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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
IFileServiceSubSystem, IProcessServiceSubSystem, IRemoteCmdSubSystem, IRemoteFileSubSystem, IRemoteProcessSubSystem, IShellServiceSubSystem, ISubSystem, ITerminalServiceSubSystem
All Known Implementing Classes:
FileServiceSubSystem, ProcessServiceSubSystem, RemoteCmdSubSystem, RemoteFileSubSystem, RemoteProcessSubSystemImpl, ShellServiceSubSystem, SubSystem, TerminalServiceSubSystem

public interface ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider

An interface for classes that instantiate SystemFilterPoolReferenceManager objects. This is the "caller" and as is recorded and recoverable from any object within the filter reference framework. This enables callers to get back instances of themselves given any filter reference object. Important when enabling UI actions against user selected filter reference framework objects

Further, the goal is the allow all the filter framework UI actions to work independently, able to fully handle all actions without intervention on the provider's part. However, often the provider needs to be informed of all events in order to fire events to update its GUI. So this interface captures those callbacks that done to the provider for every interesting event. Should you not care about these, supply empty shells for these methods.

Method Summary
 void filterEventFilterCreated ( Object selectedObject, ISystemFilter newFilter)
          A new filter has been created.
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceCreated ( ISystemFilterPoolReference newPoolRef)
          A new filter pool reference has been created
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceDeleted ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
          A filter pool reference has been deleted
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceRenamed ( ISystemFilterPoolReference poolRef, String oldName)
          A filter pool reference has been renamed (ie, its reference filter pool renamed)
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceReset ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
          A single filter pool reference has been reset to reference a new pool
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferencesRePositioned ( ISystemFilterPoolReference[] poolRefs, int delta)
          One or more filter pool references have been re-ordered within their manager
 void filterEventFilterPoolReferencesReset ()
          All filter pool references has been reset
 void filterEventFilterStringCreated ( Object selectedObject, ISystemFilterString newFilterString)
          A new filter string has been created.
  ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager getSystemFilterPoolReferenceManager ()
          Return the SystemFilterPoolReferenceManager object this provider holds/provides.
  ISystemFilterPool getUniqueOwningSystemFilterPool (boolean createIfNotFound)
          Return the owning filter pool that is unique to this provider

Method Detail


ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager getSystemFilterPoolReferenceManager()
Return the SystemFilterPoolReferenceManager object this provider holds/provides.


ISystemFilterPool getUniqueOwningSystemFilterPool(boolean createIfNotFound)
Return the owning filter pool that is unique to this provider


void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceCreated(
ISystemFilterPoolReference newPoolRef)
A new filter pool reference has been created


void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceDeleted(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
A filter pool reference has been deleted


void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceReset(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
A single filter pool reference has been reset to reference a new pool


void filterEventFilterPoolReferencesReset()
All filter pool references has been reset


void filterEventFilterPoolReferenceRenamed(
ISystemFilterPoolReference poolRef,
String oldName)
A filter pool reference has been renamed (ie, its reference filter pool renamed)


void filterEventFilterPoolReferencesRePositioned(
ISystemFilterPoolReference[] poolRefs,
                                                 int delta)
One or more filter pool references have been re-ordered within their manager


void filterEventFilterCreated(
Object selectedObject,
ISystemFilter newFilter)
A new filter has been created. This is called when a filter pool reference is selected and a new filter is created, so that the provider can expand the selected filter pool reference and reveal the new filter within the selected pool reference.

Only the selected node should be expanded if not already. All other references to this pool will already have been informed of the new addition, and will have refreshed their children but not expanded them.


void filterEventFilterStringCreated(
Object selectedObject,
ISystemFilterString newFilterString)
A new filter string has been created. This is called when a filter reference is selected and a new filter string is created, so that the provider can expand the selected filter reference and reveal the new filter string within the selected filter reference.

Only the selected node should be expanded if not already. All other references to this filter will already have been informed of the new addition, and will have refreshed their children but not expanded them.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire