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Release 3.0

Class AbstractSystemViewAdapter

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IRemoteObjectIdentifier, ISystemDragDropAdapter, ISystemViewElementAdapter, IActionFilter, IWorkbenchAdapter, IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter, IPropertySource
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractSystemViewAdapter
extends Object
implements ISystemViewElementAdapter, IWorkbenchAdapter, IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter

Base class for adapters needed for the SystemView viewer. It implements the ISystemViewElementAdapter interface.

See Also:

Field Summary
protected   Object[] _lastResults
          A variable that can be used in getChildren to cache last returned results, if desired
protected   Object _lastSelected
          A variable that can be used to cache last selection, if desired
protected   SystemMessageObject cancelledObject
          Deprecated. Use getCancelledMessageObject() instead.
protected static  String[] EMPTY_STRING_LIST
          A handy constant of "new String[0]"
protected   Object[] emptyList
          Deprecated. Do not use directly. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) when needed.
protected   SystemMessageObject errorObject
          Deprecated. Use getFailedMessageObject() instead.
static  String MEMENTO_DELIM
          Delimiter for each object's key in a memento, used to persist tree view expansion state: "///"
protected static  String MSG_SUB_PREFIX
          Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
protected static  String MSG_SUB1
          Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
protected static  String MSG_SUB2
          Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
protected   Object[] msgList
          Deprecated. Do not use directly. Use getCancelledMessageObject() or getFailedMessageObject() or checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) when needed.
protected   SystemMessageObject nullObject
          Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.
protected   Object propertySourceInput
          Current input provider.
protected   Shell shell
          Deprecated. Use getShell() and setShell(Shell)
protected   Viewer viewer
          Deprecated. use getViewer() and setViewer(Viewer)
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.ui.view. ISystemViewElementAdapter
Constructor Summary
AbstractSystemViewAdapter ()
Method Summary
abstract  void addActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell parent, String menuGroup)
          This is your opportunity to add actions to the popup menu for the given selection.
 void addCommonRemoteActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup)
          Returns any framework-supplied remote object actions that should be contributed to the popup menu for the given selection list.
 void addDynamicPopupMenuActions ( SystemMenuManager menu, IStructuredSelection selection, Shell shell, String menuGroup)
          Add or remove custom actions dynamically to a context menu.
 boolean canDelete ( Object element)
          Return true if this object is deletable by the user.
 boolean canDrag ( Object element)
          Return true if this object can be copied to another location.
 boolean canDrag ( SystemRemoteResourceSet elements)
          Return true if this object can be copied to another location.
 boolean canDrop ( Object element)
          Return true if another object can be copied into this object.
 boolean canEdit ( Object object)
          Indicates whether the specified object can be edited or not.
 boolean canRename ( Object element)
          Return true if this object is renameable by the user.
protected   Object[] checkForEmptyList ( Object[] children, Object parent, boolean returnNullMsg)
          In getChildren, return checkForEmptyList(children, parent, true/false)<.samp> versus your array directly.
protected   Object[] checkForNull ( Object[] children, boolean returnNullMsg)
          Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.
protected static  PropertyDescriptor createSimplePropertyDescriptor ( String propertyKey, String label, String description)
          Create and return a simple string read-only property descriptor.
 boolean doDelete ( Shell shell, Object element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform the delete action on single item. By default does nothing.
 boolean doDeleteBatch ( Shell shell, List resourceSet, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform the delete on the given set of items. By default just calls the doDelete method for each item in the resourceSet.
  Object doDrag ( Object element, boolean sameSystemType, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform the drag on the given object.
  ISystemResourceSet doDrag ( SystemRemoteResourceSet set, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform the drag on the given objects.
  ISystemResourceSet doDrop ( ISystemResourceSet fromSet, Object to, boolean sameSystemType, boolean sameSystem, int srcType, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform drop from the "fromSet" of objects to the "to" object.
  Object doDrop ( Object from, Object to, boolean sameSystemType, boolean sameSystem, int srcType, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform drop from the "from" object to the "to" object.
  Object doDrop ( Object from, Object to, boolean sameSystemType, boolean sameSystem, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deprecated. use doDrop(Object from, Object to, boolean sameSystemType, boolean sameSystem, int srcType, IProgressMonitor monitor) instead
 boolean doRename ( Shell shell, Object element, String name, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Perform the rename action.
 boolean exists ( Object element)
          {inheritDoc} By default, this method returns true - override this method to customize the behavior.
 void fetchDeferredChildren ( Object o, IElementCollector collector, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  String getAlternateText ( Object element)
          Return the alternate label for this object.
protected   Object[] getCancelledMessageObject ()
          Return the "Operation cancelled by user" message as an object array so can be used to answer getChildren().
  String getCanonicalNewName ( Object element, String newName)
          Form and return a new canonical (unique) name for this object, given a candidate for the new name.
abstract   Object[] getChildren ( IAdaptable element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the children of this model object. This should be overridden by subclasses in order to provide deferred query support via the Eclipse Jobs mechanism.
  Object[] getChildren ( IContextObject element, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return the children of this object. This should be overridden by subclasses in order to provide deferred query support via the Eclipse Jobs mechanism, if your adapter supports context objects.
  Object[] getChildren ( Object object)
           Rather than overriding this, adapter implementors should override the getChildren() methods that take a progress monitor.
  Object[] getChildrenUsingExpandToFilter ( Object element, String expandToFilter)
          Return the children of this object, using the given Expand-To filter.
protected   ISystemTree getCurrentTreeView ()
          Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if it is one, or null otherwise.
protected static  IPropertyDescriptor[] getDefaultDescriptors ()
          Return the default descriptors for all system elements.
  ISystemEditableRemoteObject getEditableRemoteObject ( Object object)
          Return the remote edit wrapper for this object.
  Object getEditableValue ()
          Returns a value for this object that can be edited in a property sheet.
protected   Object[] getEmptyMessageObject ()
          Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.
protected   Object[] getFailedMessageObject ()
          Return the "Operation failed" message as an object array so can be used to answer getChildren().
  String getFilterString ()
          Gets filter context for querying.
  String getFilterStringFor ( Object object)
          Return a filter string that corresponds to this object.
protected   Object getFirstSelection ( IStructuredSelection selection)
          Get the first selected object of the given selection.
abstract   ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor ( Object element)
          Returns an image descriptor for the image. Abstract.
  ISystemViewInputProvider getInput ()
          Get the input object used to populate the viewer with the roots.
  String getInputMementoHandle ( Object element)
          Return what to save to disk to identify this element when it is the input object to a secondary Remote System Explorer perspective.
  String getLabel ( Object element)
          {inheritDoc} We map to getText(element).
  String getMementoHandle ( Object element)
          Return what to save to disk to identify this element in the persisted list of expanded elements.
  String getMementoHandleKey ( Object element)
          Return a short string to uniquely identify the type of resource.
  String getName ( Object element)
          Return the name of this object, which may be different than the display text ({#link #getText(Object)}. By default, returns getText(element);, but child classes can override if display name doesn't equal real name.
  ISystemValidator getNameValidator ( Object element)
          Return a validator for verifying the new name is correct.
abstract   Object getParent ( Object element)
          Return the parent of this object. Abstract.
  IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors ()
          Returns the property descriptors defining what properties are seen in the property sheet.
  Object getPropertyValue ( Object key)
          Returns the current value for the named property.
  Object getPropertyValue ( Object key, boolean formatted)
          Similar to getPropertyValue(Object key) but takes an argument for determining whether to return a raw value or formatted value.
protected   ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter ( Object o)
          Deprecated. use SystemAdapterHelpers.getRemoteAdapter(o, getViewer()) instead
  String getRemoteSourceType ( Object element)
          From (Object).
  String getRemoteSubSubType ( Object element)
          From (Object).
  ISchedulingRule getRule ( Object element)
  Shell getShell ()
          Get the shell currently hosting the objects in this adapter.
  String getStatusLineText ( Object element)
          Return the string to display in the status line when the given object is selected. The default is: getType(): getName() Overridable by subclasses, but rarely needs to be.
  ISubSystem getSubSystem ( Object element)
          Returns the subsystem that contains this object.
protected   SystemFetchOperation getSystemFetchOperation ( Object o, IElementCollector collector)
          Returns the SystemFetchOperation to be used in performing a query.
protected   ISystemTree getSystemTree ()
          Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if the viewer is set and it implements this interface (SystemView does).
protected   ISystemViewElementAdapter getSystemViewElementAdapter ( Object o)
          Deprecated. use SystemAdapterHelpers.getViewAdapter(o, getViewer()) instead
protected   String getTranslatedFalse ()
          Return "False" translated.
protected   String getTranslatedNo ()
          Return "No" translated.
protected   String getTranslatedNotApplicable ()
          Return "Not applicable" translated.
protected   String getTranslatedNotAvailable ()
          Return "Not available" translated.
protected   String getTranslatedTrue ()
          Return "True" translated.
  String getTranslatedYes ()
          Return "Yes" translated.
abstract   String getType ( Object element)
          Return a value for the type property for this object. Abstract.
  IPropertyDescriptor[] getUniquePropertyDescriptors ()
          Returns the list of property descriptors that are unique for this particular adapter - that is the difference between the default property descriptors and the total list of property descriptors.
  Viewer getViewer ()
          Return the current viewer, as set via setViewer or its deduced from the setInput input object if set.
 boolean handleDoubleClick ( Object element)
          User has double clicked on an object.
abstract  boolean hasChildren ( IAdaptable element)
          Return true if this object has children. Abstract.
 boolean hasChildren ( IContextObject element)
          Return true if this object has children. Override this to provide context-specific support.
protected  void initMsgObjects ()
          Deprecated. Internal use. Do not call this method.
protected abstract   IPropertyDescriptor[] internalGetPropertyDescriptors ()
          Implement this to return the property descriptors for the properties in the property sheet.
protected abstract   Object internalGetPropertyValue ( Object key)
          Implement this to return the property descriptors for the properties in the property sheet.
 boolean isContainer ()
 boolean isPromptable ( Object element)
          Return true if this object is a "prompting" object that prompts the user when expanded.
 boolean isPropertySet ( Object key)
          Returns whether the property value has changed from the default.
 boolean isRemote ( Object element)
          Return true if this object is remote.
 boolean namesAreEqual ( Object element, String newName)
          Compare the name of the given element to the given new name to decide if they are equal.
 void resetPropertyValue ( Object key)
          Resets the specified property's value to its default value.
 boolean saveExpansionState ( Object element)
          Sometimes we don't want to remember an element's expansion state, such as for temporarily inserted messages.
 void selectionChanged ( Object element)
          Selection has changed in the Remote Systems view.
 void setFilterString ( String filterString)
          Sets filter context for querying.
 void setInput ( ISystemViewInputProvider input)
          Set the input object used to populate the viewer with the roots.
 void setPropertySourceInput ( Object propertySourceInput)
          Set input object for property source queries.
 void setPropertyValue ( Object key, Object value)
          Sets the named property to the given value.
 void setShell ( Shell shell)
          Set the shell to be used by any method that requires it.
 void setViewer ( Viewer viewer)
          Set the viewer that is driving this adapter Called by label and content provider.
 boolean showDelete ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the delete action in the popup for the given element.
 boolean showGenericShowInTableAction ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the generic show in table action in the popup for the given element.
 boolean showOpenViewActions ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the Go Into; and Open In New Window and Go To actions in the popup for the given element.
 boolean showProperties ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the properties action in the popup for the given element.
 boolean showRefresh ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the refresh action in the popup for the given element.
 boolean showRename ( Object element)
          Return true if we should show the rename action in the popup for the given element.
static  String sub ( String msg, String subOld, String subNew)
          Deprecated. Clients should use Eclipse NLS or Java MessageFormat or String.replaceAll(String, String) to do substring replacement and variable substitution.
 boolean supportsDeferredQueries ( ISubSystem subSys)
          Return whether deferred queries are supported.
 boolean testAttribute ( Object target, String name, String value)
          From IActionFilter so the popupMenus extension point can use <filter>, <enablement> or <visibility>.
 boolean validateDrop ( ISystemResourceSet set, Object target, boolean sameSystem)
          Return true if it is valid for the src objects to be dropped in the target
 boolean validateDrop ( Object src, Object target, boolean sameSystem)
          Return true if it is valid for the src object to be dropped in the target.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.ui.view. ISystemViewElementAdapter
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems. IRemoteObjectIdentifier

Field Detail


Viewer viewer
Deprecated. use getViewer() and setViewer(Viewer)
Current viewer. Set by content provider.


Object propertySourceInput
Current input provider. Set by content provider.


Shell shell
Deprecated. Use getShell() and setShell(Shell)
Current shell, set by the content provider.


Object[] emptyList
Deprecated. Do not use directly. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) when needed.
An empty object list instance, for returning an empty list from getChildren: new Object[0].


Object[] msgList
Deprecated. Do not use directly. Use getCancelledMessageObject() or getFailedMessageObject() or checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) when needed.
For returning a message object from getChildren. Will be an array with one item, one of nullObject, cancelledObject or errorObject.


SystemMessageObject nullObject
Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.
Frequently returned message object from getChildren: "empty list"


SystemMessageObject cancelledObject
Deprecated. Use getCancelledMessageObject() instead.
Frequently returned message object from getChildren: "operation cancelled". This field was renamed from "canceledObject" in RSE 3.0.

org.eclipse.rse.ui 3.0


SystemMessageObject errorObject
Deprecated. Use getFailedMessageObject() instead.
Frequently returned message object from getChildren: "operation ended in error"


protected static final 
Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
Message substitution prefix: "&"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final 
String MSG_SUB1
Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
Message substitution variable 1: "&1"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final 
String MSG_SUB2
Deprecated. use Eclipse NLS or Java Messageformat for String substitution.
Message substitution variable 2: "&2"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final 
Delimiter for each object's key in a memento, used to persist tree view expansion state: "///"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final 
A handy constant of "new String[0]"


Object[] _lastResults
A variable that can be used in getChildren to cache last returned results, if desired


Object _lastSelected
A variable that can be used to cache last selection, if desired

Constructor Detail


public AbstractSystemViewAdapter()
Method Detail


public final void setViewer(
Viewer viewer)
Set the viewer that is driving this adapter Called by label and content provider.

Configuration method. Typically called by content provider, viewer or action. Do not override.

Specified by:
setViewer in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public final void setShell(
Shell shell)
Set the shell to be used by any method that requires it.

Configuration method. Typically called by content provider, viewer or action. Do not override.

Specified by:
setShell in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public final void setInput(
ISystemViewInputProvider input)
Set the input object used to populate the viewer with the roots. May be used by an adapter to retrieve context-sensitive information. This is set by the Label and Content providers that retrieve this adapter.

Configuration method. Typically called by content provider, viewer or action. Do not override.

Specified by:
setInput in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


Shell getShell()
Get the shell currently hosting the objects in this adapter.

Getter method. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.

Specified by:
getShell in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


Viewer getViewer()
Return the current viewer, as set via setViewer or its deduced from the setInput input object if set. May be null so test it.

Getter method. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.

Specified by:
getViewer in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


ISystemTree getCurrentTreeView()
Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if it is one, or null otherwise.

Getter method. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


ISystemViewInputProvider getInput()
Get the input object used to populate the viewer with the roots. May be used by an adapter to retrieve context-sensitive information.

Getter method. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.

Specified by:
getInput in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


ISubSystem getSubSystem(
Object element)
Returns the subsystem that contains this object. By default, if the given element is an instance of AbstractResource, it calls getSubSystem on it, else returns null.

Overridable by subclasses. You should override if not using AbstractResource.

Specified by:
getSubSystem in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
Specified by:
getSubSystem in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - The element to be identified. May be of type IContextObject (including the context of the element), String (giving the absolute path of a remote object), or the actual remote data element itself.


public void addCommonRemoteActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup)
Returns any framework-supplied remote object actions that should be contributed to the popup menu for the given selection list. This does nothing if this adapter does not implement ISystemViewRemoteElementAdapter, else it potentially adds menu items for "User Actions" and Compile", for example. It queries the subsystem factory of the selected objects to determine if these actions are appropriate to add.

Called by SystemView viewer. No need to override or call.

menu - The menu to contribute actions to
selection - The window's current selection.
shell - of viewer calling this. Most dialogs require a shell.
menuGroup - recommended menu group to add actions to. If added to another group, you must be sure to create that group first.


public void addDynamicPopupMenuActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell shell,
String menuGroup)
Add or remove custom actions dynamically to a context menu. This method is called by the system viewers. Extenders may override this method in order to modify the context menu shown for elements of the type they adapt to. Unlike addCommonRemoteActions(), these contributions are for any artifact in the RSE views and are contributed independently of subsystem factories.

menu - The menu to contribute actions to
selection - The window's current selection.
shell - of viewer calling this. Most dialogs require a shell.
menuGroup - recommended menu group to add actions to. If added to another group, you must be sure to create that group first.


public abstract void addActions(
SystemMenuManager menu,
IStructuredSelection selection,
Shell parent,
String menuGroup)
This is your opportunity to add actions to the popup menu for the given selection.

To put your action into the given menu, use the menu's rse.ui.SystemMenuManager#add(String,org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction) add method. If you don't care where it goes within the popup, just pass the given menuGroup location id, otherwise pass one of the GROUP_XXX values from ISystemContextMenuConstants. If you pass one that identifies a predefined cascading menu, such as GROUP_OPENWITH, your action will magically appear in that cascading menu, even if it was otherwise empty.

For the actions themselves, you will probably use one of the base action classes:

Specified by:
addActions in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
menu - the popup menu you can contribute to
selection - the current selection in the calling tree or table view
parent - the shell of the calling tree or table view
menuGroup - the default menu group to place actions into if you don't care where they. Pass this to the SystemMenuManager add method.
See Also:
ISystemViewElementAdapter.addActions( SystemMenuManager, IStructuredSelection, Shell, String)


public abstract 
ImageDescriptor getImageDescriptor(
Object element)
Returns an image descriptor for the image. More efficient than getting the image. Implements IWorkbenchAdapter.getImageDescriptor(Object). Abstract. Must be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
getImageDescriptor in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
Specified by:
getImageDescriptor in interface IWorkbenchAdapter
element - The element for which an image is desired


String getAlternateText(
Object element)
Return the alternate label for this object. By default this just returns the regular label. If a custom label is required, this provides the means to it.

Specified by:
getAlternateText in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:
getName(Object), IRemoteObjectIdentifier.getAbsoluteName(Object)


String getName(
Object element)
Return the name of this object, which may be different than the display text ({#link #getText(Object)}. By default, returns getText(element);, but child classes can override if display name doesn't equal real name.

Called by common rename and delete actions, and used to populate property sheet.

Overridable by subclasses, but rarely needs to be.

Specified by:
getName in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:
ISystemViewElementAdapter.getText(Object), IRemoteObjectIdentifier.getAbsoluteName(Object)


String getLabel(
Object element)
{inheritDoc} We map to getText(element).

Internal use. Can be safely ignored.

Specified by:
getLabel in interface IWorkbenchAdapter


public abstract 
String getType(
Object element)
Return a value for the type property for this object.

Abstract. Must be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
getType in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


String getStatusLineText(
Object element)
Return the string to display in the status line when the given object is selected. The default is:
 getType(): getName()

Overridable by subclasses, but rarely needs to be.

Specified by:
getStatusLineText in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean exists(
Object element)
{inheritDoc} By default, this method returns true - override this method to customize the behavior.

Specified by:
exists in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the element to check
true if the element exists


public abstract 
Object getParent(
Object element)
Return the parent of this object. This is required by eclipse UI adapters, but we try desperately not to use in the RSE. So, you are probably safe returning null, but if you can return a parent, why not, go for it. Abstract. Must be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
getParent in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
Specified by:
getParent in interface IWorkbenchAdapter


public abstract boolean hasChildren(
IAdaptable element)
Return true if this object has children.

In case this adapter returns true for ISystemViewElementAdapter.supportsDeferredQueries(ISubSystem), it is expected that the underlying subsystem caches the hasChildren() attribute such that it does not necessarily perform a server round trip. In this case, it has more the semantics of "can have children". In that case, a deferred ISystemViewElementAdapter.getChildren(IAdaptable, IProgressMonitor) call is still allowed to return an empty array indicating no children.

Abstract. Must be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
hasChildren in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the element to check
true if this element can have children.


public boolean hasChildren(
IContextObject element)
Return true if this object has children. Override this to provide context-specific support.

Specified by:
hasChildren in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the context object
whether the context has children
See Also:


public final 
Object[] getChildren(
Object object)
Rather than overriding this, adapter implementors should override the getChildren() methods that take a progress monitor.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface IWorkbenchAdapter


public abstract 
Object[] getChildren(
IAdaptable element,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Return the children of this model object. When ISystemViewElementAdapter.supportsDeferredQueries(ISubSystem) returns false, this query will be called in the dispatch thread, so the implementation needs to make sure that SWT thread exceptions are avoided. This should be overridden by subclasses in order to provide deferred query support via the Eclipse Jobs mechanism. Return the children of this object. Return null if children not supported.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the model object to get children from
monitor - the progress monitor
the children of element


Object[] getChildren(
IContextObject element,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Return the children of this object. When a contextObject is passed in instead of an adaptable model object, the adapter needs handle both the model object as well as the associated filter. When ISystemViewElementAdapter.supportsDeferredQueries(ISubSystem) returns false, this query will be called in the dispatch thread, so the implementation needs to make sure that SWT thread exceptions are avoided. This should be overridden by subclasses in order to provide deferred query support via the Eclipse Jobs mechanism, if your adapter supports context objects. If not, this will fall back to the model object version of the method. The context object is passed in in place of the model object. By default, we just fall back to the original mechanism Return the children of this object. Return null if children not supported.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the context object that wrappers a model object, it's subsystem and filter reference
monitor - the progress monitor
the children of the model object within the context object that matches the containing filter reference criteria.


Object[] getChildrenUsingExpandToFilter(
Object element,
String expandToFilter)
Return the children of this object, using the given Expand-To filter. By default, this calls getChildren(element). Override only if you support Expand-To menu actions.

Overridable by subclasses, but rarely needs to be.

Specified by:
getChildrenUsingExpandToFilter in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


protected static 
IPropertyDescriptor[] getDefaultDescriptors()
Return the default descriptors for all system elements. Callable by subclasses.


protected static 
PropertyDescriptor createSimplePropertyDescriptor(
String propertyKey,
String label,
String description)
Create and return a simple string read-only property descriptor. Callable by subclasses.

propertyKey - Key for this property, sent back in getPropertyValue.
label - A user-readable translated label for the Property.
description - A description for the Property (to be displayed as a tooltip).


Object getEditableValue()
Returns a value for this object that can be edited in a property sheet. Needed by framework for property sheet. No need to call or override.

Specified by:
getEditableValue in interface IPropertySource
a value that can be edited.


IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors()
Returns the property descriptors defining what properties are seen in the property sheet. By default returns descriptors for name, type and number-of-children only plus whatever is returned from internalGetPropertyDescriptors().

Implemented. Do not override typically. See internalGetPropertyDescriptors().

Specified by:
getPropertyDescriptors in interface IPropertySource
an array containing all descriptors.
See Also:


protected abstract 
IPropertyDescriptor[] internalGetPropertyDescriptors()
Implement this to return the property descriptors for the properties in the property sheet. This is beyond the Name, Type and NbrOfChildren properties which already implemented and done for you.

Override if want to include more properties in the property sheet,

If you override this for read-only properties, you must also override:

If you override this for editable properties, you must also override:

an array containing all descriptors to be added to the default set of descriptors, or null if no additional properties desired.
See Also:
createSimplePropertyDescriptor(String, String, String)


IPropertyDescriptor[] getUniquePropertyDescriptors()
Returns the list of property descriptors that are unique for this particular adapter - that is the difference between the default property descriptors and the total list of property descriptors.

If internalGetPropertyDescriptors() returns non-null, then returns that, else computes the difference. This is called by the table views like SystemTableView.

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.

Specified by:
getUniquePropertyDescriptors in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


Object getPropertyValue(
Object key,
                               boolean formatted)
Similar to getPropertyValue(Object key) but takes an argument for determining whether to return a raw value or formatted value. By default, simply calls getPropertyValue(key).

This is called by the table views in order to get values that can be sorted when the user clicks on the column heading. To support this for a numeric property say, return a Long/Integer object if false, versus returning string.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.

Specified by:
getPropertyValue in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
key - the name or key of the property as named by its property descriptor
formatted - indication of whether to return the value in formatted or raw form
the current value of the given property


Object getPropertyValue(
Object key)
Returns the current value for the named property.
By default handles ISystemPropertyConstants.P_TEXT, P_TYPE and P_NBRCHILDREN only, then defers to internalGetPropertyValue(Object) for subclasses.
Note: you will need to reference propertySourceInput, which is the currently selected object. Just case it to what you expect the selected object's type to be.

Implemented. Do not override typically. See internalGetPropertyValue(Object).

Specified by:
getPropertyValue in interface IPropertySource
key - the name of the property as named by its property descriptor
the current value of the property


protected abstract 
Object internalGetPropertyValue(
Object key)
Implement this to return the property descriptors for the properties in the property sheet. This is beyond the Name, Type and NbrOfChildren properties which already implemented and done for you.

key - the name of the property as named by its property descriptor
the current value of the property or null if not a known property.


public boolean isPropertySet(
Object key)
Returns whether the property value has changed from the default. Only applicable for editable properties.

Overridable by subclasses. Must be overridden only if editable properties are supported.


Specified by:
isPropertySet in interface IPropertySource
true if the value of the specified property has changed from its original default value; false otherwise.


public void resetPropertyValue(
Object key)
Resets the specified property's value to its default value. Called on editable property when user presses reset button in property sheet viewer.

Overridable by subclasses. Must be overridden only if editable properties are supported.

Specified by:
resetPropertyValue in interface IPropertySource
key - the key identifying property to reset


public void setPropertyValue(
Object key,
Object value)
Sets the named property to the given value. Called after an editable property is changed by the user.

Overridable by subclasses. Must be overridden only if editable properties are supported.

Specified by:
setPropertyValue in interface IPropertySource
key - the key identifying property to reset
value - the new value for the property


public void setPropertySourceInput(
Object propertySourceInput)
Set input object for property source queries. This must be called by your XXXAdaptorFactory before returning this adapter object.

Called from adapter factories. Do not override.

Specified by:
setPropertySourceInput in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean handleDoubleClick(
Object element)
User has double clicked on an object. If you want to do something special, do it and return true. Otherwise return false to have the viewer do the default behaviour.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.

Specified by:
handleDoubleClick in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean showDelete(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the delete action in the popup for the given element. If true, then canDelete will be called to decide whether to enable delete or not.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
By default, returns true.

Specified by:
showDelete in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:


public boolean canDelete(
Object element)
Return true if this object is deletable by the user. If so, when selected, the Edit->Delete menu item will be enabled.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.
By default, returns false. Override if your object is deletable.

Specified by:
canDelete in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:


public boolean doDelete(
Shell shell,
Object element,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform the delete action on single item. Implement if the object is deletable.

Implementers have two choices of dealing with error conditions: handle the error themselves (for example, by showing an error dialog) and returning false; or by throwing an Exception and having the framework handle the error.

If the operation is cancelled, the implementation is free to either return false or throw a SystemOperationCancelledException, since in both cases the framework will refresh the element to see whether it has actually been deleted or not, but not show any other message.

By default does nothing. Override if your object is deletable. Return true if this was successful. Return false if it failed and you issued a message. Throw an exception if it failed and you want to use the generic message. In case of cancellation, either return false or throw a SystemOperationCancelledException.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.

Specified by:
doDelete in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
shell - The shell that can act as a parent for an adapter-issued message dialog.
element - The element that should be deleted.
monitor - The progress monitor for progress and cancellation. May be null.
true indicates that the deletion succeeded, false indicates that the deletion failed but no user feedback is required by the framework because the implementation has already handled the error or cancellation.
Exception - if the deletion failed and the adapter did not show a message dialog.
See Also:
showDelete(Object), canDelete(Object)


public boolean doDeleteBatch(
Shell shell,
List resourceSet,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform the delete on the given set of items.

See ISystemViewElementAdapter.doDelete(Shell, Object, IProgressMonitor) for semantics of error handling and cancellation.

By default just calls the doDelete method for each item in the resourceSet. Override if you wish to perform some sort of optimization for the batch delete. Return true if this was successful. Return false if ANY delete operation failed and a message was issued. Throw an exception if ANY failed and you want to use the generic message.

In case of cancellation, either return false or throw a SystemOperationCancelledException.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.

Specified by:
doDeleteBatch in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
shell - the shell that can act as a parent for an adapter-issued message dialog.
resourceSet - a list of resources that should be deleted.
monitor - The progress monitor for progress and cancellation. May be null.
true if all deletions were successful, false if any deletion was not successful but proper error reporting has been done by the adapter already. The framework will only refresh the items to see which ones have actually been deleted.
Exception - if any deletion was not successful and the adapter did not perform any error reporting. If this is a SystemMessageException then the caller should examine the results and fire any necessary events.


public boolean showRename(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the rename action in the popup for the given element. If true, then canRename will be called to decide whether to enable rename or not.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
By default, returns true.

Specified by:
showRename in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
true if we should show the rename action in the popup for the given element.
See Also:
canRename(Object), doRename(Shell,Object,String, IProgressMonitor)


public boolean canRename(
Object element)
Return true if this object is renameable by the user. If so, when selected, the Rename popup menu item will be enabled.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.
By default, returns false. Override if your object can be renamed.

Specified by:
canRename in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
true if this object is renameable by the user
See Also:
showRename(Object), doRename(Shell,Object,String,IProgressMonitor), getNameValidator(Object), getCanonicalNewName(Object,String), namesAreEqual(Object,String)


public boolean doRename(
Shell shell,
Object element,
String name,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform the rename action. By default does nothing.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.
Override if your object can be renamed. Return true if this was successful. Return false if it failed and you issued a message. Throw an exception if it failed and you want to use the generic message.

Specified by:
doRename in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
true if the rename was successful
See Also:
showRename(Object), canRename(Object)


ISystemValidator getNameValidator(
Object element)
Return a validator for verifying the new name is correct. If you return null, no error checking is done on the new name in the common rename dialog!!

Used in the common rename dialogs, and only if you return true to canRename(Object).

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is if canRename is.
Suggest you use at least UniqueStringValidator or a subclass to ensure new name is at least unique.

Specified by:
getNameValidator in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:


String getCanonicalNewName(
Object element,
String newName)
Form and return a new canonical (unique) name for this object, given a candidate for the new name. This is called by the generic multi-rename dialog to test that all new names are unique. To do this right, sometimes more than the raw name itself is required to do uniqueness checking.

For example, two connections or filter pools can have the same name if they are in different profiles. Two iSeries QSYS objects can have the same name if their object types are different.

Used in the common rename dialogs, and only if you return true to canRename(Object).

This method returns a name that can be used for uniqueness checking because it is qualified sufficiently to make it unique.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is if canRename is.
By default, this simply returns the given name. It is overridden by child classes when appropriate.

Specified by:
getCanonicalNewName in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:


public boolean namesAreEqual(
Object element,
String newName)
Compare the name of the given element to the given new name to decide if they are equal. Allows adapters to consider case and quotes as appropriate.

Used in the common rename dialogs, and only if you return true to canRename(Object).

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
By default does an equalsIgnoreCase comparison

Specified by:
namesAreEqual in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
See Also:


public boolean showRefresh(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the refresh action in the popup for the given element. Note the actual work to do the refresh is handled for you.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.
Default is true.

Specified by:
showRefresh in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean showProperties(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the properties action in the popup for the given element. Note the actual work to show the properties dialog is handled for you.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is.
Default is true.

Specified by:
showProperties in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean showOpenViewActions(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the Go Into; and Open In New Window and Go To actions in the popup for the given element.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is NOT.
Only applicable for non-remote resources. Remote always show Go To only.

Specified by:
showOpenViewActions in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean showGenericShowInTableAction(
Object element)
Return true if we should show the generic show in table action in the popup for the given element.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is NOT.

Specified by:
showGenericShowInTableAction in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean canDrag(
Object element)
Return true if this object can be copied to another location.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default, we return false. Extenders may decide whether or not certain objects can be dragged with this method.

Specified by:
canDrag in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
See Also:
doDrag(Object,boolean,IProgressMonitor), canDrop(Object), doDrop(Object,Object,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor), validateDrop(Object,Object,boolean)


public boolean canDrag(
SystemRemoteResourceSet elements)
Return true if this object can be copied to another location.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default, we return false. Extenders may decide whether or not certain objects can be dragged with this method. Return true if these objects can be copied to another location via drag and drop, or clipboard copy.

Specified by:
canDrag in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter


Object doDrag(
Object element,
                     boolean sameSystemType,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform the drag on the given object.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default this does nothing and returns nothing. Extenders supporting DnD are expected to implement this method to perform a copy to a temporary object, the return value.

Specified by:
doDrag in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
element - the object to copy
sameSystemType - indication of whether the source and target reside on the same type of system
monitor - the progress monitor
a temporary local copy of the object that was copied
See Also:
canDrag(Object), canDrop(Object), doDrop(Object,Object,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor), validateDrop(Object,Object,boolean)


public boolean canDrop(
Object element)
Return true if another object can be copied into this object.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default we return false. Extenders may decide whether or not certain objects can accept other objects with this method.

Specified by:
canDrop in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
element - the target of a drop operation
whether this object may be dropped on
See Also:
canDrag(Object), doDrag(Object,boolean,IProgressMonitor), doDrop(Object,Object,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor), validateDrop(Object,Object,boolean)


ISystemResourceSet doDrag(
SystemRemoteResourceSet set,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform the drag on the given objects.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
This default implementation simply iterates through the set. For optimal performance, this should be overridden.

Specified by:
doDrag in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
set - the set of objects to copy
monitor - the progress monitor
the set of objects as a result of the drag


ISystemResourceSet doDrop(
ISystemResourceSet fromSet,
Object to,
                                 boolean sameSystemType,
                                 boolean sameSystem,
                                 int srcType,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform drop from the "fromSet" of objects to the "to" object.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.

Specified by:
doDrop in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
fromSet - the source objects for the drop
to - the target object for the drop
sameSystemType - indication of whether the source and target reside of the same type of system
sameSystem - indication of whether the source and target are on the same system
srcType - the type of objects to be dropped
monitor - the progress monitor
the set of new objects created from the drop


public void setFilterString(
String filterString)
Sets filter context for querying. Override to provide specialized behaviour.

Specified by:
setFilterString in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


String getFilterString()
Gets filter context for querying. Override to provide specialized behaviour.

Specified by:
getFilterString in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


Object doDrop(
Object from,
Object to,
                     boolean sameSystemType,
                     boolean sameSystem,
                     int srcType,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Perform drop from the "from" object to the "to" object.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default this does nothing and we return false. Extenders supporting DnD are expected to implement this method to perform a "paste" into an object.

Specified by:
doDrop in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
from - the source object for the drop
to - the target object for the drop
sameSystemType - indication of whether the source and target reside of the same type of system
sameSystem - indication of whether the source and target are on the same system
srcType - the type of object to be dropped.
monitor - the progress monitor
the new object that was copied
See Also:
canDrag(Object), doDrag(Object,boolean,IProgressMonitor), canDrop(Object), validateDrop(Object,Object,boolean)


Object doDrop(
Object from,
Object to,
                     boolean sameSystemType,
                     boolean sameSystem,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Deprecated. use doDrop(Object from, Object to, boolean sameSystemType, boolean sameSystem, int srcType, IProgressMonitor monitor) instead

Perform drop from the "from" object to the "to" object.

Overridable by subclasses, and is only if drag and drop supported.
By default this does nothing and we return false. Extenders supporting DnD are expected to implement this method to perform a "paste" into an object.

the new object that was copied
See Also:
canDrag(Object), doDrag(Object,boolean,IProgressMonitor), canDrop(Object), validateDrop(Object,Object,boolean)


public boolean validateDrop(
Object src,
Object target,
                            boolean sameSystem)
Return true if it is valid for the src object to be dropped in the target.

Overridable by subclasses, and usually is only if drag and drop supported.
We return false by default.

Specified by:
validateDrop in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
src - the object to drop
target - the object which src is dropped in
sameSystem - whether this is the same system or not
whether this is a valid operation
See Also:
canDrag(Object), doDrag(Object,boolean,IProgressMonitor), canDrop(Object), doDrop(Object,Object,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor)


public boolean validateDrop(
ISystemResourceSet set,
Object target,
                            boolean sameSystem)
Description copied from interface: ISystemDragDropAdapter
Return true if it is valid for the src objects to be dropped in the target

Specified by:
validateDrop in interface ISystemDragDropAdapter
set - set of resources to drop on the target
target - the object which src is dropped in
sameSystem - whether this is the same system
whether this is a valid operation


String getMementoHandle(
Object element)
Return what to save to disk to identify this element in the persisted list of expanded elements.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
This just defaults to getName, but if that is not sufficient override it here.

Specified by:
getMementoHandle in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


String getInputMementoHandle(
Object element)
Return what to save to disk to identify this element when it is the input object to a secondary Remote System Explorer perspective.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
Defaults to getMementoHandle(element).

Specified by:
getInputMementoHandle in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


String getMementoHandleKey(
Object element)
Return a short string to uniquely identify the type of resource. Eg "conn" for connection.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
This just defaults to getType, but if that is not sufficient override it here, since that is a translated string.

Specified by:
getMementoHandleKey in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean saveExpansionState(
Object element)
Sometimes we don't want to remember an element's expansion state, such as for temporarily inserted messages. In these cases return false from this method. The default is true.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.

Specified by:
saveExpansionState in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean isPromptable(
Object element)
Return true if this object is a "prompting" object that prompts the user when expanded. For such objects, we do not try to save and restore their expansion state on F5 or between sessions.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
Default is false unless element implements ISystemPromptable object. Override as appropriate.

Specified by:
isPromptable in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter


public boolean isRemote(
Object element)
Return true if this object is remote. In this case, the default is true.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.

Specified by:
isRemote in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - the object to check
true if the object is remote


public void selectionChanged(
Object element)
Selection has changed in the Remote Systems view. Empty by default, but override if you need to track selection changed. For example, this is used to drive table views that respond to selection.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.

Specified by:
selectionChanged in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
element - - first selected object


public boolean testAttribute(
Object target,
String name,
String value)
From IActionFilter so the popupMenus extension point can use <filter>, <enablement> or <visibility>. The support is for the following:
  1. name="value". The given value must match getName(target) exactly, or if ends with asterisk must match the beginning.
  2. name="type". The given value must match getType(target) exactly. Be careful, as this is usually translated.
  3. name="hasChildren". If the given value is "true", returns true if hasChildren(target) returns true. If given "false", returns true if the hasChildren returns false.
  4. name="connection". If the given value is "true", returns true if the subsystem is connected. If given "false", returns true if the subsystem is not connected.
  5. name="offline". If the given value is "true", returns true if the subsystem is offline. If given "false", returns true if the subsystem is offline.
  6. name="systemType". The given value is a system type, and this returns true if this object's connection is of that type. You can specify multiple values by comma-separating them, and this returns if there is a match on any them.
  7. name="subsystemConfigurationId". The given value is a subsystem factory Id, and this returns true if this object's subsystem is from that subsystem factory. For connections, returns false. You can specify multiple values by comma-separating them, and this returns if there is a match on any them.
  8. name="subsystemConfigurationCategory". The given value is a subsystem category, and this returns true if this object's subsystem is from a subsystem factory of that category. For connections, returns false. You can specify multiple values by comma-separating them, and this returns if there is a match on any them.

Overridable by subclasses, typically if additional properties are supported.
If desired, override, and call super(), to support additional filter criteria for <filter>, <enablement> and <visibility>.

Specified by:
testAttribute in interface IActionFilter
See Also:
IActionFilter.testAttribute(Object, String, String)


String getRemoteSubSubType(
Object element)
From (Object). Pre-supplied for convenience for subclasses that want to implement this interface for remote object adapters.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
Returns null. Override if you want to supply a sub-sub-type for filtering in the popupMenus extension point.


String getRemoteSourceType(
Object element)
From (Object). Pre-supplied for convenience for subclasses that want to implement this interface for remote object adapters.

Overridable by subclasses, but usually is not.
Returns null. Override if the remote resource is compilable.


ISystemEditableRemoteObject getEditableRemoteObject(
Object object)
Return the remote edit wrapper for this object.

Overridable by subclasses, and must be for editable objects.

object - the object to edit
the editor wrapper for this object


public boolean canEdit(
Object object)
Indicates whether the specified object can be edited or not. Overridable by subclasses, and must be for editable objects.

object - the object to edit
true if the object can be edited. Returns false by default.


ISystemViewElementAdapter getSystemViewElementAdapter(
Object o)
Deprecated. use SystemAdapterHelpers.getViewAdapter(o, getViewer()) instead

Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given object. Returns null if the adapter is not defined or the object is not adaptable.

Callable by subclasses.
Just a convenient shortcut to SystemAdapterHelpers.getViewAdapter(Object, Viewer)

Should we allow clients to override this in order to provide an optimized implementation for their models? But it's being called by subclasses only anyways...


ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter(
Object o)
Deprecated. use SystemAdapterHelpers.getRemoteAdapter(o, getViewer()) instead

Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given object. Returns null if this object does not adaptable to this.

Callable by subclasses.
Just a convenient shortcut to SystemAdapterHelpers.getRemoteAdapter(Object, Viewer)

Should we allow clients to override this in order to provide an optimized implementation for their models? But it's being called by subclasses only anyways...


public static 
String sub(
String msg,
String subOld,
String subNew)
Deprecated. Clients should use Eclipse NLS or Java MessageFormat or String.replaceAll(String, String) to do substring replacement and variable substitution.

Substitute all occurrences of a given String with another String. Callable by subclasses. This method does message variable substitution. Using you are replacing &1 (say) with a string.

msg - message containing substitution variable. Eg "Connect failed with return code &1"
subOld - substitution variable. Eg "%1"
subNew - substitution data. Eg "001"
message with all occurrences of variable substituted with data.


ISystemTree getSystemTree()
Return the current viewer as an ISystemTree if the viewer is set and it implements this interface (SystemView does). May be null so test it.

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getTranslatedYes()
Return "Yes" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override


String getTranslatedNo()
Return "No" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getTranslatedTrue()
Return "True" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getTranslatedFalse()
Return "False" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getTranslatedNotApplicable()
Return "Not applicable" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getTranslatedNotAvailable()
Return "Not available" translated. Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


protected final void initMsgObjects()
Deprecated. Internal use. Do not call this method.

Initialize Message Objects. Internal use. Do not call or override.


Object[] checkForEmptyList(
Object[] children,
Object parent,
                                     boolean returnNullMsg)
In getChildren, return checkForEmptyList(children, parent, true/false)<.samp> versus your array directly. This method checks for a null array which is not allowed and replaces it with an empty array. If true is passed then it returns the "Empty list" message object if the array is null or empty.

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.

children - The list of children.
parent - The parent for the children.
returnNullMsg - true if an "Empty List" message should be returned.
The list of children, a list with the "Empty List" message object or an empty list.


Object[] checkForNull(
Object[] children,
                                boolean returnNullMsg)
Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.

In getChildren, return checkForNull(children, true/false) versus your array directly. This method checks for a null array which is not allowed and replaces it with an empty array. If true is passed then it returns the "Empty list" message object if the array is null or empty.

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


protected final 
Object[] getCancelledMessageObject()
Return the "Operation cancelled by user" message as an object array so can be used to answer getChildren().

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


protected final 
Object[] getFailedMessageObject()
Return the "Operation failed" message as an object array so can be used to answer getChildren().

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


protected final 
Object[] getEmptyMessageObject()
Deprecated. Use checkForEmptyList(Object[], Object, boolean) instead.

Return the "Empty list" message as an object array so can be used to answer getChildren().

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


Object getFirstSelection(
IStructuredSelection selection)
Get the first selected object of the given selection.

Callable by subclasses. Do not override.


String getFilterStringFor(
Object object)
Return a filter string that corresponds to this object.

object - the object to obtain a filter string for
the corresponding filter string if applicable


public boolean supportsDeferredQueries(
ISubSystem subSys)
Description copied from interface: ISystemViewElementAdapter
Return whether deferred queries are supported. By default they are not supported. Subclasses must override this to return true if they are to support this.

Specified by:
supportsDeferredQueries in interface ISystemViewElementAdapter
subSys - subsystem to use for deferred queries.
true if it supports deferred queries, false otherwise.


public void fetchDeferredChildren(
Object o,
IElementCollector collector,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Specified by:
fetchDeferredChildren in interface IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter


SystemFetchOperation getSystemFetchOperation(
Object o,
IElementCollector collector)
Returns the SystemFetchOperation to be used in performing a query. Adapters should override this to provide customizations where appropriate.

o -
collector -
the fetch operation. By default it returns the base implementation


public boolean isContainer()
Specified by:
isContainer in interface IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter


ISchedulingRule getRule(
Object element)
Specified by:
getRule in interface IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire