute to be set in this filter.

value - the new value of the 'Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.
See Also:
isSetStringsCaseSensitive(), unsetStringsCaseSensitive(), isStringsCaseSensitive()


void unsetStringsCaseSensitive()
Unsets the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Used to indicate whether or not comparisons involving the filter should be considered case sensitive. This attribute is optional and may be known (set) or unknown (unset).

Causes this filter to use the value specified by the parent filter pool.

See Also:
isSetStringsCaseSensitive(), isStringsCaseSensitive(), setStringsCaseSensitive(boolean)


boolean isSetStringsCaseSensitive()
Returns whether the value of the ' Strings Case Sensitive' attribute is set.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Used to indicate whether or not comparisons involving the filter should be considered case sensitive. This attribute is optional and may be known (set) or unknown (unset).

This will be true if this attribute is explicitly specified for this filter. It will be false if this is being inherited from the parent filter pool.

whether the value of the 'Strings Case Sensitive' attribute is set.
See Also:
unsetStringsCaseSensitive(), isStringsCaseSensitive(), setStringsCaseSensitive(boolean)


boolean isPromptable()
Returns the value of the ' Promptable ' attribute.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Typically used to indicate whether or not some sort of prompting is to occur when the filter is used. Typically used when applying a filter in the UI to indicate the start of a wizard or dialog. It may also have an effect on whether the state of the filter is saved when the workbench is shut down.

the value of the 'Promptable' attribute.
See Also:


void setPromptable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Promptable' attribute.

An attribute that may be used by the subystems when interpreting the filter. Typically used to indicate whether or not some sort of prompting is to occur when the filter is used. Typically used when applying a filter in the UI to indicate the start of a wizard or dialog. It may also have an effect on whether the state of the filter is saved when the workbench is shut down.

value - the new value of the 'Promptable' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isSupportsDuplicateFilterStrings()
Returns the value of the ' Supports Duplicate Filter Strings ' attribute.

This attribute may be used by subsystems when interpreting the filter. Typically used when adding filter strings to the filter or as a hint when applying the filter to the resources understood by the subsystem.

the value of the 'Supports Duplicate Filter Strings' attribute.
See Also:


boolean supportsDuplicateFilterStrings()
Does this support duplicate filter strings? A convenience method for isSupportsDuplicateFilterStrings().


void setSupportsDuplicateFilterStrings(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Supports Duplicate Filter Strings' attribute.

This attribute may be used by subsystems when interpreting the filter. Typically used when adding filter strings to the filter or as a hint when applying the filter to the resources understood by the subsystem.

value - the new value of the 'Supports Duplicate Filter Strings' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isNonDeletable()
Returns the value of the ' Non Deletable ' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be deleted.

the value of the 'Non Deletable' attribute.
See Also:


void setNonDeletable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Non Deletable' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be deleted.

value - the new value of the 'Non Deletable' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isNonRenamable()
Returns the value of the ' Non Renamable ' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be renamed.

the value of the 'Non Renamable' attribute.
See Also:


void setNonRenamable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Non Renamable' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be renamed.

value - the new value of the 'Non Renamable' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isNonChangable()
Returns the value of the ' Non Changable ' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be modifiable.

the value of the 'Non Changable' attribute.
See Also:


void setNonChangable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Non Changable' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters should not be modifiable.

value - the new value of the 'Non Changable' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isStringsNonChangable()
Returns the value of the ' Strings Non Changable ' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters contain filter strings that should not be modifiable.

the value of the 'Strings Non Changable' attribute.
See Also:


void setStringsNonChangable(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Strings Non Changable' attribute.

An attribute that can be used when managing filters in filter pools. Some filters contain filter strings that should not be modifiable.

value - the new value of the 'Strings Non Changable' attribute.
See Also:


int getRelease()
Returns the value of the ' Release ' attribute.

This is an attribute specifying the release level of the filter. This will be persisted in the filter definition and can be used to migrate the internal form of the filter.

the value of the 'Release' attribute.
See Also:


void setRelease(int value)
Sets the value of the ' Release' attribute.

This is an attribute specifying the release level of the filter. This will be persisted in the filter definition and can be used to migrate the internal form of the filter.

value - the new value of the 'Release' attribute.
See Also:


boolean isSingleFilterStringOnly()
Returns the value of the ' Single Filter String Only ' attribute.

This attribute specifies that the filter may contain only a single filter string. Used by a filter manager to ensure that the filter contains only one string. May, alternatively, be enforced by the filter implementation.

This attribute may be set or unset. If unset this value will be inherited from the parent filter pool.

the value of the 'Single Filter String Only' attribute.
See Also:
isSetSingleFilterStringOnly(), unsetSingleFilterStringOnly(), setSingleFilterStringOnly(boolean)


void setSingleFilterStringOnly(boolean value)
Sets the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute.

This attribute specifies that the filter may contain only a single filter string. Used by a filter manager to ensure that the filter contains only one string. May, alternatively, be enforced by the filter implementation.

This causes the attribute to be set for this filter, ignoring the value specified for the parent filter pool.

value - the new value of the 'Single Filter String Only' attribute.
See Also:
isSetSingleFilterStringOnly(), unsetSingleFilterStringOnly(), isSingleFilterStringOnly()


void unsetSingleFilterStringOnly()
Unsets the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute. This causes the value of this attribute to be inherited from the parent filter pool.

See Also:
isSetSingleFilterStringOnly(), isSingleFilterStringOnly(), setSingleFilterStringOnly(boolean)


boolean isSetSingleFilterStringOnly()
Returns whether the value of the ' Single Filter String Only' attribute is set. If true then the value of this attribute is set in this filter. If false it is inherited from the parent filter pool.

whether the value of the 'Single Filter String Only' attribute is set.
See Also:
unsetSingleFilterStringOnly(), isSingleFilterStringOnly(), setSingleFilterStringOnly(boolean)


ISystemFilter[] getNestedFilters()
Returns the value of the ' Nested Filters ' containment reference list. It is bidirectional and its opposite is ' Parent Filter'.

If this filter can contain child filters this will return the list of children.

the value of the 'Nested Filters' containment reference list.
org.eclipse.rse.core 3.0
See Also:


ISystemFilter getParentFilter()
Returns the value of the ' Parent Filter ' container reference. It is bidirectional and its opposite is ' Nested Filters'.

If this filter can be nested inside another this will return the parent filter. Will be null if there is no parent.

the value of the 'Parent Filter' container reference.
See Also:
setParentFilter(ISystemFilter), getNestedFilters()


void setParentFilter(
ISystemFilter value)
Sets the value of the ' Parent Filter' container reference. This is used by a filter manager to set the parent filter when one filter is nested inside another.

value - the new value of the 'Parent Filter' container reference.
See Also:


ISystemFilterString[] getStrings()
Returns the value of the ' Strings ' containment reference list.

the value of the 'Strings' containment reference list.
org.eclipse.rse.core 3.0


ISystemFilterPool getParentFilterPool()
the parent pool of this filter. For nested filters, this will walk up the parent chain until we find the pool. May return null if this is a simple filter that has no parent pool.


void setParentFilterPool(
ISystemFilterPool parentPool)
Internal use method to set the parent filter pool. This should be invoked only by a filter manager or a filter pool manager when adding a filter to a filter pool.

parentPool - the filter pool that contains or will contain this filter.


void setFilterStrings(
String[] strings)
Set this filter's filter strings by giving an array of String objects. This will construct the filter strings objects.

strings - the array of String objects.


String[] getFilterStrings()
this filter's filter strings as an array of String objects. This array will not be null, but may be empty.


ISystemFilterString[] getSystemFilterStrings()
this filter's filter string objects as an array of IFilterString objects. This array will not be null, but may be empty.


int getFilterStringCount()
the number of filter strings this filter currently contains.


ISystemFilterString getSystemFilterString(
String string)
a filter string given its string value. This will be null if there is no string matching the argument.


ISystemFilterString addFilterString(
String newString)
Append a new filter string to this filter's list of filter strings. This will construct a filter string object.

newString - the string to append


ISystemFilterString addFilterString(
String newString,
                                    int position)
Insert a new filter string to this filter's list, at the given zero-based position. Thsi will construct a filter string object.

newString - the string from which to construct the filter string to be added.
position - the zero-based position at which to add the string.


void updateFilterString(
ISystemFilterString filterString,
String newValue)
Update a new filter string's string value. The filter string need not belong to this filter.

filterString - the string update.
newValue - the new value of that string.


ISystemFilterString removeFilterString(
String oldString)
Delete a filter string from this filter's list.

oldString - the string to remove
the SystemFilterString object deleted, or null if not found


ISystemFilterString removeFilterString(int position)
Remove a filter string from this filter's list, given its zero-based position

position - the position of the filter string.
the SystemFilterString object deleted, or null if not found


boolean removeFilterString(
ISystemFilterString filterString)
Remove a filter string from this filter's list, given its SystemFilterString object. The specific filter string will be removed, based on object identity.

filterString - the filterString to be removed.
true if the given string existed and hence was deleted.


void moveSystemFilterString(int pos,
ISystemFilterString filterString)
Move a given filter string to a given zero-based location. This will do nothing if the argument is not a string already contained by this filter.

pos - the new position of this filter string
filterString - the filter string to move


ISystemFilterString copySystemFilterString(
ISystemFilter targetFilter,
ISystemFilterString oldFilterString)
Copies a given filter string from this filter to another filter in this pool or another pool in this manager or another manager. Will do nothing if the filter string is not originally contained in this filter.

targetFilter - the filter to which to copy the filter string
oldFilterString - the filter string to copy


boolean isNested()
true if this filter is a nested filter or not. If not, its parent is the filter pool.


boolean isTransient()
true if this a transient or simple filter that is not intended to be saved or part of the filter framework. It will have no manager or provider.


void setSubSystem(
ISubSystem subsystem)
Set the subsytem of this filter. This is ignored if the filter is not transient.

subsystem - a subsystem associated with this transient filter


Object getSubSystem()
Get the subsystem for this filter. This will return null if the filter is not transient.

the subsystem


void clone(
ISystemFilter targetFilter)
Clones a given filter to the given target filter. All filter strings, and all nested filters, are copied. Typically used when copying a whole filter.

targetFilter - new filter into which all the data of this filter will be copied.


ISystemFilterContainer getParentFilterContainer()
the ISystemFilterContainer parent of this filter. This will be either an ISystemFilterPool or an ISystemFilter if this is a nested filter.


ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider getProvider()
the caller which instantiated the filter pool manager overseeing this filter framework instance. This will typically be a subsystem configuration.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire