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Interface ICommand

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCommand, AbstractTransactionalCommand, AddCommand, CompositeCommand, CompositeTransactionalCommand, ConfigureElementCommand, ConfigureRelationshipCommand, CreateDiagramCommand, CreateElementCommand, CreateRelationshipCommand, DeferredSetValueCommand, DeleteCommand, DestroyElementCommand, DestroyReferenceCommand, DuplicateEObjectsCommand, EditElementCommand, GetEditContextCommand, GroupCommand, IdentityCommand, MoveElementsCommand, OneTimeCommand, RemoveBookmarkCommand, RepositionEObjectCommand, RestoreDefaultPropertyValueCommand, SetConnectionAnchorsCommand, SetConnectionEndsCommand, SetModelPropertyValueCommand, SetPropertyCommand, SetValueCommand, UnexecutableCommand, UngroupCommand, UpdateGroupLocationCommand

public interface ICommand
extends IUndoableOperation

A self-composing undoable operation that has a CommandResult and a list of affected IFiles.

Executing, undoing or redoing a command can have a result which clients can obtain by using the getCommandResult() method. For example, executing a command that create a new entity may wish to make the new entity accessible to clients through the getCommandResult() method.

The command provides a list of IFiles that are expected to be modified when the it is executed, undone or redone. An IOperationApprover is registered with the OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory() to validate the modification to these resources.

If an error occurs, or the progress monitor is canceled during execute, undo or redo, the command should make every effort to roll back the changes it has made up to that point.

Method Summary
  ICommand compose ( IUndoableOperation operation)
          Returns a new command object that represents a composition of this command with the specified command parameter.
 java.util.List getAffectedFiles ()
          Returns the list of IFiles that are expected to be modified by this command.
  CommandResult getCommandResult ()
          Retrieves the result of executing, undoing, or redoing this command, depending on which of these operations was last performed.
  ICommand reduce ()
          Returns the simplest form of this command that is equivalent.
 void setLabel (java.lang.String label)
          Since not all commands have names, reduce() should propogate label from an upper command that may be thrown away to the resultant reduced command.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.commands.operations. IUndoableOperation
addContext, canExecute, canRedo, canUndo, dispose, execute, getContexts, getLabel, hasContext, redo, removeContext, undo

Method Detail


CommandResult getCommandResult()
Retrieves the result of executing, undoing, or redoing this command, depending on which of these operations was last performed. This value can be null if the operation has no meaningful result.

The value of this result is undefined if the command has not yet been executed, undone or redone.

The result of executing, undoing or redoing this command.


java.util.List getAffectedFiles()
Returns the list of IFiles that are expected to be modified by this command.

the list of IFiles that will be modified


ICommand compose(
IUndoableOperation operation)
Returns a new command object that represents a composition of this command with the specified command parameter.

operation - The operation that is to be composed with this command.
A command that represents a composition of this command with the specified command.


ICommand reduce()
Returns the simplest form of this command that is equivalent. Use this method to remove unnecessary nesting of commands.

the simplest form of this command that is equivalent


void setLabel(java.lang.String label)
Since not all commands have names, reduce() should propogate label from an upper command that may be thrown away to the resultant reduced command. The method is needed to assign the label to a nameless command, because IUndoableOperation is missing this method.

label - command's new label


Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire