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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManager
extends IRSEBasePersistableReferenceManager

This class manages a persistable list of objects each of which reference a filter pool. This class builds on the parent class SystemPersistableReferenceManager, offering convenience versions of the parent methods that are typed to the classes in the filters framework.

Method Summary
  ISystemFilterPoolReference addReferenceToSystemFilterPool ( ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
          Given a filter pool, create a referencing object and add it to the list.
  ISystemFilterPoolReference addReferenceToSystemFilterPool ( String filterPoolName)
          Given a filter pool name, create a referencing object and add it to the list.
 int addSystemFilterPoolReference ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference)
          Add a filter pool referencing object to the list.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager[] getAdditionalSystemFilterPoolManagers ()
          Get the managers of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference, but which are not in the list of managers our pool manager supplier gives us.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager getDefaultSystemFilterPoolManager ()
          Get the default manager of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.
  ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider getProvider ()
          Get the object which instantiated this instance of the filter pool reference manager.
  ISystemFilterPool[] getReferencedSystemFilterPools ()
          Return array of filter pools currently referenced by this manager Result will never be null, although it may be an array of length zero.
  ISystemFilterPoolReference getReferenceToSystemFilterPool ( ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
          Given a filter pool, locate the referencing object for it and return it.
  ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider getSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider ()
          Get the associated master pool manager provider.
  ISystemFilterPoolManager[] getSystemFilterPoolManagers ()
          Get the managers of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.
 int getSystemFilterPoolReferenceCount ()
          Return count of referenced filter pools
 int getSystemFilterPoolReferencePosition ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
          Return the zero-based position of a SystemFilterPoolReference object within this list
  ISystemFilterPoolReference[] getSystemFilterPoolReferences ()
          Return array of SystemFilterPoolReference objects.
  ISystemFilterReference getSystemFilterReference ( ISubSystem subSystem, ISystemFilter filter)
          Create a single filter refererence to a given filter.
 int getSystemFilterReferencePosition ( ISubSystem subSystem, ISystemFilter filter)
          Given a filter, return its position within this reference manager when you think of all filter references from all filter pool references as being concatenated
 int getSystemFilterReferencePosition ( ISystemFilterReference filterRef)
          Given a filter reference, return its position within this reference manager when you think of all filter references from all filter pool references as being concatenated
  ISystemFilterReference[] getSystemFilterReferences ( ISubSystem subSystem)
          Concatenate all filter references from all filter pools we reference, into one big list.
 boolean isSystemFilterPoolReferenced ( ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
          Return true if the given filter pool has a referencing object in this list.
 void moveSystemFilterPoolReference ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef, int pos)
          Move a given filter pool reference to a given zero-based location Calls back to inform provider
 void moveSystemFilterPoolReferences ( ISystemFilterPoolReference[] filterPoolRefs, int delta)
          Move existing filter pool references a given number of positions.
 void regenerateReferencedSystemFilterPoolNames ()
          Ask each referenced pool for its name, and update it.
 int removeReferenceToSystemFilterPool ( ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
          Given a filter pool, locate the referencing object for it and remove it from the list.
 int removeSystemFilterPoolReference ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference, boolean deReference)
          Remove a filter pool referencing object from the list.
 void renameReferenceToSystemFilterPool ( ISystemFilterPool pool)
          A reference filter pool has been renamed.
 void resetSystemFilterPoolReference ( ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference, ISystemFilterPool newPool)
          Reset the filter pool a reference points to.
 void setDefaultSystemFilterPoolManager ( ISystemFilterPoolManager mgr)
          Set the default manager of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.
 void setProvider ( ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider caller)
          Set the object which instantiated this instance of the filter pool reference manager.
 void setProviderEventNotification (boolean fireEvents)
          Turn off callbacks to the provider until turned on again.
 void setSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider ( ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider poolMgrProvider)
          Set the associated master pool manager provider.
 void setSystemFilterPoolReferences ( ISystemFilterPool[] filterPools, boolean deReference)
          In one shot, set the filter pool references to new references to supplied filter pools.
 void setSystemFilterPoolReferences ( ISystemFilterPoolReference[] filterPoolReferences, boolean deReference)
          In one shot, set the filter pool references Calls back to inform provider
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.references. IRSEBasePersistableReferenceManager
addReferencingObject, getName, getReferencedObject, getReferencingObjectCount, getReferencingObjectList, getReferencingObjectPosition, getReferencingObjects, isReferenced, moveReferencingObjectPosition, removeAllReferencingObjects, removeAndDeReferenceAllReferencingObjects, removeAndDeReferenceReferencingObject, removeReferencingObject, setName, setReferencingObjects

Method Detail


ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider getProvider()
Get the object which instantiated this instance of the filter pool reference manager. This is also available from any filter reference framework object.


void setProvider(
ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider caller)
Set the object which instantiated this instance of the filter pool reference manager. This makes it available to retrieve from any filter reference framework object, via the ubiquitous getProvider interface method.


void setProviderEventNotification(boolean fireEvents)
Turn off callbacks to the provider until turned on again.


void setSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider(
ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider poolMgrProvider)
Set the associated master pool manager provider. Note the provider typically manages multiple pool managers and we manage references across those.


ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider getSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider()
Get the associated master pool manager provider. Note the provider typically manages multiple pool managers and we manage references across those.


ISystemFilterPoolManager[] getSystemFilterPoolManagers()
Get the managers of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.


ISystemFilterPoolManager[] getAdditionalSystemFilterPoolManagers()
Get the managers of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference, but which are not in the list of managers our pool manager supplier gives us. That is, these are references to filter pools outside the expected list.

null if no unmatched managers found, else an array of such managers.


void setDefaultSystemFilterPoolManager(
ISystemFilterPoolManager mgr)
Set the default manager of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.


ISystemFilterPoolManager getDefaultSystemFilterPoolManager()
Get the default manager of the master list of filter pools, from which objects in this list reference.


void regenerateReferencedSystemFilterPoolNames()
Ask each referenced pool for its name, and update it. Called after the name of the pool or its manager changes.


ISystemFilterPoolReference[] getSystemFilterPoolReferences()
Return array of SystemFilterPoolReference objects. Result will never be null, although it may be an array of length zero.


void setSystemFilterPoolReferences(
ISystemFilterPoolReference[] filterPoolReferences,
                                   boolean deReference)
In one shot, set the filter pool references

Calls back to inform provider

filterPoolReferences - of filter pool reference objects to set the list to.
deReference - true to first de-reference all objects in the existing list.


int addSystemFilterPoolReference(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference)
Add a filter pool referencing object to the list.

the new count of referencing objects


void resetSystemFilterPoolReference(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference,
ISystemFilterPool newPool)
Reset the filter pool a reference points to. Called on a move-filter-pool operation


int removeSystemFilterPoolReference(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolReference,
                                    boolean deReference)
Remove a filter pool referencing object from the list.

filterPoolReference - the reference to remove
deReference - true if we want to dereference the referenced object (call removeReference on it)
the new count of referencing objects


int getSystemFilterPoolReferenceCount()
Return count of referenced filter pools


int getSystemFilterPoolReferencePosition(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef)
Return the zero-based position of a SystemFilterPoolReference object within this list


void moveSystemFilterPoolReference(
ISystemFilterPoolReference filterPoolRef,
                                   int pos)
Move a given filter pool reference to a given zero-based location

Calls back to inform provider


void moveSystemFilterPoolReferences(
ISystemFilterPoolReference[] filterPoolRefs,
                                    int delta)
Move existing filter pool references a given number of positions. If the delta is negative, they are all moved up by the given amount. If positive, they are all moved down by the given amount.

Calls back to inform provider

filterPoolRefs - Array of SystemFilterPoolReferences to move.
delta - the amount by which to move the filter pool references.


ISystemFilterPool[] getReferencedSystemFilterPools()
Return array of filter pools currently referenced by this manager Result will never be null, although it may be an array of length zero.


boolean isSystemFilterPoolReferenced(
ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
Return true if the given filter pool has a referencing object in this list.


ISystemFilterPoolReference getReferenceToSystemFilterPool(
ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
Given a filter pool, locate the referencing object for it and return it.

the referencing object if found, else null


ISystemFilterPoolReference addReferenceToSystemFilterPool(
ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
Given a filter pool, create a referencing object and add it to the list.

Calls back to inform provider

new filter pool reference


ISystemFilterPoolReference addReferenceToSystemFilterPool(
String filterPoolName)
Given a filter pool name, create a referencing object and add it to the list. This creates an unresolved reference to that filter pool. It will be resolved on first use.

Calls back to inform provider

filterPoolName - the name of the filter pool being referenced.
new filter pool reference


int removeReferenceToSystemFilterPool(
ISystemFilterPool filterPool)
Given a filter pool, locate the referencing object for it and remove it from the list.

Calls back to inform provider

the new count of referencing objects


void renameReferenceToSystemFilterPool(
ISystemFilterPool pool)
A reference filter pool has been renamed. Update our stored name...

Calls back to inform provider


void setSystemFilterPoolReferences(
ISystemFilterPool[] filterPools,
                                   boolean deReference)
In one shot, set the filter pool references to new references to supplied filter pools.

Calls back to inform provider

filterPools - of filter pool objects to create references for
deReference - true to first de-reference all objects in the existing list.


ISystemFilterReference getSystemFilterReference(
ISubSystem subSystem,
ISystemFilter filter)
Create a single filter refererence to a given filter. Needed when a filter is added to a pool, and the GUI is not showing pools but rather all filters in all pool references.


ISystemFilterReference[] getSystemFilterReferences(
ISubSystem subSystem)
Concatenate all filter references from all filter pools we reference, into one big list.


int getSystemFilterReferencePosition(
ISystemFilterReference filterRef)
Given a filter reference, return its position within this reference manager when you think of all filter references from all filter pool references as being concatenated


int getSystemFilterReferencePosition(
ISubSystem subSystem,
ISystemFilter filter)
Given a filter, return its position within this reference manager when you think of all filter references from all filter pool references as being concatenated

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire