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Uses of Class

Packages that use FlagSupport This package provides several tool implementations. 

Uses of FlagSupport in

Subclasses of FlagSupport in
 class AbstractConnectionCreationTool
          The base implementation for tools which create a connection.
 class AbstractTool
          The base implementation for Tools.
static class AbstractTool.Input
          Allows the user to access mouse and keyboard input.
 class ConnectionBendpointTracker
          A tracker for creating new bendpoints or dragging existing ones.
 class ConnectionCreationTool
          The default creation tool for connections.
 class ConnectionDragCreationTool
          A connection creation tool that implements DragTracker.
 class ConnectionEndpointTracker
          A DragTracker that moves the endpoint of a connection to another location.
 class CreationTool
          The CreationTool creates new EditParts via a CreationFactory.
 class DeselectAllTracker
          A DragTracker whose job it is to deselect all EditParts.
 class DragEditPartsTracker
          A DragTracker that moves EditParts.
 class DragTreeItemsTracker
          Specializes selection to do nothing, the native Tree provides selection for free.
 class MarqueeDragTracker
          A marqueeSelectionTool that implements the DragTracker interface.
 class MarqueeSelectionTool
          A Tool which selects multiple objects inside a rectangular area of a Graphical Viewer.
 class PanningSelectionTool
          A subclass of the SelectionTool that allows panning by holding down the space bar.
 class ResizeTracker
          A Tracker for dragging a resize handle.
 class SelectEditPartTracker
          DragTracker used to select, edit, and open EditParts.
 class SelectionTool
          Tool to select and manipulate figures.
 class SimpleDragTracker
          A simple drag tracker implementation that does not perform targeting.
 class TargetingTool
          The base implementation for tools which perform targeting of editparts.

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire