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Eclipse GMF Guide
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Generation Framework

Package org.eclipse.gmf.gmfgraph

Interface Summary
AbstractFigure A representation of the model object ' Abstract Figure '
AbstractNode A representation of the model object ' Abstract Node '
AlignmentFacet A representation of the model object ' Alignment Facet '
BasicFont A representation of the model object ' Basic Font '
Border A representation of the model object ' Border '
BorderLayout A representation of the model object ' Border Layout '
BorderLayoutData A representation of the model object ' Border Layout Data '
BorderRef A representation of the model object ' Border Ref '
Canvas A representation of the model object ' Canvas '
ChildAccess A representation of the model object ' Child Access '
Color A representation of the model object ' Color '
Compartment A representation of the model object ' Compartment '
CompoundBorder A representation of the model object ' Compound Border '
Connection A representation of the model object ' Connection '
ConnectionFigure A representation of the model object ' Connection Figure '
ConstantColor A representation of the model object ' Constant Color '
CustomAttribute A representation of the model object ' Custom Attribute '
CustomBorder A representation of the model object ' Custom Border '
CustomClass A representation of the model object ' Custom Class '
CustomConnection A representation of the model object ' Custom Connection '
CustomDecoration A representation of the model object ' Custom Decoration '
CustomFigure A representation of the model object ' Custom Figure '
CustomLayout A representation of the model object ' Custom Layout '
CustomLayoutData A representation of the model object ' Custom Layout Data '
DecorationFigure A representation of the model object ' Decoration Figure '
DefaultSizeFacet A representation of the model object ' Default Size Facet '
DiagramElement A representation of the model object ' Diagram Element '
DiagramLabel A representation of the model object ' Diagram Label '
Dimension A representation of the model object ' Dimension '
Ellipse A representation of the model object ' Ellipse '
Figure A representation of the model object ' Figure '
FigureAccessor A representation of the model object ' Figure Accessor '
FigureDescriptor A representation of the model object ' Figure Descriptor '
FigureGallery A representation of the model object ' Figure Gallery '
FigureRef A representation of the model object ' Figure Ref '
FlowLayout A representation of the model object ' Flow Layout '
Font A representation of the model object ' Font '
GeneralFacet A representation of the model object ' General Facet '
GMFGraphFactory The Factory for the model.
GMFGraphPackage The Package for the model.
GradientFacet A representation of the model object ' Gradient Facet '
GridLayout A representation of the model object ' Grid Layout '
GridLayoutData A representation of the model object ' Grid Layout Data '
Identity A representation of the model object ' Identity '
Insets A representation of the model object ' Insets '
Label A representation of the model object ' Label '
LabeledContainer A representation of the model object ' Labeled Container '
LabelOffsetFacet A representation of the model object ' Label Offset Facet '
Layout A representation of the model object ' Layout '
Layoutable A representation of the model object ' Layoutable '
LayoutData A representation of the model object ' Layout Data '
LayoutRef A representation of the model object ' Layout Ref '
LineBorder A representation of the model object ' Line Border '
MarginBorder A representation of the model object ' Margin Border '
Node A representation of the model object ' Node '
Point A representation of the model object ' Point '
Polygon A representation of the model object ' Polygon '
PolygonDecoration A representation of the model object ' Polygon Decoration '
Polyline A representation of the model object ' Polyline '
PolylineConnection A representation of the model object ' Polyline Connection '
PolylineDecoration A representation of the model object ' Polyline Decoration '
RealFigure A representation of the model object ' Real Figure '
Rectangle A representation of the model object ' Rectangle '
Rectangle2D A representation of the model object ' Rectangle2 D '
RGBColor A representation of the model object ' RGB Color '
RoundedRectangle A representation of the model object ' Rounded Rectangle '
ScalablePolygon A representation of the model object ' Scalable Polygon '
Shape A representation of the model object ' Shape '
StackLayout A representation of the model object ' Stack Layout '
SVGFigure A representation of the model object ' SVG Figure '
SVGProperty A representation of the model object ' SVG Property '
VisualFacet A representation of the model object ' Visual Facet '
XYLayout A representation of the model object ' XY Layout '
XYLayoutData A representation of the model object ' XY Layout Data '

Enum Summary
Alignment A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Alignment ', and utility methods for working with them
ColorConstants A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Color Constants ', and utility methods for working with them
Direction A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Direction ', and utility methods for working with them
FontStyle A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Font Style ', and utility methods for working with them
LineKind A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' Line Kind ', and utility methods for working with them
SVGPropertyType A representation of the literals of the enumeration ' SVG Property Type ', and utility methods for working with them

Generation Framework

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire