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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStructureComparator Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. Provides support for finding and displaying the differences between hierarchically structured data. 

Uses of IStructureComparator in

Classes in that implement IStructureComparator
 class ResourceNode
          A ResourceNode wraps an IResources so that it can be used as input for the differencing engine (interfaces IStructureComparator and ITypedElement) and the ReplaceWithEditionDialog (interfaces ITypedElement and IModificationDate).

Methods in that return IStructureComparator
protected   IStructureComparator ResourceNode. createChild ( IResource child)
          This hook method is called from getChildren once for every member of a container resource.
  IStructureComparator ZipFileStructureCreator. getStructure ( Object input)
  IStructureComparator ZipFileStructureCreator. locate ( Object path, Object source)

Methods in with parameters of type IStructureComparator
 void ZipFileStructureCreator. save ( IStructureComparator structure, Object input)
          Called whenever a copy operation has been performed on a tree node.

Uses of IStructureComparator in

Classes in that implement IStructureComparator
 class DocumentRangeNode
          A document range node represents a structural element when performing a structure compare of documents.
 class StructureRootNode
          A node that acts as the root of the tree returned from a StructureCreator.

Methods in that return IStructureComparator
  IStructureComparator StructureCreator. createStructure ( Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IStructureComparator IStructureCreator2. createStructure ( Object input, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a tree structure consisting of IStructureComparators from the given object and returns its root object.
protected abstract   IStructureComparator StructureCreator. createStructureComparator ( Object element, IDocument document, ISharedDocumentAdapter sharedDocumentAdapter, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Create an IStructureComparator for the given element using the contents available in the given document.
  IStructureComparator StructureCreator. getStructure ( Object input)
  IStructureComparator IStructureCreator. getStructure ( Object input)
          Creates a tree structure consisting of IStructureComparators from the given object and returns its root object.
  IStructureComparator StructureCreator. locate ( Object element, Object input)
          Default implementation of StructureCreator.locate(Object, Object) that uses StructureCreator.getPath(Object, Object) to determine the path for the element, StructureCreator.getStructure(Object) to create the structure and StructureCreator.findElement(IStructureComparator, String[]) to find the element in the structure.
  IStructureComparator IStructureCreator. locate ( Object path, Object input)
          Creates the single node specified by path from the given input object.

Methods in with parameters of type IStructureComparator
protected   ITypedElement StructureCreator. findElement ( IStructureComparator structure, String[] path)
          Find the element at the given path in the given structure.
protected  void StructureDiffViewer. preDiffHook ( IStructureComparator ancestor, IStructureComparator left, IStructureComparator right)
          Deprecated. Clients should override StructureDiffViewer.preDiffHook(IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IStructureComparator, IProgressMonitor)
protected  void StructureDiffViewer. preDiffHook ( IStructureComparator ancestor, IStructureComparator left, IStructureComparator right, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          This method is called from within StructureDiffViewer.diff(IProgressMonitor) before the difference tree is being built.
 void StructureCreator. save ( IStructureComparator node, Object input)
          Default implementation of save that extracts the contents from the document of an IDocumentRange and sets it on the input.
 void IStructureCreator. save ( IStructureComparator node, Object input)
          Called whenever a copy operation has been performed on a tree node.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire