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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Class DocumentRangeNode

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IDocumentRange, IEditableContent, IEditableContentExtension, IEncodedStreamContentAccessor, IStreamContentAccessor, IStructureComparator, IAdaptable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DocumentRangeNode
extends Object
implements IDocumentRange, IStructureComparator, IEditableContent, IEncodedStreamContentAccessor, IAdaptable, IEditableContentExtension

A document range node represents a structural element when performing a structure compare of documents. DocumentRangeNodes are created while parsing the document and represent a semantic entity (e.g. a Java class or method). As a consequence of the parsing a DocumentRangeNode maps to a range of characters in the document.

Since a DocumentRangeNode implements the IStructureComparator and IStreamContentAccessor interfaces it can be used as input to the differencing engine. This makes it possible to perform a structural diff on a document and have the nodes and leaves of the compare easily map to character ranges within the document.

Clients need to be aware that this node registers position updaters with the document using IDocument.addPosition(String, Position) with the category set to IDocumentRange.RANGE_CATEGORY. The StructureDiffViewer will remove the category when the nodes are no longer being used. Other clients must do the same.

Subclasses may add additional state collected while parsing the document.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface IDocumentRange
Constructor Summary
DocumentRangeNode ( DocumentRangeNode parent, int typeCode, String id, IDocument document, int start, int length)
          Creates a new DocumentRangeNode for the given range within the specified document.
DocumentRangeNode (int typeCode, String id, IDocument document, int start, int length)
          Creates a new DocumentRangeNode for the given range within the specified document.
Method Summary
 void addChild ( DocumentRangeNode node)
          Adds the given node as a child.
 boolean equals ( Object other)
          Implementation based on getID.
  Object getAdapter ( Class adapter)
          Implement IAdaptable.getAdapter(Class) in order to provide an ISharedDocumentAdapter that provides the proper look up key based on the input from which this structure node was created.
  Position getAppendPosition ()
          Returns the position that has been set with setAppendPosition.
  String getCharset ()
          Returns the name of a charset encoding to be used when decoding this stream accessor's contents into characters.
  Object[] getChildren ()
          Returns an iterator for all children of this object or null if there are no children.
  InputStream getContents ()
          Returns an open InputStream for this object which can be used to retrieve the object's content.
  IDocument getDocument ()
          Returns the underlying document.
  String getId ()
          Returns this node's id.
  Object getParentNode ()
          Return the parent of this node or null if the node doesn't have a parent or the parent is not known.
  Position getRange ()
          Returns a position that specifies a subrange in the underlying document, or null if this document range spans the whole underlying document.
 int getTypeCode ()
          Returns the type code of this node.
 int hashCode ()
          Implementation based on getID.
protected  void internalSetContents (byte[] content)
          Method that is invoked from setContent(byte[]).
 boolean isEditable ()
          If this node has a parent, return the editability of the parent.
 boolean isReadOnly ()
          Return whether the typed element being displayed is read-only. a read-only element will require a call to validateEdit before the element can be modified on disk.
protected  void nodeChanged ( DocumentRangeNode node)
          Method that should be invoked whenever the contents of this node are changed. the change is propagated to the parent if there is one.
  ITypedElement replace ( ITypedElement child, ITypedElement other)
          This method is called on a parent to add or remove a child, or to copy the contents of a child.
 void setAppendPosition (int pos)
          Sets a position within the document range that can be used to (legally) insert text without breaking the syntax of the document.
 void setContent (byte[] content)
          Default implementation that calls internalSetContents(byte[]) and then nodeChanged(DocumentRangeNode).
 void setId ( String id)
          Sets this node's id.
 void setLength (int length)
          Sets the length of the range of this node.
  IStatus validateEdit ( Shell shell)
          If the element is read-only, this method should be called to attempt to make it writable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DocumentRangeNode(int typeCode,
String id,
IDocument document,
                         int start,
                         int length)
Creates a new DocumentRangeNode for the given range within the specified document. The typeCode is uninterpreted client data. The ID is used when comparing two nodes with each other: i.e. the differencing engine performs a content compare on two nodes if their IDs are equal.

typeCode - a type code for this node
id - an identifier for this node
document - document on which this node is based on
start - start position of range within document
length - length of range


public DocumentRangeNode(
DocumentRangeNode parent,
                         int typeCode,
String id,
IDocument document,
                         int start,
                         int length)
Creates a new DocumentRangeNode for the given range within the specified document. The typeCode is uninterpreted client data. The ID is used when comparing two nodes with each other: i.e. the differencing engine performs a content compare on two nodes if their IDs are equal.

parent - the parent node
typeCode - a type code for this node
id - an identifier for this node
document - document on which this node is based on
start - start position of range within document
length - length of range
Method Detail


IDocument getDocument()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentRange
Returns the underlying document.

Specified by:
getDocument in interface IDocumentRange
the underlying document


Position getRange()
Description copied from interface: IDocumentRange
Returns a position that specifies a subrange in the underlying document, or null if this document range spans the whole underlying document.

Specified by:
getRange in interface IDocumentRange
a position that specifies a subrange in the underlying document, or null


public int getTypeCode()
Returns the type code of this node. The type code is uninterpreted client data which can be set in the constructor.

the type code of this node


String getId()
Returns this node's id. It is used in equals and hashcode.

the node's id


public void setId(
String id)
Sets this node's id. It is used in equals and hashcode.

id - the new id for this node


public void addChild(
DocumentRangeNode node)
Adds the given node as a child.

node - the node to add as a child


Object[] getChildren()
Description copied from interface: IStructureComparator
Returns an iterator for all children of this object or null if there are no children.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface IStructureComparator
an array with all children of this object, or an empty array if there are no children


public void setLength(int length)
Sets the length of the range of this node.

length - the length of the range


public void setAppendPosition(int pos)
Sets a position within the document range that can be used to (legally) insert text without breaking the syntax of the document.

E.g. when parsing a Java document the "append position" of a DocumentRangeNode representing a Java class could be the character position just before the closing bracket. Inserting the text of a new method there would not disturb the syntax of the class.

pos - the character position within the underlying document where text can be legally inserted


Position getAppendPosition()
Returns the position that has been set with setAppendPosition. If setAppendPosition hasn't been called, the position after the last character of this range is returned. This method will return null if the position could not be registered with the document.

a position where text can be legally inserted


public boolean equals(
Object other)
Implementation based on getID.

Specified by:
equals in interface IStructureComparator
equals in class Object
other - the object to compare this DocumentRangeNode against.
true if the DocumentRangeNodesare equal; false otherwise.
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Implementation based on getID.

hashCode in class Object
a hash code for this object.


InputStream getContents()
Description copied from interface: IStreamContentAccessor
Returns an open InputStream for this object which can be used to retrieve the object's content. The client is responsible for closing the stream when finished. Returns null if this object has no streamable contents.

Specified by:
getContents in interface IStreamContentAccessor
an input stream containing the contents of this object


public boolean isEditable()
If this node has a parent, return the editability of the parent. Otherwise return true. Subclasses may override.

Specified by:
isEditable in interface IEditableContent
true if this object can be modified
See Also:


ITypedElement replace(
ITypedElement child,
ITypedElement other)
Description copied from interface: IEditableContent
This method is called on a parent to add or remove a child, or to copy the contents of a child. What to do is encoded in the two arguments as follows:
add: dest == null src != null
remove: dest != null src == null
copy: dest != null src != null

Specified by:
replace in interface IEditableContent
child - the existing child of this object to be replaced; if null a new child can be added.
other - the new child to be added or replaced; if null an existing child can be removed.
the argument dest


public void setContent(byte[] content)
Default implementation that calls internalSetContents(byte[]) and then nodeChanged(DocumentRangeNode). Subclasses may override but should then call nodeChanged(DocumentRangeNode) after the contents have been set.

Specified by:
setContent in interface IEditableContent
content - this new contents replaces the old contents
See Also:


protected void internalSetContents(byte[] content)
Method that is invoked from setContent(byte[]). By default, this method does nothing. Subclasses may override.

content - the new content


String getCharset()
Description copied from interface: IEncodedStreamContentAccessor
Returns the name of a charset encoding to be used when decoding this stream accessor's contents into characters. Returns null if a proper encoding cannot be determined.

Note: this method does not check whether the result is a supported charset name. Callers should be prepared to handle UnsupportedEncodingException where this charset is used.

Specified by:
getCharset in interface IEncodedStreamContentAccessor
the name of a charset, or null
See Also:


protected void nodeChanged(
DocumentRangeNode node)
Method that should be invoked whenever the contents of this node are changed. the change is propagated to the parent if there is one.

node - the node that has changed.


Object getAdapter(
Class adapter)
Implement IAdaptable.getAdapter(Class) in order to provide an ISharedDocumentAdapter that provides the proper look up key based on the input from which this structure node was created. The proper shared document adapter is obtained by calling getAdapter(Class) on this node's parent if there is one.

Specified by:
getAdapter in interface IAdaptable
adapter - the adapter class to look up
the object adapted to the given class or null
See Also:


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: IEditableContentExtension
Return whether the typed element being displayed is read-only. a read-only element will require a call to validateEdit before the element can be modified on disk.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface IEditableContentExtension
whether the typed element is read-only


IStatus validateEdit(
Shell shell)
Description copied from interface: IEditableContentExtension
If the element is read-only, this method should be called to attempt to make it writable.

Specified by:
validateEdit in interface IEditableContentExtension
shell - a shell used to prompt the user if required.
a status object that is OK if things are fine, otherwise a status describing reasons why modifying the given files is not reasonable. A status with a severity of CANCEL is returned if the validation was canceled, indicating the edit should not proceed.


Object getParentNode()
Return the parent of this node or null if the node doesn't have a parent or the parent is not known.

the parent of this node or null

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire